Did he suddenly develop a brain last night?

Kiana felt angry when she recalled that she was groped by Ji Zi and Fu Hua in the women's bathhouse last night. If she hadn't informed Bronya in time to save her, she might have been ruined by that woman. .

"You men are not trustworthy..." Kiana said angrily: "I asked you to use my body to take the exam, but you took my body into the women's bathhouse and took off all my clothes. net!"

Hearing Kiana's accusation, Qiaoqiao wanted to defend himself, but he had indeed done all these things.

To be fair, beauties like Fu Hua and Ji Zi took the initiative to invite, how could Qiao Qiao refuse the opportunity to stick with them.

Qiaoqiao knew that if she admitted her mistake to Kiana, she would definitely not be able to date Mei Yi, so she thought about it and said, "Kiana, aren't Fu Hua's legs beautiful?"

Hearing Qiaoqiao's words, Kiana recalled the pair of squad leader Fu Hua's slender and smooth legs in the bathing pool that day, without any fat, and swallowed unconsciously.

"It's quite beautiful."

Qiao Qiao continued to ask: "Are Jizi's breasts particularly plump? Are they white and tender?"

Kiana remembered having sex with Teacher Jizi in the bathtub. Her breasts were as plump as watermelons and felt as soft as marshmallows, which she could not forget now.

Kiana said shyly: "Yeah, big and white...and very soft..."

"Isn't this great?!" Qiao Qiao said with a face: "You touched Fu Hua's beautiful legs and Teacher Ji Zi's breasts. This is something that many people would not envy."

"Thanks to my blessing, you received such amazing benefits. Don't say you came to me to settle a score, but you owe me a favor?!"

Hearing Qiaoqiao's words, Kiana was stunned on the spot, unable to speak.

To put it bluntly, it is indeed something that many people envy and hate for her to be able to share a bath with these two beauties, Fu Hua and Ji Zi.

Kiana couldn't find anything to refute Qiaoqiao for a while.

That’s not right! He was clearly using my body to play with Fu Hua and Teacher Ji Zi, so why should I owe him a favor? !

Kiana knew very well that without her permission, Qiaoqiao could not use her body to stick to Fu Hua and Ji Zi.

And without Qiaoqiao's help in this exam, I might really have to repeat a year at St. Freya this time.

Qiao Qiao did herself a big favor.

Kiana folded her hands in front of her chest and said, "Humph! For the sake of helping me pass the exam, I have a lot of money, so I will forgive you!"

Qiaoqiao saw Kiana folding her hands in front of her chest, looking arrogant, with a trace of contempt on her face.

If I hadn't helped you, you would have called me "senior!" now.

And...your breasts are obviously a little bigger than Bronya's...

Why do you keep imitating big breasts like Sister Jizi?

No matter how hard you squeeze, the place won't get bigger!

Qiao Qiao complained secretly in her heart, but still had a smile on her face and said: "Then...I will..."

Kiana saw through Qiaoqiao's intention to take the opportunity to escape, and said coldly: "Stop!"

Qiaoqiao, who was stopped by Kiana again, turned around impatiently: "Miss Kiana, what else do you want me to do?"

"I haven't given up my doubts about you yet..." Kiana stared at Qiaoqiao sharply: "Who knows if you sneaked out to date girls?"

Hearing that Kiana guessed that he was going on a date with a girl, Qiaoqiao couldn't help but widen his eyes.

What happened to Kiana today? !

Why do you seem so much smarter than usual?

Kiana ignored the strange look on Qiaoqiao's face, stretched out her white and slender fingers and said, "Hurry up and hand over your phone. I'll see if you have contacted any other women."

Hearing this, Qiao Qiao was slightly startled. You must know that he had just sent a message to Mei Yi yesterday.

If Kiana took the phone and checked the chat history.

Wouldn’t my date with Mei be exposed?

Chapter 166 Mei Yi: Qiao Qiao...can you be my boyfriend?

Yesterday, in order to cope with the exam, Kiana asked Qiao Qiao to possess her body and take the exam. However, Qiao Qiao did not expect that Qiao Qiao would use her penis to tease two beauties, Ji Zi and Fu Hua, in the bathtub.

This early in the morning, as soon as Mei went out, Qiao Qiao tried to sneak out secretly. Kiana would inevitably become suspicious.

Qiaoqiao, did he go out secretly to date girls behind my back?

At the door of the dormitory of St. Freya College, Kiana stretched out her slender white fingers to ask Qiaoqiao for her cell phone. All she had to do was look at his communication records with other girls, and all the truth would come to light.

"Qiaoqiao, if you haven't done anything sorry for me, just show me your phone."

Hearing Kiana's words, Qiaoqiao felt himself so nervous that his back was covered with wet beads of sweat. You must know that he still had the call records between him and Mei Yi on his phone.

If Kiana saw this, his date with Mei Yi today would be exposed.

Take it, the date with Mei Yi must be exposed.

Without taking it, Kiana wouldn't be able to let Qiao Qiao leave.

Qiaoqiao suddenly fell into a dilemma.

