Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 988: Offended crime

Isca Fanda Capital City, Shami, at the meeting because Shami is a respected name of the goddess Shaqina, has now been renamed Tia, meaning the water of the desert.

"I have already informed Leslie to inform Marshal Salion of their news here, and pass the knowledge of the disaster to the past. There is also a meeting there, I will see." Utis obtained through spiritual connection. Leslie’s five senses “Salien’s meaning is to let the war martial arts sacred, and the elders of Vandal, who are gradually revitalizing, come over together, let us consider whether to form a crusade, and the airship is ready to build a route supply.”

"How is the exploration team?" Ye Cang asked Utis.

Utis asked through Leslie's body.

"I haven't come back yet. From the search for the information left by the expedition team, this oasis is not easy to find." Uddis replied to Ye Cang.

Saron knew that the expedition team was looking for an oasis to tell that there was a hidden underground oasis in that direction. It was also a relic of the ancient gods, but it was also dangerous at the same time. The area was full of king-level sandworms and unknown threats. They are also one of the most dangerous places in the desert, the underground oasis ruins Esso.

Knowing that the general orientation of Salien was sent to the expedition team, he also knew that Iskarfida was merged into the goddess association to become a country. This is really the world in the north, Kairon you thought 'Friend' may be your biggest 'enemy', and it is also the biggest hidden danger of the steel empire. That position has caught the border between the two countries.

"Well, we have discussed the formation of the crusades. Since we know the enemy's stronghold, it makes no sense to let it go... What do you think of the specific plan?" Ye Cang rarely made a normal proposal.

"Oh, incompetent." Bucknen snorted, and McCullough looked at Ye Cang and was not angry. It seems that he is getting mature.

"Xiao Wei, take him." Ye Cang smiled lightly.

Veraly, a tiger jump, Bakken pulled the sword unsuccessful, and was put on the neck by Shakespeare's moon, and Verla's hands were like a prisoner's iron tongs. The brow suddenly rose to "the commander of Cang Xue, I hope you can forgive Bakken's careless words."

"Why?" Ye Cang stood up and smiled and walked towards Buckn.

The virgin just wanted to use magic, and the eyes of Agaros's corpse made her full of cold and could not cast a spell.

"Buckern leader, I have given you the face of Sagarn Pope many times, but I don't care about you, but now here! First of all, I am the chief conductor here. Secondly, Sagarn is not here, can't protect you, wow, I am a few big. In the case of King Kong, you dare to talk back to me..." Ye Cang smiled and slowly bucken's index finger up, which is one of his favorite things to torture opponents, but not killer. Repeatedly cut off the fingers, and then he was cured to continue the cycle.

Saron, Baruto can only look at the side, neither side dare to offend, accurately said that only the team Ye Cang side, at most not obvious and the Holy See, but the two have a knowledge of Ye Cang A new one, watching Udyss pleasing smile, it seems that the goddess association is close to the dark temple, Bai Liewu Sheng sighed "Cang Xue, the general commander, but also hope that you forgive Bakken's offense, After all, it is still in the battle."

"Since it is a hundred martial arts sacred for you, I will forgive you, apologize to me." Ye Cang's hand squeezed the broken finger and screwed the cap like a screw, the pain of severe pain made Bucken cold sweat Go straight, don't look over the nod of the saint, twisted his brow and said, "The chief commander is the following prisoner, and I hope you forgive.".

Ye Cang signaled that Verali loosened him, and then calmly returned to the position, as if nothing had happened. "Where did you just say? We continue."

The lion and tiger princes were also stunned by Ye Cang’s move, but they did not cut off their fingers. This is the common criminal law on the orc side, but the focus is on his direct crusade against one of the three chiefs of the Holy See. Commanding Bakken on the lynching, or in front of the saint, this is to openly say that I am not giving the Holy See face.

The brightest daughter Finna stared at Ye Cang, especially when she looked at Utis, who despised the contemptuous eyes and burned in anger, but could not attack. .

At the meeting, Bakken did not speak, kept silent, and the other side decided to go to crusade, but after waiting for Lenchi and Vandal, after all, there are several legendary heroes who have died, but fortunately there is Agalos, Tia. All the circumstances are interfered by his pulse. The enemy can't know all the conditions of this range of Tia. It is even more difficult to use the spy-like magic. Once used, it will definitely be countered by the magic curse in the eyes of the Arcalus Arcane. This counter-attack is very scary. Once cursed, lightly hurt, and then go to the magic to annihilate the magic.

Every day, Salon and Vans, Baruto and the people explain the true face and message of the great desert. Of course, as the leader of the Iskan Fanda Royal Magician, Vans is the longest person here. He is the most understanding of the great desert. The people’s own discovery, the oasis of the great desert began to change from a hundred years ago. At the beginning, the undead creatures began to appear but only a small amount, so they did not pay attention, but gradually one after another oasis began to disappear. There are hundreds of oasis fixed a hundred years ago, but now there are only a few dozens. The other more than 100 oases are like jokes in the desert. They are regularly dry, appearing regularly in other places, and the undead are getting more and more. Iskarfanda is overwhelmed and more and more people are dying from dehydration and migration.

"Wait, that is to say that the preparations for natural disasters have been nearly a hundred years." McCullan thought, it was enough preparation.

"It is worth mentioning that the ring of Yanyang can also be occupied." Fansi’s words made everyone stunned. I have heard that the heat of the ring of Yanyang is terrible, comparable to magma, and people will vaporize.

"Star of Heaven, War Boxing, Ring of Yanyang, Natural Disaster..." Agaros has a bad feeling, but it is still uncertain.

Ye Cang knows from the mouth of the disaster that the stronghold of the cult is in the desert of the west, but just in the reef bay deep in the northwest occupied by the Alabachian tribe, Utis uses Leslie to inform Minos of his own plan. Where a fortress is established, it is possible to cross the sea and let people take the airship line of Haisha Village. Then they will take the boat there and hoard a strange soldier to launch a deadly surprise attack from the enemy's side.

Ye Cang’s general idea made Utis sigh the importance of the sea line. He let the twin guards of the Dark Temple go there. The Holy See is estimated to also emit the ace of the jihadist knight. Other inland forces are expected to expel some elite smugglers. In the past, this squadron has been used up, and the liberation of the whole country from the north to the south is half-circle, and the odds will be much larger.

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