Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 834: Excess

"Sister! I still feel that I am still alive!!"

"Yes! I can feel the spicy taste of this soup! The toughness of this whip is very strong!"

Ye Cang gratified to see the cries of the food that everyone made for himself, and silently ripped off the white headscarf. The system prompts that the task is perfectly completed, and the large-capacity faucet is obtained. A small round bottle with a big fist is connected behind the faucet.

Large-capacity fool faucet (space odds, chef, cooking): This item can store ten kinds of large liquids, and can be adjusted to switch to different liquid spaces to release. It is the treasure that every cooking master dreams of! (PS: You ask me how much I can reserve for each liquid? I think a small lake is more than enough ----Space Master Master Babaen)

Ye Cang collected valuable kitchen utensils, and then looked around, not here, smiled, and quit the restaurant to find a few treasure points, things? Why not? ? Those three or eight are too unhealthy, I give them delicious food, they actually do not put something inside, and finally open the secret door into it, inside is a purple gold color treasure chest, baby I am coming! ! In the past, just approached, the treasure chest opened instantly, biting Ye Cang half body in one bite, the value of life continued to drop, Ye Cang rushed the message "Save me!! Come save me!!! I was bitten by a fake treasure chest !!"

"Save... I.. Amount..."

"..." The crowd rushed to the position described by Ye Cang, watching Ye Cang have disappeared, Heli siege directly killed the treasure chest, Lin Le opened the treasure chest, Ye Cang's body was in the column, lost Xiaoyetian hastened to resurrect him.

"This retribution is really cool." Jun Mo asked to look at Ye Cang's depressed expression "calling you to privately touch the treasure chest! Still a purple gold!"

Ye Cang originally wanted to use the self-destruction to resurrect, but now it is used, in case of playing BOSS, everyone is dead, no one can open the body how to do! ? As a team leader, I have to think about the team, hehe.

If the dark people know the thoughts of Ye Cang at this time, I am afraid I want to go back directly to the North.

Lin Le gave things to Ye Cang, two skills books that fell from the world, and a key.

Light substitute (world falling, lost, extremely rare): the life value returns to zero ionization, recombination and resurrection, restores the health of 50%, consumes the maximum mana 30%, cooldown: 5 hours, requires the holy occupation .

Light Element · Avitaliya (World Drop, Lost, Extremely Rare): 吟诵 praise song, summon the light element · Avitalia joins the battle, consumes 25% of the mana, cooldown: no, need element Summon a professional or sacred priest.

Although the light of the body is very heart-warming, but he has a similar resurrection of death, the guy knows, agreed to give Zhang Zhengxiong, summoned Xiaoye Tian to give to Xiao Wang, he has no various kinds of summoning elemental creatures. Addition is not cost-effective, and it is also the summoned by the sacred.

Finally is the key.

Funeral Darkroom Key: The key to the darkroom of the funeral area.

The key in Ye Cang’s repeated demands for rebellion, and the repeated condemnation of the people were kept by Lin Le.

Xiao Wang’s excitement began to summon the elements of light. The light particles began to rush and finally condensed into a figure of Miaoman. Although there were no facial features, the whole body was built by the Holy Light, but the figure was very first-class. Xiao Wang also knew what was going to happen. Ye Cang, Lin Le, Zhang Zhengxiong three hands inserted there to insert there, touch the touch there, and also spit their own.

Avitalia has a very strong group cure, a single healing ability, and contains the elements of the sacred group of light elements and monomer damage, and comes with a recovery of the aura, under her light will restore the value of life, And a certain magic recovery speed, this makes Xiao Wang also become a versatile, water element, mud elements, lava elements, and light elements have very good characteristics, can be used to complement the team's various occasions .

Everyone went out of the dark room, Mamana looked at the depressed Ye Cang. "You have to be careful with the three queens. They are hard to get along with the shackles of the years and the lonely souls, and the soul of the emperor. But the queen was born before. It’s a very good person, I hope you don’t hurt them, although you are not an opponent of the Queen’s.... In short, you are careful.”

