Due to long-term confinement, this originally lively and active temple guard has completely given up struggling. The red single eye on his head has lost its vitality and is as silent and dim as a dead object.

The huge body of the temple guard shocked all the guests under the podium, and at the same time, they couldn't help but feel a little uneasy and fearful. Anti-entropy actually caught this beast that was enough to destroy a city, and tortured him into this miserable state of dying and half-dead.

And then, the live broadcast scene made the guests in the audience dumbfounded.

On the lifting platform, the bracket that blocked the collapse beast like shackles actually moved slowly and released the body of the giant beast.

As the bracket loosened, the body of the temple guard swayed forward like a high-rise building that had an earthquake, and broke away from the alloy steel plate behind him. A faint light appeared in his eyes that were originally as silent as a dead object.

On guard, the steel nails that pierced the armor of the collapse beast moved slowly and slowly pulled out of the body.

As several pieces of steel fell, a loud "swing--" sound was heard. The eyes of the temple guard who regained his freedom burst into a hungry and fierce light like a beast, tearing the seals that blocked his body and roaring like a wild beast.

Perhaps because of the reaction of being imprisoned by humans for too long, this temple guard became extremely fierce and brutal after regaining his freedom. There was a red fierce light in his eyes, and he roared like crazy, as if he was avenging the atrocities inflicted on him by humans, and he kept destroying the high-rise buildings in the ruins.

Seeing the giant beast wantonly destroying the ruins of the city, the guests in the banquet hall made horrified sounds and cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

"What are the people of Anti-Entropy doing? Why did they release such a big monster?"

"Even in the ruins, Lord Kokolia has gone too far..."

"This Honkai Beast has gone completely crazy. If he moves to other cities, it will definitely cause a lot of casualties!"

The guests looked at the giant beast that had regained its freedom, and their hearts were filled with trembling fear.

In the holographic projection, the temple guard on the podium seemed to notice something, and suddenly turned his head and stared at the guests below the stage, which made them silent and their legs weak, and they were almost scared to run away.

The city ruins in North America were on fire. The temple guard destroyed several buildings, and seemed to notice something, and turned his head to look at the ground full of yellow sand.

The people in the banquet hall then discovered that at the end of the temple guard's sight, a secret door opened on the ground of the ruins. With the sound of the steel cable pulling, another elevator carrying a huge object appeared in everyone's sight.

"Look! Something seems to have appeared on the ground?"

"It seems to be the anti-entropy Titan mecha... and it is a model that has never been seen..."

"Can he defeat the temple-level collapse beast?"

Under the expectant eyes of the crowd, a yellow-painted Titan mecha stood on the ground. His limbs were firmly fixed by the brackets, and the mecha's single eye was dim and lifeless, like a corpse.

Seeing the yellow Titan mecha, the temple guard immediately raised his head and roared angrily, as if he had a blood feud with the mecha...

As a collapsed creature, the temple guard only had the instinct to destroy, and naturally did not pay attention to martial ethics like humans. Without saying a word, while the steel bracket on the steel body had not been removed, he rushed towards the Titan mecha with long hair, wanting to sneak attack the Titan mecha that had not yet started, and completely destroy it!

Seeing the temple guard attacking the Titan mecha that had not yet started, his heart suddenly jumped to his throat, and he was so nervous that he forgot to breathe.

In the holographic projection, the temple guard's eyes flashed with fierce blood, and he waved the long hair in his hand, stabbing like a meteor chasing the moon.

This shocking scene was reflected in the eyes of the blonde lady Freya in the audience. She closed her eyes in fear, while Meiyi watched the live broadcast with an unbelievable look in her eyes.

The guests present watched the live broadcast and burst into huge exclamations. Freya opened her eyes tremblingly and saw an unbelievable scene through the gap between her fingers.

Facing the spear stabbed by the Temple-level Honkai Beast, the yellow-painted Titan Mecha's eyes flashed with blue light. At the critical moment, it released the bracket blockade, raised its arm, and grabbed the stabbing spear.

