Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 958: 珈妙露恩希

The death gorge, the final mobilization begins.

"The front is the big desert, the warriors!! For the sake of life! Enter the great desert!!!" Ye Cang pulled out the kitchen knife and pointed to the big desert in front, and the expedition team went ahead, and then the land continued to be destroyed by various forces. The league, the name is still Ye Cangqi, and Ye Cang in the middle of the team by McCullo, Shakespeares, Agaros, Virgin Vallar, Vandal Dragon Soul, Bear Bambard, Ma Luna is protected.

McCullo looked at the non-stop licking legs of Vera Lily, remembering the night before the mobilization of the assembly in the temple.

"I said that we also have a goddess in this goddess alliance. I think there are saints in the church, there are saints in the Holy See, there are also dark temples, and there are also steel empire, even the sacrificial association has a saint." "Ye Cang punishes the admiration of the slogan in the temple of the goddess, letting him kneel on the ground, and then sitting on his back and cocking his legs, and on the side of Shakespeares, Agaros could not bear to overdo it. The bear bully has shook on the side of the pillar, and this person is horrible.

"Sage adult, what do you have?" Marus looked at the loved mousse sitting as a chair. I don't know why I was a little envious, and my heart was a little uncomfortable.

"It must be outstanding in appearance and ability to be extraordinary. It is best to show the style of the goddess alliance." Ye Cang's words made Shakespeare's heart secretly, wouldn't it be me? The goddesses are all looking at Shakespeares, one of the most beautiful women recognized in the mainland.

"So I decided to let Verali take the role of a saint." Ye Cang's words made the goddess stunned, and they all looked at Vera Lily who used the bucket to pour the hodgepodge into his mouth.

"Why?" Asen Rosh also paid a little attention. Ye Cang pulled Vera Li next to Ronas "is it more beautiful than usual?"

Other goddesses have beheaded, including the still-loving Ames, who are eager to flatter. "The sages are really insightful, and their eyes are like a torch. Like the Lord of Truth, I am convinced."

The five goddesses looked at her indifferently, and they were not ashamed. .

Ye Cang is obviously very useful, pull it up and pat the gray on the buttocks. "Okay, I am also a small punishment to slap your back, go back."

"Vila Lili." Ye Cang shouted.

“The city owner is an anecdote?” Vera Lily began to eat vegetables in barrels of tons.

"From today on, it is not only my guard, but also the saint of our goddess city." Ye Cang seals the way.

"Do you eat more?" Willa Li does not understand the saint, but she knows that eating more is good.

"Of course, the food you eat doubles, eat it at night during the day, you can sleep and eat! As long as you want! The meat tube is enough, the food is full!" Ye Cang is the favorite of the staff of Vera Lily. Although I have eaten a lot, but there are many people doing it. During the day, I rented the guys who had no money for the flowers in the temple of the martial arts, and they did not want to pay back the money. They did not show up to the three major martial arts. Open, do not dare to let her open the **** ban.

"Since you are our six-year-old saint, this is my gift to you." Asen Rosh shot an odd number into the body of Vera Lily, Vera Li’s forehead with the mark of the eye of the Arcane and then disappeared. Ruth made a round crown with vines, and let it be filled with all kinds of beautiful flowers, brought her, Aimus and Ronas gave Verali the bimonthly knight's function, and finally Onoya again Give her a drop of her wild blood into the blood.

At this time, Vera Lisa made a linen wide-brimmed dress with flowers, a crown on the head, a shofar, a swelled and half-shouldered facial, and a shouting of the shrine. I was satisfied with my dress and continued to sit on the floor and start eating. The barreled fruit is poured into the mouth.

McCulllo retracted his thoughts and looked at the saints of other great churches. Then he looked at the saint who asked himself to eat the whip of some kind of creature. He sighed, and there was only one less she was all the saints. The most able to fight, the round singled out here can not retreat from her hands, the cell on the head of the battle of Wu Sheng Lian Qi has not disappeared yet, the key of this skull is thick and surprising, feel her The layer of fat is the same as the artifact. I once ran to me and stole the fruits of the plants I planted. I fell asleep. I tried to stab her with a golden rose, but I couldn’t pass the broken skin. Fat, she doesn't feel it.

Ye Cang sat on the sofa carrying the back of Vera Lily and threw a boss-level bear roast. Vladily sniffed his nose and opened his mouth to the end of the mouth and sat down with satisfaction. He continued to swing and sway.啃 Various whip, legs, wings, thorns look at him below, I feel that we are evil forces, this guy is the kind of attempt to control the goddess with conspiracy, and then dominate the mainland to let everyone and God The one who eats his life is not as good as death, the death is not as good as death. Other people’s natural disasters at least do not afflict the same family. If they are big, they will become the dark world, but if they do, they will die, live, and even have one element. I want to run.

