Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 847: Take a break

"We have all played in a few peripheral areas. In the Hammer Zone of the Storm, everyone still has to sort it out and adjust the mental state to the best. The food BUFF will almost disappear. I will conceive it." Ye Cang said to dissolve, continuous Overcoming several large areas, it is very troublesome to clean up those mobs. The long-term mental tension is not good, and as Xiaotian said, the Storm Hammer area may be a critical point, and meet with the best posture. You must also implement the cooking method!

"White brother, get it simple and effective, you don't have to play that big." Jun Mo asked the stomach to lick.

"I will pay attention to it, rest assured that it is both easy to use and delicious." Ye Cang's natural appearance makes everyone sink.

The soaring level has left everyone without the pressure of temporary leveling. They have to adjust their minds offline. For example, eat some delicious comfort, drink some wine, buy something, and smoke the yarn is feeling crazy. Think of a pot of pots, open the fridge whiskey + vodka + agave + lemon, etc. Mix together to drink a glass of wine and ice, sit in the heart of the lake and feel good times, then go back to the bathroom Taking a shower well, I suddenly remembered that when Ye Cang was bathing here, the bullet was about to penetrate his weak white hand, the dead white hair. . Sometimes, it is very reliable.

Qin family separated.

The housekeeper looked at the thorns of the porridge and kimchi, which had deep hatred and sorrow, and couldn’t help but think that since the young lady and the white young master were better, she felt that her taste was getting less and less. I saw her lady last night, Miss She. Even eating the rest of the servant's meals in the refrigerator, while eating and thanking God, love is really great.

Jun Mo asked and Ji Xiao Xiao Xiao on the street.

"Boss, six lunches!"

"Two little brothers, really, they are being abused to tell the police, don't try to hold on, oh, but this world is not good." The boss did not finish with a bit of sympathy and pity short two Big pot of vegetables, shredded pork, fried rice, "just count three of your money."

Jun Mo asked why I didn't know why I felt so sad, but I smelled the aroma of potato silk, bean sprouts, peppers, etc., like a beast, and Ji Xiao was eating and choking, so delicious! too delicious! ! The boss has a cigarette. These two young people are really miserable. I want to help them. Master, I know that you told us that the generations can’t show their stunts, unless they are forced to do so, but I have no wife now. Children, this wonderful work will be lost, not to mention the fact that these two young people are very talented, and it is really miserable. Every time I eat this kind of cooking, I don’t eat any bowls. The disciples really look at it. If I don't go down, this Xuan Tian Luo Hanfu demon **** merit I decided to pass on him and carry on it. I am a stone god, I have no life in the world, in fact, there are several sword saints, and the small discovery of the boxing saint is also I am abolished, but I really hate killing and killing like you. I hope that if there is an incense in the future.

The boss said that the two of them tasted the big pot of fried rice they had made and said, "Wait a minute, you come with me."

Jun Mo asked to look at the boss's eyes sharply, not inferior to the elders in the family, and can not afford to resist, smile, it seems that we have encountered a lot of people, and my heart is alert.

And Ji Xiao is still squatting, from time to time to the boss to pay attention to "this is the best fried rice I have ever eaten!!"

The boss's pitiful look became more and more intense, and began to brainwash the tragic encounter between the two in the Imperial City.

Bohai home.

Yunlong looked at him as an ordinary person to do the inverted single-finger push-pull support how much effort can be done, and he did 381! ? It’s not tiring to do so many things, but Bohai is still doing it. The left hand can’t change the right hand, the right hand can’t, and start to use the steel pipe to stand sideways with one hand, keep still practicing your key muscles and patience, then open again. TV to see the information of other regions, which novice debut, who and who, engrossed in not missing every message, shut down the TV, nodded to his disastrous poster, went to bed.

Yunlong was completely shocked. Is this his day? Fine to record breathing, a lot of exercise mental and physical activities, and finally use their own way to understand global dynamics and understanding, even before going to bed, do not forget to look at their own suffering, but also to say hello to sleep, the whole body numb, was I am completely motivated to be speechless or even ashamed. I am considered a genius. If my talent is given to this man, I can’t imagine what it is like to be an enemy. It’s reasonable for the Emperor to fear him. of.

Closing the door to the sea, silently took the paper towel, and then the most beautiful time for meditation. . . Everything every day is completely excreted for this time. . . Ah~~~~ The meditation after the collapse is the human bliss. . .

Seaside cottage.

Gong Sunqian and Blades coexisted in the world in the room. XV and Xiao Wang came to the car and planned to live for two days. They secretly listened to the sound in the blade room outside the door. They gave the two people a sigh and planned to stay away, but two People looked at Fang Shi’s sigh and said, “Although some, how to say it, jealousy, but Zhao Zhao is actually still possible. Every time we are taking care of you in our group activities, you should not be so careful. After all, Qian Jie is the main house. ”

"..." Fang gave his chest a boring, when the door opened, the two immediately grabbed the party. "We know that this is not easy for you, but the younger sister has accepted you, or give it a point." Space, don't overhear outside.. Hey.. With you."

The two calmly left.

Gong Sunqian looked at Fang Shi and reached out and grabbed his hand. "Sister, come in, let's talk about it, wait for Song and sister to go shopping."

". . . . . . . Fang Fang snarled, sister! ? younger sister! ? younger sister! ?

The blade wiped the cold sweat and roughly guessed what happened, but. . . Gongsun Qian seems to like to play with Fang Zhi and my stalk. . This woman should not be a rotten woman.

Song Xin returned to China and came to Lin Le, and the two were stunned in the room.

Ye Cang silently opened the drawer, took out the photo of the snow and muttered, "Snow, I will not forget you, your jealousy is coming, you will not hate me to start again, I don't know like me. Monsters don't deserve to have the future, but I...sorry."

Ye Cang will hold the photo tightly, and once again think of the pictures after the death of Grandma, loved ones, love, I can't tell the difference, only know that she used to be her most important person, the future, the past, the present, the contradictions With him, I finally put the photo in the drawer and looked at myself in the mirror. "Is it really me? There is no future, I am looking forward to the future and hope."

Ye Cang once again came back to the balcony here and watched the tree petals fly for a long time without words, maybe I should have died. . . But think of Nana and crazy women, as well as Lele, Axiong and others, Xue, what should I do?

Qin family, Zongjia.

"Qin Zhong, at this ten youth conferences, do you have any suitable candidates?" Qin fierce sat in eight battles.

"Zong Yunlong of the Zongjia, and, although it is a family, but I can guarantee, it is my granddaughter, Ye Cang! And the disciples of Qin San, Zhang Zhengxiong, Lin Le!" Qin Zhong's words in the first half of the words let the other elders dagger However, the latter directly did not shy away from saying that the nephew or the separation of the family made many elders dissatisfied.

"You are the white-haired little guy." The Qin murderer had an impression on Ye Cang. The strength of the young man was definitely first-class in his peers. After all, he could make a few moves with Liu Jia’s old miscellaneous. "Well, the disciples of Qin San are also very good." Qin Zhong knows that the Qin murderer has an impression on Ye Cang.

The elders of all began to argue.

"Shut up! This ten conferences, Qin Zhong, you are responsible! Who is not convinced! You can come to me!" Qin said that he closed the eight gates.

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