The moment the Titan Mecha grabbed the Honkai Beast's spear, it was like Ultraman fighting Mefilas in the new Ultraman. The collision between the two giants produced an extremely huge energy wave.

Seeing the Titan Mecha awaken and fight against the giant beast, the guests in the banquet hall exclaimed excitedly.

Just like the battle between Unit-01 and the Apostle in EVA, and the battle between the mecha and the monster in Pacific Rim, the confrontation between the mecha and the giant beast always makes men's blood swell.

After the spear was caught by the bare hands, the temple guard still refused to give up. He was extremely angry and exerted his strength to force the spear in his hand close to the chest armor of the Titan Mech.

Seeing that the spear was about to pierce the chest armor of the mech, the mood of the guests present was like a roller coaster, and they suddenly became tense.

"Come on! Titan Mech!"

"Don't lose!"

"Hold on!"

Amid the cheers of the guests, the spear of the Honkai Beast was about to pierce the body of the Titan Mech, but suddenly the body of the mech lit up a shield like an AT force field, blocking the Honkai Beast's spear.

At this moment, the sense of security given by the Titan Mech even surpassed the shield of Zhongli in the original game, and the whole audience burst into excited shouts.

On the ruins of the city in North America, the Titan Mech blocked the spear of the Honkai Beast, seized the gap of the opponent's attack, and punched the chest of the Temple Guard.

Facing the giant fist hitting his chest, the Temple Guard used the strong shield in his hand to resist.

But after the giant fist was blocked, the Titan Mech simply gave up defense completely, grabbed the shield with both hands, and applied force to both sides, trying to tear the shield completely.

Under the huge force of the Titan Mech, the strong shield was torn apart like a torn silk.

The flashing eyes of the Temple Guard became fearful and uneasy. He held the shield in one hand and stabbed the Titan with the spear in the other hand. In order to survive, he used all his strength.

But in the face of the overwhelming power of the Titan Mech, the Temple Guard's struggle was as weak as an ant. His spear pierced the shield like a needle piercing a diamond, and it was useless. The shield in his hand was like a fragile paper, and it was constantly torn apart.

The battle between the Temple Guard and the Titan Mech was like Qiao Jiajia meeting Brother Jie, and they could only be pushed and overwhelmed.

The huge Temple Guard was pushed to the ground by the Titan Mech, and the shield in his hand was completely torn apart and fell to the sides.

Then, the Titan Mech punched the Temple Guard's body and killed it completely.

The guests in the banquet hall cheered and celebrated when they saw the Titan Mech's victory, but Mei's eyes were full of horror, and she gritted her teeth and said, "That female vixen Cocolia actually put this type of mech into actual combat?"

The holographic projection suddenly turned off, and the ruined battlefield on the podium disappeared.

Instead, Cocolia, wearing a white military dress, with a noble and elegant temperament and a plump and graceful figure, stood in front of the podium. She held the remote control in her hand and turned on the prepared demonstration image. The data of the Titan Mech that just defeated the Temple-level Honkai Beast appeared in front of everyone.

"Dear guests from afar, the live broadcast you just saw is the new Titan mecha developed by our company."

"Codename: Godfather!"

Hearing Cocolia's introduction, the guests present immediately perked up. They saw with their own eyes the terrifying power of the Titan mecha defeating the Temple-level Honkai Beast, and naturally they were very interested in him.

Cocolia, who was on the podium, smiled and said confidently, "As you have just seen, this new Titan mecha uses the latest AI and can automatically attack the enemy according to instructions and the on-site environment.

"The energy shield on his body uses our company's latest scientific research results, which can resist missile-level attacks, and the energy output of the power furnace even overwhelms the Temple-level Honkai Beast."

