Pendor Empire In Other Worlds

Vol 2 Chapter 17: remind

After that, Viscount Tiste led Lothar to his living room.

To be honest, compared with Qatarburg, Nuremberg is much inferior in every respect.

Regardless of decoration or size.

But the castle itself is not just a place to live. Its main function is to protect the lord and his people living in it, and to fight against enemies who dare to invade the castle.

There is no doubt that Nuremberg is a military fortress with this function.

When it comes to defense, Nuremberg is probably better than Qatarburg.

After all, the defense of Qatar Fort is mainly done by Qatar City.

After the two were seated separately, the waiter in the castle quickly and smoothly put out fruit snacks and drinks.

"You have worked so hard all the way, come and **** wine and take a break for a while."

Viscount Tiste first raised his glass and said.

"Thank you very much for your hospitality."

Lothar also raised his glass in response.

The two chatted again, but Lothar suddenly sighed, put down the glass and said.

"Hey, to tell you the truth, hearing the news of the appearance of barbarians really made me quite nervous.

You know, my territory is the closest to the Maamoruo Hills. "

Hearing Lothar's concerns, Viscount Tiste often laughed.

"Ha, you don't have to worry too much. The barbarians who appeared this time are only a mere two hundred people. They are able to break through the guard posts, and I am afraid they are taking advantage of the sneak attack.

Calling everyone here this time is just to make everyone more vigilant. Those **** from the province suddenly ran into your territory, causing unnecessary trouble for everyone. "

In these words, it is inevitable to bring some contempt, but I don't know whether it is a barbarian with a slight vision or Lothar.

"It turns out that there are only two hundred people, so it's not worth mentioning."

Lothar's expression suddenly relaxed, and his tone seemed rather arrogant.

But for honorable nobles, this attitude is what they deserve.

No, when he heard Lothar's rhetoric, Viscount Tiste nodded with satisfaction.

"Actually, in the past few months, there have been many wild animals around Leiden Village, including big tigers and brown bears.

When I heard your news, I thought it was the barbarians who drove these beasts over, thinking that there would be many barbarians.

As a result, I didn't expect that there were only two hundred people, ha.

Your Excellency, I think, should we go straight to them and clean them up. "

But this time, Viscount Tiste did not agree, instead he asked questioningly.

"Why, are there many beasts in your territory?"

"Yes, there are still a lot of them. In these two months, I killed nearly a hundred of gray wolves alone. After selling them, I made a lot of money."

Of course this is bragging, and Thiste also knows that he is bragging. This is also a noble attitude.

But even if there are not a hundred wolves, there should still be more than a dozen or dozens of wolves.

This actually caused the Viscount's idea.

"Speaking of which, many beasts have appeared in the villages under my territory, and there have even been several incidents of beasts injuring people. I heard that there are similar situations in the surrounding territories, which is surprising."

"Ha" Lothar waved his hand and smiled, "What's so strange about this. There are no beasts in that part of the Principality.

It's not that the barbarian really drove the beast over. Tsk, barbarians, beasts, it's really a thing. "

"Haha, that's what I said."

Viscount Tiste took another sip from his glass, seeming to have let go of his doubts.

But Lothar knew that he had done the reminder.

If Tist is not stupid, he will always send scouts to continue scouting.

Even if he is really stupid, this reminder can make him a little more psychologically prepared.

The rest is not what Lothar, a man who has only met two sides, can do.

"By the way, you haven't told Morwen Town yet. I don't want to fight for another credit."

Lothar suddenly asked again.

"That's natural, how could I give that kind of white-eyed wolf a chance."

Very good, it seems that Leiden Village can prepare for battle more easily.

In the evening, after having a friendly "aristocratic" communication with the nobles such as Viscount Tiste.

Lothar said goodbye to Viscount Tiste the next day and went to Qatar City again.

In just two days, he walked nearly three hundred miles and entered Qatar City on the evening of the 15th.

After going to Lin Peng's house for a night's rest, he went to see Count Ostard the next morning.

Talking with this wise boss, naturally, you don't need to be as strenuous as Viscount Tiste.

Lothar told the earl of his guess and side evidence very bluntly.

"If it's just my delusion, it's just a matter of investigating it.

But if he really faced a barbarous invasion, how the situation would be corrupted, the count himself knew very well.

In order to be complete, the earl needs to prepare early. "

Finally, Lothar said so.

Count Ostad’s answer was simple, just "I see."

Lothar said no more, and after leaving Qatar Fort, he stayed in the city for three more days.

In three days, he traveled all over the surrounding villages, taking away the cheap and easy-to-storage foods such as wheat, fruits, smoked fish, dried meat, etc., in the inventory.

Especially wheat, this kind of food similar to the wheat of the Principality of Perth, sells extremely cheaply in the system store. 150 bags of 90 kilograms of wheat cost about a hundred dinars at most, and Lothar was packed with 20 inventory.

Once the situation deteriorates and farming this year cannot be carried out normally, this batch of grain will be enough to support the soldiers and civilians of Leiden Village for four to five months.

After that, he left 8 caravan escorts and 6 female mercenaries to the village of Leiden on his own, and hurried back to him.

These soldiers also had the task of transporting the armor he bought from the weapons and armor shops in Qatar City.

Of course, there are few intact or high-quality equipment, most of which are prefixed with rust or dents.

These equipment can be repaired through the blacksmith's house in Leiden Village after paying a sum of dinars, which is not much cheaper than buying intact equipment.

At that time, more than 100 non-system soldiers can be armed, which can be regarded as a supplement to the village's military strength.

For these equipment and food, Lothar has taken all the dinars except for the next month's salary.

But at this time, you shouldn't worry about the unwarranted loss of money.

The most important thing is to be able to quickly increase the strength of the territory.


After meeting Lothar, Earl Ostard received a belated letter, Viscount Tiste reported that he had found traces of the barbarians.

In fact, after drove the savages into the Maamoruo Hills, it is not that there have been no savages in the border area.

Otherwise, the sentry set there would have been revoked long ago.

Just looking at Viscount Tiste’s intelligence, the situation is no different from when the barbarians appeared before.

At most, it was just a sneak attack on an outpost.

But after careful consideration, the earl sent a messenger to order the lords of the border territories to conduct detailed reconnaissance on the hills.

At the same time, he also asked the Grand Duke to send troops to support him.

If the guess is wrong, anyway, you have torn your skin with the Marquis, and the supporting troops can be used to put pressure on the Marquis of Karl Karst.

But if the barbarians are invading in large numbers, this force will be a life-saving straw.

Before he ordered to arrive, Earl Thistle also sent more search teams to the border hills.


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