Ye Cang nodded, and the people continued to move forward. Finally, according to the palace lady, they came to the hall decorated with three gemstone flowers and stopped.

"I am one, Xiong Zhentian one, Bohai one, rose, Xiaolong, you see the situation to fill the position, the rest is in accordance with the normal scattered position, the priority of the killing order is random, white brother, you can observe the guide according to your identification "Jun Mo asked.

Everyone entered the inner hall, the long palace corridor, the pillars on both sides were all made of precious metal, precious stones, intertwined with the brilliance of the illusion, the innermost stands the red, yellow and blue thrones, lying on top of the three beautiful ladies From left to right, red is a catwoman, yellow is a female dwarf, blue is an elf, and the eyes glance at the crowd. "Great courage, the emperor's palace is also dare to come in.".

The three women slowly got up and the eyes were stunned.

"Prepare! I am agile, I am going to deal with the cat girl, shocking you, you are responsible for the elves, the dwarves let the sea go." Jun Mo asked to charge.

At this time, Liu Bei stood up. "Mrs. What is the taste of loneliness?"

"What is the relationship between the world? Directly teach the life and death of the promise... The thousand years of no one cares about the bitterness, there must be a lot of words to say." Cao Cao also stood up, suddenly thought of the Queen, thought long ago, cough cough. . .

"It's all people who are in the heart of the world. I can feel the pain in your heart." Sun Quan went directly to the elf throne and watched the somber blue hole of Su Ge Marie, smiling.

The three women were silent, and the killing became a confusion and pain. Liu Bei went in and both hands gestured to the younger generation, "Let's go, let us be here."

No one can be more familiar with the women in the palace than the three.

"..." The cold and sweat of the people, Ye Cang chose to believe that they took everyone out of the inner hall and came outside.

After a long time, there were all kinds of unbearable sounds.

"Your three cousins, um... very powerful." Gongsun Qian shouted.

The thorns are directly dumbfounded. In the end, they are going to sleep in the village, and they are the old and small animals of the novice village.

Wu Na took the little leafy sky away from the "small children, ladies can not listen to these messy things!"

"It’s so fierce, I’m afraid it’s overdone.” XV began to make up.

Xiao Wang’s slightly decapitated and Yi Yue explained that “our Chinese paladin has a set of super-death.”

Jun Mo asked the words of Xiao Wang to the moon, no paladin like them! What super! Hang it! ?

Haoyue grabbed his forehead and was speechless. Almost none of this team can communicate properly.

"Congratulations on your team to complete the hidden task, Uncle Han, Meng De new book, only after the success of the three-female, after the three women, after the three women's characteristics of specialization and special skills, as well as exclusive equipment, congratulations to gain experience Reward level +2, random epic specialization, skill point, specialization point +5, charm value +20, the entire palace area becomes a friendly area."

"..." The people came to the temple without words and looked at the three people who had just come out of the Queen's three bedrooms behind the throne.

"It's a poor woman, let me think of He Jin's sister." Cao Cao shouted.

"I know that you have been interested in others, and you want to be green." Liu Bei sneered.

"After the estimate, I still want to give a green emperor, but unfortunately, the Queen of the Queen, how can you bear to ban others to die." Sun Quan took care of his legs, hair, and a good shield.

"She is too big, she has to die, but your wife is really good." Cao Cao remembered the woman, and then thought of the stepper.

Sun Quan gave him a look.

When the people came to the three people, they did not hear their dialogue, but they thought of the great emperor of the Tianbeng Temple. They mourned for a few seconds, and they were all green when they died. . .

Temple of Heaven, the throne of the sky.

A black robe wizard looked at the jewel in the crown of the war fist as if it was green. "The jewel of your crown seems to have just turned green."

"Don't open up the topic, everything your master has promised. If you lie to me, he won't want to see the color of the star of the sky."

"This is of course."

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