Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 823: Anti-defense

"Quick pick!" Bohai directly and Jun Mo asked to rush to the left, Zhang Zhengxiong rushed to the right one, the thorn rose to keep up, but the two dragons stared at their own eyes to tear themselves into pieces to let her know I guess I can't handle it well. To be precise, I can only avoid all retaliatory attacks. This is a deliberate one. . .

Ye Cang recognizes two dragons, called Canga on the left and Saru on the right.

Thunder Boxer's Dragon Servant Canga/Saru: It is still a pure blood dragon's blood. After being captured by the war fist, it is awarded to Lei Quan as a **** servant in recognition of the star of the Starbucks. Its hind legs and wings are one-on-one. Barbecue ingredients, heart, and scale meat are very precious materials.

Zhang Zhengxiong's **** direct **** skills, the dragon puncture! It runs through Saru's throat, and the amount of bleeding is very terrible, causing huge damage and weakness. The thorns look at the tail and the claws and come to themselves at the same time. Nima's is that he is hitting you and still wearing it. You, you hit me! ? Hurry up and wandering up and down to avoid.

Jun Mo asked the dragon puncture skill book obtained in Qianfeng Mountain to be used. When the Bohai Sea was pulling, the giant dragon punctures through the back neck and causes another big bleeding and weakness. Lin Lefei came, the dragon Tearing (Ten Thousand Hills Ogre's damage to Dragon Skills +70% damage, tearing 50% of armor.)! Longgang saw blade and blood axe have the effect on the dragon, a set of strokes, only see the dragon blood splash like a fountain everywhere, also have the dragon props torn the dragon to the dragon props, followed by Lin Le set fire On the Bohai side of the Kanga, Nalan Qing soul dark road, the dragon skills and props are really too strong, these people's injuries are terrible, especially Lin Le's knife, each knife is like cutting tofu, I saw the armor directly.

The two dragons mourned and prepared to take off. One of them was smashed into the neck by the heavy guns of Ye Cang and was thrown into the neck and died. The other flew up, and a lot of flames came from The hot metal rushed on, took a deep breath, and the sea-like breath swept away. The people gathered together to exhale each other, the damage and healing effects were offset each other, and the effect of the flames blending with each other was unharmed. This is also the moment that Xiaoyetian is at that moment. The decision was made, but the scene was very disgusting. It seemed to be more than each other. Finally, everyone held their mouths and held back the disgusting scent of each other to the extreme.

Jun Mo asked to hold back the nausea and rushed up again, thinking in his heart, how to play this game with them, the more he played, the more ghosts.

Xiaoyan descended from the sky on the back of the flying dragon. Like a jack-up, he squatted, and his palms slammed his head in a crazy way. Then he jumped back and pulled its wings to make it hard. The dragon fell to the ground, and the other dragon just wanted to resist. He was stunned by Lin Le's stroller, and he slammed his head and slammed his head. The death was judged to be successful and directly killed. The people thought it was hard, and they didn't expect the dragon to be so strong. The dragon still had more than half of the blood. So directly hacked to death, that is, the death is judged to be successful, and his pure power is estimated to be indispensable.

The dragon that was squatted down was quickly set to death, and there was no chance to resist the heavens again. The main force had the skills or equipment for the dragon, the boxing to the meat, the knife and knife deadly, everyone was overjoyed, because the fighting speed was too fast, When everyone relaxed, at this time a familiar voice came, "Hey, how can this dragon not lose anything. It must be on that dragon."

Everyone in the furnace suddenly poured out like a cold coolant. "This dragon will not let him touch again!!"

The thorns and other people once again formed a human wall, directly intercepted and controlled Ye Cang, and Lin Le took the body "There are two silver dragon diamonds, as well as a fire skill book."

"You lose us two silver dragon diamonds!!" Jun Mo asked.

"The things that originally bosed on the boss are on your body. What about me? Let me touch you. It must be an artifact, at least one." Ye Cang shrugged.

"This guy is the head of the team is simply helping everyone to quit the virtual world.. It is hard to prevent, but it is also very strong to train the team, the slightest meaning, the fighting style and his own thoughts, this guy is a thorough opportunist And it is a person who is good at creating opportunities. Once he has the opportunity, his destructive power can be infinitely magnified." The sea is a bitter smile, and his words are heard in Yunlong. It is true. If it is a little big, it will be black, and his reaction will be This period of time has improved, and the vigilance has also improved a lot. For Bohai’s evaluation of Ye Cang, Yunlong also agrees, and he has handed over his hand to know that he will never miss a chance, and even sell fake flaws to create opportunities. Grab yourself and then kill the opponent in a blink of an eye. His heads-up match is very fast, and he always decides the outcome in a flash. As long as he is faster than him, he will lose. .

The thorn rose is more of a heart that wants to die. If you don’t have so many things blacked out by him, how can it be much better now?

Facing the condemnation of everyone, Ye Cang humbly accepts "equipment equipment."

"````````````" Everyone looks at the calm look, this is definitely not to die.

"You said that we defeated the final boss, and we all hanged, and then I left my brother alone, then it was fun." Zhang Zhengxiong's words made everyone glare.

"Wow, I want to go back to this flag." The blade shrugged.

"Can you not be a crow mouth, your brother is black, your mouth is black, you still give us such a big psychological pressure." Jun Mo asked also feels fulfilled, it is estimated that it will never love again, eat so much Biochemical weapons, wasted so much money, and the result. . I can't think about it.

"So it is necessary to guard against it. In the end, the priority of the boss is to overcome the boss." Yunlong proposed.

The people focused on the head and stared at Ye Cang.

"The final boss should not give me a touch..." Ye Cang whispered.

"Roll!!" everyone.

Ye Cang knows that he wants to keep a low-key point, squatting on Xiaoqu, and dismembering his own black dragon body, and then the equipment that Lin Le handed, two pieces of silver dragon diamonds are fire-resistant, heavy armor and belt, protect The hand gave Zhang Zhengxiong, the belt gave Jun Mowen, the fire system skills were melee, the flame dance gave Lin Le, and the rest gave Jun Mo asked him to assign himself to other people who needed to continue to dismember the body of the dragon. This is a dragon-like corpse, and the food that can be made is definitely the best. Nothing can be let go of blood. Especially this pair of dragon whip, it is definitely the best to bring wine, this keel is brought The soup is also, there are countless recipes in my mind. The more the ingredients are the more knowledge, the more the road of cooking is more profound and broad, and Ye Cang feels this, and his cooking will once again break through to a height. Look at the kitchen knife in his hand and smile.

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