Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 905: Chaoyang and Adventure Group

"These things, and I have not finished eating, and Lao Wang took away to the night market to taste the neighborhood." Pharaoh laughed.

"It's a pity that the dragon king shrimp and the ink jade tuna, the things that Lao Huang brought back every time, I feel that I can't finish it, but it can be good for the night market." Wu Na looked at most of the dragon king shrimp and ink jade. tuna.

Qin San accepted Lin Le and Zhang Zhengxiong's recent achievements, and saw Zhang Zhengxiong unfolding in the **** field. He has the potential of the field? This kid. . . I really didn't look away, it was the genius of the potential! On the other side, Lin Le’s spiritual attack also made him very surprised. In a short period of time, the strength of the two men could not be described by leaps and bounds. I am afraid that in less than two years, I am not their opponent, left and right, black and yang. Lei Yinshui, put the two down. "In addition to the foundation, you must practice the technique of two instruments and gossip."

"Master, we are also learning, this is the outline of the bright brother to us." Zhang Zhengxiong took out a few books, Qimen armor · annotation, Tiandi Xuan Huanglu, Qin San saw the heaven and earth Xuan Huang recorded when he was, this is Metaphysics to the treasure books! As for the version of this singular armor, the commentary is also incomparable to Qin San, and he is not curious to learn.

"You are the father-in-law of the little white brother, but also the teacher of Axiong and Tu, Lele. You can refer to it, no matter what." Lin Liang said.

Qin San looked at the two metaphysical treasures, hesitated a bit, and seriously said, "Thank you Lin Lin seniors, Qin will have a return after three days!"

Lin Liang stopped and stopped talking, XV signaled the collection, and the look went.

XV took the members of the adventure group to embark on the outpost of the journey. Everyone looked solemn. Qin Zhong brows his face and wants to make a big dragon and phoenix expression. He shakes his head and can't control it.

Zhang Zhengxiong just prepared to keep up, Qin San took him and asked, "What are you and Lin's predecessors?"

"Hu Peng friends." Zhang Zhengxiong's words let Qin San cold sweat again and again, watching the figure of everyone walking away, may also be the character of Axiong so that Lin seniors appreciate it.

Qin Zhong came over and saw the two books in the hands of Qin San’s brows picking “Where is it?”

"Formers who I used to refer to, I saw it on the face of Axiong and Xianxian."

"What is their relationship?"

"Fucker dog friend..." Qin San can't laugh.

"I hate the guy who is bright, I don't know why." Lin Le dubbed his mouth and hopped back to the room.


Two days later, in the early morning, the first sunshine came along the sea. Wu Na and Zha Mei looked at the adventure group that had returned home two days later. The thorns were strange, and Wu Na had long been eccentric.

Everyone is a fruit upper body, wearing a skirt underneath the skirt, wearing only underwear for underpants, and wearing a diaper.

Jia Wei suspected that life was faltering, looked down at the diaper, recalled the happiness of the first night, and the second day of the purgatory Shura, thinking of the 1 meter eight stewardess costume, a gentle smile made people feel A warm, think of the chrysanthemum here tight, the egg began to sting, looking at the front of the XV, it really is a fierce battle, no, is a unilateral slaughter, the enemy you want to confront is such a presence! ? And there are still four. .

"Wenhe, you know why the new one is, the adventure we experienced is no longer the same as before, see how many fatal mistakes you made last night." Lin Liang put on the P leather pants and put on the hand. Jia Wei’s shoulder.

"Shut up!! You are not qualified to say others!!" The rest of the crowd growled.

". . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lin Liang stunned his hand and waved it with a fan.

Cao Cao wore a grass skirt and put on a cigar. "There is still a fake mother purgatory...the scalp is numb."

"Everyone got up and finally went through the pseudo-mother hell, and our first small goal was reached." XV was encouraged by the smile.

“The first small goal is?” Jia Wei asked.

"It was circled by four big wheels."

The crowds are very low, and each has raised the idea of ​​not seeing hope. XV turned to stand on the reef cliff facing the Chaoyang. "Because we are in hell, will we overcome it, defeat it, and conquer it?" ”

“No?” XV smiled back, even though the lower body was only covered in newspaper/pants.

The smile of XV in the morning sun infected everyone.

"Headmaster, master, master, national teacher, V master..."

"No?!" XV yelled, and everyone was boiling. "The man is going to fall from where, from where to climb up, the grass turns over and let us fall!! What are we!!!"

"Adventure family!!"

"What are we!?"

"Adventure family!!!!!"

“Very good! Collection!! Stand in a row!!”

The crowd stood side by side on the edge of the reef cliff watching the sun, XV pulled out the gun and began to pee.

Huang Zhong pulled out from the girls' tight-fitting shorts, and everyone began to pee in the sun.

In the distance, the thorns on the forehead are powerless. "I went back to the house first, and it was infected in this life."

"..." Wu Na.

Jia Wei didn't look over at the XV, who was smiling and smiling. He couldn't help but admire him in the Chaoyang. He didn't help himself at all. He also hurt his PY and he was twice stunned. "I was last night."

"Encourage to cheer, you are better than the brighter brother." XV snarled.

"Headmaster, I just didn't expect it last night. The bunny girl is proficient in the four books and five classics. Even the grandson, Wu Qi, Sun Hao, Huang Shigong Bingfa, and Liuyi can all play backwards. This, no one can think of it. Lin Liang argued.

Liu Bei looked incomparably and looked at Lin Liang with a thoughtful look. "I want Yuan Zhi (Xu Wei). It was still strong to retain him."

"Yuan straight is a big talent, but it is a pity." Cao Cao also looked at Lin Liang and sighed, "Feng Xiao, Feng Xiao.. Hehe."

"Yeah, publicize where you are." Sun Quan also looked at Lin Liang and said, "Okay, don't laugh at people, after all, after all."

"..." Lin Liang was speechless and couldn't bear to say "Oh, three stinkers...".

"Hey, see you." Cao Cao took care of the grass skirt.

"Wow, old Liu, this is your person, he actually took us with you." Sun Quan smiled.

Liu Bei smiled and walked over Lin Liang’s shoulder.

"It is a bright state. First emperor." Lin Liang cold sweat.

"Nothing, go, let's talk into the house, back to the middle of the middle....Recalling the sweetness." Liu Bei took Zhuge Liang and went to the house.

The people who cheered up all entered the house one after another. Jia Yu looked at Lin Liang and Liu Bei, and then stood in the Chaoyang and continued to look at the sea. Cao Cao also stayed.

"Are you still hating me?" Jia Wei stared at the front.

"There have been, but as Zhongmou said, I did not choose what I should have chosen at the beginning. I will not blame people afterwards. It is my own sacrifice for the hegemony, and you become my most grateful person. First, let me believe in the world." Cao Cao's grass skirt swayed in the wind "But. On the occasion of the farewell, I discovered that it became my last heart, Ang's smile, like yesterday, constantly In my mind, I can’t leave it.”.

"What can I do to make you better?" Jia Wei asked not to overdo it, and once again, the newspaper reported it.

"Get XX out."

Jia Wei looked strangely and pulled out the gun.

Cao Cao stretched his hand and forced it to play. Jia Wei took a breath.

"Newcomers, we are both clear, no complaints, no regrets." Cao Cao walked and laughed.

Jia Wei looked at Cao Cao's back painfully, and smiled again and again.

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