Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 816: Fire element

Cao Cao took the backup and finally found out that "that said that Yuan Shao is nominally his brother is actually his son!"

"Hey, don't drill the horns, this generation is divided by our generation." Liu Bei said quickly.

Sun Quan secretly said that Yuan Shu’s confession was not lost, and his ‘son’ were all out of the way, and then he was killed. .

When everyone came to this section of the bridge, Ye Cang once again hid in. First of all, the middle of the outer corridor was hollowed out. Below is the abyss and magma sea. Surrounded by sleeping elements of fire, carefully enter the inner corridor and walk through the corridor. In the inner cloister, a citrine ignited a flame on the altar altar in the middle of the cloister, but Ye Cang felt that it would be dangerous to get closer again. He chose to stay away from the circumstance again, and finally the inner temple behind the inner cloister. The inside is very spectacular. The magma is drained into the ditch in the temple. It is a place like a craftsman's workshop. It is very big everywhere. Ye Cang just wants to take a step and collect it back. There are traps and traps. There was a guard at the demolition point, and he turned and touched it back, and said the general situation inside.

"The citrine in the inner corridor may be a BOSS." Yan Mei said.

"Be prepared for fire resistance, you can also use the water system ice system." Jun Mo asked, Lin Le will insert his own armed arm disk into the crystal nucleus of the ice system.

Everyone entered the palace, and all the elements of fire instantly woke up and rushed toward the crowd.

Zhang Zhengxiong and Bohai, Jun Mowen and Bingyun, respectively, hold two corridors, and Ye Cang noticed that the fire elements with bracelets in the back are constantly awakening the fire elements in the magma. "There are fire elements behind, constantly summoning new fires." The elements are coming!"

"Blade, Xiao Wang, Lele, Yunlong brother, go around, help them to clear the way!" Xiaoye Tian will be the team's three strongest attackers and the small king who summons the water element to the back, these elements are not Good to deal with, just kill one can also be a small self-destruction, but fortunately V's ability to continue to recover is very powerful, don't look over XV暧/昧's eyes, sigh, look beautiful is the original sin, hehe. .

Perhaps the fire element behind is found to be dangerous. The fire elements that come out begin to gather. Each of the three fire elements is aggregated into one large one, and the three large ones are aggregated into one giant fire element.

"It must be solved as soon as possible, otherwise we are here!" Yunlong looked at the huge fire element of tens of meters, this is already BOSS! The key is also mass production. Ye Cang took the staff from the shadow and switched to the water gun. The shadow and the sudden attack quickly supported the people. They only opened the army skills, charged, stormed, chased, and Yunlong looked at the gallop. The current that flies, the single person encounters him really does not win, he is too comprehensive, there is always a set can be restrained, and you can not count all his modes, Ye Cang picks one, bonding tides and waves, fire The speed of the elemental condensation slowed down, and Xiao Wang’s water element began to attack the fire element summoner behind him, and the blade, and Lele began to kill, but that is still the case with seven giant fire elements. Zhang Zhengxiong felt the pressure was very high. This is much more trouble than the big BOSS. It is just like this. The BOSS is even stronger. But the single-on-one only needs to deal with him. The seven giant fire elements are opened, and seven giant fires are coming.

"You go! I am coming to this wave!" The water droplets in the middle of the slime ring in the hands of Zhang Zhengxiong turned red, and the seven giant blasts were counted first.

The thorns and the darkness of the road, the bears must be sure, and the three inside him rely on the point, it is really impossible to throw Liu Bei cousin to death.

Liu Bei suddenly turned his head. "You said me in your heart!"

"`````````" thorns rushed to "how could, cousin!"

Seven giant blasting moments were reddened by Zhang Zhengxiong, Zhang Zhengxiong's arms were red, and a seven-piece giant blast-explosive version of the super-explosive blast was formed. Xiaoyetian hurriedly shouted, "Don't throw it back!! Just look for the open space!" !"

Flame immunity, I am afraid that there is a flame back-feeding effect, Xiaoye Tian knows that many pure fire creatures have the effect of a more evolved bath fire.

Zhang Zhengxiong was unhappy for a while, and his backhand was thrown at the right skylight.

Jun Mo asked the heart to stay, this guy always has that kind of strange means, from the beginning of Qianfeng Mountain, he noticed that every skill of Zhang Zhengxiong at a critical time was never seen at all, such as the Qianfeng Mountain. The absolute killing strike, his body turned into gold, and then bounced like a rubber, visually only a little hurt, his eyes came to his ring, the red water droplets popped out, again in the middle of the air Out, the ring has at least 7 colors, is it? . . .

Ye Cang directly began to sing the glue magic in the back, the compound magic of the hurricane body and the snarling of Edan, the cold cold wind wrapped around the body, constantly squirting out numerous fork-shaped lightning, shadow frost strike! Ice thorns fly! The wind is biting! Mastering the ice magic all thrown out, Yunlong will also switch to the frost to kill the speed is not weak, Lin Le is using the properties of the full ice crystal nucleus, slashing the summoner and cutting vegetables did not Less difference, the most embarrassing is the blade, the efficiency is far worse, especially the support of the tiger people Xiaolei that day hunters are keen and one of the knives is the ice system after the terrible cleaning efficiency "to collect Elemental weapons, how is this Nima?"

After cleaning up almost, the last is seven giant fire elements, Wu Na from the team's most water, into a first-class output source, Xiaoye Tian constantly sacrificed for his own magic, Wu Na feels super first time The superstar "knows that I am amazing! Who dares to swear me! I am an ice magician! The team is the strongest!!!"

The sea is cold and can't help but say "the operation of three fingers of black ice..."

"You can't find a girlfriend!" Wu Na snorted.

"Hey, this fire element is so strong, I can't hold it, I missed it, it went to find you! Be careful!" Hai Hai laughed.

"Evergreen! I am wrong!" Wu Na hurried, the tanks were all irritating.

Bohai's rapid interception, skilled and comprehensive, no treatment pressure, Xiaoyetian can not help but secretly, his skill is actually far above Jun Mo and Axiong, the lack of innate reflection talent However, he used his skillful skill, single-mindedness, calmness and calmness to adjust his pressure to the minimum extent. When his father did not rise, Huaxia Qiangxin was not an exaggeration. One of the best assists in the world, one of the tank players. It’s not a compliment, it’s still low. This guy is just playing a attack type. It’s not a good deal. She has seen a game. He was forced to choose a magician class. He might not be able to match it. Consciousness and prejudgment, but a simple overall view, who to protect, experience, although he is not old, but the occupational grade is a new generation of left-behind elderly, experienced and comprehensive, hey, this guy's life is estimated to be boring Otherwise, how can a mortal have so much energy to invest in the most extreme.

The Yunlong and others who came back looked at several tanks, the ice cloud beat soy sauce, Zhang Zhengxiong pulled two, and Jun Mo asked two, while the worst equipped Bohai Sea pulled three and there was room for it, although the danger was like a ring. The other two are relying on talent, and he relies on the professional intuition, Ye Cang shakes his head, what is not a genius, this guy's talent is probably still above the Yunlong, but this talent is not physical, but It is conscious, very similar to Lao Zhao, can't tell what kind of talent, hard work? There may be, but such people but it is impossible to achieve this, and it is ordinary people.

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