Qiao Qiao and Meiyi had to shake hands and smile with each of their guests, as if they were the hosts of the dinner.

But in fact, Meiyi arranged this engagement ceremony just to prove to the world that she and Qiao Qiao were engaged, so that Walter and Cocolia, who had been pursuing her, would give up completely.

Although many guests were respectful to Qiao Qiao and Meiyi due to the reputation of the Beichen family, they were at best just invited guests like everyone else here.

The host of the dinner, the current president of Me Club and the real anti-entropy leader Cocolia, has not appeared yet.

As the host of the dinner, Cocolia has not appeared at the party yet, which is a strange thing, but Meiyi smiled and shook hands with the guests who congratulated her on her engagement, and responded politely, as if she had just been engaged to her fiancé. Even Qiao Qiao couldn't help but marvel at such acting skills.

Qiao Qiao played Beichen Jiujiu perfectly, and no guest doubted his identity, which made Meiyi very happy. This proved that it was an extremely correct choice for him to entrust the good old man Qiao Qiao to play his fiancé.

Qiao Qiao played Beichen Jiujiu so well that not only the guests present, but even Meiyi herself was frightened by his sharp aura as a young master of a noble family.

If she had not personally entrusted Qiao Qiao to play her fiancé and knew the truth, Meiyi might have really been intimidated by Qiao Qiao's sharp and cold aura and regarded Qiao Qiao as the real young master of the Beichen family like everyone else.

[The host played Meiyi's fiancé and helped her get rid of Cocolia's conspiracy. Congratulations on receiving the reward: [Beichen Ichidori (Elementary)]. ]

Seeing the reward given by doing good deeds, Qiao Qiao was stunned at first, and then smiled slightly.

This is probably because the system judged that Qiao Qiao's playing Beichen Jiujiu, officially getting engaged to Meiyi, and helping her get rid of Walter and Cocolia's entanglement was a "good deed", so it gave the reward.

However, this [North Star One Sword Style (Primary)] is a new thing. She has received skill rewards such as [Soul Steel Doll Manufacturing Skills] before, but this is the first time she has seen swordsmanship that is directly applied to actual combat.

Moreover, this North Star One Sword Style is the style inherited by the Raiden family. It must be very compatible with the two swords [Seven Thunders of Purification] and [Cold Prison Ice Sky] that Qiao Qiao currently holds, and their power is brought to the fullest.

After Qiao Qiao's excellent performance, Mei's purpose of attending the Me Club banquet has been half completed. She successfully concealed the truth and let Qiao Qiao pretend to be North Star Jiujiu and officially get engaged to him, so as to make Cocolia, Walter and others give up the idea of ​​entering into a marriage contract with her.

But the next step is the main purpose of Mei and Qiao Qiao to attend the Me Club banquet-to find the account book that can prove the innocence of Raiden Ryoma and record the whereabouts of billions of US dollars raised by Me Club.

According to the information provided by ME's deputy general manager, Raiden Kunimitsu, the account book that records Cocolia's embezzlement of billions of dollars and the evidence of framing Raiden Ryoma is now stored in Cocolia's president's office in ME.

ME is an important base of Anti-Entropy in the Far East. Titan mechas patrol and investigate the periphery and interior of the headquarters building. Only when they are invited as guests can Qiao Qiao and Meiyi enter the headquarters of ME smoothly.

Now that the First Herrscher is missing, Cocolia is now the top leader of Anti-Entropy. The president's office where she is located must be guarded by quantized Titan mechas, and the security system is quite complete.

If Cocolia herself is in the office, then Qiao Qiao and Meiyi can say that they have no chance to steal the account book.

Therefore, Qiao Qiao and Meiyi plan to target Cocolia when she attends the banquet, that is, when the guards of the president's office are the weakest, and take the opportunity to invade the office to find the account book.

But now Cocolia has not appeared at the banquet, which makes Qiao Qiao feel a little strange, but Mei is not in a hurry at all. According to convention, the group banquet of Me Club will be held for three days, and Cocolia, as the current president of Anti-Entropy, will generally only attend the banquet on the last day and give a speech to the guests.

