Seeing that he could not swallow it alive, the Heavenly Father immediately closed his giant mouth and tried to crush Qiao Qiao into powder by bringing his upper and lower jaws together to form two loaves of cheese.

But Qiaoqiao was not stupid. Standing next to his mouth, how could she not have thought that he would bite her to death with his mouth?

The moment the strong wind in Heavenly Father's mouth stopped, Qiao Qiao seized the only opportunity to escape, pulled out the Seven Thunders of Purification that pierced her jaw, and flew away with her feet glaring.

Heavenly Father closed his jaws and wanted to chew Qiao Qiao completely, but in the end he bit Lonely, and Qiao Qiao managed to escape, letting out another angry roar from his mouth.

The moment Qiao Qiao landed on the ground, he immediately placed the Seven Thunders of Purification by his side, keeping vigilant, looking at the angry Heavenly Father mecha, and frowned slightly: "I don't have any deep grudge against you, why do you want to kill him so much? I."

Qiao Qiao was very puzzled. In reality, she was a good person who did good deeds and accumulated good deeds. Many people regarded Qiao Qiao as the most trustworthy person, and her character was too good to say anything.

After all, Heavenly Father is just a mecha with a high IQ. How could he want to kill himself so much?

"As long as I kill you, I will be free!"

Heavenly Father said hysterically, the murderous intent contained in those giant scarlet eyes was even greater, and seemed to be filled with some kind of desire and ambition.

Qiao Qiao suddenly thought of something when she saw that her Heavenly Father was eager to kill her.

In the original plot of the game, Heavenly Father only started to act after receiving energy from the Wind Herrscher core.

But now that Wendy is not dead yet, Heavenly Father has naturally not obtained the Wind Herrscher core, let alone moved it.

But now the Heavenly Father has not only activated himself, but his strength has not weakened at all.

From this point of view, he is now using things outside the core of the Herrscher to provide energy and maintain movement, but his movement is restricted.

In order to lift his movement restrictions, he needed to obtain the Herrscher Core, so he focused on the several Herrscher Core fragments in Qiaoqiao's body.

After figuring it out, Qiao Qiao began to carefully observe the majestic body of Heavenly Father, and suddenly discovered that behind his body, that is, at the back of his neck before his transformation, there were more than a dozen tubes flowing with purple light liquid connected to him.

A sudden realization dawned on Qiao Qiao. He finally understood why Heavenly Father was still able to move even after his core was destroyed, and even started the second stage.

It turns out that his real energy source is the more than ten conduits connected to his back.

After figuring out where Heavenly Father's true weakness lies, Qiaoqiao immediately ran towards Heavenly Father's Titan, which was as huge as a mountain.

Seeing Qiao Qiao charging towards him, Heavenly Father, who started the second stage, immediately let out an angry cry.

"court death!"

Heavenly Father opens his huge mouth that contains the heart of a power furnace.

Although the core of Heavenly Father's power furnace has been damaged, its function will not diminish at all as long as there is a supply of energy.

With a roar, Heavenly Father opened his huge mouth, and a huge beam of light shot out from the broken energy core, trying to blast Qiao Qiao to pieces.

Heavenly Father's energy beam is twice as powerful as in the first stage.

Is this the power of transformation?

It's just... no matter how terrifying the energy contained in the beam is, if it doesn't hit anyone, it won't cause any harm.

Qiaoqiao watched the red beam of light coming towards her and jumped sideways into the air next to her.

The beam of light full of terrifying energy passed in front of Qiao Qiao, but Qiao Qiao avoided it with a negligible distance.


After the beam hit the ground, there was a huge explosion, and a big hole was dissolved in the wall of the control room.

Qiaoqiao grabbed the gap when Heavenly Father fired the beam, climbed onto his arm again, and headed towards the energy conduit behind him.

When Heavenly Father finished the energy emission and reacted, he suddenly discovered that Qiaoqiao had reached his shoulders and was extremely close to the energy conduit behind him.

At this moment, Heavenly Father understood that Qiao Qiao already knew his true weakness, and Kuai's arrogance that he originally wanted to get rid of Qiao Qiao suddenly disappeared.

"No! Stop it!"

Heavenly Father also seemed to be very afraid that his energy source would be cut off by Qiao Qiao. He slapped Qiao Qiao on his body with his palms in panic while making a sound of fear.

"No! I don't want to lose my energy and become a piece of metal without consciousness!"

"I beg you, please stop!"

Heavenly Father tried to hit Qiao Qiao on his body with his palm, but Qiao Qiao dexterously dodged it.

Soon, Qiao Qiao arrived at Heavenly Father's back, and those purple tubes as thick as a person were right in front of Qiao Qiao's eyes.

