In the third collapse two years ago, Mei lost some of her memories, especially about the former young genius of the Raiden family. She did not have a single memory left. Her father and other clan members only mentioned his name and deeds occasionally.

In Mei's eyes, no matter how outstanding her former fiancé "Jojo" was in kendo, he was already a dead man and was not worth remembering. Instead, Jojo in front of her was her only hope to get out of trouble and rescue her father.

As the eldest daughter of "ME Club", Mei knew how cunning Cocolia was. If she wanted to clear her father's grievances, she had to enter the ME Club headquarters and search for evidence.

So Mei attended the ME Club Group Party this time to cancel the marriage proposal proposed by Cocolia, and also wanted to take this opportunity to move into the ME Club headquarters to find evidence of Cocolia and her frame-up of Raiden Ryoma.

To this end, Mei must rely on Jojo's power to let him pretend to be her fiancé.

"Qiao Qiao, I hope you can pretend to be my fiancé and move to the ME headquarters with me to find evidence that Cocolia and the others framed my father."

A strange light flashed in Mei's eyes, which made Qiao Qiao feel pity.

"Of course, this matter has great risks, and I will not ask you for help in vain. Once you rescue my father and wait until the property of the Raiden family is unfrozen, I will give you 1 million as a reward."

When Qiao Qiao, who originally planned to help her, heard that Mei would give him 1 million as a reward, his eyes lit up immediately.

She is worthy of being the daughter of the president of ME. She is generous and asked for a reward of 1 million as soon as she opened her mouth.

Helping her block this marriage and rescue Raiden Ryoma, not only can Mei Yi's favor be improved, but also a lot of rewards can be obtained.

How could Qiao Qiao refuse such a pie in the sky?

Qiao Qiao smiled and said, "Don't worry, we have been friends for so long, your father is my father, how can I stand by and watch when my father has problems?"

If Raiden Ryoma heard Qiao Qiao call him "father", he would probably be so angry that he would take out the bamboo sword on the spot and fight with Qiao Qiao.

Mei smiled and showed her white teeth. She was very happy. She didn't expect Qiao Qiao to agree so straightforwardly.

Considering the influence of ME Club and Cocolia, even if Qiao Qiao proposed to give him 10 million after the matter was completed, I am afraid Mei Yi would agree.

After all, in Mei Yi's eyes, no matter how much money she has, it is not as important as her father Raiden Ryoma.

In the corner cafe, Qiao Qiao and Mei Yi concluded a temporary "marriage contract", and this private relationship will continue until the end of the ME Club Group Party.

Of course, Qiao Qiao's promise to Mei Yi to be his fiancé was just a verbal promise, and Mei Yi did not ask him to sign any contract such as a guarantee. After all, Mei Yi knew Qiao Qiao's character very well. As long as it was something he promised, especially this matter was related to the fate of a thunder family, he would never break his promise.

"Qiao Qiao, although I don't have extra funds now, as long as you help me find evidence of my father's innocence, I will definitely give you the reward." Mei Yi took out a contract and put it on the table and said, "This is my contract promise to you. If you sign your name, I will definitely not regret it."

Mei Yi's father is now in prison and all his property has been frozen, so the 1 million reward she promised to Qiao Qiao is completely a big deal at this stage.

And this contract is a promise Mei Yi made to Qiao Qiao to prove that she would not go back on her word and let Qiao Qiao work for her in vain.

If it were other men, they would definitely not be willing to offend Cocolia and the reverse entropy behind her for a down-and-out lady.

But Qiao Qiao is different. He knows that Cocolia will eventually fall, and he also knows that Raiden Ryoma will regain his freedom sooner or later.

Qiao Qiao casually glanced at the contract that Meiyi brought out. The important terms in it were nothing more than the text that confirmed that Qiao Qiao played Meiyi's fiancé and helped her find evidence of Raiden Ryoma's innocence.

If successful, he could get a reward of one million.

In addition, perhaps out of trust in Qiao Qiao, there was no penalty for Qiao Qiao's breach of promise.

The contract Meiyi gave was obviously in Qiao Qiao's favor.

Meiyi herself probably knew that it was a very cost-effective deal to let Qiao Qiao play her fiancé and fight against Cocolia and Anti-Entropy for only one million.

Although Meiyi herself probably didn't think much about it, this unreserved trust was indeed a good way to win people's hearts.

