Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 887: new member

"Who is she, where am I, why do she hold me? Neuropathy." Lin Le is in the game.

Zhang Zhengxiong found that his energy tank had a slot with no value of 0/100. How can he make it rise? Estimated to be similar to the anger value, there is a way to fight.

On the other side, in the room.

Jia Zhang came to Lin Liang's room and found him carrying a long strip of air, dancing strangely and singing rap.

Lin Liang don't look over the hip-hop pointing to Jia Wei "hey~~!man!"

"..." Jia said a moment, not to talk to him, so as not to be infected, strange, and mad, "interrupted.".

"Wen and brother! Come in and sit down, let's talk." Lin Liang smiled, and Jia Yan sighed and closed the door.

Ye Cang received the courier of the Dragon Group in the middle of the night, and then gave Jia Wei the identity. "Okay, now you have the authority, and it is a freshman student. If you want to be a professional, this is a general introduction."

Jia Wei took a look and chose astronomy, minor in physical health. .

"There is, the dragon group thing, I just told you, as an honorary member, what do you think, feel that you can help, volunteer help is, there is compensation."

"I understand this."

"Wenhe, come ~~~" Huang Zhong looked out and smiled.

Jia Wei curiously went over.

Ye Cang is speechless, how can there be people playing in the boring game, taking care of him, going back to the house, "Old Huang, you talk about the current situation with the text and the text."

"I understand."

The two entered the room of Huang Zhong, Jia Yu opened the receiver, a lot of resources poured in, this, this! Unbearable! shameful! ! Shameful! ! Huang Hansheng! Huang Hansheng! How can you be so depraved! ! No, as a kind-hearted person, I want to save him and say, "Is there still! There is no more! Come again! Come again!"

"Okay, okay, this face-to-face ceremony is very good for face. The rest of the rare goods will be given to you later. Let's play the game first. This is the Lord Gong just gave me, egg jump memories x, you don't want to look down, I have already More than 20 times on the street, these women can’t understand it... It’s difficult.”

Huang Zhong opened the door to the new world for Jia Yu. The two men worked together in the 'school' to fully attack the target. The secret number was discussed. When Jia Hao completed the object's good ending for the first time, he was in the sports room. Good equipment room and Asha Xuejie taste cough. . After I finished, I put on my pants and smiled. "Right, let's break up."


"Because my goal is her." Jia Li took care of the student's tie and turned to sneer at the school flower poster on the wall.

"Scum!! I misread you!!" Huang Zhong did not know where to come from, a boxing down Jia Yu.

"Asha Sister, nothing, no problem, let's go!" Huang Zhong took care of his heart and easily pushed Asha out of the sports room, comparing the thumb with one hand.

Jia Wei wiped the blood stains on the corners of the mouth. This game is a bit interesting. It is the simplest one. It makes me have some headaches. The school flower feels not ordinary people. I smell the dangerous **** smell under her skin. It is interesting. . It’s a pity that when I came in, I chose a skillful craft.

At the top of the rooftop, Jia Zhang looked at the blond school flowers of the stars.

"Wenhe, how do you do this?" Huang Zhong looked at it from the side of the smoke.

"There is no clue. Her relationship is too complicated and needs to be observed again..."

"The main public seems to have overcome the past, or I will ask him."

"Is it just the main lord who has been listening to you?"

"The head of our adventure group, a very powerful person, v master, the resources I gave you are given to me by the Lord's public reward, not asking for a return."

"Adventure group?" Jia Wei sneered, and there is no one in the world who wants to return. Huang Zhong understands what he means. "You don't want to think about my family with such an idea. He takes me very sincerely, but unfortunately I am still too young. I can't share more of the affairs of the regiment for him. The pits of the military division can't stand it anymore. Lao Cao is easy for them to get on the brain."

"You will also join our adventure group, Xuande, Mengde, Zhongmou, Kong Ming are the people of this adventure group. The regular guild organizes us to experience some realistic cruel tests. Forget it, wait for you to join the adventure group. I know, what is terrible, I have already seen thousands of people in the world, and now I think that they are all numb, Wenhe, and put away your pride. After waiting for our challenges, you will be physically and mentally affected. Boundless blows.” Huang Zhong became an old member reception at the moment and is about to enter the new member mode.

Jia Wei is still very much acquainted with Huang Zhong. He is so scared, although it is only very short, but. . . .

Jia Wei still nodded, did not speak, and stared at the blond school flower that went on the bus, like a prey, his eyes gradually cooled down, yes, she has a younger brother in the middle school. . The mouth is rising, the hand is holding the tie, and the eyes are gloomy. "Don't blame my uncle. Little sister, your skirt, I see it!!"

Huang Zhong smiled and smiled, the Lord, the brains of our group came.

After fifteen minutes.

The two are in bed, you see me, I see you.

"That, I did not expect that his brother's observation power is so keen, the value of force is so high, and we will hacked us directly with a knife." Jia Weidao.

Huang Zhong began to suspect Jia Wei. This guy is afraid that it is also a pit. "Waste, return the resources to me.".

"......"Jia Xu.

The next day, breakfast.

"I will introduce to you, this is my distant cousin, Jia Wei.. Welcome everyone."

"Welcome..." Everyone was mad at breakfast.

"Wen and." Cao Cao frowned slightly.

"Don't mind people, your son's death mainly blames you, and people have helped you." Liu Bei smiled.

"I didn't choose what I wanted most at the beginning, and I don't regret it afterwards." Sun Quan pointed out that he was eating buns.

"Lord, this is a new member of our team, Jia Wei. You look at it." Huang Zhong whispered Jia Zhang.

"Well, yes, a talent, it looks a lot better than the team disaster star over there. This is a meeting for you." XV gave her precious rare resources with ease, Jia Zhang looked at the resources, and was convinced, Liu Bei , Cao Cao, Sun Quan, these people all respected and shouted his national teacher, master, what arrogance is there? "Jia Wei, willing to be a team, liver and brain." The Lord."

"Newcomers need to hone, see and see **** to know, the greatness of our adventure group, the Royal / sister's house, in the martial arts meeting we finished the game, to see and see."

"One of the four big ones..." Huang Zhong brows wrinkled, Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Quan and others are all struggling, with great expectations, Lin Liang is swaying the rhythm of the fan is chaotic, Jia Wei eyes dark, four One of the big ones, that is, there are three other ones. .

"Head, do we have some urgency?" Lin Liang suggested.

"Don't go, we will always struggle in this unknown fear. After the passage, we will be prepared." Xv said with a strong heart, Lin Liang slightly dagger "light, understand, will help..."

"Shut up!!" xv, Xiao Wang, Liu Sun Cao Huang and others.

". . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jia Wei secretly, Kong Ming's original status in the regiment is so low. .

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