"That's right, I don't even dare to face, it's not a good thing at first glance, and I beat him with a hidden face."

  "Our young master Feng is the most favored grandson of the envoy of the cloud wind, you should not stir up discord here!".

Chapter 282

  The group of dog-legged servants just wanted to approach and pull Diaochan and the others.

  But it was pushed out by a strong momentum.

  "You still dare to do it, but you clearly didn't take the order of the Space-Time Federation into consideration, arrest me, and put it in the inspection department."

  Relying on his own identity, Feng Shisan wanted to suppress Ye Wudao.

  Lei Yuyan was very angry.

  If he really succeeds, then the Alliance of Time and Space will have a big problem.

  At least if Ye Wudao really wanted to deal with someone, even if Yunfeng was here, he wouldn't dare to disobey Ye Wudao's order.

  "Stop, do you know who he is, even if the envoy of Yunfeng is here, you should honor him as your majesty, Feng Shisan, do you want to make trouble!"

  "Pfft! Your Majesty, why don't you say that Lei Yuyan is the chief alliance leader!"

  Just finished saying this.

  He was surprised to see Lei Yuyan looking at him with the eyes of a dead man.

  But before he could say anything, he saw the sunglasses and hood that Ye Wudao slowly took off, revealing his original face.

  Even surrounded by a golden light, the five-clawed golden dragon robe and the crown inlaid with gems were revealed.

  The crowd that was watching the lively on the whole street suddenly fell silent.

  After a long while.

  The crowd knelt.

  "See Your Majesty the Holy One!"

  "See Your Majesty the Chief Alliance Leader!"

  "you you you......."

  Feng Shisan was stunned.

  Looking at the black man kneeling on the ground, he panicked.

  The dog-legs who had accompanied him just now had already been arrested by the Praetorian Guards.

  "You can't treat me like this, my grandfather is a cloud and wind messenger!"

  Feng Shisan did not dare to struggle, and was honestly tied up.

  Ye Wudao glanced at him lightly, and then signaled to the Imperial Guard to detain him.

  All good moods are destroyed.

  Ye Wudao took the people and teleported back to the palace directly.

  Lei Yuyan opened her mouth, but still didn't speak.

  "What do you want to say~々?"

  Ye Wudao naturally saw it and asked casually.

  Lei Yuyan said with a wry smile: "That Feng Shisan is a dude who has been spoiled since he was a child. The envoy of Yunfeng has no idea how bad his grandson is, and besides the flame, the other four of the five envoys have been in seclusion in the general alliance all the year round. , comprehend the laws of time and space, and contribute to the general alliance of time and space."

  "Feng Shisan, Feng Qi and Lei Yuan are good friends, and I can only be regarded as an illegitimate daughter, so I was abandoned by Lei Meng. Fortunately, the leader of the rain took me in, otherwise..."

  Some past events were talked about by Lei Yuyan.

  Only then did Ye Wudao know why Fengmeng was so hostile to Lei Yuyan. It turned out that there were so many grievances and hatreds in it.

  Otherwise, the water of the Space-Time Alliance is very deep.

  But Ye Wudao didn't care.

  Anyway, with his current status, the five envoys would not attack him at all, nor would they dare to do so.

  The God of Time and Space needs him to complete the task of collecting fragments of the Book of Heaven.

  The least respect is there.

  Ye Wudao also knows this, so he won't do anything to Feng Shisan. At most, let Lei Yuyan record some of the things he has done, and then hand it over to the envoy of Yunfeng for him to discipline himself.

  Most of these saints and saints have bad tempers.

  But Ye Wudao won't get used to their stinky problems.

  And although he airborne the Space-Time Alliance and became the Master of the Space-Time Alliance and the first Holy Emperor of the Space-Time Empire, his strength is not weak.

  At least he can mobilize the space-time empire, and the five messengers and the four messengers are also nominally commanded by him.