If it were other men, they would have been kneeling down to be Meiyi's dog if they were trusted by a beauty like Meiyi.

Qiao Qiao did not refuse Mei's kindness and directly signed her name on this "unequal treaty".

There are two copies of the contract, which are kept by Qiao Qiao and Mei.

After signing the contract, although it is only in name and not in substance, Qiao Qiao and Mei are officially "engaged couples".

After paying the bill for the coffee shop, Mei took Qiao Qiao to a large shopping mall.

In the shopping mall with many shops, Mei was at the counter, and Qiao Qiao picked a new mobile phone and a pink Hom doll.

Qiao Qiao saw the purple mobile phone that Mei bought for him, and his face was full of confusion: "Mei, why did you buy me a new mobile phone?"

Meiyi smiled and took out the secret contract between Qiaoqiao and her, pointed to the terms above and said: "During the relationship between us two "unmarried couples", both parties are obliged to keep this relationship secret from their relatives and friends."

Mei Yi took out the same mobile phone that was paired with Qiaoqiao and said: "These two mobile phones are paired. From now on, they will be the props for the two of us to communicate secretly. Remember, don't be fooled by Kiana and Bronya." Know the secret between the two of us."

Seeing that Mei Yi carefully prepared the props for secret communication, Qiao Qiao now felt a little bit like "an unmarried couple" with Mei Yi.

Qiao Qiao looked at the purple mobile phone, and suddenly felt the excitement of a secret relationship. It was like developing an underground relationship with a famous idol, full of danger and temptation.

If the news that Qiao Qiao and Mei Yi were an unmarried couple reached the ears of the Valkyries like Kiana and Bronya, Qiao Qiao's life might really be in danger.

"Okay, I promise you that I will keep the secret between you and me."

For the sake of his own life, Qiaoqiao smiled and accepted the couple's mobile phone that Mei bought for him, then looked at the half-human-sized pink Homu and asked doubtfully: "Then what is this Homu doll for? "

Yayi put the same mobile phone as Qiaoqiao into the brand bag on her waist: "This is my thank you gift for you to go on a date with me today."

Before Qiaoqiao could resist, Yayi added: "At the same time, this Homu doll is also a witness to the "unmarried couple" relationship between you and me. It is regarded as a deposit from me. You can't refuse it!"

Since Yai said that the Homu doll was a deposit for Qiaoqiao pretending to be her fiancé, if Qiaoqiao didn't accept it, it would be a disservice to Yai.

Although this homu was pink and did not suit Qiaoqiao's taste as a boy, considering that it was a gift from Meiyi, Qiaoqiao accepted it from Aiwujiwudi.

"This was given to me by the beautiful and wise Miss Raiden Mei." Qiaoqiao happily accepted the Homu doll, put it in her arms and caressed it carefully, and said with a smile: "I will definitely cherish it... "

Chapter 170 The Imprint of “Infinite”

Qiaoqiao agreed to act as Mei's fiancé and attend the ME Club party to help him get rid of the proposals of Cocolia and Walter's clone. He accepted a new mobile phone to facilitate secret communication and a Homu doll as a thank you gift.

After Qiaoqiao agreed to play her fiancé, the huge stone hanging in Meiyi's heart was put down. Not only did she buy some gifts for Qiaoqiao, but she also prepared gifts for Teresa and Himeko, treating her as a way to take her in. A gift of thanks from Saint Freya.

Qiaoqiao held the large and small bags bought by Meiyi in her hands, followed her, left the mall, and got into a black car.

Meiyi and Qiaoqiao were sitting in the back seat of the car. The driver in the driver's seat seemed to be from the Leiden family. He was holding the steering wheel and looking at the road ahead without saying a word.

In the back seat of the car, Mei Yi took out a stack and handed it to Qiao Qiao and said, "Qiao Qiao, this is the basic information of "Beichen Jiujiu (jojo)", which is the identity information you will have next."

Hearing this, Qiao Qiao casually flipped through Beichen Jiujiu's information twice, and then put it into the product bag.

Qiaoqiao now possesses the "infinite" imprint of Mebius, and has the cheating characteristic of infinite wisdom. His learning ability and memory ability are far beyond ordinary people, and he can achieve photographic memory. It seemed that he just browsed through the information casually, but in fact, he had used the talent given by the engraving to memorize all the basic information about "Beichen Jiujiu" in his mind.

