Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 915: Jess

When everyone discussed the allocation of the Northern Expedition, Lenchi, Sagarn, Agaros, Vandal, Shakesley and others frowned, and Sagarn walked outside the city hall to the edge of the Goddess Ladder Square. Looking at the direction of the great desert, the black cloud of dead clouds came.

Everyone came to the side and watched the feeling of oppression coming with the dark clouds. The dark clouds shrouded the city of the goddess, and a pair of dead eyes in the sky broke away. "Don't be nervous, the real war has not yet begun. I just came to tell you. The death period is coming."

"Who are you." Saga's scepter points to the center of the Black Cloud.

"You will know, but not now..." The horrible laughter of the sound rang from the sky.

"Get out of here, you can't be jealous! Despicable rebellion!" Asen Rosh's electric sound began, and Black Cloud was amazed at "Asen Roche, I didn't expect you to get into this position."

"Jess, you! Is it provoked to my Asen Rosh?!!!" The goddess of the city has opened a huge incomparable eye of Arcane.

"Asen Roche, you will pay for your arrogance."

The arcane pulse directly collapsed the black cloud, and the huge eye of the Arcane contracted back to the temple.

"The Devil of the Sea, Jessie.. The daughter of the **** of death, Dess and the Dark Spirit, Dias, because she revives the person she should not be resurrected, and falls in love with someone who should not fall in love." Deceived Dias to steal the power that should not be mastered, and was forever exiled from the sea by the **** of the sea, Fissus." Sagarn said.

"The relationship between Dias and my Lord in the spirit is very close." Agaros added.

Ye Cang looked at the clear sky, and turned back to clap. "Okay, okay, continue the meeting and continue the meeting. A rebellious singer who dazzles the beam and dares to scatter the Lord in the city of the goddess."

Salion smiled. This guy is a big heart. Although Jess is a rebel, it is definitely not the third-sex **** of the natural three sisters. Before she was exiled, she was second only to the Lord of the Sea and The **** of Days is the main **** of the dead and the dark church in the endless sea. When she defected, Dyce left her hand and she broke a rib, and was completely abandoned by the believers. The **** of the reception of every dark believer. . The awe of Dyce is above the Lord of the Sea.

Agaros felt that Ye Guou said that my master is now embarrassed, watching him look strange, you are still in the temple before the parliament this morning. . It is a bit gratifying to think that Ye Cang is at least a little faintly awed by Ason Rosh, at least not like the five supreme. . . Thinking of this, Agaros saw the desire and attention to the believers, enthusiasm, and no longer so high, although a little feel awkward, but I do not know why I am more afraid of Asen Roche, my beliefs are not wrong, nor will Wrong, he gave me the power of revenge, gave me everything, thought of the singular fluctuations of the suspected smile that I saw for the first time last night, and it is worthwhile to dedicate everything!

Ye Cang pulled through Vandal and whispered, "Do you have any very good relatives and friends, recommend it, I will give you a commission, what to eat, from the dragon leg to all kinds of things, and take care of Ronas."

Fan Daren said seriously, "Yes, Jade Roar, Bear Blazer. I have a good relationship with it."

The closely followed McCullo looks at him in an extremely complicated way. Every 15 years, you go to the guarded emerald banyan tree to rob the honey on time. People hate that you hate to die. Last time I went to be a guest, it was from the dark. Take out a little tea in the hole and give it to me. If you can, if you can, you want to break your body, but you can’t do it. You think that others will play with you, but people really want to die. you. . Chatting with him and asking me about your relationship with me, I dare to say that I have seen it twice. Now I heard that you came to participate in the Scourge War. It is estimated that your face is smiling. .

"Bear Dominator, I feel very powerful, I will give it to you, Elder Vandal." Ye Cang took care of his business and patted Fandal's shoulder.

"Give it to me." Vandal nodded heavily and turned the combat eagle away.

McCulluo hesitated a bit or said the relationship between the two, Ye Cangbai gave him a look. "He brought the bear hegemon over, you elders together to help persuade not to be good, the text can not be used with the care of love It joins us..."

"..." McCullo found himself thinking more, this guy is the kind of person who is all black.

The mini emerald bear dancing in the emerald eucalyptus forest next to the Yongge Forest danced. "The **** guy finally left, my quiet life, my honey! Haha! Hahahaha!!"

Back to the meeting, the people decided on the date of the expedition, and each of them let the confidant return to mobilize the expeditionary army to go to the sacred temple hall to station the death gorge to prepare for the expedition.

Asen Rosh’s deity appeared, and everyone had to accept the weight of Ye Cang’s ambassador. It was nearly half a month from the expedition mobilization day. Compared with the leveling, Ye Cang was more and more in the temple with the major forces. Zhou Xuan does not open, especially the female emperor of the Dark Temple often invites him to brainwash, but Ye Cang turned over and washed, the two men brainwashed, washed out the strange feeling of sorrow, but since Ye Cang went to entertain her, The dark saint looks a lot less when they look at the two.

Under the grant of Ye Cang, Xiao Mar was fully responsible for the management of the goddess Guards, and became the assistant of Ye Cang to participate in many practical planning projects. Saga knows that Ye Cang’s intention may be placed in the Holy See. Chess pieces, but don't care. On the other hand, Abbado and Anssa of Alabaki have returned to prepare for the sea line. Gartha's opening to the sea line under the leaves of Cang Cang is also loose. Tone, the problem on the sea line has always been the most troublesome thing of the Beastmasters of all ages. Whether it is the Sea Giant or the Alabachian fishermen, they are the ones that they can't afford at sea, and they are the mainstay of Abato's release to the north. The purpose was reached, and I was very grateful to Ye Cang.

Ye Cang asked about the cost of annihilating the giants of the sea when he left, and the answer was yes or no. The existence of the sea giants is very strange. They are powerful and not slow, but they are better than the warriors of the tribes. It’s not too difficult to hunt the sea giants. It’s hard to see them in their birth. Since they were born, they have never seen the giants of the sea giants in their infancy, as if they were out of thin air, born to be adult, a sea giant killed in a small sea area. After the death, new ones will come afterwards, and the sea giants guarded by the north of the sea of ​​their birth are terrible. When the warriors of the tribes come back, they will tell the future generations not to go there again. . Ye Cang did not continue to ask more questions on this topic.

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