How could the young master of the Beichen family disappear when Meiyi and I were talking alone?

How could it be such a coincidence?

Speaking of which... Meiyi Raiden suddenly came to question me at that time, which was quite suspicious. With her personality, she would never act impulsively and ask for trouble.

Cocolia recalled the way Meiyi Raiden was speechless at that time, and suddenly felt a piercing cold behind her.

Meiyi Raiden came to talk to her at that time, ostensibly because she was selling the defective "Godfather" mecha, but in fact, she must have had other plans.

Thinking of this, Cocolia was a little late, and looked at the wreckage of the patrol mecha behind her with a surprised face.

These runaway patrol mechas were trying to keep Cocolia away from her office.

Could it be that Meiyi Raiden deliberately delayed time to lead me away from the office so that Beichen Jiujiu could go to my office to steal the account books stored in the Titan Factory?

Cocolia, who realized the plan of Mei Raiden and Jiujiu Beichen, had already forgotten her curiosity about Jiujiu Beichen and asked Walter hurriedly: "Have you searched my office with people?"

Walter was shocked and said: "I have searched any room in the Me headquarters, but I dare not disturb Lord Cocolia's office.

As soon as he said this, even Walter finally realized where Qiao Qiao was at the moment, and said in surprise: "Lord Cocolia, you mean... that Jiujiu Beichen was so bold that he dared to sneak into your room?"

Cocolia felt that Qiao Qiao was most likely trying to sneak into her room, and she was a little anxious.

If the account book was really stolen by Qiao Qiao.

Once Leidian Ryoma was released, Me Society would return to Leidian Ryoma's hands.

At that time, her great cause to overthrow the rule of destiny would have to be declared a failure.

"Lord Cocolia, why are you still standing there? We will take people to the president's office and arrest Jiujiu Beichen immediately! "

To be honest, the people who wanted to catch Beichen Jiujiu the most at this moment, besides Cocolia whose house was robbed, were Walter who couldn't wait to get rid of his love rival.

But no matter how Walter urged, Cocolia remained unmoved. Instead, she looked calm and didn't seem to care about Qiao Qiao's invasion of her room.

When Cocolia realized that Beichen Jiujiu wanted to sneak into her room to steal the account book, she was really shocked by Raiden Mei's careful plan at first, and her face turned pale, but after calming down, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

Cocolia is very confident in the technological level of anti-entropy. The walls and doors of her room are made of special molecular materials. Even if a nuclear bomb hits it, it can't be damaged at all. Outsiders can't invade without the room key.

There are also patrol robots that can be quantized in the room. As long as someone invades it, an alarm will be sounded.

Cocolia has been back to the room for a while, but she didn't hear anyone. What alarm sounded? This proved that Qiao Qiao failed to successfully invade the president's office.

Moreover, the account book recording the flow of Me funds was hidden by Cocolia in the "Titan Factory" in the other space. It was extremely hidden. No one except her could know the passage of the "Titan Factory".

Even if she was tricked by Raiden Mei, Cocolia was very confident. She believed that even if there was no one guarding her bedroom, Qiao Qiao would not be able to enter it, let alone find the "account book" that could prove the innocence of Raiden Ryoma.

"Walter..." Cocolia smiled confidently and said leisurely: "Don't worry, even if the young master of the Beichen family has great abilities, he can't step into my bedroom without my permission..."

Cocolia smiled playfully and looked at Walter with confidence in her eyes: "You will take people with me to the president's office immediately. I want to catch the thief who tried to break into my dormitory! "

After hearing what Cocolia said, Walter, who was originally uneasy, immediately calmed down. He felt that Beichen Jiujiu could not enter the president's office at all, and responded: "Yes! I will bring people immediately and catch Beichen Jiujiu with you!"

Walter excitedly raised his arm and ordered his subordinates to follow him. He couldn't wait to catch Beichen Jiujiu and torture the thief to death.

Cocolia's white and smooth legs swayed gently in the air. She walked in front of everyone with full confidence. She was very confident that no one could break through her "castle".