  Even if Simeng is not happy, they must give face to the God of Time and Space.

  "Understood, just do as I said, and shut him up for a month."

  Ye Wudao naturally wouldn't let Lei Yuyan hurt.

  As for whether Yunfeng Envoy will be embarrassed, and what kind of punishment Feng Shisan will face, it is not something outsiders can know.

  "Yes, I'll do it right now."

  Lei Yuyan took orders to leave.

  Ye Wudao first asked the three Diao Chan to use the training room of the Space-Time Alliance for special training.

  He needs to meet the Holy Rain.

  In addition to telling the heart, at the same time will also participate in the auction event at night.

  He is rich and powerful, and now there is no shortage of points.

  And by converting resources with the power store, he can gain even greater benefits.

  Ye Wudao also kept many special resources in the collection of Sky City, such as bloodline, talent, and physique, which can be cultivated for his subordinates.

  There are still too few people he can trust in the Space-Time Alliance.

  "The Yumeng is the Yumeng, and there are not many soldiers under the Holy Rain, but the aspects involved are too complicated."

  "If you can start from the Yumeng, you may be able to get a group of newcomers, but this is not enough. Maybe the Wulin Alliance can be merged into the Space-Time Alliance."

  Ye Wudao suddenly remembered the power he had cultivated.

  If the students that Jin Shikong trusts can also join in, it can make up for this shortcoming.

  ". "However, there are still a few that can be used."


  Ye Wudao sat on the dragon chair, his mind drifting away unconsciously.


  Rain League, Treasure Pavilion, Holy Rain Star.

  Ye Wudao suddenly appeared, startling Sheng Yu.

  When I saw it was him, I was relieved.

  "I hate it, why don't you go through the front door?"

  Sheng Yu smiled like a flower, took Ye Wudao's arm and said coquettishly.

  "Who told me to miss you so much, it's almost time, it's time to go to the auction house, didn't you ask me to come at this time!"

  Ye Wudao laughed casually and transferred Lei Yuyan away. Sheng Yu was somewhat uncomfortable, but he always felt that Sheng Yu's eyes made him very uncomfortable.

  After all, the two have been together for tens of thousands of years, and Ye Wudao can't help it for the time being.

  When Bing Yu agreed to this marriage, Sheng Yu was already labeled as Ye Wudao.

  (Zhao Qian's) This is something that is clear to all the upper levels in the Alliance of Time and Space.

  Many people were surprised by this. Some saintesses who thought they were not inferior to the Holy Rain were envious and jealous of her.

  But fate is so fond of teasing people.

  Ye Wudao and Yumeng's private connection, and Shengyu's bet when he was under the competition tower, are also vivid in his mind.

  There is no way to change the status quo.

  It has to be said that because Ye Wudao became the leader of the general alliance of time and space, its status in the general alliance of time and space also began to rise.

  Even if Ye Wudao clearly rules the Space-Time Alliance, he cannot but say that he is only a nominal emperor, and no one is pure under his hands.

  But Ye Wudao was able to break through the competitive tower and became the most dazzling new emperor star in the Space-Time Alliance.

  No one dared to ignore the order of the God of Time and Space, even if they were unconvinced in their hearts, they could not resist unless.... .

Chapter 283

  In fact, Ye Wudao did not completely trust the God of Time and Space.

  He always felt that this benefit was too unreal.

  And it doesn't make sense, he can gain favor, and becoming a holy emperor is all due to his own efforts.

  The task of finding the book of heaven is good for him, and it is also more beneficial to improve the divine power index. In addition, most of the treasures in the points store have been purchased by him.

  As for him wanting to use the higher-level divine power index, he needs to consume the power of the world.

  And how to obtain the power of the world, he has no clue yet.

  But he won't give up on his pursuit of becoming stronger.

  "The intelligence of the five envoys is here. I don't understand why you want to investigate them?"

  The holy rain interrupted Ye Wudao's thinking.

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