Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 881: tell

Linhai, Songyang Coast, seaside villas.

Wu Na looked at Ye Cang carefully taking care of the black long straight girl, and she was somewhat concerned.

Ye Cang came here under the tree of his own, which may be buried in the future.

"I know what you want to ask." Ye Cang reached for a young leaf and put it in his mouth. "Good fragrance."

"Nana, I will tell you all, but you don't want to say anything other than roses... This is my sin." Ye Cang looked at the half of the leaves and smiled.

Wu Na nodded and did not speak.

"Before you know, Yan Xue and Axiong were born in a broken family. My mother died early. My father tried to force her to beat her. They beat their sisters and brothers. They left home and almost died in the cold night. I returned. Grandma left it to my family." Ye Cang took the leaves and slowly sat down against the big tree, and Wu Na came to her side and snuggled.

"I know you in my life. I am a man-made person. I was abandoned in the river. My grandmother taught me everything, love, care, responsibility, and the bottom line that people should have. She taught me carefully, and they stayed in the snow. They just happened to be In the second year after my grandmother’s death, I was a few years old, and the flower shop was also taken care of by her. I thought that I, Yu Xue, and Axiong, were so old and sick, and they were not life-long. To death."

"I have been private with her for the rest of my life at the age of fifteen, her taste, her gentleness, awkwardness, clumsiness, silly X, we are dependent on each other, relying on each other, very happy..."

"I thought it would last forever, I am carrying a marriage ring, even though I am not yet an adult, I hope she, Axiong, I, we will always be a family, poor and rich, nothing will matter, as long as she, I The three males can be together, but she gets brain cancer. In order not to spend money, in order not to drag me down with Axiong, I chose to jump off the building and end my life."

"Nana, to be honest, I didn't respond at that time. I was ruined with her head. I couldn't speak. I just thought that Axiong didn't have a sister. I didn't have a favorite person. I will wait. And my own is just darkness and pain, my grandmother is gone, the snow is gone, I am crazy, I only feel tears or blood rushing out, in order to resurrect her, I went to the government, went to the bridge, and leveled. Forgetting Sichuan, I have tasted the spring water, I have seen the ocean of the other shore, but I can’t touch the warm hand...”

Wu Na understood what the ring necklace that Ye Cang had been carrying. She reached out and crossed her finger. "It turned out to be like this."

"And during this period, I awakened the power of the man-made person. In order to save Axiong, I gave him the marrow gene and harmed him. He was stared by many abilities associations, almost died, and finally joined. The St. Tenth Council, with the help of the power of the parliament to protect the Axiong, and Lele, during this period, I have participated in almost several terrorist attacks in China. The cold moon is one of the tragedy survivors of Jane City, facing those terrible The creature, lonely and helpless, wielding a machete and swearing at the will of her family. I saved her, taught her how to solve the mutant, **** the most succinct, and become a machine for killing mutants. She is now The way, my responsibility is not small..."

"So, she is your apprentice?" Wu Na understood.

"No, in the following time, I went to perform the elimination mission, took her, she protected me, I also guarded her many times, comrades-in-arms, relatives, friends, apprentices, I can't tell, I remember Once, I was attacked. In order to protect me, her left hand was cut off. She changed her right hand and cut it with a knife. Her left foot was cut off, she changed her right foot and jumped. Finally, she always held a knife next to me..."

Wu Na remembered the girl who was facing her face and suddenly found that she was very cute. "So why didn't she be with you?"

"Hate..." Ye Cang just thought that she would live alone. "In order to protect her family's will, the price of awakening is to lose all expressions, most of the emotions, she can't feel the joys and sorrows, just like me. Can't feel love like normal, unless it's particularly intense..."

"In order to revenge, I grinded her into a sharp knife. In addition to killing, she has almost no special skills." Ye Cang regretted a bit and looked at her white hands. "Maybe I hurt her."

"No. You saved her, just like you saved me..." Wu Na hugged him.

Ye Cang feels Wu Na's hug, the feeling is still coming back, but relying on her own burial place, Ye Cang gently touches her hair "Nana, if one day, I will leave forever, you Can you look after Xiaotian for me, Axiong, are they happy?"

Wu Na was terrified and just wanted to talk. Ye Cang kissed him. "Tell me, can you?"

Wu Na looked at Ye Cang’s stunned eyes, and tears poured out like spring water. “I can! But you tell me why!”

"I will talk about it, my life is hard." Ye Cang put it into his arms.

"Don't make such a joke with me. Xiaobai." Wu Na was very helpless and was afraid that Ye Cangfei would leave.

"I'm sorry." Ye Cang gently stroking Wu Na's hair to apologize, looking at the sea, remembering the scene of Du Wangshan's own out of control, if I really lost myself one day, became a void creature, need someone to execute I thought of Axiong and Lele, I hope you are.

Inside the uncle looked at his ruined dress and called Liu Bei, who was more powerful than himself. After the two worked hard, they finally restored the dress. Liu Bei was tired, but for the uncle’s attachment to his deceased wife. In full force, Liu Bei of the swallowtail suit of the tuxedo compiled a portrait of his deceased wife and a fuzzy mixture of peony flowers. This hand is almost natural, seeing the peony is a peony, see who is who, the last two fell in the dress after finishing Sleeping together, in the living room, Ice Cloud took out a virtual camera and took a picture, and returned to the room with satisfaction.

Lin Liang is in the room, thinking of Ye Cang, Xiaobai brother, your future husband is not able to come out, like Xiaolin brothers, his life is full of variables, but you are unknown, three souls and seven scorpions, in you I only perceive the incompleteness in my body. If the disaster in a hundred years is necessarily related to you, this catastrophe is the nirvana of human beings and the new life of the earth. There are too many worlds and virtual ones. Not opening is just a matter of time.

Lin Liang's hands are counted, and blood spills down the corner of his mouth. "It turns out to be like this. It turns out to be like this. Origin, everything ends up, and you and me, just the variables before the origin... You carry hope and leave hope. The big collapse of the era... Well, it has nothing to do with me."

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