Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 961: Honey and water

On the eleventh day, the water was completely gone. In order to stabilize the army, the magicians used water magic, but in the desert, the ice system magic discount was not a little bit, and the water system in the desert was above the elite magician. However, it is still able to spend a day or two. On the twelfth day, the position is west again. The morale is falling. On the thirteenth day, the east is in the east. Everyone is going to collapse. They have come up with spar to make the leaves clear water. Magic The teacher has no extra magical power to wash his face. It is a day. On the fourteenth day, the direction of the west, Sagarn can't stand it. This is the first time I feel that there is no way, thinking about it. Instead of using the Word of God to send the Holy See first, go back.

Finally, at the proposal of Ye Cang, the spar on the scepter of the light was taken into a large amount of water, and there was no gems on Lu Jiaxi’s staff. All the people who had the spar were taken by the leaves of Cang. Then, the blood in the wheelbarrow was spent two days. On the seventeenth day, the south of the direction, the people really did not have the strength to go, even the players did not have water supply, the life value began to no longer recover, the physical strength was greatly Reduced, caught in a lot of negative state, life-threatening.

Sagarn looked at the dying Virgin Finna, took out the holy script and was ready to go, otherwise they all died here. Although there was no water, Ye Cang was still calmly drinking the spar blisters, and McCallot’s eyes were dry. The nest went in, watching the fakes in Ye Cang’s hands sighing. “The president, or let’s go back, you have the sanctuary to take us away.”

"That's okay." Ye Cang is also preparing to open the sanctuary with the elders. As long as these people are not dead, the loss of the goddess association is not too big. As for the thorns, the emperor or something, hangs up and hangs back, You should be able to come back after dozens of deaths.

"The other way is to sacrifice some people and use their blood to pave the way." Uddis was weak, the Yanyang above made it difficult for her to move around, and the magic began to break down. The sky can't support it for so long.

Just as everyone was desperate, Ye Cang began to sing back to the curse of the sanctuary. Lenchi shouted from the sand dune on one side, "Oasis!!! I saw the arrow of Linda Ranger."

Everyone rushed in the direction of the oasis, like the returning light. Although Velali was not hungry, she really needed water, and the stride of the meteor brought sandstorm. Ye Cang quickly shrank to the sofa and lay down to avoid eating sand, green and oily. In the oasis, there are huge freshwater lakes. Linda shakes the overlord's milk and waves at everyone. At this time, she is like a real goddess. Everyone has only love and respect for her, and the goddess who brought her life back, Vera Lily Flying into the lake, the water spray exploded, Ye Cang also rushed into the water like a fish to dive and then add water, the clear water of the lake makes everyone look at him like a fish into the water, this guy is the same as the fish, It is the great shaman of the fisherman.

But soon Ye Cang became more and more deep and disappeared into the eyes of everyone. Shakespeare was shocked and could not lose the trace of the city owner! What if he was in distress, he also jumped into the hydration for the moonlight. The depth of the lake made Ye Cang very surprised. It was a hundred meters, and the fish was very rich. The sand at the bottom of the water made him Very concerned, because there are signs of living things, and this sign is very obvious, open the identification.

昊龙龟(The legendary creature, the great desert, the huge, the scene leader): In the big desert, there is a kind of dragon that is the body of the oasis, which refers to the dragon turtle, which wanders in the big desert to find the water source, once the groundwater is found or stable The water source will stay and sleep for a long time. Its body is huge. The dragon is like a baby. Its scales and shells are one of the hardest and most impact-resistant materials in the world. Even the gods can hardly hurt it. The irritating consequences are unimaginable. Generally speaking, the creature's offensive desire is very weak, and no edible parts are found. .

God beast! ? But God is hard to hurt it. It is estimated that there is no drama. Go back, Ye Cang rushed to the surface of the water.

After going up, Ye Cang looked around and started camping to build the station, the fortress and the supply station, and said the things of the dragon turtle below and everyone.

"I thought the legend about it was fake. Don't worry about it. It's the same as the cover of the vast ocean swamp. As long as you don't deliberately hurt it, it won't take care of you, and we have more advantages in stationing here. One, the real disaster has been hit, and we have to measure it. There is no way for God to take it.” Safranus’s dry voice laughed.

