Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 949: Heart of the six gods

The huge eye of the Arcane slowly broke away, and the Thunder was like the electric dragon that was found rushing to the eye of the Arcane. The Assen Roche pulse exploded in the sky, and there was no more in the past. It’s just a huge thunder whirlpool covered by clouds. The five goddesses who share the pressure feel the enormous energy blending into the body’s crazy and greedy absorption. Unlike the power of faith, this is the real power! Direct and incomparably pure! Because they have been tempered by Asen Roche, the spiritual characteristics of Asen Roche are transformation and bonding, which is also the characteristic of arcane, transforming energy into different substances or energies, which is why the magician is awe The reason for it, no matter what the school's mage, always learns the knowledge of arcane, which is to strengthen the knowledge of fire, thunder, dark, light, earth, wind, water, etc., because compound magic must have arcane Knowledge can be displayed. If it is rejected by Asen Roche, it means that the magic of the compound system cannot be applied. Even if it can be displayed, it will be greatly reduced.

In the eyes of Lu Jiaxi and other super-magicians, arcane is the knowledge of the essence of the elements. As Ason Roche does now, it uses the power of the robbery of God to distribute its transformation to other goddesses. This is the horror of Asen Roche. He is the last one in the Yuanling, but every elemental magician has to master its energy rules more or less. The reason why Agaros makes the magician tremble is because he Can pry into the essence, use the Arcane to cut off the fit between the magician and the element, and then unilaterally slaughter, once in his own eyes, the great wizard of the great master of the world, on that day let me see the magic The teacher is fragile and unbearable.

Lu Jiaxi secretly, must win the relationship with the city of the goddess, the headquarters moved over, let me talk about it, he will definitely let himself build a mage college and a tower here.

Asen Roche looked at Agaros and Feng Quan "Give you some gifts, as my faithful believers!"

An arcane singularity shot into the eyes of Agaros, a spherical lightning shot into the body of the wind fist, both of them have undergone tremendous changes, and the lightning of the war fist of the wind fist is like the thunder of God. And the shape of the eye of the Arcane in the left eye of Agaros solidified inside, and the two rushed to kneel "Thank you for the supreme reward of my Lord!!"

Onoya threw her bow to Linda, and the necklace gave Vera Lily. The trick is simple and rude. It directly gives McCullough the power of the demigod and its own character. "Thanks to the guardian of the millennium. This is what I can give you when I find my strength, Saclogas..."

I remembered the boy named Sakologas, holding a beautiful picture of flowers laughing at me. When I was abandoned by all believers, only he worked hard to go, when all the flowers were dying. At that time, the one that is not gorgeous but still blooming is really the most beautiful.

Marus gave her head to Marunia, and Ames restored the blade of the Moon to its true form. As a form of artifact, Ronas knew that Vandal’s dragon soul was a shadow dragon, but He didn't know that the Shadowmoon Dragon didn't really matter with me at all. It didn't even have anything to do with the moon. It just had a pattern that resembled Haoyue, but this kind of mind she still really felt, and the soul of her own relationship. There is only one, Haoyue, but it is extinct, but fortunately, he has retained its soul as a solace, and the dragon soul and the moon are combined, and Vandal feels like he has become stronger! Thank you very much for Ronas.

Sagarn, Utis is a little envious of watching the goddess to send welfare, even the newly-joined bear hegemony has been recognized by Ronas, giving his own strength.

"Good friend, how, I am not treating you badly." Vandal picked up the emerald bear.

"Oh, yeah, huh, huh." The bear tyrant said and then looked at the mantra that Ye Cang couldn't help but said "Don't eat me."

Ye Cang looked at the six goddesses above, and the smile became more and more strange. Did you forget someone? . If I really forget it, I will be good, slow, and long-term to remind you.

The six goddesses felt the familiar chill.

"Of course there are our great sages!!" The most eagerly awaiting love.

Sagarn, and Udys couldn't help but stunned, and then thought, whether he was wrong, the great sage, this is the order of the next believer, but the goddess did not say, everyone Most of the feelings are auditory hallucinations, and Agalos, Shakespeares and other people smiled bitterly. This is really not what you got wrong. The goddess of the goddess of love did not react.

Asen Roche did not say anything. He took all the weapons of Ye Cang except the rifle and looked back at the Alabachian Staff. He had an idea in his heart. The other goddesses also knew what he was going to do, and the staff and weapons. The center of the eye of Arcane received the baptism of God's robbery, and finally all melted into a chaotic color metal ball, which was returned to him. The six gods said the same thing. "This is the gift I gave you!"

If you don't look at so many people outside, it is estimated that there will be a baptism of God.

Heart of the Six Gods · Cang Xue (artifacts · ??? · exclusive · Cang Xue · Asen Roche · Miao Miao · Onoya Marus · Ems · Rhonas)

category:? ? ?

Demand: Cang Xue

Demand attribute: none

Occupational needs: none

There are 6 kinds of artifacts in this weapon: Asen Roche O'Sharp, Onoya's hunting bow, 珈妙·花器, Marouse·Green Gun, Ai Musi·Ronas·Shuangyue·Hengyue·Yueyue .

The weapon has a chaotic attribute that can grow and swallow.

The artifact non-skill attribute of each weapon of the weapon will exist for the holder (that is, the attribute of the above six artifacts, not the property of the artifact is not switched to it, but the sum of the gestures is the sum, only the skill To switch to that position to use)

Ye Cang looked at the chaotic ball and nodded with satisfaction, but also wide, I guess you know.

Sagain, Lenic looked at the chaotic metal ball suspended by Ye Cang, and there was a lot of power in the gods. This is the artifact that the six gods rewarded him. The rise of the goddess city seems inevitable, and Sagarn secretly said, After the result of the Northern Expedition, it is necessary to target the city of the goddess. The Lord of Light should not sit idly by, but it is good for the Northern Expedition and is now put down. . . This **** of robbing did not expect it to be the supply of Asen Roche, the Arcane spirit. . Hey, why does Asen Roche protect the city of the goddess, if not the spirit, he is not so scrupulous.

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