Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 991: Baihualou

Yan Han yarn personally received the people to go to Yiming Mountain, which is the venue of the Youth Budo Conference. After entering the mountain gate, the Han Han yarn, the thorn Mei indicated that he got off the bus. From here on, he could not use the car and must walk.

Everyone got off the bus and began to walk. There was still interference in the middle of the battle. The smoke and cold yarn knew the road. What's more, there was Lin Liang. This kind of legal array is not good for him.

Liu Suncao has no feelings about the surroundings. From time to time, there are female disciples passing by to let the three people care.

The main peak mountain road is a dragon, everywhere is rare vegetation and herbs and other plants, and sometimes can see the boy collecting medicine, which makes Zhang Zhengxiong, Lin Le feel what martial arts drama is watching.

"This is to be alchemy?" Zhang Zhengxiong curious.

"Well, these boys are the drug children of Tianxingu. Every year, they just took part in this time and picked some unique herbs to go back to refining the medicinal herbs." The smoked cold nodded.

"Alchemy, I feel very interesting." Zhang Zhengxiong muttered, Lin Le also felt a mysterious feeling.

"I am going to teach you when you have time." Lin Liang laughed, Lin's alchemy books are still here, and they are not even rumored, one is the descendant of Wuxiong, and the other is the descendant of Lin Xiaoge.

"Can you practice the kind of Dan with special aphrodisiac?" XV asked.

"Of course, there are still quite a few." Lin Liang shook the feather fan and smiled.

"You are a bit more useful than this." The adventure group was pleased.

XV appointed Lin Liang as the alchemy division of the adventure group while the position of the military division remained unchanged. Lin Liang "...".

Lin Liang looked at Ye Chuangqiao and he was still a descendant of Ye Tianyi. This is not a fake. He really has the mature gene of Ye Tianyi’s original void, and the person who made him is really big. This kind of thing dare to try, how many kinds of genes are combined in the end, Linlin, Linsen, Ye Tianyi, the first generation of the adam series, other kinds of void creatures, in order to compile these things together, afraid of experimentation, sacrifice How much. . Hey, you are guilty.

When the Shoushan people saw the smoke and cold yarn, they showed the brand of Liujia. The thorn rose also showed the brand of the Qin family. It was released into the top of the mountain. The top of the mountain was unusually wide. The center was the platform of the contest, and the competition was written. Inside is a sect, and the book is Baihualou.

"Here is the place where Baihua·Yujia gathers ten and mobilizes the worldly customs."

“虞家?” Zhang Zhengxiong asked.

"Hidden World Three Doors, Tianjian·Linjia, Demon Gate, Shenjia, Baihua·Yujia, these three esoteric worlds have incomparable influence. Among them, the family is the three gates that handle ten and some things. It seems that it was forcibly introduced by Lin’s family and Shen’s family hundreds of years ago.” Yan Hansi continued.

"In addition to this, there is also a door, the swordsman." Lin Liang's addition makes the smoke cold horror, the name of the sword is probably not heard of the rose, this is the master's upper level will know.

"Uncle, cousin, XV, Xiao Wang is here." Yan Mei indicated that everyone would sit at the Qin family and have a snack.

Everyone sat down, waiting for some boring, everyone put the table together, began to play board games, thorns want to spray two words to stop, Qin Zhong stopped the smile "Do indeed wait for boring, with them."

Yan Mei saw Grandpa say so, decisively go to the corner.

The other Zongmen people were also on the scene and watched Ye Cang and others who were making loud noises and playing board games. The brows were slightly wrinkled. Among them, a young and handsome young man from Zhangjia Zhang’s family, Zhang Xingtong, was cold and cold. Education can be said..."

Liu Sun Cao Huang Ye Zhang Lin Jia naked inside Qi Qi looked badly.

"Who taught him?" Sun Quan played a quiet ambush.

"I am coming, you are trying to estimate that the action is too big." Jia Wei looked at him, his eyes like the wolf king in the desert in the wolf corpse bones, cold and incomparable.

Zhang Xingtong suddenly felt that he was not under his control. The coagulation knife pulled out the long knife of the wing and turned to the sky to ask the third knife and the third knife. Where is the grave! Knife straight to his master, the 50-year-old Zhang Wenzhi waved his hand to cut off his blade knife directly, and then glared at Ye Cang's side. "You are too stingy."

Zhang Xing Tongqiang exercised a third knife to force the coma.

"Wow, Wenhe, people say you are stingy." Liu Bei is equipped with a curry stick to prepare for the big move.

Jia Wei looked at Zhang Wenzhi and sneered and said, "I am dying."

Everyone looked at Zhang Wenzhi and began to point the knife at himself.

Zhang Wenzhi is in a big heart, can't control his body, and constantly tries to control his own hands, but he can only watch the blade get closer and closer to his throat. So hanging! ? That is Zhang Wenzhi. The current Zhang Jiajia advocates Wen Yuan’s younger brother, Jia Jia Ge, who is still under his mercy.

When Jia Zhang saw the thorns and pleaded, he did not continue to separate himself with his flurry. "I was joking with him."

The representatives of other Zongmen are somewhat numb to this side. Is this the separation of the Qin family? The gray-haired Tang suits had no action and let Zhang Wenzhi almost cut himself. They no longer read more.

At this time, Zhang’s family had just arrived, watching Zhang Xingtong’s distraction, Zhang Wenzhi, who was frowning and panicking. After asking about Ye Cang’s side, he was different from Zhang Wenzhi and noticed the horror there. When Qin Zhong’s old guy came from here to the clan, he was so humble, how old the old things were, and who didn’t know. It seems that the man with gray hair is not small, maybe Hidden people in the three gates, and the people who are separated are the old friends. "Reliance your own competition, don't regenerate things."

Zhang Wenyuan began to treat Zhang Xingtong, and looked at Zhang Wenzhi and shook his head. "You don't dare to say that Qin Zhong is too big. You dare to pick things up. Is there any eyesight? Besides, don't say anything else, it's just not coming. Qin San, you and I are not his opponents."

Zhang Wenzhi understood his meaning. Sure enough, when he saw Qin Zhong, he looked like a grandson, and so on. "What are they going to attend?"

Zhang Wenzhi's list of candidates, Ye Cang, Qin Zhong's son Qin Sanzhi's daughter-in-law, Zhang Zhengxiong, Qin Sanguanmen's disciple, Lin Le, Qin Sanguanmen two disciples, all are nephews, secret, so shameless .

Liu Jia’s elders here have said to the Han Han yarn that “to go all out and try to meet the white little brothers, you can ask for two tricks, but you must first say that this kid is not light or heavy, hit, a few days I can't pull it out."


Qin Jiazong’s family also looked at the separation. The Qin murder was very shocked to the middle-aged men in the cards. They could not see through their cultivation, and they had Lin’s predecessors. . He knows them? that. . These people are afraid of the origins. . . Didn't think about it, "Qin Yunlong?".

"He greeted the family and played cards there."


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