"The gods of the gods of the Titans before the dusk, there are nine sons of the wrath of the gods, and Geise is one of them. But because of the unforgivable sin, he was cursed by the king of God and has been wandering in the ocean from the ancient times." Sagarn said the story in the Holy See.

"What sin?"

"The sin of the aunt." Utis feels a few hundred years younger after adding water, and caressing his smooth cheek skin. "But the story is not the same as the old man. The secret book is recorded in marriage. The disaster was caused by the three sons, the two of whom were born by the same mother, but although Gaiser was a younger brother, but his power was very strong, he was caused by awkwardness. He killed his mother and then blamed Gais, so the sky wrath would cover. The curse of the sorrow was forever exiled to the vast ocean swamp. It was precisely because it was the vast ocean swamp, and the things after the shackles were discovered. The wrath of the sky thought of Gay’s poor wandering in the vast ocean swamp, and it has not changed. After the sorrow and anger, the scorpion turned into a place where the turtles flowed to the place where there is no water, that is, the great desert."

Utis twisted his hair. "Our teachings are very detailed on Skywrath and his nine sons. No one has a good end. Nine sons have been cursed by him five times, and they have killed two or two. Two are the main murderers who directly led the gods to the dusk. In order to overthrow him, they directly invested in the embrace of the **** of evil spirits, which led to the fall of the gods of the Titans and accelerated the birth of the new god, which is the birth of the spirit. And the gods born with the same origin, completely replaced the fallen Titan gods, and in the evenings of the gods, defeated the evil gods, the demon gods, the empty angels and other evil beliefs, if you are interested, then You can pour in our dark temple to be a guest, the books are just for you to see, and I will receive you well."

"Well, go back and talk about it." Ye Cang nodded. He was more recognized for Utis, stupid and cute.

Hifilithis also eased, the most tormented is their elves, in this desert is a torment, but finally found the oasis, or else have to use the purpose of life.

Eric was favored by Ye Cangqing to build the city defense in the east and was appointed as one of the logistics supervisors. He had real powers, which made the great emperor and Sinar very uncomfortable. They began to suffer all kinds of martyrdom, but they were repeatedly suppressed by Ye Cang and the other side understood. When it came to the importance of water, Ye Cang filled his chef's props and faucets with water. The water level of the whole lake began to drop by ten meters. Saga looked at the faucet. "Is this water storage capacity so strong? You How to store water when you start?!"

"Forget it, I usually put the spar water inside. This time I am full, I will be practical." Although Ye Cang did not feel too much water shortage, it was a bit scary to see the surrounding life. of.

Ye Cang looked at sleep fishing Lin Legang wanted to look at the box, but immediately surrounded by dozens of people, silently returned to his commander's wooden house to teach Shaqi Liques how to squeeze the chest to make it look bigger than usual A lot, the side of McCallo's beard is tilted up, pretending to check the screening of seeds, Agaros just closed his eyes and rest, full of brains is the shackles of Asen Roche, the bear bully holds the water tank 蹭 蹭, Fan Dahl began to make tea for himself, and took out a little honey from the emerald eucalyptus. Looking at the bear tyrant to reveal the fangs is very gnashing, it is my honey. . mine. . mine. . You robber. .

"This honey can be used, it is baked on the meat, and Willari loves it." Ye Cang's words made some of the snoring Veraly woke up and nodded. "Like, like!"

"There are a lot of bears there." Fan Daer’s words made Ye Cang look at the bear bully and smile.

The bear hegemony took a bottle from the half-moon bag in the chest and handed it over. Ye Cang kept smiling. "It’s too stingy. Everyone is a believer in the temple, and must have dedication."

"Oh.." The bear tyrant trembled and took out three more bottles. Ye Cang shook his head and said, "You are not jealous."

Then start to sharpen the knife "Old Fan, wait for you to help me hold it down, I intend to live."

When I heard the sharpening of the knife, Vera suddenly rose again. "Would you like to eat that bear!? I want to drink the broth of the bones!!"

The bear bully quickly turned over the half moon bag and pour it out, dozens of bottles of jade and honey, watching the leaves of the sky snarl "nothing."

"The bear elder is really the mascot endorsement of our goddess association. This dedication is worthy of praise!" Ye Cang collected all the honey and took out a bottle and handed it it as a reward.

McCullo and Shakespeare feel cruel. .

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