"Horse charm, what is that?"

Huang Rong couldn't help but ask curiously.

"It is a set of magic spells with the twelve zodiac animals as symbols, and this horse spell is one of them."

"These talismans can give the holders all kinds of powerful powers and magical abilities."

Su Chen picked up the horse talisman and said,"Look, there is a horse pattern carved on this talisman." Huang

Rong looked carefully and found that it was just as Su Chen said.

On the front of this round flat stone, there was a light blue horse image carved.

"This horse amulet has the power of healing, which can heal all injuries and restore the holder to the best condition."

"This ability represents the source of healing and the power of recovery."

"So it can not only help people recover quickly when they are injured or sick, but also restore the damaged still life to its original state."

Su Chen said calmly.

Su Chen's calm and calm words were heard by Huang Rong like a thunder.

The power of recovery?

This unremarkable stone in front of her actually has such a reversal ability!

People get sick from eating grains.

This is something that cannot be changed. Who among the countless living beings in the world can guarantee that they will not get sick for a lifetime?

Emperors, generals, princes and ministers can't do it.

Even the masters in the martial arts world can't do it.

But with a stone like this, people can be free from illness for a lifetime!


This is really incredible!

Su Chen was not surprised by Huang Rong's shock.

The magical effect of this horse talisman is obviously beyond her cognition than the super soldier serum.

Whoever It was the first time I heard of such a magical stone in the world.

It was strange that he could still remain calm.

Su Chen did not say much.

He held the horse charm in his hand.

He sneezed.

Then a golden light enveloped his body.

In an instant, Su Chen felt a mysterious power.

He suddenly felt sharp and refreshed.

The world in his eyes became clearer than ever before.

It was as if he was looking at the world through a piece of glass before.

At this moment, the glass was cleaned and extremely clear.

Su Chen slowly walked to the broken tree.

He pointed with one finger.

In Huang Rong's unbelievable eyes.

The broken tree was restored to its original state in an instant.

Such a scene made Huang Rong unable to believe her eyes.

She rubbed her eyes subconsciously.

: Damn, this, this, this is an immortal method!

: It can restore damaged things to their original state, this is indeed the magical power that only immortals have in the legend!

: What a supernatural power!

With this horse talisman, wouldn’t Young Master Su be the best doctor in the world? Su Chen was in a good mood after obtaining the horse talisman.

He smiled warmly and said,"I, Su Chen, keep my words.

If Palace Master Lianxing wants treatment, you can come to me at any time.

" He did not forget that during the first live broadcast, in order to gain emotional points.

He exposed the secret that Lianxing was deformed and disabled.

No matter what, it was his fault after all.

So treating Lianxing was a necessary compensation.

The horse talisman appeared at the right time.

If it appeared too early, Su Chen might not choose to fulfill his promise at the first time.

After all, Lianxing might be okay.

But Yaoyue must not be an easy person to talk to.

Although he has never dealt with the Grand Palace Master of Yihua Palace.

But Su Chen has heard a little about her deeds..

A woman like that can make heroes helpless and heroes tremble in fear.

If she is easy to talk to, it would be a miracle.

However, Su Chen does not have too many concerns now.

If Yaoyue is still upset about the revelations he made.

I think with my current strength, it should not be difficult for me to protect myself.

In this case, there is nothing to worry about.

This is the courage that strength brings to people.

Of course.

Su Chen is not sure whether Yaoyue and Lianxing are watching the live broadcast.

Su Chen does not care about this.

Anyway, he is willing to fulfill his promise, and he just needs to do what he should do.

"He said he would treat me."

Lian Xing's voice trembled with excitement.

If someone had said this to her before today, she would not have held out any hope.

Over the years, she had visited famous doctors all over the world.

From hope to disappointment, she no longer dared to have any unrealistic fantasies about treating deformities and disabilities.

But at this moment, Su Chen was like a ray of light, piercing through the desperate darkness.

"Sister, I'm going to find him now."

Facing Lian Xing who was so excited that she lost her composure,

Yao Yue, who was always indifferent, showed a rare tenderness in her eyes.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

Lian Xing's hands and feet have always been deformed.

It was also a pain that Yao Yue had buried deep in her heart and could not erase.

Over the years, she tried every possible way to find a famous doctor.

However, all her efforts were in vain. She never expected that it was Su Chen who gave them the dawn of hope.

"Brother Su, you said that this horse spell is one of a set of magic spells with the twelve zodiac signs as symbols."