Mei was not in a hurry to entertain every guest who came forward to greet her, until the first day of the banquet was about to end, the guests gradually left.

After those guests left, Qiao Qiao returned to the VIP room prepared for him by Raiden Kunimitsu. He was busy dealing with those guests all day and was so tired that he collapsed directly on the sofa. On the contrary, Mei seemed to have been accustomed to this kind of banquet and socializing for a long time. She still looked calm and relaxed after socializing all night.


The door of the VIP room was heard opening.

Old Guoguang walked in with steady steps. Seeing Qiaoqiao, who was exhausted and collapsed on the sofa, and Meiyi, who was dignified, he walked up to them and said with a smile: "Master Qiao, Miss Meiyi, your performance at the banquet was really great."

As he spoke, Old Guoguang's eyes swept over Qiaoqiao and said: "Especially Master Qiao, when you stepped forward to protect Miss Meiyi in front of Miss Freya, you looked exactly like the real Young Master Beichen."

Hearing the words of Old Guoguang, Qiaoqiao, who was originally lazy, seemed to have recovered a little and straightened her back: "No way! Whoever dares to bully Meiyi, I, Qiaoqiao, will never let her go!"

"You are talking nonsense!" Meiyi said coquettishly: "Do you know that when you attacked Freya, my heart jumped to my throat. If Freya did not repent and decide to change, but wanted to fight you to the death, then things would not be so easy to settle."

"Don't force yourself for me next time, okay?"

Hearing Qiao Qiao's words, Mei Yi looked a little angry, but she firmly remembered his sincerity towards her, and she couldn't help but feel a vague and inexplicable feeling in her heart.

After hearing Yai's advice, Qiaoqiao shrugged obediently and said, "As long as Yai is happy, I will listen to you."

Hearing this, not only did Mei Yi have a smile on her lips, but even Guoguang couldn't help but be amused by him. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that Young Master Beichen, who had been so arrogant and fierce at the banquet, turned out to be such an obedient and well-behaved man in front of Mei Yi, who looked like a strict wife.

Guoguang, who had frosty white hair on his temples, said with a smile on his face: "Miss Meiyi made the right choice when she fell in love with you."

Hearing this, Yayi's face suddenly turned red and she said shyly: "Uncle Guoguang, you are talking nonsense again. He and I are not who you imagine."

Qiaoqiao didn't know if he was talking about Mei Yi asking him to play the role of her fiancé, or if he was referring to something else. He smiled awkwardly and said, "Me Yi is one of the most important people in my life. This is what I should do."

One of the most important people...

Hearing what Qiao Qiao said, Mei Yi froze on the spot and lowered her head shyly.

Old Man Guoguang glanced at the time and said with a smile: "It's getting late and you two are tired. I'll arrange a hotel for you to rest in tonight."

Meiyi nodded and agreed to Guoguang's arrangement, while Qiaoqiao did squint his eyes slightly.

"One room?"

"Yes." Old Man Guoguang's snow-white spectacle lenses shone brightly, and he said with a happy and contented smile: "As the young master of the Beichen family, you are engaged to Miss Meiyi in front of many celebrities."

"You and Miss Mei are now celebrities in Changkong City. Everyone is watching your movements. As an unmarried couple, if you don't sleep in the same room, everyone will doubt your engagement."

Upon hearing Old Man Guoguang, Qiao Qiao was suddenly startled and turned to look at Mei Yi.

Obviously, Mei Yi had just found out that she was going to sleep in the same room as Qiao Qiao tonight, and her face was even more shocked than Qiao Qiao's, but other than that, there seemed to be some strange emotion in her eyes.

"Mei Yi, this arrangement is different from the script we originally discussed!"

After hearing Qiao Qiao's words, Ya Yi thought for a moment and said seriously: "Qiao Qiao, Uncle Guoguang is right. Our every move now attracts the attention of many people. If you want your identity not to be exposed, as an unmarried couple, we Must live together."

Qiao Qiao originally thought that Mei Yi was shy and introverted, and would not be able to agree to live in a room with a man like her. But now it seems...that is not the case. She seems to have no interest in living in a room with Qiao Qiao. Resisting, or even... willing to accept?