After Qiao Qiao arrived at the energy conduit on his back, Heavenly Father's tone changed from angry to humble, and he even begged Qiao Qiao.

[Once you cut off the pipe on the back of Heavenly Father, he will lose consciousness and turn into scrap metal. Do you want to cut it off? 】

[Option 1: Cut, cut, cut! 】

[Option 2: Stop here. 】

Heavenly Father had previously planned to kill Qiao Qiao, remove his limbs, and peel off his body, leaving only fragments of Herrscher's core, which he would install in his body to act as an energy furnace.

Facing the heavenly father who originally wanted to kill him, Qiao Qiao would not be merciful even if he heard his plea.

Moreover, the Heavenly Father is a much more terrifying war weapon than the Godfather. Although it poses little threat to Qiaoqiao, if it is used by Cocolia on the battlefield, it will definitely cause a large number of casualties and devastate lives.

In order to make myself feel sick, and also to prevent Heavenly Father from harming human beings.

Qiao Qiao should, both emotionally and rationally, completely bury his heavenly father here.

I choose....1!

Chop, chop, chop!

"Since you want to kill someone, you have to be prepared to be killed by others!"

Ignoring Heavenly Father's pleas, Qiao Qiao immediately waved the Seven Thunders of Purification in his hand, cutting off a purple conduit as easily as cutting through butter.


Feeling the weakening of energy in his body, Heavenly Father immediately screamed in pain. The emotions in his voice were extremely complex, full of despair, anger and begging...

"No! Go away quickly and don't come over!"

Heavenly Father now feels extremely regretful in his mind. He should not have awakened himself in the first place because he wanted to get the Herrscher core fragment in Qiao Qiao's body.

If he had known that he would end up like this, he should have just pretended that he didn't feel anything at the time and just let him take his things and leave.

"Stop it, I know I was wrong!"

Qiaoqiao heard Heavenly Father's begging, but turned a deaf ear to it. He kept running behind Heavenly Father and continued to cut off the purple tubes supplying energy behind him.

Hearing Heavenly Father's humble begging, Qiao Qiao not only had no sympathy in his heart, but even felt a sense of pleasure in revenge, and a hearty smile appeared on his lips.

Qiaoqiao didn't feel anything now, but his current appearance was as terrifying as a grinning devil in the eyes of Heavenly Father.

Qiao Qiao also couldn't understand. In reality, he was obviously a kind and upright good man, but when he heard his heavenly father's dying plea, he felt extremely happy in his heart, and he had a murderous impulse in his heart to trample him to death like an ant.

Qiao Qiao smiled and swung the last knife, completely cutting off the last conduit connecting the back of Heavenly Father.


The second before he completely lost consciousness, Heavenly Father Titan wanted to run forward like crazy, escaping from Qiaoqiao behind him. He didn't even realize that he was now connected to energy. If he escaped from here together, he would lose the energy supply. Toward self-destruction.

The conduit that had been cut off by Qiao Qiao was pulled by the escaping Heavenly Father, and a liquid mixed with thunder and lightning was sprayed out from the fracture, completely peeling off Heavenly Father's Titan's body.


With the exhaustion of energy, Father Titan's eyes lost their light, as if they had turned into stone statues, and their movements stopped in mid-air.

[Congratulations to the host for cutting off the energy supply of Father Titan and obtaining 100 crystals. 】

Seeing the system prompts, Qiaoqiao was convinced that what she had just done was a "good deed".

Although to Heavenly Father, what Qiao Qiao did was no different than killing someone, only by getting rid of him could the world be spared the ravages of a war.

This is what the system identifies as "good deeds."

After Qiaoqiao got 100 crystals, she sheathed her sword with a smile on her face, not realizing that she had completely cut off consciousness.

Perhaps in Qiaoqiao's view, only human lives tell fortunes, and the lives of artificial intelligence are not important at all.

After defeating Heavenly Father, Qiao Qiao naturally would not forget his true purpose of going deep into the Titan Factory. He raised his hand and touched the ledger in his jacket pocket that recorded the flow of Me Company's funds.

After ensuring that the account book was safe and sound, Qiao Qiao felt extremely happy and stretched out.

Meiyi, you should have been waiting for me outside for a long time.

It was really hard on Mei to let me delay Cocolia for so long.

Now that I have the ledger, I have to leave here quickly and return to Mei Yi.

Qiaoqiao thought so, and with a smile on his face, he turned around and lowered the giant body of the Heavenly Father Titan.

[Warning: The Heavenly Father Mecha has lost its energy supply, and the power furnace in its body is out of control and is about to explode. Please escape as soon as possible. 】


When Qiaoqiao saw the warning prompt from the system, she opened her mouth in surprise.

