Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 1219: Kitchen double star

When Zhang Zhengxiong and others want to get back, it will take a lot of time. During this time, Ye Cang is almost nothing. The post-war treatment is also to wait for everyone to go back to the north to start to talk about it. Play and play other things.

breakfast time.

Zhou Yu looked at Lin Liang and said, "Kong Ming, you didn't think about it. I became a weekend taxi driver for jj taxis so quickly."

"Congratulations, congratulations." Lin Liang ate a steamed buns.

Zhou Yu thought of this opportunity or the coach gave himself, he could not live up to the expectations of the coach. Today is my first day of work, to ensure three points, passenger safety, car safety, and not deducted points! Drink a sip of wine, go to the locker room and put on the uniform to start work.

Ye Cang looked at the back of Zhou Yu’s departure and muttered, “He seems to have drank wine.”

"Will wine is wine?"

"I don't know, it should be." Ye Cang shrugged and continued to drink the soymilk made from the fairy bean. It was just like a nectar, just too much. Basically, the feeding of the animal, the fairy bean, is a substitute for the common bean in the feed formula. The existence of Zeng Yunli has begun to look forward to his own batch of four. The meat after the hoofed sheep grow up is perfect. The soil and water food here makes the animals almost accelerate. The scorpion that was brought yesterday yesterday seems to be 1 year old. Big.

"Monk, I see what you plant on the mountainside, what to do? So much to eat? Other foods are good, who spends often!" Zhang Laos.

"Although flowers do not eat often, but often can make the air clean, people have more appetite, it is also a beautiful scenery, you do not think that the colorful flower sea ring on the mountainside, very beautiful?" Jing Xuan laughed.

Zhang Laogang wants to nod, Zeng Yunli spurs "Do not think, I only like **** things, and then those flowers are just good-looking, wasting such a precious land... Zhuang, I think the animals we keep can be there every day. Hey, eat and eat, improve."

"This can be, accurate." Ye Cang thinks about it too, anyway, the flower is long.

"Oh.." Jing Xuan knows that Zeng Yunli has been targeting himself, and then looked at Pharaoh. Pharaoh quickly removed his sight and could never be with him! ! .

"Small moon, wait for me to go to the performance room, rehearse." Wu Na said to the cold moon.

"Oh.." Cold Moon nodded. Although it was not long, she had already integrated into the manor life. From time to time, she also took a serious adventure and adventure group to help them take the wind, but almost every time they looked at them. It is a fiasco, and sometimes you will be prepared to throw your underwear in front of you.

Li Xiangqi ate wildly and eaten. The chefs including Chen Shang Aili are very fond of her now, sponge-like learning ability, extraordinary skills, talents, Li Lao, Zhang Lao, Lao Li, Lao Wang is She has a very high expectation for her, and she has become her own disciple. In a few years, she is definitely the second supernova that the estate can stand alone in the chef world. As for why the second one, because the first one is Ye Bei Bei, last week, when he was less than one year old, he could start cutting vegetables with Lao Wang’s kitchen knife, cut it very neatly, stir-fry the food with a small pot, and give himself a squid soup, but in the case of everyone tracking, Look at him in a humane wine pool, jump in, grab the fish that is about the size of himself, and then go out of the water, use super power to make fire, dry yourself, then calmly return to the manor to cook the fish, Pharaoh is even moved by tears It fell. "My grandson really is a natural chef."

But Wang Lili looked at her son's look very strange, my son is less than one year old. . Even now, don't take your own milk powder. Take the bottle yourself and squeeze it into the cleft hoofed sheep raised by the manor. After washing, it will be washed, put it, and then suspend it to the Cangtianle fruit tree to pick your favorite food. The shape of the fruit, after eating, even know that the urine is pulled against the tree, the diaper that will be taken off is not good, then move the body, sunbathe, return to the house and watch him still sleeping. He sighed, poured hot water into his cup, and finally read the story of the picture, laughing from time to time. . . I can cook myself this week! I have soup! Longevity! !

Wang Lili said to the pharaoh, "Hey, I plan to go around with my husband to play around. It’s rare for him to take a break for three months."

"Go, everyone in the manor and I will look after him, not to mention that Babe is now able to take care of himself. The cooking fan is just like me." Pharaoh touched his grandson's head and was very pleased.

Ye Beibei used the knife and fork to eat the fried Shaolin tofu made by Li Lao, and put down the knife and fork and calmly nodded towards the parents, indicating not to worry about me.

Wang Lili, who came to the airport, looked back at the manor.

"Wife, when you said that we are back, Babe will not have grown up yet." Ye Xiaoming muttered.

"I can't say it. Anyway, every day can video." Wang Lili did not worry about Ye Beibei, how to take care of Babe in the manor himself, his cognac is very good for him, not to mention that he can take care of himself now. It is.

"You still don't say that the shell fried with babe is really delicious." Ye Xiaoming laughed.

"..." Wang Lili smiled.

On the other side, Zhou Yu started his first day as a taxi driver, opened the channel, pressed the gear, turned the lights, and started.

Zhou Yu thought of her first guest, and had a little expectation. She shook her head in an instant, public money, public money, and could not be complacent! Three points! ! The safety of the guests! Car safety! No penalty! ! Otherwise, how can you afford to train your own coach! Came the first guest!

Zhou Yu pulled down the window and looked at a woman full of blood. She calmly said, "That, Miss, look at you like this. If you want to get on the bus, the car wash fee must be paid out by you. This is the company's regulations. ""

"Come on!!" the woman shouted.

"You agree first, I will drive, this is related to my performance." Zhou Yu said coldly, the company stipulated that he could not refuse to carry, which made him very confused, but had to do so, deducting money, deducting the performance of the rules he Also in mind.

"I give!! Double!!" said the woman speechlessly, you did not see my blood! ?

"First give the car wash fee, look at you like this I guess I have to go to the car wash shop, and give it to the car again." Zhou Yu said seriously, for the sake of insurance.

The woman asked for a car wash fee without tears. After Zhou Yu controlled the door to open, "You sit behind, it is blood, and if you get my clothes, you have to give me the money to wash clothes. It is not worthwhile, we slogan for jj taxi. That is, jj taxi is the most convenient, the customer is the most affordable, thank you, if you feel good, you can promote it with your friends."

"Can you drive?!!!" The woman thought about hacking Zhou Yu.

"Where to go? Customers."

"Dragon Store."

"I know." Zhou Yu started the car.

"Can you drive faster!"

"No, this road speed limit 130, I am now 129, is already the fastest speed, speeding is to deduct points."

"Look at what I am like now."

The woman’s words have not been finished yet. Zhou Yu interrupted, “What is that about me? Safe driving first, seeing no roadside slogans, thousands of roads, safety first, driving is not standardized, and the tears of the relatives are two lines. .understand?"

The feminine body is straight and straight. If it is not exhausted, it is not as good as ordinary people. It must be hacked to the **** taxi driver.

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