"So a magical talisman like the horse talisman still has eleven pieces?"

"What special abilities do the other eleven talismans have?"

: Yes, if this is a set of magic talismans symbolizing the twelve zodiac signs.

Doesn't that mean that in addition to this horse talisman, there are eleven more talismans.

: I'm really curious about what kind of magical abilities the other talismans have.

: A glimpse of the whole picture, this horse talisman is so powerful, the other talismans must not be simple either.

: Young Master Su, please tell me about it, please.

Su Chen smiled and said,"Yes, in theory, there are eleven more talismans like the horse talisman."

"Today I will tell you about the Rat Spell, the Ox Spell and the Dog Spell."

"As for the remaining spells, I will tell you in detail when I have the chance to encounter them later.

Seeing Su Chen start to talk, all the female warriors immediately paid 120,000 attention.

They were all concentrating, fearing that they would miss a word.

"The other talismans are the same as the horse talisman, with statues of the twelve zodiac animals on them."

"The Rat Charm can bring life to still life, turning inanimate objects into living animals."

"This ability represents the source of life and the power of creation."

"The Rat Charm allows the holder to create all kinds of fantastic creatures, and also allows the holder to communicate with inanimate objects."

: This, this is too magical, doesn't it mean that the table can run like an animal.

: Just thinking about the scene of tables and chairs jumping up and down, I already have goose bumps.

: I think it would be very interesting if these dead objects could really become living animals

"The Bull Talisman gives the holder extraordinary strength, allowing him to lift heavy objects, break obstacles, and even change the terrain."

"This ability represents the source of power and the power of conquest."

: Strength can defeat skill. Women are usually short of strength. I really want to get this bull charm.

: I wonder how much this power increase can reach.

: Since Young Master Su used the description of changing the terrain, I think it should be an extremely amazing power.

: Not bad, I really want to see it

"The dog charm allows the holder to remain young forever, unaffected by time and death."

"This ability represents the source of eternal life and the power of continuation."

: Hiss, eternal youth? Eternal life?

: Is it the legendary immortality?

: This is too outrageous. If this dog talisman appears in the world, once the news spreads, it will probably cause a sensation in the entire Kyushu.

: That's for sure. There should be no one in the world who can resist the temptation of eternal life.

: Throughout the ages, how many emperors have sought eternal life but have not been able to obtain it. Who would have thought that it could be achieved through a stone?

Murong Qiudi in front of the light curtain was shocked.

Since entering the live broadcast room.

For many years, she has never experienced shocking emotions, one after another.

And each wave is stronger than the other.

When she heard Su Chen introduce the dog talisman.

Murong Qiudi could no longer remain calm.

Eternal youth, immortality!!

Even she, Murong Qiudi, had never dared to hope for this before. Things.

You know, throughout the ages, people who have stood at the top of the world, whether they are emperors of a dynasty or masters of martial arts, have never stopped pursuing immortality.

But apart from legends, there has never been any solid evidence to prove that anyone has succeeded.

And this dream that millions of people are crazy about can actually be achieved with a piece of stone!!

Murong Qiudi's jade-white fingers tapped rhythmically on the table.

Silently, four powerful figures appeared in the hall.

"Pass the order down, from now on, everyone in the Heavenly Lord will do their best to find these things."

Four pieces of paper seemed to have eyes and flew into the hands of the four people.

Murong Qiudi's eyes were burning, and he continued:"Pay special attention to the stone with dog-shaped patterns carved on it."

At this moment, Murong Qiudi was not the only one who made a similar decision.

In the Southern Xinjiang, the Five Immortals Sect,

Lan Fenghuang issued an order for all the disciples in the sect to take action and search for the talisman stone with all their strength. The disciples of the Shenshui Palace

, who had not appeared in the martial arts world for a long time, came down from the Tianchi Lake in Changbai Mountain and rushed to the martial arts world.

Xueyue City, Zilanxuan, Jinyuan League, Dongming Sect, Cihang Jingzhai and other forces all began to move.

Su Chen naturally didn't know what kind of uproar his words had caused in the martial arts world.

Now Su Chen's attention has been attracted by the treasure hunting radar that has been activated again.

This rhythm is very comfortable.

What's more comfortable is that according to the coordinates displayed by the treasure hunting radar, the treasure should be in Fuzhou City.

Speaking of which, this Fuzhou City is really my blessed land.

It's almost time for dinner.

After searching for this treasure, it's just right to eat.



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