Seeing that Qiaoqiao was still reluctant to take out her phone, Kiana said in an imposing manner: "If you don't dare to show it to me, then there is something wrong in your heart!"

After Kiana said this, Qiaoqiao could only slowly take out the phone from his pocket.

Kiana saw Qiaoqiao's cell phone and directly reached for it.

"Bring it to me!"

Kiana took the phone and immediately opened Qiaoqiao's chat history.

As Kiana opened Qiaoqiao's address book, she found that not only was there no flaw in Qiaoqiao's chat history, but he also said in the note that he would buy a gift for Kiana after returning from the library today, as if it was casual. The apology of using her body made Kiana immediately feel ashamed of what she had done.

After all, she had just confidently said that Qiao Qiao was going out on a date... She even thought that this matter might be related to Mei Yi who suddenly went out half an hour ago.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Qiao not only really wanted to go to the library, but also wanted to give herself a gift when she came back.

Kiana handed the phone back to Qiaoqiao, so shy that her ears turned red: "I'm sorry, Qiaoqiao, I wrongly blamed you... I thought you were with Mei..."

Hearing this, Qiao Qiao smiled slightly and said, "Sorry, I didn't hide the gift from you on purpose, I just wanted to give you a surprise."

After taking the phone, Qiao Qiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It was a fluke. If Qiao Qiao hadn't carried two mobile phones with her, Kiana might have actually discovered her date with Mei.

Qiaoqiao is a well-known "good person" at St. Freya College. Many senior students in the school often send text messages to Qiaoqiao, such as asking for help or chatting in daily life. They never do anything out of the ordinary.

But if the fact that Qiao Qiao was in contact with many girls at the same time was exposed, especially to the Valkyrie who was in the same dormitory with him, Qiao Qiao would be in trouble.

Himeko, Fuhua, Kiana, Bronya, Mei.

Qiao Qiao can't afford to offend anyone.

In a matter of minutes, they regarded him as the "King of the Sea" and kicked him out of the dormitory.

As a senior "Sea King", Qiao Qiao carries two mobile phones with her, one for communicating with girls and one for daily chatting.

That's why Kiana couldn't find the chat history between Qiaoqiao and Meiyi from the mobile phone she used for daily chatting.

"It's okay, it's okay!" A happy smile appeared on Kiana's face: "As long as it's a gift from Qiaoqiao, I like it. As for... whether it's a surprise or not, there's no need for it!"

Seeing the smile on Kiana's face, Qiaoqiao, who was already lying, suddenly felt a little uneasy with his conscience, but his face remained calm and calm.

Kiana stood on the roadside and looked at Qiaoqiao, with a warm and lovely smile on her face, "You have to come back early today, and I will give you half of the food Mei made for me."

Kiana lowered her voice in Qiaoqiao's ear and said: "You have to know that the tempura made by Meiyi is delicious. I won't give it to anyone else, and Bronya doesn't want it either, but...Qiaoqiao You are special!"

When Qiaoqiao heard Kiana's intimate whisper, she felt uneasy and uneasy.

If Kiana knew that I was actually going on a date with Mei, wouldn’t the Herrscher personality awaken on the spot?

Qiao Qiao looked calm and calm on the surface, but actually he was a bit flustered inside. He smiled and said, "Well, I know the tempura made by Mei is delicious, so I will definitely look forward to it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qiaoqiao, who had finally settled Kiana, got on his bicycle and left the door of the dormitory, heading to the coffee shop he had made an appointment with Mei.

Kiana was so happy that she jumped up and returned to the dormitory: "Hey, hey, I wonder what gift Qiaoqiao will give me when he comes back?"

After arriving at the corner cafe, Qiaoqiao put his hand on the doorknob and pushed the door open, his eyes moving between the tables in the store.

After a while, Qiao Qiao saw Mei Yi, wearing a white suspender top, sitting at the deepest position of the glass wall on the left side of the store, waving her slender white right hand towards her, as if she had been looking forward to it for a long time.

Even with Kiana's entanglement, Qiao Qiao still arrived at the store five minutes earlier than planned. However, in order to avoid Kiana, Mei Yi arrived half an hour earlier than Qiao Qiao.

Qiaoqiao walked to the seat opposite Mei Yi and said, "Mei Yi, I kept you waiting for a long time. I just met Kiana and I finally asked her to do it as promised."

Hearing Qiaoqiao talking about Kiana, Mei looked around carefully and felt at ease after confirming that Kiana was not there.

"It must be difficult to get rid of Kiana..." Mei said with a smile: "She is very clinging. If she is entangled, she cannot escape easily."

Hearing this, Qiao Qiao smiled slightly. In the game plot, Mei took Erzhu's script and wanted to abandon Kiana and join World Snake, while Kiana was chasing his wife like Naruto. It is indeed like a dog-skin plaster that cannot be shaken off even if you want to.

"It's really not easy to get rid of Kiana..." Qiaoqiao said frankly: "But after all, it's a date with you, Mei, and I can't miss it."

Yayi smiled when he heard this and said, "I know you've worked hard... Just order whatever is on the menu, I'll treat you today."

