Temple-level Honkai beasts are impossible for ordinary people to defeat, and even an army armed to the teeth cannot defeat them.

But in front of the strongest Valkyrie of Destiny, Yulandel, the temple-level Honkai beasts are as fragile as an ant.

Even without the appearance of other Valkyries, Yulandel alone killed all the Honkai beasts on the battlefield.

After killing all the Honkai beasts in Yulandel, the other Valkyries who were watching the show on the side came in handy to clean up the battlefield and take out the cores in the Honkai beasts.

"You are worthy of being Lord Yulandel. You cleared all the Honkai beasts that appeared on the New Zealand island in just half an hour."

Rita, wearing a maid outfit, smiled at Yulandel, her eyes full of admiration and respect.

In Rita's view, Yulandel is as powerful as the incarnation of God. No existence can shake her heart or defeat her body.

Even the Herrscher as the apostle of God...even the Archbishop of Destiny, is far less powerful than Yulandel.

Hearing Rita's beautiful voice, Yulandel, who had just finished the battle, was like a melting iceman, and her originally tense face instantly showed a smile.

Just as Rita admired Yulandel, Yulandel also relied on Rita from the bottom of her heart and regarded her as her most important friend.

Only in front of Rita would Yulandel take off her perfect image on weekdays and smile like an ordinary girl.

"It is my duty as the Destiny Valkyrie to defeat the Honkai Beast." Yulandel smiled at Rita and said, "But the next "cleaning" work will be left to you."

As a close maid and adjutant, Rita was naturally willing to help Yulandel solve problems, showing an elegant and sweet smile: "It is Rita's greatest honor to be able to help Lord Yulandel."

"'Cleaning' is what I am best at as a maid, and I will definitely not let you down."

Hearing Rita's words, Yulandel nodded gently, and turned to look at the Valkyrie who was cleaning the battlefield, but there was no sign of Alvette.

Normally, after the battle against the Honkai Beast, Alvette should have reported the battlefield situation to Yulandel immediately, but she has not appeared yet and has not communicated remotely.

You know, on the battlefield where the Honkai Beast occurred, the disappearance of a Valkyrie is a very serious matter.

Yulandel asked with some doubts: "Rita, where is Alvette now?"

Hearing Yulandel's question, Rita remembered that she had not seen Alvette since she left the Destiny Headquarters.

"Well, I neglected it. The disappearance of the Valkyrie on the battlefield is a major matter..." Rita said seriously with a serious face: "I will arrange for someone to find her whereabouts."

Yulandel was very satisfied with Rita's arrangement and nodded in agreement.

"The battle is over, I will go with you to find her."

Although Yulandel is the captain of the Undying Blade, she has long been accustomed to the death of young Valkyries in the battle with Honkai Beasts, but she never abandons any team member easily.

Rita knew that Yulandel was worried about the team members, so she didn't refuse and nodded slowly in agreement: "Then I'll trouble you, Lord Yulandel."

As soon as the voice fell, Yulandel and Rita went together to the camp behind the Undying Blade to find the missing Yalvette.

On the other side, Yalvette was in the room of the camp, connecting to the database of Tianming through the computer to collect information about Beichen Jiujiu (jojo).

Yalvette's ten fingers tapped the keyboard deftly, and her pupils reflected the rows of codes on the computer screen. She reached out to pick up the teacup and wanted to take a sip of black tea. She gently licked the cup with her lips and found that there was no tea in it. She said in a daze, "Is the black tea gone so soon?"

Just as Yalvette was complaining in a low voice, suddenly a slender hand wearing black gloves handed her a cup of hot black tea.

When thirsty Alvette saw the freshly brewed black tea, she took it without even thinking and drank it. The tea soup without a trace of impurities slid down her throat smoothly, and the rich tea fragrance slowly spread on her tongue, with a long and rich fragrance.

"Good tea!"

Alvette couldn't help but admire the craftsmanship of the tea maker. She turned around and looked around, originally wanting to see which kind person made tea for her.

But when she saw Rita's delicate face with a smile on her face, she stood there like a petrified person.

"Deputy... Deputy... Captain!"

The entire Immortal Blade team was fighting against the Honkai Beast on the front line. Alvette never thought that Rita, who usually accompanied Yulandel and fought on the front line, would appear in the rear camp.

Yalvette stood up from her chair nervously and saluted respectfully: "Vice Captain Rita, why are you here?"

Rita's delicate face looked charming and gentle with her charming smile, and she said softly: "I just came to care about the important intelligence operator in our team."

After knowing Rita's purpose, Yalvette immediately said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Lady Rita, I really didn't mean to slack off and avoid going to the battlefield!"

Yalvette seemed to want to explain something, but Rita waved her hand leisurely and said gently: "Yalvette, you don't need to explain anything to me..."

"The person who insists on coming to you and cares about you is not me, but Mr. Hollander." Rita stepped aside gracefully and said: "If you want to explain, just explain it to Mr. Hollander."

Youlandel, who had just come down from the battlefield, rushed to the rear camp without stopping because she was worried about Arvette's safety.