Of course, Yan Mei thinks that there is some exaggeration, but Ye Cang does promote his cooking to every part of the world, to feel the joy brought by food, and to bless the **** of food.

As we enter the desert, the temperature is getting higher and higher, the sun is getting more and more glaring, and the skin is tingling, and the water evaporates quickly. Salien reminds everyone that they must save drinking water. Just add the necessary, just find the next oasis and don't know how long it is! Because the outermost oasis is discovered before, it is likely to disappear into a desert in a short time.

The wonderful temple on the death canyon, Yu Miao is far from the expeditionary army such as Ye Cang who is farther and farther away. . In my heart, I made a decision silently. I went back to the city of the goddess and came to the plantation. I took the sapling of the tree of the world and called Marus and Onoya.

"I want to give a gift to the sages." He said with a smile, Marus saw what was in her hand and understood what it was. " Count me, Onofia bleeds."

"And bloodletting again. During this time I feel that I have not stopped bleeding." Onoya complained, but still cut his hand, Maruss injected his natural source into the saplings and blood, and began to guide the birth. As the plot in the magic beans, the saplings began to grow wildly, and the cliff behind the temple rose from the towering tree. Asen Rosh looked at the past, the tree of the world! ? The power of the wonderful is really terrifying. . But he looked at the flowers around her beloved, and she was also sorrowful. She knew the love of flowers, and she brought her favorite flowers to power.

Xifelisis suddenly looked back at the city of the goddess, McCullough just smiled gratifiedly, everyone looked back and saw a growing tree growing up in the Black Front Mountains, straight into the sky, Ye Cangzheng It’s on the sofa, facing the back. “There are a few moths that are doing something, don’t be a bad thing, or don’t think about it when you go back.”

Ye Cang’s whispered words made McCullo sigh and said, “The president, that is the tree of the world, with its shelter, Heifengshan will be the same as Anagarth, and it is Northern barrier"

McCullough just slightly magnified the sound just to hear Hefeilithis, I saw that she did not speak, and her face was a little bad. The sacredness of Anajiahir was her pulse, and it was about to appear soon, no, yes. The new holy land that will inevitably emerge, this blow to the goddess of life is not small, but now it is the attitude of the alliance, can not turn his face, can only hope that the goddess of life can manage the three filial goddess.

Eric feels that his chance is coming.

Sinar and the great prince also felt the sense of crisis, and looked at the frown of Ye Chou, who was sitting on the sofa and reading a book.

The growth of the tree has not slowed down, the branches of the sky are blossoming wildly, the canopy, the vines are like huge arches walking through the mountains, the beasts are screaming, the thousand birds are in harmony, and the Heifeng Mountains have become like the land of wonderland.

"Sage is an adult, please name it." McCullo is awe and awe.

Ye Cang knows that this is the old man's more serious look, awe-inspiring "is your bud, or come by you, Saclogas."

McCullough did not expect to let himself be named, and he was calling his own surname, resisting the impulse and emotion of the old tears, and looking at the tree of the world in the distance, saying, "珈妙露恩希."

"The wonderful glory." Hifilissis looked at McCullo, and it was his bud for the tree of the world. He really missed the best botanical magician in the mainland and sighed deeply. I did not care to continue and march toward the planned route.

Kailong smiled and the trees of the world were all out. Is this to be independent in the north? Claire and Azshara secretly pressed against the treasure. Claire secretly thought that his viscount was still given by me. He did not give him a back door behind him. He raised his old man in the tree of the world. This is good. Azshara has some categories. Are we half-elf also sheltered by the tree of the world? Hands clasped together, meditation in the heart, Alukas, Rocas, Alna, multi-nano (the half-elf elegy: strong fire, never extinguished, the darkness has passed, the dawn is approaching.).

Salien is even more embarrassed. Humans and creatures retreat to the tree of the world several times to counterattack. The sacredness of Anagarth (never degenerate) is the consensus of all forces, no matter how they will never encroach there, and this new It’s not the key to the application of this condition. The reason why the tree of the world is so important is because of its own spiritual support and shelter. It is very difficult to win the support of the tree of the world. The Mozu, the Scourge, and the Dragons failed to break through the final barrier of Anagarth, but the tree of the world here is a good thing for humans and creatures. The last shelter has one more place, and it is still black. The Fengshan Mountains are easy to defend and difficult to attack.

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