Qiaoqiao smiled and said, "Then you can make a lot of money if you come here today."

When Qiao Qiao heard that Ya Yi wanted to treat herself, Qiao Qiao's eyes lit up slightly. Without being polite to her, she directly opened the menu in the cafe and ordered a cup of Darjeeling black tea.

When the waiter brought the black tea to the table, Qiao Qiao picked up the pink and white cup, took a sip of the black tea inside, nodded with satisfaction at the taste, then put down the cup with the black tea and said, "Mei Yi, tell me. "What do you want me to do for you?"

Qiaoqiao looked at Mei Yi's purple eyes with a strange light: "You specially invited me to such an expensive cafe, there must be something very important."

Hearing this, Meiyi's delicate hands placed under the table kneaded each other nervously, and a smile appeared on her lips, "Sure enough, no matter what I am thinking, I can't hide it from Qiaoqiao."

"We have known each other for such a long time. Mei specifically asked me to go out without telling Bronya and Kiana. I am not a hot-blooded kid who just entered junior high school. Of course I know that this is definitely not a date with me alone. , so simple.”

"But... don't worry..." Qiao Qiao smiled slightly, looked at Mei Yi affectionately, and said openly: "As long as it is an order from Miss Mei Yi, then as the best person in St. Freya, I, your Your number one fan will naturally do his best to help you.”

Hmm...yes, I, Jojo, am Raiden Mei's number one fan.

Even if the paramecium comes, so will I!

Hearing Qiaoqiao claiming to be her number one, Mei couldn't help but laugh, and the tension in her heart eased a little. Since her father was imprisoned and her family fell into decline, she was still able to live strong, all thanks to people like Kiana around her. , Qiao Qiao is such a gentle friend.

It was the perseverance of Kiana and Qiaoqiao that gave Mei the courage to live strong.

Qiaoqiao has been providing selfless and fearless help to Mei Yi and others in St. Freya. This is why Mei Yi is willing to believe him and tell her her secret.

"Qiao Qiao..." Mei Yi looked at Qiao Qiao with a twinkling light in her eyes, and said leisurely: "Can you... be my boyfriend?"

Chapter 167 Qiao Qiao: I want both money and Mei Yi!

In the corner cafe, Qiao Qiao heard Mei Yi's affectionate confession of asking for a relationship. She was stunned in place, her face as calm as an ancient well, but her heart had already stirred up waves, and she was very happy, as if there was a deer bumping around in her chest. generally.

You know, Qiao Qiao's first goal when she came to this world was to kidnap a Valkyrie and take her home as his wife.

Mei Yi, who comes from a noble family, has beautiful appearance and slender figure, is recognized as a beauty by St. Freya College. Becoming a couple with her is a pie-in-the-sky good thing, and Qiao Qiao is naturally willing to do so.

But then she thought about it, and Qiao Qiao felt very strange. She had been with Mei Yi for so long, but she had never revealed her love to Qiao Qiao before.

Qiao Qiao has a handsome face and is willing to help others. In the eyes of others, he is a kind and gentle young man.

But if Mei Yi liked Qiao Qiao's appearance and was moved by his kindness, she would have confessed her love to him long ago, why would she wait until now?

He had to send Kiana, Bronya and the others away and secretly confess their feelings in the coffee shop.

Qiao Qiao realized that there must be another reason for Mei Yi's affectionate confession, straightened her waist slightly and said: "Being Mei Yi's lover is what many men dream of... But can you really treat me like a lover? Such as...dating, holding hands, kissing, etc. "

"Kissing someone of the opposite sex or something..." Mei Yi's face suddenly turned red with embarrassment, and she waved her hands in front of her body to chase away "This is definitely not allowed...!"

Being rejected like this by Mei Yi, Qiao Qiao can be regarded as confirming her suspicion that Mei Yi wants to date her not because she really likes her, but because she has other motives.

How could a shy and introverted girl like Mei take the initiative to confess to the opposite sex if there were no other reasons?

Meiyi took a sip of the coffee she ordered and calmed down a little. She stroked the cold enamel with her slender fingers and said, "Qiaoqiao, I haven't finished what I said just now. Although I asked you to date me, I actually didn't mean it. But for some reasons, I need a man to play my "fiance."

Hearing what Mei said, Qiao Qiao had a look of surprise on his face and nodded slightly. He knew that some girls now need to find men to play "boyfriends" or "husbands" for various reasons, such as to be with their ex-boyfriend. Earn face in front of friends, deal with parents who are urging you to get married, get a registered residence in a certain place, and so on.

However, although Qiaoqiao has accepted various commissions from girls before, playing the role of "fiancé" is indeed the first time Qiaoqiao has received it.

Mei had previously considered letting someone else play her fiancé, but after considering age, appearance, and confidentiality requirements, she still chose Qiao Qiao.

What’s more important is that there are not many good people like Qiao Qiao who are selfless and willing to help others without any reservation.

"Mei Yi, can you tell me why you need someone to play your "fiancé"?"

Qiaoqiao said with some confusion.

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