Seeing that Qiao Qiao only glanced at the information perfunctorily, Mei felt very uncomfortable. She must know whether Qiao Qiao can successfully play her fiancé will affect whether Raiden Ryoma can regain his freedom and the rise and fall of the Raiden family.

This information on "Beichen Jiujiu" was compiled by Yayi himself after collecting information from all parties.

Meiyi compiled the text with such care, but Qiaoqiao just glanced at it and put it down. Naturally, she felt very depressed.

"Qiaoqiao, this is the information I carefully prepared. If you don't remember it carefully, what will you do if you play my fiancé and expose your flaws?"

Hearing Mei's question, Qiao Qiao was slightly startled. Then she realized that she had just used "quantum reading" and took a look at the information and remembered it in her mind. Then she put the information away. In Mei's opinion, she must be very sad. Even perfunctory.

Qiaoqiao smiled and explained: "Don't worry, I have memorized all the information in my mind."

When Qiao Qiao swore that he could memorize all the information at a glance, Mei Yi couldn't believe it easily.

She always felt that Qiaoqiao's statement seemed familiar.

In the past, when Mei urged Kiana to study, Kiana would always play games and say that she had memorized the knowledge in her mind.

But in every test, except for the last fighting test, she was at the bottom of the class.

"Qiaoqiao, this matter of playing my fiancé affects my father and the entire family..." Yayi looked at Qiaoqiao solemnly: "I leave my destiny in your hands, and everything you say is You’re serious, you can’t mess with me.”

Hearing this, Qiao Qiao knew that Mei did not believe that Qiao Qiao had the ability to have a photographic memory.

But Qiaoqiao was not in a hurry to defend himself. Since Mei didn't believe that someone could remember all the information at just one glance, Qiaoqiao could only prove his ability with actions.

The infinite wisdom engraved by Mebius' "Infinity" is not a name for nothing.

Qiao Qiao handed the information about "Beichen Jiujiu" to Mei Yi and said with a slight smile: "Look at this information and ask me what's on it. If I can't type it out, I'll let you punish me."

When Mei heard this, she blinked in surprise.

Although Mei's learning ability and memory are not as good as Bronya's, she can still be considered a "genius" level. But I have never seen anyone with such an outstanding memory. He could remember all the contents just by looking at this stack of information.

But Qiao Qiao spoke so confidently and even offered to let Mei Yi test it, which made Mei Yi's thoughts waver. She curiously took the information from Qiao Qiao's hand and planned to ask a few questions to see if Qiao Qiao really had a photographic memory.

Mei Yi followed the information and asked a few questions about "Beichen Jiujiu".

To Mei Yi's surprise, Qiao Qiao actually memorized all the information after just one glance. When she heard Mei Yi's questions, she answered all the questions fluently.

After answering the three questions about height, hobbies, and life experiences, Qiaoqiao took back the "Beichen Jiujiu" information in Meiyi's hand, with a proud smile on her lips: "How was it? I didn't lie to you."

Meiyi looked at Qiaoqiao in amazement and said, "Qiaoqiao, your learning ability and memory are simply amazing. I think even Bronya can't compare to you."

Hearing Mei Yi's heartfelt praise, Qiao Qiao just smiled slightly and was noncommittal, but in fact, she was extremely proud at the moment.

Bronya controls the core of the Herrscher of Reason and has 300,000 thoughts, so that's another story.

Bronya, who is still a B-level Valkyrie, is indeed far more intelligent than her peers, but compared with Qiaoqiao, who has mastered the "infinity" seal, she is still far behind.

After knowing that Qiao Qiao's brain power was far beyond that of ordinary people, Mei Yi's eyes suddenly became strange, and she took out another chess record and handed it to Qiao Qiao.

Qiaoqiao was still feeling proud of her success in pretending, but when she saw this chess record, she was immediately confused.

"Mei Yi, why are you giving me the chess records?"

"What a coincidence... my dead fiancé "Beichen Jiujiu" also had the same photographic memory as you, and he was also a master of Go in the Far East."

Yayi was extremely happy when she saw Qiaoqiao's extraordinary intelligence. Not everyone has photographic memory, and she didn't expect that the helper "Qiaoqiao" she had found out of necessity would actually be with him. Her fiancé "Beichen Jiujiu (jojo)" has so many similarities. Not only is he the right age and appearance, but he also has the talent of "photographic memory".

