Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 1217: The baptism of Kundala

The disappearance of the ring of Yanyang made the temperature of the desert normal, but in the combat conference room, Kundara said that he found the remains of the goddess of war in the northeast.

"Go, go, you should go back to the mainland on the mainland, anyway, go back to each other, right, Sagaren, the nutrition fee of Elder Van Dar and the corresponding war costs, the temple finance will give you good You don't have to worry about losing money." Ye Cang gestures to disperse, and everyone does not feel that it is unnecessary to stay, they are ready to return.

"Amount." Sagarn smiled bitterly.

"Cang Xue Xian, as for us." Gartha of the Beastmaster Empire reminded.

"Reassured, promise you things, the goddess will never say anything!" Ye Cang smiled.

"That's good, the goddess is always a friend of the Beastmaster Empire." Gartha got up and took it back.

"Lesley, you bring people back, I stay." Uddis also let Leslie leave with the Legion.

Sagain stopped talking and ended. In the end, he did not speak. He went back with the commander of the Knights and the Virgin. The Steel Marshal Salion fisted the top of the leaf. "It is a man, and the Iron Empire will always welcome you. ""

"The round is welcomed by your scrap iron. The commander of Cang Xue is the duke of our Seven Empires." Kailong reminded that Salion looked at Saron, an idiot, such a monster is simply not an "idiot" that you can control. ."

After Saline also went out of the big camp, Kailong will appeal to Gao Cang, Ye Cang showed very moved, so that Kailong was very satisfied with Azsara and others left, Azshara looked at the leaves Cang, smiled, did not speak, took Xiao Mar away.

"Well, the rest are all people, is there any problem with the remains?" Zana Hoshiya looked at Uddis and said to Kundara.

"The entrance to the paradise garden should be there." Kundara's words allowed Agaros to hold his chin and begin to recall the "Shenzhen of the Goddess of War."

"According to the documents in the remains of the remains, there is a ladder leading to there. I originally intended to contact the goddess of war, but Jess seems to be very resistant. Finally, the Frost Prison plan is also in place. You have to repel Asus and they have to The most important thing in the Frost Prison plan is to give up.” Kundara’s words made Ye Cang think of Jessie “Jessie?”

"It was taken back by her parents for the death of the dead and the spirit of the darkness." Agaros saw the horrified eyes of Jesses after seeing the **** of death and the spirit of darkness.

"I also said that she would teach her parents to let her receive a systematic education of love in our goddess. Go back and ask Asen Roche to see if she can convince the dark spirit to send her daughter to the goddess. The child is lost. Discipline, parents also have responsibilities, another purpose of our goddess is to save these goddess who went on the wrong road, just like Willy Hill, listening to the news on the temple, now it is so cute, let her take off. Cough, in short, I found love and found the heart of the goddess." Ye Cangyu said with a heavy heart.

The well-known elders looked at Ye Cang, and Willy Hill could live a miracle. This Jess came, and it is estimated that the layer of skin is not running. The most terrifying thing is that the sage returned to the temple to have time to personally torture.

Kundara is very confused, the goddess still manages other gods? Inadvertently discovered the ambition of Ye Cang, it turned out that the leader of a stalwart like him, his eyes must not be in the dust. . .

"Before leaving, did you let the Kendall elders accept the baptism that we must have in the temple? The full set." Zana Hirsch smiled.

Wow, what is the most poisonous woman's heart, this is called the most poisonous woman's heart, McCullo looks at Zana Hoshiya.

"No, I believe him." Ye Cang smiled confidently.

"Since it is a baptism to be accepted, I am no exception." Kundara insisted.

Zana Hirsch smiled, like a snake biting a prey. You know that you are engaged in natural disasters, how bad it is! "Sage is an adult, since he is willing, you will fulfill him."

"Are you sure you want to accept baptism?" Ye Cang stared at him.

"I'm sure." Kundara looked at the strange expression of everyone, is there any problem with baptism?

"Well, I respect your decision and wait for the basement." Ye Cang said that he was excited and began to go back and prepare everything.

"A few seconds, you said?" McCullo and others began to walk out of the battle room.

"Up to 1 second, Elder Zana Hirsch is still a demigod, and he insisted on losing more than a second." The bear tyrant extended a bear finger and squeezed it.

"I'm afraid I can't hold it for a second. Oh." Zana Hirsch remembered that feeling, even now she was shaking all the time, from the heart to the fear in the blood.

"He is so miserable in life, I think there are still two seconds." Asus’s words made Minas not agree. "You don't know, the baptism of the sage is still purifying. I heard a little voice a few days ago. Going to baptism for the first stage, more.. Evil, um, sacred."

"..."." All the people took a sip of cold air and looked back at Kundala and sighed and continued to walk towards the basement.

Kundara went to the basement with incomprehensibility. The elders saw the prepared objects and took another breath. It was not the other one. There was one more torture tool. It looked like a steamer.

"Come on, Kendara elders, your baptism, I will do it very seriously for you, become the most powerful warrior of the goddess." Ye Cang can jump into the saucepan.

The fierce stench made Kundullah’s undead unbearable, but he said that he would accept baptism and jump into the pot.

"Quick time!!"

A second has passed.

"Sure enough, the Lord of Scourge." McCullough began to recognize Kundala.

Two seconds passed.

"This is impossible. He can't ask for mercy later than me!! This is impossible!! This soup has problems!!" Zana Hiriya couldn't accept it. Ye Cang slowly stopped looking at her and said coldly. What did you say? Is there a problem with my soup? Veraly sent her down for five minutes."

"Well!!" Veraly set up Zana Hoshiya "No!! Sage adults!! I don't mean this!!!"

"Five minutes, Ann." Ye Cang said not to say.

Then 5 seconds passed, everyone was dumbfounded, he! ! he! ! I haven't called yet! !

Zana Hiriya, who had just gone five seconds, began to scream for mercy in the sixth seconds, expressing his love for the goddess and how much he loved the sage. .

In the seventh second, Kundala finally couldn’t bear the screams, but he did not ask for mercy. He was only screaming. In the endless pains, the pictures in his mind flashed. This painful torture made him feel firm. But the unspeakable extreme nausea and pain caused him to scream through the sky. On the other side, Zana Hoshia was fished out and suspected that life was slamming on the ground. I love the temple, I love the sage, the woman. The love of the temple is greater than everything else.

Cooked for half an hour, smoked for half an hour, steamed for half an hour, fried for fifteen minutes, and finally baked for fifteen minutes, Kundullah did not ask for mercy in the middle, so that everyone was very touched, this is a man! ! In the end, it has been tortured until the consciousness collapses to the edge of destruction, and it is pulled back by the treatment of Ye Cang.

Ye Cang looked at Kundala's distracted eyes and congratulated. "Congratulations, you completed the baptism of the goddess, and really became the warrior of the goddess, the brave guard of the goddess!!"

Kundara returned to look at the baptismal props and numb, but said seriously to Ye Cang, "I hope to baptize me once a year, which makes my heart calm, although I don't know if I can still I can hold it a few times, but please be sure to promise me!"

Everyone was dumbfounded, and when he looked at Kunda Laton, he was numb. This is a monk.

"Okay, if it is your wish." Ye Cang can only nod and promise.

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