Fortunately, Arvette is now very safe and did not suffer any accidents on the battlefield.

But what displeased Youlandel was that as an intelligence agent, Arvette not only failed to provide favorable rear support during the battle with the Immortal Blade, but also hid in the room alone to fish.

This is out-and-out malfeasance.

On weekdays, Youlandel never slacks off, nor does she allow her subordinates or superiors to neglect their duties.

A cold light flashed in Youlandel's eyes when she looked at Arvette: "Arvette, you'd better give me a satisfactory explanation for your behavior of leaving your duty without permission, otherwise..."

Before Youlandel could finish speaking, the anger contained in her voice made Arvette tremble with fear.

"Lord Youlandel, please listen to my explanation. I was carrying out a mission under the orders of the Bishop, and that's why I didn't go to the front line with you."

Hearing this, Youlandel's eyebrows frowned slightly.

The Immortal Blade is the most elite unit among the Destiny Valkyries, and is also the direct unit of Destiny Bishop Alto.

It was a normal thing for Alto to order the members of the Immortal Blade to do things, but the strange thing is that as the captain of the Immortal Blade, Youlandel knew nothing about Arvette accepting a secret mission. .

Logically speaking, if Alto wants to use the members of the Immortal Blade, he has to go through Youlandel.

The bishop deliberately bypassed me and gave direct orders to Arvette. Is there something he wants to hide from me?

Rita on the side was also keenly aware that something was amiss: "Sir Alto actually gave orders directly to the members of the Blade of Immortality without passing through Mr. Hollander. It seems that things are not simple."

Hearing Rita's words, Hollander's eyes narrowed, and the doubts in her heart became more serious. She said, "Arvette, what mission has Master Alto given you? You must hide it from me."

Most of the Destined Valkyries are fans of Bishop Alto, and Arvette also admires the Bishop's great achievements in fighting against Honkai.

But Youlandel's status in Alvite's mind is equally high, no less than that of Bishop Alto, who is in charge of the destiny.

Under Hollanddale's questioning, Arvette gave an honest explanation before she could even think about it.

"My Lord Bishop, you want me to investigate Beichen Jiujiu (Jiujiu), the successor of the Far East Beichen family."

Hearing this, Rita became more and more confused. Although the heir of a Far Eastern family may be famous and powerful in their own territory, a family in such a remote place is at best a local snake in the world and cannot enter the destiny. Archbishop's eyes.

"Lord Youlandel, I am afraid that Mr. Beichen Jiujiu's identity is not simple..."

Rita was once Alto's protege, so she naturally wouldn't think that Alto was just investigating the heir of a Far Eastern family.

But when Rita whispered in Hollander's ear, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, and she actually saw a shaken look on Hollander's face.

Hearing the name Beichen Jiujiu, Youlandel was slightly startled. The dream that had troubled her for a long time resurfaced in her mind, leaving a shaken look on her face.

But Youlandel is Destiny's strongest Valkyrie after all, and those trivial and vague memories cannot make her sink into them or shake her mind.

But even so, Youlandel also realized that Alto was investigating Beichen Jiujiu and deliberately hid it from her. This matter was by no means simple.

"Arvette, tell me quickly, why does Lord Alto want to investigate the young master of the Beichen family?"

Hearing Youlandel's question, Arvette shook her head with an ugly face: "Lord Youlandel, I was just following orders, and I don't know why I wanted to investigate him..."

"It's just... when Master Otto ordered me, his face looked very anxious, and he seemed to be very concerned about his appearance."

Bishop Otto had always been secretive in his actions, and rarely disclosed the complete intentions of his actions to his subordinates. But the more Otto kept it secret, the more doubts and dreams lingered in Hollandelle's mind.

"Arvette, please give me all the information you collected immediately!"

Hearing this, Arvette ignored Bishop Otto's order to keep it secret and handed the computer containing Jojo's information to Hollander.

In the eyes of the members of the Immortal Blade team, Hollander is their real direct superior and the most authoritative woman.

"The information about Beichen Jiujiu is indeed not simple. He killed demons at the age of 10, practiced the Beichen One-Sword Style to the extreme at the age of 12, and became the strongest in the Beichen One-Sword Style at the age of 14. His talent is unparalleled, but...three years ago, his His whereabouts suddenly disappeared in Changkong City, and news about him was only recently received at the ME Club’s group gathering.”

Arvette told Hollander everything she knew, and said unabashedly: "Not only is his family rich, powerful, talented, and he has an outstanding face, he is the most suitable person I have ever seen. The married man, is Lord Youlandel also interested in him? "

Hearing this, Rita felt ridiculous and smiled in her heart. In her opinion, there was no man in the world worthy of her idolized Youlandel, and she would never give up her position next to Youlandel. anyone.

Listening to how perfect Alvette was praising Beichen Jiujiu, Yulandel said disdainfully: "I am the strongest Valkyrie of destiny. Fighting against the collapse and saving humanity is what I was born with. The relationship between men and women is just a story in a novel to me."

For Yulandel, "Men will only hinder my speed of drawing my gun." This statement is not an exaggeration at all.