Chapter 190 Qiao Qiao who was forced to prostitute herself for free

Qiao Qiao has an appointment with Mei Yi, and will definitely cooperate with her to find evidence to rescue her father, Raiden Ryoma.

If he fails to rescue Raiden Ryoma, the one million reward that Raiden Meiyi promised him will not be fulfilled.

Moreover, since Mei herself has no objection to staying in the same hotel with Qiao Qiao, whether it is out of interests or personal emotions, Qiao Qiao will not refuse to spend tonight in the same hotel room with Mei Yi.

"Since Mei Yi doesn't object, then let's help everything according to your wishes, Uncle Guoguang."

After receiving Qiao Qiao's approval, Lei Dian Guoguang smiled and said, "Okay, I'll order someone to arrange a hotel room right away."

After finishing speaking, Leiden Guoguang walked out and helped Qiaoqiao and Mei arrange their stay at the hotel.

Leiden Guoguang was over seventy years old, which was his seventies. He had taken care of Mei Yi since she was a child, so he naturally doted on her.

As long as it's Mei Yi's matter, he doesn't trust others, but does it himself and strives for perfection.

Thanks to his love for Mei Yi, Qiao Qiao is obviously just Mei Yi's fake fiancé, but for some reason he is favored by the old man.

He treated Qiao Qiao as if he were his grandson-in-law.

Qiao Qiao can feel that Raiden Ryoma and Raiden Guoguang treat him very affectionately, but because of his system of doing good deeds and accumulating virtue, he often helps girls, and occasionally does good things like helping an old lady cross the road.

In his opinion, the reason why Raiden Ryoma and Raiden Kunimitsu like him so much is because he helped their most important apple - Raiden Meiyi.

As a top student who often helps others and has outstanding conduct, Qiao Qiao is often praised and favored by his elders, and he has long been accustomed to the affectionate attitude of Raiden Ryoma and Raiden Kunimitsu.

After Qiaoqiao and Meiyi waited in the VIP room for a while, Leiden Guoguang came in with a man wearing glasses and a suit.

Leiden Guoguang pointed at the middle-aged man he brought in and introduced.

"Master Beichen, Miss Mei, this is President Matsumae of Iporo Hotel in Changkong City. The hotel under his name can be said to be the most high-end in the entire Far East region. I will definitely be able to provide you two with satisfactory service."

Hearing Raiden Guoguang's words, Qiao Qiao and the pretty Mei Yi, who were lying on the sofa, both looked at the unattractive middle-aged man. He was thin and had a business-like smile on his face that was typical of service workers. It gives people a warm feeling like the spring breeze blowing on their face. Wearing a high-end suit and matching brand-name leather shoes, they exude wealth and wealth. As expected of the president of the hotel industry in Changkong City, he obviously has a strong family background.

Qiaoqiao lay relaxed on the sofa, wondering whether she should sit up straighter and at least respect the wealthy hotel industry president in front of her.

But before Qiao Qiao could react, Matsukian looked at Qiao Qiao who was slumped on the sofa with an unruly expression, and couldn't help but think to himself: "As expected of the young master of the Beichen family, this awe-inspiring aura is absolutely extraordinary. "

Matsukian saw Qiao Qiao lying lazily on the sofa. Instead of feeling rude, he felt that the young master of the Beichen family should be so overbearing and arrogant. His eyes couldn't help but shine with admiration, and he walked up to Qiao Qiao. He and Yayi said respectfully: "Master Beichen, Miss Leiden, don't worry, I will prepare the most top-notch high-end suites and specialized services for you, which will definitely satisfy you two."

Qiao Qiao obviously had such a rude attitude, but instead of being angry, the hotel tycoon had a humble attitude, just like a jerk. This made Qiao Qiao feel a little strange in her heart, and she didn't know how to react. Instead, it was Mei Yi who was born as a young lady. It seems that he has long been accustomed to such flattery, and he said with ease: "Then Master Beichen and I will thank Mr. Matsumae for his kindness."