Now... no matter how cunning the female fox in Cocolia is, she probably won't be able to see through Qiaoqiao's disguise.

"Qiaoqiao, since you have such a good learning ability, you should learn Go well to avoid exposing your flaws."

Qiao Qiao looked at the chess record that Mei Yi had given him, and his face suddenly darkened. You must know that Go can be said to be the game that most tests human intelligence. The possible changes in the situation on the chessboard are more than the number of atoms in the entire universe.

Although Qiao Qiao has the "infinite" imprint and is far more intelligent than ordinary people, he is not the artificial intelligence "AlphaGo".

Even if Qiao Qiao can memorize the rules and records of Go at a glance, he cannot go from a novice who knows nothing about Go to a "Go master" in a short period of time.

Qiao Qiao took the chess record given by Mei Yi and felt very complicated. She felt that it was simply impossible for him to become a Go master in a short period of time.

But he had promised Mei Yi to play the role of "Beichen Jiujiu" well, and there was no way he could break his promise.

Mei Yi could see the worry in his heart from Qiao Qiao's ugly face, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Qiao Qiao, although I want you to learn the knowledge of Go, it's just a show."

"You just need to remember the rules and some professional terms. Cocolia and Walter don't understand Go, so they can't really play a chess test with you."

Hearing Mei Yi's words, Qiao Qiao felt relieved. Qiao Qiao couldn't really play chess with a master, but just memorizing it by rote was very easy for Qiao Qiao.

"That's okay." Qiao Qiao confidently put the chess record into the shopping bag: "I will definitely memorize this chess record into my head."

After hearing Qiao Qiao's words, Ya Yi was immediately filled with confidence. She was really glad to have found someone as reliable as Qiao Qiao to pretend to be her fiancé.

Originally, she was worried that Qiao Qiao's disguise might be exposed by the cunning Cocolia, but now it seems that Qiao Qiao has too many similarities with the legendary "Beichen Jiujiu".

At least in appearance and ability, the two of them are highly consistent.

The next thing to pay attention to is what to wear.

Mei Yi took a look at Qiao Qiao's outfit. She was wearing a student suit with slim trousers. Although it suited Qiao Qiao's age and status, it didn't have the style of a young master from aristocratic families.

If Qiao Qiao went to the ME club party dressed like this, she would probably have to be kicked out by the bodyguards before even getting in.

"Qiaoqiao, your outfit is not suitable for attending a group party. Tomorrow I will take you to a tailor shop to buy a suit and take a photo together."

What Mei Yi wants to do is to take a photo with Qiaoqiao before attending the group party and tell the family that her fiancé is still alive. This way, the Leiden family will no longer urge her to talk to Walter. get married.

When Qiaoqiao heard that Mei was dissatisfied with her current attire, she frowned slightly, looked at the school-issued suit on her body, and scratched her hair in confusion.

Is my outfit so unpresentable?

Chapter 171: Himeko: Qiao Qiao, don't leave your sister

A luxury car drove all the way to the parking lot of St. Freya, and then the rear door opened. Qiao Qiao got out of the car alone, while Mei stayed in the car.

Kiana and Bronya must not know that Qiao Qiao and Mei were pretending to be an engaged couple.

Just like Qiao Qiao and Mei couldn't go out together, it was better to separate when returning to the dormitory, otherwise it would be difficult to explain if they aroused the suspicion of Kiana and Bronya.

Qiao Qiao watched the black car close the door and slowly drive away from her sight. She turned around to look for her bicycle without saying goodbye to Mei. After all, they would meet in the dormitory soon, so there was no need to say goodbye.

When Qiao Qiao thought that she would have to meet Mei in secret like today in the future, hiding it from Kiana and Bronya, she felt it was very troublesome.

But once the matter was exposed, Kiana would definitely not let Qiao Qiao go.

For the sake of his own life, Qiao Qiao could only keep the fact that he pretended to be Mei's fiancé a secret.

Qiao Qiao rode his bicycle back to the dormitory. As soon as he entered the entrance, he saw Ji Zi, as usual, drunk after get off work, lying on the sofa with messy clothes.

Seeing the beer bottles all over the floor, Qiao Qiao sighed softly and walked forward to clean up the bottles and cans on the table as usual.

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