"The performance of the Godfather is extremely excellent. Our company will use it to replace manpower. It should be used in machine assembly, firefighting and disaster relief, civil engineering... national defense war and other fields... I hope you will buy it enthusiastically. "

Cocolia's words seemed to have magic power, stirring the hearts of the wealthy officials present. They saw with their own eyes the terrifying combat capability of "The Godfather". If he was used in the field of war, it would completely rewrite the modern battlefield.

A group, region or country without "The Godfather" would be helpless and completely defeated by the enemy with "The Godfather".

The wealthy officials present suddenly became ambitious and were determined to buy "The Godfather".

Cocolia looked at the people in the audience who were ambitious to buy "The Godfather", and a slight arc appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he leisurely raised a finger to the crowd.

"The number of "The Godfather" pre-sold by our company this round is - one million! "

Hearing Cocolia's words, the distinguished guests present were so surprised that their eyes widened and they began to whisper to each other.

You know, a country only has tens of thousands of armed helicopters on standby.

Anti-Entropy pre-sold one million "Godfather" mechas at once, which is an astonishing number. In today's world, except for Destiny, no organization or group can swallow so many mechas in one go.

But the banquet hall is now gathering representatives from countries, regional groups and institutions around the world. They must get more "Godfather" mechas than their competitors and enemies, otherwise they will become corpses under the "Godfather" giant.


The projection behind Cocolia The pre-sale amount of one million "Godfather" mechas was announced.

Then, the numbers on the projection dropped in one breath.




In order to win over their competitors, the wealthy officials present used the money reserves of a group or even a country to frantically purchase "Godfather" mechas.



In just a few seconds, the one million Titan mechas pre-sold by Cocolia were sold out in an instant, and the money transferred into her bank was an astronomical figure.

Seeing that the "Godfather" mechas were sold out, Cocolia showed a satisfied smile on her face and said happily to the microphone: "Thank you all for your visit and support today. "

As soon as the voice fell, Cocolia walked down the podium and came to the backstage under the escort of bodyguards.

In the passage backstage, Cocolia saw a familiar girl.

Raiden Mei blocked Cocolia's way, her face extremely gloomy.

She saw with her own eyes that Cocolia fooled everyone and sold the "Godfather". She bit her white teeth tightly and said indignantly: "Cocolia...you despicable liar!"

Hearing Mei's scolding, Cocolia did not show any signs of anger, and the corners of her mouth showed an elegant, calm, and meaningful smile.

......seemed to have accepted the title of "liar" very calmly.

Chapter 197 The smell of gunpowder between two women

Anti-entropy North American base.

The ruined city with yellow sand all over the sky was ablaze with flames, countless high-rise buildings collapsed, and the debris was scattered on the ground like building blocks, and the red and sticky blood was scattered everywhere like the magma splashed out of a volcano, flowing slowly.

The death of the temple guard was extremely miserable, and not even a complete body was left. The huge body comparable to a high-rise building was torn into pieces and thrown everywhere like garbage. His one-eyed head with blood flowing was carried away by a large truck.

If Cocolia broadcast the current situation of the North American base to the people of Me Society, they would definitely be frightened by the miserable death of the temple guard, and they would also be surprised to find that the damage caused by the collapsed high-rise buildings in this ruined city was several times more than that caused by the collapse beast, and the middle area was almost flattened.

"Up, up, stop!"

The staff at the North American base directed the crane to suspend the Titan mecha "Godfather" whose power had run out in the air and put it on the base's elevator.

Seeing the crane put the "Godfather" on the elevator and fix it firmly with a bracket, the staff who had completed the task breathed a sigh of relief and complained to his colleagues: "Finally, it's done. Every time this big guy starts, it will not stop until the power is exhausted..."

"Lord Cocolia is a black-hearted capitalist who only cares about making money and doesn't consider how difficult our on-site recycling work is!"

"Okay, okay." His colleague comforted him: "At least Cocolia pays me a good salary, doesn't it?"

Thinking of the generous rewards given by Anti-Entropy, the worker wearing a sun hat suddenly showed a naive smile at the corner of his mouth: "That's true."

