Under the reflection of the fire, Ragna finally saw the white mask on Qiaoqiao's face clearly, and recognized the person who really saved his life from the Herrscher of the Sky. He couldn't help but relax his vigilance and said gratefully, " Thank you for saving my life. I will definitely repay your kindness in the future.”

Ragnar has no idea that underneath the white mask is the man who kills Otto and threatens Rita, the current bishop of Destiny whom she hates most: Jojo.

On the contrary, he regarded the masked Qiaoqiao as his savior, and he had a good feeling in his heart. This made Qiaoqiao's face under the mask reveal a slight smile: "Well... you should really repay me... after all, if I didn't take action , you have now been killed by the Herrscher of the Sky."

Ragna nodded with deep understanding: "Whatever your instructions are, as long as I can do it, I will do it no matter what."

Although Ragnar didn't know who the masked man in front of him was, he saved his life, and he was willing to do anything to repay this kindness.

Seeing Ragnar who foolishly regarded himself as his benefactor, a cold and dangerous smile appeared on the corner of Qiaoqiao's lips, and he said meaningfully: "Well... I do have an important thing that needs your help to complete."

Hearing this, Ragna was very curious about what the masked man said that he could only accomplish with his help.

As long as she can repay the masked man for saving her life, she is willing even if it means giving her body.

But before Qiao Qiao could say his wish, Ragna felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, his head felt like he had been hit with a hammer, he felt dizzy and his whole body was in great pain.

Seeing Ragna's painful expression, Qiaoqiao's expression was very calm and indifferent, as if he had expected it.

Although Jojo saved Ragnar from the Herrscher of the Sky and avoided a fatal blow.

However, the Archon Spear that Herrscher of the Sky pierced Ragna's abdomen contained powerful Honkai energy. Although she appeared to be safe on the surface, her body had actually been infected by Honkai energy for a long time, and she was seriously ill and in critical condition.

Ragna lay weakly on the bed, her eyes were blurred and breathless, and she stretched out her hand weakly, as if she felt that she didn't have much time left and wanted to explain something to Qiaoqiao.

Qiaoqiao stood up from the chair in front of the fireplace, walked to Ragnar, held her extended hand, with a proud smile on her lips, and said softly: "Don't worry... No matter how serious your illness is, , no matter how much time and money I spend, I will never let you die..."

Ragnar couldn't see the smile under Jojo's mask, and thought he sincerely loved him and wanted to protect his life, and he was deeply moved.

He has no idea about the conspiracy brewing in Qiao Qiao's heart.

Due to the Honkai Disease, Ragna was so weak that she could no longer speak. She felt silence around her, her vision gradually narrowed and dimmed, and finally turned into nothingness, and she closed her eyes heavily.

Qiaoqiao felt that Ragna's delicate hand holding her had no strength at all, but her pulse was still there. It was obvious that she had entered a deep coma now.

[On the Siberian Ice Sheet, although you saved Ragna's life from the Herrscher of the Sky, she was infected with the extremely serious Honkai Disease because she was severely injured by the Archon Spear. I briefly communicated with you. Afterwards, she fell into a coma due to Honkai disease. 】

[Not long after, an explosion as hot and gorgeous as the sun erupted outside the wooden house where you and Ragnar were staying together. 】

[Siegfried Kaslana sacrificed her right hand, liberating the giant sword form of the Skyfire Sage, and defeated the semi-liberated Herrscher of the Sky. 】

[As a result, Siegfried Kaslana and Kiana Kaslana disappeared on the ice field together. The mission of the Valkyrie Vanguard failed, and the entire team was seriously damaged. Captain Ragnar Rowe De Block was infected with Honkai disease and was dying. 】

[After Ragna was sent to the medical department at the Destiny Headquarters, she underwent consultation with the world's top doctors, but in the end she was unable to regain consciousness. 】

[In the healing room of Destiny Headquarters, Rita sat beside the sleeping Ragna's bed, her shoulders trembling slightly, crystal tears streaked across her graceful and tender face, falling to the ground like a cracked bead curtain, the sound He said sadly, Teacher...why...even you have to leave me...]

[Not long ago, Rita's father was infected with Honkai Disease due to an encounter with Honkaimon and fell into a coma. The Rossweisse family went bankrupt, and Rita's situation plummeted. Fortunately, Ragnar, the teacher, was caring and caring for her, so she was able to get back on her feet. But now, even the teacher she trusts most in her heart has become seriously ill due to the collapse. , no matter how strong Rita's mind as a Valkyrie is, she is just a little girl in her teens. After suddenly experiencing two such changes, her mood will inevitably be overly sad, giving people the opportunity to take advantage of her. 】

[Just when Rita was sad and lonely, she suddenly felt a warm touch on her shoulder. She turned around and saw a mysterious figure wearing a white mask. She suddenly curled up in surprise: "Who...are you?\

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