Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 947: Northern logging

The goddess of the dark temple, Youdis, who hasn’t spoken for a long time, said, “Saigar will go with you.”

The man next to Utis is Segaer, the dark-haired shawl, the blink of an eye, the five senses are very delicate, but everyone dare not underestimate this person, the Templar leader of the Dark Temple Many times with the Crusaders commanding Bakken, the confrontation has never been defeated. Even the head of the Knights of the Dragon Knight is difficult to find benefits in his hands, and the tall knight next to him is the leader of the Black Front Blades. .

Safirons knows how strong this Sagar is, and the strength is equal to that of the head of the Knights of the Dragon. But this guy is expected to take the lead and the mind is not at the same level. The Dark Temple was once the second largest **** of the mainland. The Holy See is on an equal footing, but the defeat in the Battle of the Holy Darkness has made the Dark Temple not recovering for hundreds of years, but the deadly camel is bigger than the horse. Now, there is no strength to call the Holy See again, but it is not afraid of offending them. He was very grateful to Utis, who had escaped several times and was sheltered by her.

"The top of the hill." Bucknant looked at the two.

"Saga's old man, the rotten mouth under your hand is not strict enough, don't blame me for packing him up for you. This is not a place where mad dogs are wild." Utis smiled gracefully, and the killing in his eyes.

"Oh.." Bucknen just wanted to talk. The saint is a slap in the face. "Shut up! Buckn, you give me back!"

Buckn looked at the chill on the face of the saint, and lowered his head and silently retreated.

"The Lord of the City, you see me, but I am maintaining your dignity. Come to me tonight and talk about my heart?" said Youdis/暧.

"Well, let's say, I will talk about it after I finish it. I made some food. When we eat and drink and talk, it is not beautiful." Ye Cang smiled, and Utis heard the sudden smile of the food and froze. Hey smiled and said, "Oh, follow you.. Hehe."

On the side of the virgin Ghana, Utis whispered, "You will eat more for me tonight."

The sacred woman suddenly turned pale, but this was the order of Utis, so she sighed and nodded.

The two people’s 暧/昧 dialogue made Saga’s look at Ye Cang’s eyes very complicated, and the saints were somewhat nervous. After the Northern Expedition, especially after the success, the city of the goddess must be a large force that the mainland is rushing to. It must not be pulled by the heresy of the Dark Temple. If you want to find a way to rely on us to visit the Holy See, think of it here. Fortunately, he is a Seven-Year, and we have means.

"I also go there, there is my hometown, no one knows better than me." The split Wuwu stood up, different from the war of the heroic martial arts to the horror, the split Wushu is more like a dry high-sold old man, as if The wind can blow like a big, wrinkled old face, very peaceful, but no one dares to blame the old man on the scene, even the war Wuwu Sheng is very respectful, because the crack is the teacher of the war, although the blue is out of blue, but this Awe is never going to change.

"That would be annoying to the master of the crack." Sagarn also brought a respectful speech, and the emptiness of him has a life-saving grace. He remembered that he was still a small missionary at that time, and the master of the emptiness was already in this body.

"Vegathan, you, explore the team, go well." Lucili said to Vijay, and then whispered something, something, the first time, understand?

Vijay knows what this thing is, the treasures that the Armed Chambers have lost, the huge amount of gold coins and treasures, but the most important thing is the remains of her grandfather, which is also the last wish of the incumbent president.

"Sage, I am back!!" Fandal's voice came from outside.

McCullough began to pray for the bear hegemony. Everyone saw that Vandal was slamming into the conference room. There was a cute little bear in the arm with tears and tears. "You are a bastard. I used to steal me honey. Now I even I have to steal, can't steal, and kidnap. You let me go! Let me go!!"

Vandal stunned it with a punch, then calmly sat in his position. "Sorry, I missed some meetings, mainly to find my good friends to join the disaster."

Sagan looked at the little bear who was fainting on the table, and the emerald roared?

Xifeilishis grabbed his forehead, and people were not your good friends. I didn’t know how many times I came here. I thought of the palace and the shadow dragon, and I sighed deeply, but the emerald roared. If you join the city of their goddess, it is not a small amount, you must know that its strength is very strong, just that Van der Daer's temper is just its nemesis, and he is a headache for this little bear. It almost immunizes all elemental magic, including mental magic, and it is proficient in natural growth, especially in cultivating this aspect, but it has no faith and is unwilling to leave Jade Forest.

"Old Fan, is this bear willing to join us?" Ye Cang asked.

"For the time being, I believe that I can influence his inner justice."

"Your friend will definitely understand that the meeting is over and take it to the temple, let the elders use him to influence him. If he still disagrees, he will continue to give more love until he truly feels our love." There was a very good smile, and all the people in Sagar had a bitter smile.

"If he finally refused?" Shakespeare whispered.

"Nothing, big deal, smashed, and the skin gave me a shawl, leaving a little soup to fill the body of Vera Lily." Ye Cang smiled, everyone sucked a cold breath.

"Just kidding." Ye Cang continued, but Yan Mei and others shook their heads.

Veraly just listened to jokes, a little unhappy, licked her mouth and continued to eat her own big legs.

The basic team of the expedition team determined that the rest was only the scheduling problem, which quickly ended and decided that the departure period was the day after tomorrow.

After the princes left the conference room, they heard the screams of bears coming from them, and they chose silence. On the second day of the regular meeting, they saw the spirited bear bully attending the meeting. The identity is the goddess. The elders and auspicious ambassadors of the city, looking at Ye Cang’s eyes full of fear and awe, often come up with a mantra “Don’t eat me.”

Before the Northern Expedition started, Ye Cang personally prepared the ingredients to be entertained by many powerful and weighty people, while Aili was responsible for other officers and men. Originally, Zhemei and others wanted to go directly to Aili, but watched him take it out. The body of Wulong, silently covering his face, this is definitely a permanent attribute, and when I watched Ye Cang constantly take out the super rare ingredients he has always collected, I know that this guy is going to be real. .

"I think these leaders are not necessarily able to live to the Northern Expedition." Jun Mo asked to sigh.

"Not necessarily, Captain, this time, it is a discount. A lot of things are the rare ingredients that he collected from the novice village." Senior veteran team Ice Cloud still recognizes the biochemical private of Ye Cang's collection. Goods.

"Le Le's heart is a bit awkward." Lin Lehe prayed, Zhang Zhengxiong saw some of the body fluids of Slime BOSS come out, silently closed his eyes, and finished all. .

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