The number of enemies exceeded expectations, and it was impossible to annihilate them, and the only feasible way at present was to concentrate firepower to make a way out in a short period of time, and retrieve the four small ones trapped inside.

Belfast, who had no less combat experience than working as a maid, made a quick decision.

"Whole ship! Enter the combat state, coordinates X12, Y48! Full Gungate, salvo! "

Boom Boom Boom ——!

Different from the small fighting power of the guns of the little sisters of the destroyers, a group of light cruisers, heavy cruisers, and even the thick and large barrels of the battleship sisters instantly set off a sea of fire on the periphery of the siren's encirclement network.

Of course, they also instantly attracted the attention of a large number of sirens, causing a large wave of mass-produced water and air units to hula to turn their heads and pounce on them.

Belfast commanded the battle while constantly observing its surroundings.

Unlike the shipwives who are independent girls with intellect, the most numerous mass-produced models on the siren side belong to self-discipline units that cannot communicate.

The small number of sirens is fine, but the number is so large that it is impossible to achieve effective coordination with the mentally retarded combat logic of these low-level mass-produced types alone.

- So, there must be hidden high-level units or even humanoid sirens on the battlefield who are coordinating and commanding!

"Victory! Did you find it!? "

Thinking of this, Belfast turned his head to look at the only Hangma among the people who came to the rescue.

The blonde-haired and blue-eyed girl was biting her fingertips, her consciousness connected to the carrier-based plane that had been released by her, and she turned her head and glared at Belfast angrily when she heard the words.

Miss Victory waved her hand irritably, and the ups and downs of the already tall moon peak became more and more amazing because of the shortness of breath.

"I'm looking for it, I'm looking for it, don't rush - there it is!"

Suddenly, Victory's blue eyes froze, and the scepter with the golden cross in his hand pointed to the southeast.

"Over there!"

"It's... A siren codenamed 'The Tester'! "

"I'll try to interfere with her command, and you're going to hurry up and make a way!"

With that, Victory once again released a wave of carrier-based aircraft.


If it was just her, the situation would not be too bad.

Belfast was not without fighting the other party, and after seeing that Victory began to interfere with the testers, they immediately commanded the sisters around them to step up their offensive.

Another volley, the cannon ejected, shook the sea, whistling through the graceful parabola, but most of it missed, and could only stir up a row of drainage columns on the sea.

Belfast sighed.

"Sure enough, there are no words from the commander ..."

"Commander, does that matter?"


The male voice that sounded in his head was so startled that Belfast almost didn't fall to the surface of the sea on the spot.

The maid lady who came back to her senses quickly cheered up, looked around, and did not find any suspicious object.

Belfast's eyebrows tightened, and seeing that his companions were fighting seriously, he could only lower his voice for a while, trying to continue to communicate with that voice:

"Who are you?"

"I'll talk about the identity later, but you seem to need help now?" Tell me, maybe I can help you?'

The voice rang out again, and Belfast's mind raced, and a guess that even she couldn't believe rose up.

Don't...... Is it the commander?

But it doesn't make sense!

Another Siren's cannon exploded beside him, and Belfast was awakened, unable to care about anything else, and said in a low voice but very quickly: "This... Sir, can you help me increase the accuracy and power of the shelling? "

- This is a bonus that only human commanders can bring to the ship's mother, if the other party can do it, it undoubtedly proves that the owner of this voice is the commander!

"All I can say is try."

Bai Yu thought that Belfast would make other requests, such as going directly to help her clear the map, but it only turned out to increase the power and hit rate of the shelling?

In terms of power, he didn't have a good way for a while, but the hit rate?

This may be possible.

Through Belfast, Bai Yu spread his spiritual power.

Those large number of siren units have a lot of movement speed in the eyes of ordinary people and even ship girls, but this speed is as slow as a turtle crawling from Bai Yu's perspective.

After thinking about it, Bai Yu tried to forcibly overlay the "perspective" under his mental perception on Belfast's external perception.

Just as he could take over control of Ying's body, the current situation is that Bai Yu has only taken over "partial" permissions—that is, sight, hearing, and a certain degree of mental analysis.

In an instant, Belfast froze.

She was just stunned when she realized that the world as far as her eyes could see had changed dramatically.

The high-speed carrier-based aircraft, the cannonballs flying in the sky, the stirred waves of the sea, everything became extremely slow.

Even the whirring wind and the roar of the shell explosion were stretched into an eerie tone.

Turning around suddenly, she was stunned to find that the sisters around her were all doing slow motion.

The unprecedented surprise made Belfast's pink cheeks quickly burn, and before she had time to think about it, she turned her head to look at the enemy in front of her.

The sirens were still doing all sorts of irregular movements to avoid attacks from the shipwives, but those actions were all ridiculous in Belfast's eyes at this time.

She can calculate the trajectory of the other party's next move in an instant!

"This time... Don't even think about running away! "

Turn the muzzle, aim at the target, fire the gun, all in one go.

Boom Boom Boom Boom ——!!!

Every shell fired accurately hits the core weakness of every siren unit!

Even several Siren enemy planes in the sky were unreasonably hit by Belfast with naval guns on surface units!?

A succession of explosions rang out, and Belfast achieved results in a single shot that had not necessarily been achieved in the past several consecutive salvos!

"Bey... Belfast!? "

Prestige was stunned on the side.

"How did you do that!?"

Naval artillery hits planes?

Why don't you just jump into the sky and smash it with your fist!?

"It's amazing..."Belfast looked at his hands in the same daze, and when he looked up again, everything in front of him returned to his "normal speed".

But if she wants, she can seamlessly switch back and forth between normal speed and bullet time without affecting her movements!

"I'll answer that later, for now..."

The maid chuckled and turned her head to look ahead.

"Everyone, let me save people first!"

At the same time, in the heart, Belfast whispered-

(Thank you, Commander!) )

PS· AI illustration, White Elm

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