Walter couldn't wait to bring Qiao Qiao to justice, and led everyone to follow Cocolia closely.

After a while, Cocolia brought Walter and others to the door of her room. The sturdy door was still tightly closed without any damage, which made her feel more and more that Qiao Qiao could not destroy the door and wall at all. , forget about invading.

Seeing that the door was intact, Walter and others, who were originally a little worried, immediately relaxed.

The young master of the Beichen family, gifted, a martial arts genius, a master of kendo, is nothing special...

Cocolia and others would never have thought that... As early as when she finished talking with Raiden Mei, Qiao Qiao had actually sneaked into her room and saw her take off her white dress and put on sexy black lace underwear, which outlined her plump and graceful figure.

Cocolia had no idea that she was seen naked by a boy. After letting go of her worries, she opened the door with the key.

Walter and others followed Cocolia to the president's office, but saw that it was pitch black and silent. The transparent patrol machines did not make any movement, and there was no sign of invasion by outsiders.

Looking at the dark and quiet, luxurious room as usual, Walter couldn't help laughing: "Beichen Jiujiu... It seems that he didn't break into the room at all, and we worried for nothing."

Speaking of this, Walter called his younger brother and said: "Hurry up and search around the office. He didn't break in successfully, so he must not have gone far and is still nearby."

In fact, Walter didn't care much about Coco's whereabouts. He was very worried about the whereabouts of Beichen Jiujiu.

Cocolia saw the luxurious room with neat furnishings, and the pair of slender and white legs slowly stepped forward. She called the patrol mecha softly, wanting to retrieve the surveillance video they took to see if there were any clues about Beichen Jiujiu's whereabouts.

"Novi-monster, contact the quantum state immediately."

But with Kokolia's order, the patrol mechas that were supposed to appear still had no trace and did not respond to the command, which made Kokolia feel a little uneasy.

Walter, who had thought that Beichen Jiujiu had not been able to invade the office for a long time, seemed to be poured with a bucket of cold water, and the smile on his face froze.

"Novi-monster, contact the quantum state immediately!"

When Kokolia gave this order, she was no longer as leisurely as before, and her tone was nervous and urgent.

But no matter how Kokolia ordered, the patrol mechas with quantum capabilities still did not move, the whole room was dead silent, and only her voice was slowly revolving in the air.

Kokolia never thought that the quantum patrol mechas she was proud of had all been solved by Qiao Qiao and thrown into the void cracks, without even a little wreckage left...

Chapter 210 Qiao Qiao, you are so cruel!

No matter how Cocolia ordered, the patrol robots that were supposed to hide their bodies in a quantum state seemed to have evaporated from the face of the earth, without any movement.

"Lord Cocolia, those patrol robots placed in your room will not be all destroyed, right?"

Walter looked at Cocolia's repeated calls without getting a response, and said with burning eyes, his heart full of worry and fear.

"No... No..."

"This is impossible!"

Although Cocolia had an ominous premonition in her heart, she still didn't want to believe that the defense of her room had been breached, and even all the patrol robots were wiped out. Her pretty face lost its past leisurely laziness, a few drops of nervous sweat appeared on her forehead, and her slender and white legs walked quickly, eagerly rushing to the floor-length mirror in the study.

Standing in front of the mirror, Cocolia raised her slender hand with a focused expression, closed her eyes, and her rosy and soft thin lips moved quickly, as if giving some kind of order.

As the order was issued, the entire room reflected in the mirror suddenly disappeared, and a black vortex appeared on the originally calm mirror surface, as chaotic as the eye of the abyss, and the dark spiral continued to devour the light flow from the outside world.

This was the first time Walter and others saw the entrance to the Titan Factory, and they were stunned. Who would have thought that there was such a quantum channel in the president's office, connected to other places?

Cocolia ignored the surprised followers behind her, biting her red lips with her pearly teeth, and her legs in white boots strode forward like a meteor chasing the moon.

