Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 869: Red hanging horseradish

Lao Li carefully removed the meat outside the chest of the dragon crab to quickly cut into a thin paper-like thickness, smeared the crab yellow, and wrapped it in a quail-sized crab. The smart and skilled fingers did not With the help of any tool, the top section is cut, and the color of the crab red, which is faintly seen in the thin slice of crab meat, and the glittering luster of the crab, have been done in succession, with Ye Cang coming to Yaochi Yubei, and hand-picked it. Open, everyone looked at the shellfish like tofu in the inside. "Little white, your sharp knife listens to my command, the grid of 8 cm square cuts, the deep mouth of each square, the knife must not be cut in the end, stay Keep it at least a centimeter, from left to right, can't know faster than my hand!? I have to stuff it! Start!"

Ye Cang is too lazy to use a knife, his fingers condense out the scabbard-like airflow, a finger pull, a square cut in the deep cut action is completed in an instant, Lao Li will stuff the crab meat into the middle of the deep mouth cut, stuffing a little soy sauce In the square cut mouth, the dark red line began to spread, so that a knife, a plug, soy sauce, the two together with the seamless, complete the eight-meter diameter shell meat filling work in less than ten seconds, the whole shell began Healing, the meat began to heal together from the first grid, and the crab meat wrapped yellow eggs as a heart to suture and healed to the end. All of them were restored to the original, but there was a dark red grid inside, and there was one in each grid. The 'heart' is beautiful.

"Next?" Ye Cang asked.

"The bottom is too hot." Lao Li took out a pile of wood and began to burn ordinary charcoal. He repeatedly counted the time to get the charcoal, then cooled it, dug out the big bunker and put it in, let everyone put the shell on it, and flow out a channel at any time. I can ignite it. "This kind of firepower is very low. Just to wait for the shell to be slightly baked. After a short period of high temperature is passed up to force the juice, the rest of the embers slowly keep the broth and meat delicious. If you have this shell, you must let it die, and not let too much umami loss."

"The next step is dip. The spicy taste can be made into mud by scraping radish or snow betel, but the snowy sunflower is too small. It is not replaced for the time being. The savory can be made with the scent of the heart-scented plant salt, sweet. Flavor, amount, not recommended to add fruit flavor, garlic flavor is also possible, but to use the sole wine garlic, the same scraper grinding mud, there is a unique wine fragrance does not say, spicy mouth back sweet, but the only wine garlic is not This season, the use of defective products just spoiled such good ingredients."

"I have something that might be replaced." Ye Cang took out a bright red hanging fruit from the fruit basket. Pharaoh tasted a little bit of "spicy mouth back, while retaining the smell of wasabi, oh, with this Good aphrodisiac yin effect, the taste is very unique, the taste is far above the jade radish and the single wine garlic, but can not be put more, the taste is still too strong, you must dilute, you can mix it with jade radish..."

Lao Li cut a little crab meat and dipped a little bit of mixed mud, and then smothered "absolutely good things! This volatility is just right, and it doesn't affect the taste and other tastes, and it is very appetizing. When I go, I take it. Two to go, what is this fruit?"

"Just call it the basis of the fruit." Ye Cang straightforward through the shape to name, Lao Li silent speech, "still called red hanging horseradish."

"Also." Ye Cang nodded.

"Old Mary, Pharaoh will try this!" Lao Li took the red hanging horseradish and let the two taste it. The two people instantly showed something that could be matched with this new thing. Lin Liang looked Yao Chi Yubei handled it well, smiled bitterly. I really didn't guess this. I saw the face of Old Mary at this time. At this time, I was burning the oil pan, fried? Most of the burger's outer cover is mainly roasted, fried golden wheat bread, wow, she must have hidden means, in the past, what is absolutely added in the flour, purple heart onion, blood tomato, Mary secret cheese, tender mouth dish The dragon's crab's meat and yellow meat are prepared in three ways. The oil is slightly preheated to open the scorpion oil and a little water heart flower seed to reconcile, and the fire is finally brought up.

Everyone was anxiously waiting for the tedious baking brush of the Wuzui Phoenix. The rich honey-flavored meat was scattered, the plates and the knife were all ready, and the three chefs were notified by a biochemist.

As time went by, I couldn’t get tired of watching the ever-rotating Wuzui Phoenix. Every turn, I felt that I was close to eating it myself. The sun gradually fell on the Haiping line and only showed half of the face, old. Li ignited the charcoal fire under Yaochi Yubei, and the old Mary also began to burn wood in the wood. The whole beach was filled with the aroma of the sea. Lao Li knew that everyone was in a hurry, and the legs of the golden jade crab were divided into three pieces, and the big plate hit the two. For the huge pliers meat, adjust the red hanging horseradish and jade radish mud on the side of the plate, on the appetizer!

Everyone grabbed the crab-leg meat and started it like a jade, but it was soft like a cloud, with a little red hanging radish puree, fresh and spicy! The taste bud is exploding! When the crab meat is chewed a few times, it is opened in the mouth. The meat is tender and it is almost like eating the tongue. The meat of the pliers is tender and can't bear to put it in your mouth. .

The sound of "霹雳苏苏.." came from the old Mary's oil pan, and the rich bread and fragrant incense made the soul eager for oily water burning!

Watching the old Mary pinch out the golden bread cover and put it on the side, the crab meat into the oil pan and smash out the sandwich! ! Crab yellow! Crab! Blood tomato, purple heart onion, large piece of cheese, and a few pieces of red hanging horseradish, the last tender mouth dish, made more than ten consecutively and quickly, Lin Liang is still relishing the dragon crab meat accompanied by 蘸The color of the material is matched. At this time, I looked at the burger in front of me and took one. I swallowed heavily, biting it down, and the sound of crispy and crispy thoughts, so crisp! ! It’s crisp! ! So sweet! A variety of flavors into the mouth, sour and sweet blood tomatoes! The spicy onion is paired with the character of the red hanging horseradish. The three crabs are popped in the crab yellow, and the juice is fried, so it is not good to flow to the ground! Hurry up and catch the fast gorging in the mouth, feeling the burger that is slowly happy, fried noodles! This is the golden jade full house crab yellow castle! ? Lin Liang put the last piece of dough into his mouth, what the **** is it! There is a certain amount of crab powder here, but there is still the same! I can't eat it all the time, watching Old Mary curious. "I still can't guess the same ingredients. It can make the dough crisp, fresh, and fragrant to this extent..."

"Let you guess, do you still call me a unique craft?" Old Mary wiped her hand and came here to sit down and began to taste crab meat.

"Exhausted people, roasting this stuff is really a patient-type technology, can not be distracted for a while, scorching a little bit to make the finished product taste greatly reduced, the burnt taste will pass." Wang Wang sweating.

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