Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 845: Yesha

The blade has won the shadowless sound of the robbery, Xiao Wang won the storm element · An Ross, XV won the crazy growth of Carlos, each of them gained powerful hero skills, and filled it to the current level limit, Jun Mo Gu guessed that Liu Suncao's three paladins must also be sacred heroes. This team should never come to the Paladin again. This Nima is difficult to divide into the thief behind.

Yunlong looked at the blade's figure blurred, hiding the heroic skills, it is suitable for him, looked at his own Thunder, even equipment, we have already led many other regions, at least two or three top players The equipment, and more, the other is probably the long-lost Huaxia Civil War.

Lin Le took the body and gave it to Ye Cang, three pieces of magic steel, and the necklace was given to Xiao Wang. The jewelry was given to Jun Mo, and the remaining one was the magical boots of the natural department assigned to XV, the skill book. One of them is BOSS's pollution magic spore dust skill. Only Ye Cang and XV can learn. Ye Cang thinks about it or gives XV. His own blue can't support so many big skills, this is his own mana. In the case of three times the soul of Nalan, the large-scale guiding skill is too much to consume the mana, it is simply a pump.

The remaining books were allocated according to the demand, and they were thrown into the trolley or smoked yarn for a few people.

The corpse of the cockroach is the most interested in Ye Cang, and the taste is very rich. Well~~ My own secret sauce has a key fermented product. The core spores inside and the outside are collected separately, and everyone continues to go deep. Exploring, to be precise, is to explore the exit location, but the more you go in, the spores and fungi are reduced, and the spores are dried up and dried up. When people come to the corridor outside the garden, they smell very strong stench, but Everyone did not respond, Jun Mo could not help but think that it would be no problem to eat two bowls of rice at this point.

Dark red with black roots throughout the garden, Ye Cang and Blades sneak around the corridor to the garden, a huge dark red plant or creature in the center of the garden, so said because the two saw The plant is spread all over the living organs, the agitated tumor is exposed, the top is the exposed female head, the white long hair is hanging, and a pair of huge and dry black long hands are hanging, giving a very creepy biochemistry. sense.

Mixed heterogeneous undead · Yesha: This creature also has a mixture of plants, spores, and undead. It has a strong indiscriminate attack. Usually, this kind of biological mental state is extremely disordered, and it is bred by grievances, plus acquired terrain. Or plants, combined with the continuous growth of the integration, fear of the Holy Fire, hi water, may have life stealing and crazy regeneration, its 'heart' 'mad brain' is extremely precious ingredients!

The two returned and Ye Cang said the characteristics of the terrain and BOSS.

"Yesa, recorded in the literature of the palace area, is the daughter of the war boxing, but was found dead in the battle box by secretly breaking into the deposit of the Starbucks Star, and then buried in the mausoleum in advance." Xiaoyetian heard The name was instantly compiled in the name of the literature.

"The fuel/flask is ready." Yunlong looks at Ye Cang.

"This is natural, 10G a bottle, Lele hair." Ye Cang slowly dagger.

"You have to make a fortune!?" The Han Han yarn is almost out of the gold coins. Lin Le’s few shots A have lost half of their gold coins, and they have bought a lot of equipment and skills for domestic sales. book.

"What is fishing, do you know what this burning/flask is made of?! That is made of the blood of the Hells, the high-order fire crystal nucleus. This is the price of relatives and friends. I usually sell 30G. Ye! Cang took out a bottle and said seriously.

"8G, 8G, half-pay now." Jun Mo asked to feel tired, not the fire system of Slim body fluid, you use the rest of the refining. . There is no one-tenth of the cost.

"Oh, okay, Lele, a burning bottle." Lin Le shakes the trolley, and hundreds of bottles of fuel/flask pour out. "Buy more, Lele has nothing to do, nothing to do, because the last Qianfengshan killed That BOSS used a lot of fuel for Lele. This time I made tens of thousands of bottles. In the past, Lele was a few lost. Now Lele can tie a bundle of ones."

"..." "Jun Mo asked, Yunlong and others, I feel that this music is really horrible, the combat intuition is keen, and it is also a gold-plated occupation, with an endless stream of gold skills. He has to kill him if he has money. It's really hard, but he wants to kill you, maybe he will bury you with money.

Jun Mo asked to drop 2000 gold coins. "I took six hundred bottles to go with this stuff. I bought more than 100 bottles and bought five for one."

"Mo asked the brothers to bargain, okay, follow you." Ye Cang put the money away.

Yunlong also took 600 bottles, Gong Sunqian bought 300 bottles, and the cigarettes also bought 300 bottles. I want to buy more, but I have to keep a little money. After all, this thing is really easy to use, and it can be batched temporarily. Only he is here to buy.

XV, Xiao Wang, Blades and others said that there are hundreds of bottles of self-defense at any time in the bag, and there are still several super-refined ones, which are reluctant to use.

"Wait still use the burning bottle to spread the field, this vein on the ground must be hurt." Yunlong pointed to the black dark red veins on the ground.

"Well, there is still the need to wait for the British spirit, heroic skills need not hesitate, the garden area is finished, we have to prepare for the storm hammer, and several districts inquire about all the information of the storm hammer, he can be different from us The BOSS of these areas of Raiders is definitely a backwater battle.” Xiaoyetian reminded.

"Go on." Ye Cang gestured, Zhang Zhengxiong, Qi Hai, Jun Mo asked, thorn rose, ice cloud five people walked in front of the front, everyone to keep up.

Everyone came to the garden to look at the central deformed creature, and the five sides of the tank were separated.

The woman's head on the plant was raised, and the dark red eyes filled with resentment. She began to mourn and scream, and her emotions were extremely violent.

"Why! Why! I just accidentally went in and looked! Why!! I am your daughter!! Why kill me!"

"You are not saying that you love my daughter most!?"

"The liar! The liar! The ruthless butcher!"

"Who am I! Where am I!? Who are you!?"

"Father! I didn't mean to go in! Don't kill me! Don't! Ah!!!"

"I hate you!! I hate you!! You are sent by your father! Let's die!!!"

Lin Le blinked in the face of questioning, and decisively lost a bundle of fuel/flask on her face. "Tell it out? Hurry and throw the equipment out."

Yunlong and others were extremely embarrassed, watching Yesha mourn in the flames, and they were besieging.

Nalan Qingshen and Ye Cang once again staged the red lotus bloom, and the cooperation between the two became more and more tacit, and they could not help but smile.

Wu Na squats on the small fireball. These two people feel that they are doing dirty mental YY as long as they have the opportunity to look at their eyes, especially after she knows that Nalan’s soul is really Ye Cang.

"It hurts, it hurts!" Jessa danced with arms and snarled. The black veins of the whole garden began to madly capture the health of everyone. XV rushed to increase the amount of treatment. Xiao Wang’s water element also helped to add points. The water system cures, the Ray element is crazy output, not weak.

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