After passing through the entrance of the quantum channel, Cocolia came to the dark corridor at the entrance of the Titan Factory.

Walter and others followed Cocolia through the entrance, and saw that there was such a large space hidden in the mirror. They were all surprised to open their mouths and eyes, and look around.

"There is such a huge space on the other side of that small mirror... How did they do it?"

Walter is the nominal leader of the Anti-Entropy Alliance and knows that Anti-Entropy technology is powerful, but there is a space hidden in this mirror that is larger than the entire room outside. This is really contrary to common sense and difficult to explain.

When in doubt, quantum mechanics.

In fact, this Titan factory is an alien space connected to Cocolia's room through quantum entanglement, and the floor-to-ceiling mirror is the entrance. However, Walter, who is not a scientist, can never understand it with his simple mind, so he is naturally confused.

Cocolia is not interested in the surprised reactions of Walter and others, nor is she interested in answering their questions. She stepped forward eagerly and walked into the dark corridor.

While walking through the corridor, Cocolia clenched her hands, her fingernails pierced into the flesh, and she kept cheering herself up in her heart.

The anti-entropy technology is so advanced that it is absolutely impossible for outsiders to break through!

The reason why the patrol robots in the office did not respond must be that he released something like an electromagnetic force field outside the room, which temporarily paralyzed them.

That's right... the defense system in my room can never be breached!

Except for me, no one can set foot in this Titan factory.

Cocolia tried her best to calm down. This Titan factory was built with a lot of money and material resources from Anti-Entropy. She framed Raiden Ryoma and got Me Society in order to build this factory, mass-produce "Godfather", build "Heavenly Father", and overthrow the rule of destiny in the future with the powerful combat capabilities of "Godfather" and "Heavenly Father".

If anything goes wrong with the Titan Factory, the great cause she has spent more than ten years, a lot of manpower and money to plan will fail, which is a result that Cocolia absolutely cannot accept.

Because she is concerned about the safety of the Titan Factory, Cocolia can't help but speed up her pace. Her jade feet in high heels quickly stepped out of the darkness and into the light.

But then, the scene in front of her hit Cocolia head-on like a hammer.

The ground was covered with rubble and thick smoke.

The transparent plank road in the air has disappeared, leaving only half of the ruins. The huge wall formed by the "Godfather" mecha hanging in the air is now gone. The robot platform opposite is charred, and the remains of "Father" and other robots are piled up on the ground. The red energy core has lost all its light at this moment, like a round boulder falling on the platform.

Looking at the ruined Titan Factory, Cocolia's pretty face lost all color and turned as pale as a dead person. She fell to the ground with her whole body weak, and uttered a hoarse cry with her teeth bared and eyes cracked.


Cocolia's desperate voice echoed in the smoke-filled factory ruins.

The destruction of the Titan Factory meant that the million "Godfather" mecha orders she pre-sold in advance could not be delivered normally, and she would owe a huge foreign debt that even a big country could not repay.

Of course, owing a huge foreign debt was not something that was difficult for Cocolia to accept.

More importantly for Cocolia, the destruction of the "Father" mecha directly declared the bankruptcy of her plan to fight against destiny, which undoubtedly made the anti-entropy situation, which was already precarious under the attack of destiny, even worse, and completely lost the possibility of turning over.

She put all her hopes of overthrowing destiny on the construction of the Titan Factory.

But the plan has not been realized yet. The "Godfather" and "Father" mechas she created were destroyed before they even had a direct confrontation with Destiny.

Cocolia lost miserably in the battle with Destiny. She could not help but fall into despair and could not extricate herself. She knelt on the ground woodenly, with a few crystal tears falling on the charred land.

Walter and others walked in the long dark passage. When they heard Cocolia's desperate shout, they rushed out.

Then they also saw the Titan factory reduced to ruins. They opened their mouths in surprise. This mirror world was much larger than they imagined, several times larger than the entire Me headquarters building.