Only then did he remember that the system did say that cutting off the conduit of the Heavenly Father Titan would turn it into scrap metal.

But the system never said... The Father Titan will explode after losing its energy supply!


Just when Qiao Qiao came to his senses, the energy supply under Qiao Qiao was lost. The Heavenly Father Titan, who could not move, made a strange sound, and his body began to tremble like an earthquake. The energy hearth in his body that had been shattered by Qiao Qiao could no longer be held in place. , began to collapse rapidly, the majestic energy penetrated the outer shell of the core, and emitted a scarlet glow.

The glowing energy core continued to expand, reaching the edge of explosion.

Qiaoqiao realized that the crisis was coming and immediately jumped down from the body of the Heavenly Father Titan.

The Heavenly Father Titan, which had lost its energy, could no longer maintain its original mid-air posture. Its huge body fell like a landslide, crushing the entire control room platform.

With the fall of Heavenly Father Titan, the entire Titan Factory space itself was shaking, the ceiling continued to collapse, and huge rocks fell.

Qiaoqiao jumped onto the platform and immediately opened the hole in the void and entered it before the fallen Heavenly Father could overwhelm him.

When Qiaoqiao came out from the other side of the void hole, he had already opened the entrance and exit where he had just stepped into Titan. Behind him was a transparent walkway in the air. On both sides of the walkway were piled up Heavenly Father mechas as high as a thousand-foot cliff. Below is the mass production assembly line of the "Heavenly Father" mecha.

The poop in front of Qiaoqiao's body is the only channel to the outside world.

Just when Qiao Qiao was about to open the passage and escape, there was a loud "bang" and an unprecedented huge shock.

Qiaoqiao felt the vibration and looked back in surprise, only to find that Heavenly Father's collapsing body directly smashed the control room door, came to the robot platform on the opposite side of the aisle, and smashed down.

The robots that were busy working on the platform were suddenly hit by huge rocks. They immediately sounded a piercing alarm, put down their work boxes, and fled in all directions.

But the collapsed body of the Heavenly Father was so huge that it directly crushed all the half-human-high robots under it, and none of them survived.

Qiao Qiao saw the Heavenly Father Titan break through the wall and crush a group of robots, and his face turned pale, because he knew very well that even if he had the core of the Law of the Void, it would be impossible to open the quantum channel before the core exploded.

The energy core in the Heavenly Father's body expanded to the limit, and the laser beams shot out from its surface penetrated the Heavenly Father's armor, leaving him with holes all over his body, and scarlet light burst out from the small opening on the Heavenly Father's body.

"Bang!" With a loud bang, the energy core in the Heavenly Father's body exploded, and a powerful shock wave radiated and spread around with the core as the center.

Although this energy wave was not as strong as the energy ray directly shot by the Heavenly Father, it was still enough to instantly evaporate the earth, wood, sand and gravel, not to mention the fragile flesh and blood of humans.

If Qiao Qiao was swallowed by the shock wave, I am afraid that even if he had a powerful self-repair ability, it would be useless.

The shock wave that exploded engulfed the platform where the robots were working like a tsunami.

The entire platform disappeared in an instant, as if it had evaporated from the earth, and those half-human-high working machines also melted with the explosion of the Heavenly Father.

Then the scarlet explosion energy engulfed the transparent walkway in the air, and the "Godfather" Titan, which was suspended in the air to form two high walls, was impacted by the powerful force, and the hard shell exploded instantly, detonating the furnace core inside.

The exploded "Godfather" mecha detonated the "Godfather" mecha around him, like a falling domino, triggering a chain reaction.




Tens of thousands of expensive "Godfather" mechas exploded one after another like fireworks, and Qiao Qiao was dazzled by the fireworks. He was sure that this was definitely the most luxurious and expensive fireworks in the world.

The wreckage of the "Godfather" after the explosion fell from the sky, blowing up the Titan factory below, and the entire factory turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Qiao Qiao looked at the Titan factory in front of him, which was reduced to a sea of ​​fire, and knew that everything was beyond redemption.

Qiao Qiao swore to the sky that he entered the factory just to help Meiyi and find a small account book, and he definitely had no intention of destroying the factory.

But he didn't expect that man's plans are not as good as God's plans. He just killed the father of heaven, but by accident, he destroyed the entire Anti-Entropy factory.

[Congratulations to the host for winning 1,000 crystals. ]

Seeing the prompt popped up by the system, Qiao Qiao's eyes widened in surprise. He didn't expect that he could get even a crystal reward by detonating this factory.

Is this also considered doing good deeds?

Qiao Qiao couldn't help but wonder if this system's judgment of good deeds was too absurd?

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