Hearing Mei's words, President Matsumae felt that now was the opportunity for Qiaoqiao and Mei to express their feelings and gain their goodwill. He then said: "Miss Mei, you're welcome. It's a great honor for us that you two are willing to stay in our hotel." , not only will we provide the two VIPs with the best service, but all your purchases in the hotel will be free of charge, and you can stay as long as you want.”

Hearing this, Qiao Qiao and Mei Yi were stunned for a moment, and they looked at each other with strange expressions.

If you stay in a hotel but don't pay for it, isn't that just a free prostitution?

Although Qiao Qiao likes to have sex for free and take advantage of others, this is the first time I have seen others take the initiative to let Qiao Qiao have sex for free.

From President Matsumae's point of view, the income from hotel accommodation, catering and labor is only a small amount of money, but if he is happy to serve the young master of the Beichen family, gets his care and favor, and takes him into his arms, then his career will be just around the corner.

Although Qiao Qiao and Mei Yi are young, they can understand why President Matsumae pays special attention to them. Naturally, he cannot exempt Qiao Qiao and Mei Yi from their expenses for no reason. It is just because of the Beichen family's family background. In order to It’s just for the greater good, just to please.

Although at the banquet just now, Qiao Qiao had noticed that the power of the Beichen family was unusual, but it still surprised Qiao Qiao that someone could sacrifice themselves so humbly.

This rich man is so good, he doesn’t even have to spend money to stay in a hotel, it’s completely free.

If it were revealed that Qiao Qiao was not the young master of the Beichen family, President Matsumae would probably cry to death when he realized that he had been deceived.

However, President Matsumae was completely ignorant of the fact that Qiao Qiao was not Beichen Jujiu. For the sake of his own future, he tried even harder to please: "Master Beichen, Miss Mei, what other arrangements do you have for the hotel? Don't worry, as long as our hotel can do it, Come and we will meet your requirements!”

Yayi is worthy of being a young lady from an aristocratic family and has seen the world. Even though she knew she was telling a big lie, she exchanged glances with Qiaoqiao and said calmly, "Master Beichen and I know about your good intentions. However, the two of us only plan to rest for two nights, as long as it is an ordinary double room, there is no need for a particularly high-end VIP suite.”

Although Mei had to share a room with Qiao Qiao in Changkong City due to the need to pretend to be an unmarried couple, as a young lady from a well-known family, she was shy and introverted. Although she could live in the same room with Qiao Qiao, she was not prepared to do so. He wanted to do unspeakable things with Qiao Qiao, and he wasn't prepared to cheat the former president's money. Naturally, he didn't want to live in a special VIP suite with Qiao Qiao, just an ordinary double room.

But President Matsumae was slightly startled when he heard Qiao Qiao's request.

He has been in the hotel industry for more than 40 years and has never heard such a strange request.

In the past, when dignitaries came to their hotels, they all asked for the highest-end suites, and their requests were all kinds of tricky.

But today, when Young Master Beichen and Miss Yayi checked in, they only wanted the most ordinary double room.

You two, a wealthy young master and his daughter, live in an ordinary double room. What's so special about this?

President Matsumae was puzzled by Mei Yi's request. Suddenly his eyes lit up. He seemed to understand the deep meaning of Mei Yi's words. His eyes lit up and he said, "Okay, okay! We will do our best to meet Ms. Mei Yi's request! Prepare the best for you." Nice room.”

Although President Matsumae promised, Mei felt that his reaction was a bit strange. She didn't seem to understand the meaning of her words, so she lowered her voice and warned: "We only want an ordinary room with a double bed, champagne and wine, and flowers." No need for aromatherapy!”

Hearing this, President Matsumae nodded repeatedly: "That's natural! I understand! I understand!"

"Then, if Miss Mei has no other requirements, I will go out and arrange a hotel room."

As soon as he finished speaking, President Matsumae turned around and left with a smile on his face, seeming to be thinking about something and preparing to decorate the room according to Mei Yi's wishes.

Seeing him leaving the VIP room with other thoughts, Yayi frowned slightly and felt a little uneasy in her heart.

Did he...really understand what I said?