As the strongest Valkyrie of destiny, the goddess in the minds of countless men and women, she has never thought of letting any man touch her.

Yulandel opened Beichen Jiujiu's information while listening to Alvette's words.

The next second, Yulandel saw a photo of Qiaoqiao and Meiyi on her laptop. The two of them were close together and looked very intimate.

Yulandel looked at the boy in the photo with sickly white skin, lavender eyes, and a delicate and beautiful face like a doll, and suddenly the memories of her with Qiaoqiao emerged in her mind.

In the dark interrogation room, Qiao Qiao was training herself with a whip in his hand, and she shamelessly asked him to use more force.

The two of them went to Anti-Entropy together, betrayed destiny, and seized the core of the Wind Herrscher.

And the night when Yulandel handed over her most precious thing to Qiao Qiao.

Yulandel has always been very strict with herself and has never had close contact with any man, but at this moment, she has a completely different self in her mind. She is obviously much older than Qiao Qiao. As a Valkyrie, she was toyed with by the World Serpent Interrogator, and gave him the most precious thing as a girl.

As the memory of being trained by Qiao Qiao came to her mind, Yulandel recalled that she had no disguise in front of Qiao Qiao, as if she had touched some taboo knowledge and tasted the sweet and tempting Gan Li. Her face was blushing, and she felt an extremely hot desire surging from deep in her body, and she was restless.

Chapter 177: Yulandel in the crematorium chasing her husband

Looking at the handsome black-haired boy in the photo on Alvira's laptop, Yulandel's latent memories were completely awakened.

In the dark and closed secret room, Yulandel's slender white hands were tied and hung in the air. The black-haired boy looked at Yulandel, with a strange light flashing in his purple eyes and a playful smile on his lips.

At the ME headquarters, Qiao Qiao held a chain with handcuffs on the top in his hand and used her as a bargaining chip to negotiate with Cocolia.

In the Destiny New Zealand base, Yulandel watched Qiao Qiao soar above the sky and use the power of the Herrscher of the Wind to destroy the entire base, and her expression was still horrified and terrified.

In the underground secret room, Yulandel, a virgin, spent a hot and passionate night with Qiao Qiao.

As memories kept reappearing, Yulandel recalled every bit of her time with Qiaoqiao...

Under the lush and flourishing tree, Qiaoqiao handed the Black Abyss to Yulandel and pierced her body in order to let Yulandel and the Valkyrie of the Undying Blade escape from the World Serpent and avoid the punishment of fate.

Yulandel held Qiaoqiao's cold body, her hands were stained with blood, and tears fell from her eyes like a broken bead curtain.

"I remember everything...Qiaoqiao."

Yulandel cried and trembled as tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

"I'm sorry...everything is my fault. You loved me so much, but I always doubted you and finally pushed you to a dead end..."

Yulandel looked at Qiaoqiao's photo with tears in her eyes, and her heart was full of regret and guilt.

Rita saw that Yulandel was out of control and burst into tears. Her calm and elegant face showed a surprised expression. It was the first time she saw Yulandel, who was strict with herself and confident, look so weak and pitiful.

Who was the person in the photo in the notebook?

Why did Bianca care so much?

Rita didn't have time to look at the photo of Qiao Qiao in the computer. She hurried to Yulandel's side, picked up the handkerchief full of girl's fragrance to wipe the tears from her eyes, and asked softly: "Lord Yulandel, are you okay?"

Yulandel burst into tears because of a man, which surprised Rita. But for Rita, who that man was was important, but far less important than Yulandel.

As a maid and adjutant, helping and supporting Yulandel was her duty.

As long as it was for Yulandel, her inner feelings were not important at all.

Hearing Rita's worried voice, Yulandel came back to her senses from her memories, turned around and said to her gently: "I'm fine, I just suddenly remembered someone who is very important to me..."

Rita was a little confused about who the important person Yulandel was talking about, but considering that Yulandel was emotional at the moment and needed time to comfort herself, she didn't ask much, but just showed an elegant and gentle smile at the corner of her mouth: "Since he is a very important person in Yulandel's heart, he is also an important person in Rita's heart."

Hearing Rita say that Qiao Qiao is her important person, Yulandel didn't feel particularly strange, but was very happy to have such a good friend by her side.

Otherwise, the pain of killing Qiao Qiao with her own hands would definitely break her down in an instant.

Yulandel still remembers that after she killed Qiao Qiao, the entire world line changed amazingly.

Her mother Cecilia Shaniat did not die in the battlefield of the second collapse, but mysteriously disappeared from the battlefield in Siberia with the second Herrscher Silin.

When Siegfried rebelled against his destiny, he wanted to take Yulandel away. Although he failed, she did not lose her memory.

She remembered that she had a cute sister, Kiana, who looked exactly like her.

At the same time, she also recalled the genius inventor who she met in the house when she was a child in the previous world line. He was handsome, introverted and shy, and had a marriage contract with her.

It turned out that... Qiao Qiao, that night, the person you loved the most was me...

Everything you did was for me...

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