Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 633: confusion

Ye Canghuan is thinking about what to do, this thing feels a bit unsolvable, at least at the current stage of attack strength, the breakthrough of flames is a problem that should not be passed.

"Okas! Anubbas!"

"The wave ss finally spoke, he said a small bug! Accept the judgment of the eyes of the flames!! It should be the skill." The post-ranking Ye Cang is very calm and unchanging.

"Disperse! It wants to release the skills!!" Nalan Qing soul shouted.

From the eyes of the fire, you can ask the other people to know what skills should be, and they are all retreating. Only the flame whirlpool rotates in a blooming posture and sweeps toward the surrounding area, and this speed is not allowed to wait for the front line. They were all involved in the burning of Hellfire by the flames. Zhang Zhengxiong quickly opened the desperate prayer and saved the surrounding monarchs and asked others. The blood is still very fast. The desperate prayers of the ring are ready to be picked up. "Treatment is full!!"

"No! The healing skills of the natural system are dispelled by the flame purification! Only rely on the holy spells!" Xiaoyetian looked at the natural energy of xv and was swallowed by the flames. Ye Cang took the opportunity to open the stove and used many fire-based ingredients. And the flame nucleus and the eye of the flames and the secret sauce, Dudosha's flesh and blood quickly smashed the red soup head, shouting the archer with a bow and arrow piece of meat to the front line to supply to Zhang Zhengxiong and others in the flame.

Jun Mo asked a pain in the back, who shot it! ! Looking at the arrow on the shoulder that was burned by the flame, wearing a suspected pork roast, you don’t have to look at the masterpiece of the smell. You can’t eliminate the disgusting smell of ghosts in such a big fire. Pulling out the arrow to eat the skewers, a lot of fire resistance caused the pressure to drop sharply, the damage was reduced by at least 70%, and suddenly relieved. "The back of the fire resistance items, gave me the first time to eat!! Didn't eat it for you!!"

Ye sighed, this is just coping with it. The good materials are not well-prepared. It is almost something that is not a semi-finished product. Hey, he stretches his hand and throws a small amount of small meat pieces into the front line, although he accidentally killed. Some people have been repaired, but it has been saved a lot of cores, at least the latter treatment can barely keep up.

Yunlong rushed to the wave ss, just stepping on his body to jump on the second stage of his own flying swift attack to its giant python, just a contact wave ss the entire foot was trapped by the thick and sticky mud.

Yunlong’s heart sank, this stuff is annoying. I watched many melees around me being swallowed up by mud. It’s hard to attack his eyes. There is no harm in attacking these muds, and the body sinks slowly. Sighed, a retraction came from the waist, and I saw a long tongue curling up.

Xiaoyan pulled Yunlong back and gave him a holy light. Although Xiaoyan was also very uncomfortable, but he mastered a lot of sacred techniques, he constantly added blood to himself and the surrounding, and Jun Mo asked to look at that one. Gray skin wears the armor of the plate, so much blue? And its skills have not stopped for a round.

Zhang Zhengxiong saw 60% of the manic value of Xiaoyan, and there is no limit to its energy saving.

Lin Le opened the skills of five 4-level fire-system nucleus disks when the flames swept, and fired the enchantment of the fire, and pulled out the big sword on the back to open the enchantment, let Xiaolei, Blade, Huangquan , Ji Xiao, Na Lanyue and others went into enchantment and temporarily protected from fire damage.

"Lele, crystal nucleus temporarily do not change, wait for the opportunity" Blades noticed the consequences of Yunlong want to attack the wave ss, temporarily save the life, in case the music on the head of the music is immediately replaced by the water system, he knows Lin The music star can only be replaced once a day.

"How long will it take, Lele feels a bit boring, let's play an x-hero card tour~?" Lin Le slammed his mouth and sat down.

The blade slammed and then smiled. How happy is the heart of Lele? Sigh and sigh and sit down and "license."

Huang Quan is full of cold sweat, really want to fight? Sit down without a word, play and play.

"I am coming too, but this level of yours is not my opponent. I am not ````` Ji Jixiao has not finished, Lin Le wrote an old fist and knocked it over, then continued to report to the old boxing "Don't play!! Flat him!"

Then a few people calmly followed Lin Lewei and yelled at Ji Xiao. Nalan Yue rubbed cold sweat on the side and looked at the ice blood beside him. "Are you not going to step on one foot?"

The ice did not agree with the shrug. "It was dull when I was young."

"`````````````````` Nalan month does not know how to answer.

Xiaoye Tian bite the lip, although his father's strategy has solved the urgent need, but the front line is still deadly and heavy. ``` Xiaoye Tian looked at the eyes of Hellfire. The eyes are full of jokes. Do you want to give up the reorganization?

The fire eye began to sway with the body of the mud, constantly making a sound.

"God of the Hellfire, then the ghosts and even the articles, although I don't understand, but it seems to be putting skills." Ye Cang continued to translate.

Nalan Qingshen looked dignified, the scene was already very messy, and with the scream of the eyes of Hellfire, the mud spray under the body turned into a large number of flame bombs in the sky, constantly falling towards the surrounding and far.

"Hide!! Turn it into zero! Spread out!!!" Xiaoye Tian as the commander of the middle column Jiao Jiao.

The flame bombs fell, the explosion range was not small, and it was quickly listed. The latter was also seriously injured. The whole audience became extremely chaotic. Ye Cang showed up to cure the tides, but most of them were directly killed and temporarily chose a strategic retreat.

Ye Cang raised his hand and just wanted to release the tactical retreat. The sky was drawn with a blue meteor, which was struck from the back of the eye of Hellfire. The coldness of the smoldering moment swept, the front line that was originally burned by the flame, and the flame was covered by the spread of ice crystals. A refreshing coolness relieves the negative state of the hellfire.

The eye of Hellfire fell into a semi-freeze state, and the flames of the mire dissipated.

Jun Mo asked to be shocked by sudden changes, although I don’t understand what is going on, but this is an opportunity that I must seize on my side! If you can't catch it, you will only come back again, and at that time, the full state of this wave of ss may be stuck here for a lot of time! ! "Full attack! Even if it is peeing for me! Never let the flames grow bigger!!"

"Water! Earth! Magician casts countdown!! Listen to my password!!" Xiaoyetian rushed to open the tide of the moon, Ye Cang's right hand waved "tactics! Chasing! Storm!!"

Zhang Zhengxiong, Yunlong, Jun Mowen, etc., like the log-in pioneers, screamed at the half-freezing mud and screamed at the burning eye.

On the moon spar chair, the goddess of Hengyue caressed her long blue hair, looks a little tired, without the support of believers, her power is going to the lower bound, a small spell is so hard, look at the crystal head wolf head pocket The cap man smiled slightly.

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