Chapter 191 Is it intentional or accidental?

Far East Region, Changkong City.

Qiaoqiao and Mei were sitting in the back seat of a limousine, and Leiden Guoguang drove the vehicle skillfully as it sped along the night highway.

Yayi looked at Qiaoqiao beside her who was looking out the window: "Thank you for your hard work, Qiaoqiao. Without you, the guests at the banquet would definitely not believe that I still have a fiancé."

Hearing Mei Yi's thanks, Qiao Qiao smiled slightly, held her chin leisurely and said, "It's nothing hard. I had a very happy day today, especially when I beat that woman Freya."

If other women heard Qiao Qiao's words, they would probably think that Qiao Qiao is a bad person who likes to bully girls, but Mei Yi already knows Qiao Qiao's good character and trusts him very much. She also knows that he said this just because Stand up for yourself.

Thinking of Qiaoqiao risking his own life for her and slapping Freya, Mei Yi still feels warm in her heart, and she can't help but smile: "Thanks to you today, if you hadn't been with me, those people at the banquet would definitely Follow Freya and humiliate my father."

Yayi seems to be recalling the past when her family was in decline and was scorned by others: "Those businessmen and nobles are all so hypocritical. When the family was strong, they all flattered me, but when the family fell into decline, they all sneered and mocked me. Adding insult to injury.”

Qiao Qiao told her calmly, "Those who approach you because of money and power will one day leave you because of money and power."

"But..." Qiao Qiao looked at Mei Yi with a smile on her lips: "It is because the world is like this that we must cherish those friends who are sincere and kind and do not ask for anything in return."

Hearing Qiao Qiao's comfort, Mei Yi's originally cold and lonely face bloomed with a smile again. In Mei Yi's eyes, people like Matsumae who deliberately please themselves because of fame and fortune are simply hypocritical and ridiculous, not worth mentioning. Only people like Qiao Qiao know that they are in a lonely situation. , only those who are willing to lend a helping hand are friends worth cherishing.

After receiving Qiao Qiao's enlightenment, Mei untied her knot with those hypocrites and said with a serious face, "Although I don't like those wealthy and powerful people who are greedy for profit...but since they are deliberately trying to please us out of profit, then we might as well just go along with it. Naturally, use them to rescue my father."

Qiao Qiao's thoughts coincide with those of Mei Yi. In his opinion, those who watch Mei Yi's suffering are all condoners of bullying. Those who have the ability to stop bullying but do nothing, and those who Those who bully Mei Yi are just as hateful, so I must take this opportunity to teach them a lesson.

Qiao Qiao echoed Mei Yi: "As long as I can help Mei Yi, I am willing to do anything. It's time to make those inactive people who watch indifferently pay the price."

When Mei heard this, she was very moved. In this world, the only person in the world who was willing to sacrifice for her unconditionally was Qiao Qiao, except for her father Raiden Ryoma and her best friend Kiana.

What's valuable is that Qiao Qiao is not only sincere about her feelings, but also smart and not pedantic. She will do whatever it takes to get justice.

Back then, Mei's father was framed and imprisoned by bad guys, and the family declined. Now she doesn't mind fighting evil with evil and letting Cocolia have a taste of injustice.

"Qiaoqiao, you are right." Mei Yi looked at Qiaoqiao with a hint of approval in her eyes and said, "As long as my father can be cleared of his crimes, any force can be used, even those bad guys. The same goes for the power!”

Qiaoqiao's views on dealing with Cocolia by any means necessary coincided with Mei's, and they looked at each other and smiled.

Lei Dian Guoguang drove a black car and parked slowly in front of the hotel door.

As soon as Qiao Qiao and Mei Yi's cars passed the entrance of the hotel, President Matsumae walked up with several waiters. They seemed to have been waiting for a long time and were looking forward to Qiao Qiao.

As soon as the car stopped, President Matsumae arranged for a valet to open the car door for Qiao Qiao and carry the gifts. His service to Mei and Qiao Qiao was as considerate as treating an emperor.

Qiaoqiao also accepted Matsumae's deliberate flattery naturally.

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