However, this huge factory was on fire everywhere, with smoke and dust everywhere, and mechanical wreckage piled up like a mountain, which could be seen everywhere. It was obvious that it had been destroyed and could not be repaired.

Walter didn't know the function of the Titan Factory. He just saw Cocolia collapsed on the ground, crying so sadly that he couldn't help but walk forward and put his hand on her shoulder: "Lord Cocolia... Don't be sad. If the green mountains are there, there is no fear of running out of firewood. If this factory is gone, just rebuild it."

Hearing Walter's comfort, Cocolia didn't feel better. She bit her lips in anger, and her bloodshot eyes were so angry that they seemed to be on fire.

This Titan Factory cost Cocolia's income from arms sales in Anti-Entropy for nearly ten years, and it took several more years to build it.

Now that the destiny is aggressive against Anti-Entropy, it is a time of crisis and ruin. How can she have more than ten years to rebuild the factory and "Father"?

Cocolia's fingertips tightly grasped the ground, and her eyes soaked with tears looked at the factory below that was burned black by the flames with despair.

The factory was like a mass grave at this moment, and countless "Godfather" mecha wreckage piled up a mountain of corpses in it.

Looking at the ruins, Cocolia's heart was broken.

Pain! Too painful!

Under the torture of pain, the first name that came to Cocolia's mind was "Beichen Jiujiu"!

It must be him and that vicious woman, Raiden Mei, who took advantage of my absence to destroy all the patrol robots, find the factory entrance, and destroy the entire factory.

He is really cruel!

He sneaked into my room, stole the account book, and couldn't pay it back. He actually took a cruel hand and completely destroyed the Titan Factory!

More than ten years of hard work and the plan to resist destiny were burned to ashes!

Thinking of this, Cocolia no longer looked down at the earth, raised her head, and stood up swayingly, her white teeth biting each other, her hands clenched, the nails of her fingertips pierced into the flesh and bleeding, and the despair in her eyes turned into revengeful anger.

Beichen Jiujiu... Even if I dig three feet into the ground, I will find you!

I will peel your skin, pull out your tendons, pull out your bones and whip your corpse!

I will kill you a thousand times... It's not enough!

Originally, when Cocolia heard the name Beichen Jiujiu, she felt very familiar with it for some reason, and even had a strange feeling. But now, the great cause she had planned for more than ten years was destroyed, and her good impression of Beichen Jiujiu was shattered and fell. Only endless hatred and anger burned her internal organs, and she regarded him as an enemy with deep hatred and irreconcilable hatred.

Cocolia turned around and said to Walter and others with a face as gloomy as a dead person, and said in an extremely domineering voice: "There was an explosion here, and that Beichen Jiujiu must not have gone far. You guys hurry up and search here!"

Cocolia's face was as cold as snow, and her tone was calm, but every word she said seemed to contain a monstrous hatred.

"You must find him for me! I want to see him alive or dead!"

Chapter 211 It's hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart unless I cut you into pieces

The out-of-control energy core burst out with an incomparable terrifying force. The huge steel body of the Heavenly Father, like a mountain, was instantly shattered and swallowed by the surging energy.

The impact of the energy core burst out as violent as a raging wave, easily destroying the robot work platform, and countless half-human-high robots were reduced to ashes under the energy impact.

The violent energy spreading from the energy core engulfed the aerial plank road. The "Godfather" mecha hanging in the air exploded like fireworks under the impact of energy, turning into scrap iron and falling like a meteorite.

The majestic and domineering energy impact was like a huge wave on the sea, which could not be contained, destroying the world, and completely engulfed the burning Titan Factory under the aerial plank road.

After almost destroying all the functions and assets of the Titan Factory, the terrifying energy like a huge wave rolled towards the entrance where Qiao Qiao was.

Seeing the high temperature shock approaching him, Qiao Qiao thought of a way to deal with it and immediately ran towards the "Godfather" mecha not far away.

Saint Freya Academy is a special institution dedicated to training the "Valkyrie", the elite warriors of destiny.

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