"Then don't complain anymore." The colleague reached out and patted the worker on the shoulder: "You still have a lot of work to do, and you can't rest now."

"Let's work harder and finish all the remaining cleaning work!"

For this group of Anti-Entropy members who need to support their families, as long as the salary is enough, no matter how many tasks, how hard, and how tired they are, they are willing to do it.

As long as the salary is in place, they are willing to work as dogs for Cocolia. If not, then it is not enough.

The two anti-entropy turned to look at the torn body of the temple guard, and recalled the battle between the "Godfather" and the temple guard just now.

After the Godfather punched through the chest of the temple guard, the powerful Honkai beast died in despair with a miserable scream.

The live broadcast of the North American base ended here.

What the guests of Me Club did not see was that after killing the temple guard, the Godfather did not stop his actions, but entered a rampage state, tearing the temple guard into pieces with his giant iron hand and whipping the corpse repeatedly.

For a time, the body parts were scattered in the ruins of North America, and blood flowed like a river. This horrifying scene made even the anti-entropy staff tremble with fear.

Moreover, the Godfather who entered the rampage state was not satisfied after tearing the body of the temple guard into pieces, and actually began to attack the city indiscriminately, destroying several high-rise buildings in the ruins.

Until the energy ran out, the half-body of the Godfather mecha, which was covered in blood and horrifying, finally stopped.

Those VIPs from Me Club bought the Godfather mecha, but they knew nothing about its true horror.

The staff of Anti-Entropy hurriedly directed the truck to clean up the body parts and blood at the scene, leaving no trace of blood.

In the backstage passage of the Me Club podium, Raiden Mei found Cocolia aggressively. Her father, Raiden Ryoma, was one of the executives of Anti-Entropy. The "Godfather" armor was developed in Me Club. As the daughter of the former president of Me Club, she can be said to be the only one who knows the "runaway" defect of the Godfather.

When she saw Cocolia selling the Godfather as a war weapon to everyone, she was not only terrified and uneasy, but also angry. She confronted Cocolia directly, and the two were full of gunpowder.

Seeing that Raiden Mei had a knife on her waist, the bodyguard in a black suit beside Cocolia wanted to step forward and grab Mei, but Cocolia reached out and pressed her shoulder.

Cocolia used her eyes to instruct the bodyguards in suits to retreat. A warm and friendly smile appeared on her mature and beautiful face. She took the initiative to greet Meiyi: "Isn't this Miss Meiyi? It's been a long time since we last went home. Why didn't you tell me in advance so that I could arrange someone to meet you?"

As a strong woman with a long history in the business world, Cocolia has long been accustomed to the skills of speaking to people in a way that suits them and flattering them. She knows that Meiyi has been away from the young master of the Beichen family for a long time, so she behaves as eagerly as a relative who has been reunited after a long absence.

Meiyi sneered. She had long seen through Cocolia's seductive skills of bewitching people and seducing people with her lies. If she hadn't asked Qiao Qiao to pretend to be Beichen Jiujiu to accompany her to Me Club today, Cocolia would never be so polite to her. Even if she had to force herself, she would have made her contract with Walter and obtained the property of her Leidian family.

"Cocolia, you vixen, stop your seductive ways! If it weren't for you... how could I be unable to return home?!"

Cocolia knew that Mei was imprisoned because of Raiden Ryoma, and she hated herself to the core.

But even though she had a warm face and a cold butt, the smile on Cocolia's face was still calm and leisurely. She ordered the bodyguards beside her to step back and said to Mei Yi: "Miss Mei Yi, it's not convenient to talk here. Let's find a quiet place nearby." Let’s talk somewhere else.”

When Mei heard Cocolia's proposal, she hesitated for a moment, remained silent and noncommittal.

Seeing that Mei didn't refuse, Cocolia directly ordered her subordinates to find a VIP room.

Mei Yi followed Cocolia and walked into a quiet and elegant living room with quaint decoration.

At this moment, Cocolia had withdrawn all her support and was alone with Mei Yi.

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