"I have indeed been lying to you all along. I lied to you about the murderer who caused the Third Collapse. I lied to you about the Third Herrscher being the enemy of mankind. But what I said just now is all the truth."

Himihu looked straight at Fu Hua: "Think about it for yourself, if Qiao Qiao hadn't done it deliberately, why could you have survived the third collapse, and why even Kevin might not be able to defeat the Law of Thunder. Will he be defeated by you so easily?"

Hearing this, Fu Hua was startled and became panic-stricken. In fact, she had already noticed something strange about Qiao Qiao. That year he changed his temperament and suddenly attacked his disciples and destroyed the city. It was really strange.

Thinking about it now, I had to leave Canghai City because of Qiao Qiao, and happened to escape the third collapse.

And what's even weirder is... In her final battle with Qiao Qiao, he didn't use any martial arts until he died, and he never used his true strength.

Himihu saw Fu Hua lowering his head in confusion, and explained smoothly: "Even among the Fire Chaser, only Dr. Mei and I know about this matter. After all, without the cooperation with the Third Herrscher, human beings would not be able to survive at all." Even if Mei is so united in supporting the Fire Moth, he won't be able to easily eliminate the corrupt elements at the top and become the leader of the Fire Moth."

"If you don't believe me, then you can ask her." Himihu glanced at Mei who was hiding behind the wall, and spread his hands helplessly: "It's better not for the two of us to join forces to lie to you."

Hearing Himihu's words, Hua's eyes trembled as he watched Mei in a white coat walk in from outside the house.

She didn't have to go around in circles with Fu Hua and said straight to the point, "I think now that the matter has come to an end, Fu Hua, you do have the right to know the truth."

Mei rolled her eyes and said, "I did cooperate with the Third Herrscher for my own purposes and hid many truths from the world."

"How is this possible? Isn't the Fire Chaser an organization that protects mankind and fights against the collapse? How can it be possible to cooperate with the Herrscher?"

Fu Hua clenched her fists unconsciously, trying to find evidence to prove that Himihu and Mei were lying, because the truth they told was too cruel.

"We are indeed working hard to fight Honkai, but you must also understand that when the system and rules of human organizations are controlled by some criminals and cannot be defeated internally, then they must be solved by external forces. As the public enemy of all mankind, The lawyer is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate."

Mei raised her eyes and looked at Fu Hua and said: "Moreover, as a god, the price he offered to compromise with humans is too low. He only hopes that the Fire Chasing Moth can protect a human girl. Such a good deal is really hard to find." reject."

"Why do you all know that Qiao Qiao has been helping me, but I am the only one who doesn't know?"

Fu Hua trembled and took two steps back. Looking at her own hands that killed Qiao Qiao, she couldn't believe that the man she hated the most had been silently helping her and even saved herself countless times, but she couldn't believe it. Kill him without knowing anything.

"This is Qiaoqiao's own request." Himihu said with one hand on his hips: "He is a man who is willing to die for you. How could he tell you the matter and make you worry about him?"

Fu Hua's heart was already in a mess at this time, tears kept rolling in her eyes, and she said with a puzzled face: "But he knew he was going to die, why did he do these things."

Hearing this, Mei Mei looked at Fu Hua in disbelief: "Hua, I know that you have a dull personality and are relatively slow to feelings, but even if you are just a piece of wood, you should be able to feel Qiao Qiao's affection for you more or less. Emotions, after all, he would sacrifice his own life for you."


Fu Hua was stunned on the spot, while Himihu mercilessly exposed the fact that she had never been aware of.

"Of course it's because Qiaoqiao loves you more than himself and more than the whole world. He is willing to sacrifice himself for you, even if he is the enemy of the world."

After hearing these words, Fu Hua could no longer hold on and fell to his knees. He covered his wet eyes in collapse, and his tears fell like broken bead curtains.

How much he hated Qiao Qiao in his heart at the beginning, now he feels so much regret and self-blame.

But she understood that even if she regretted it, it was already too late. She had already personally killed the boy who loved her most in the world.

Qiaoqiao, I'm sorry, I really didn't know that you silently paid so much for me.

Why do you love me so much but never tell me?

Why did you decide to die for me without ever asking me?

If I knew all this, I would definitely be by your side, and I would never leave you even if I were the enemy of the whole world.

Fu Hua's vision was blurred by the tears of regret, and he curled up in grief, holding onto the falling tears with both hands.

As long as I can see you again, I am willing to do anything.

Chapter 26 To you fifty thousand years ago

Fu Hua's eyes with slender eyelashes trembled slightly, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the dazzling operating light.

With her vision blurred, she raised her slender white fingers to cover herself from the strong sunlight.

Mebius was concentrating on preparing the solvent in front of the experimental table. He said without even looking at it: "Woke up so soon? My cute little white mouse~"

A satisfied smile appeared on Mebius's face: "This experiment was also quite successful. When you go back, remember to fill in a report every day and give feedback on the results of the experiment."

Fu Hua put one foot off the operating table and replied expressionlessly: "Okay."

"Seeing that you are so cooperative with my experiment, I want to reward you." Mebius showed a snake-like sly smile on his face: "By the way, I remember that you seemed to hate the Herrscher of Thunder. I was When we went to Canghai City for a field trip, we dug out the Herrscher core from his body and installed it in a special magnetic field device. Do you want to take a look?"

After hearing Mebius's words, Fu Hua raised his head and looked at the Herrscher core that was shining with purple light in a transparent jar on the shelf. His face suddenly turned pale with fright, and his eyes widened in despair. .

"I originally went to Canghai City and wanted to bring Herrscher's corpse back for study. However, because the concentration of Honkai Energy in his body was too high, the corpse fissioned and decomposed midway, and disappeared like particles of light." Mabby Wusi didn't notice the pained look on Fu Hua's face behind him: "I was sad to miss such precious research materials as Herrscher's body, but fortunately I got another interesting harvest..."

Mebius lowered his gaze and looked at a container filled with dark green liquid. There was a snake-like eye pupil floating in it, which was part of the body of the Third Herrscher's companion Honkaisha Shesha.

After Mebius' research, Shersha has the ability to resurrect from the dead. If he can extract Shersha's genes and perform super-transformation surgery on himself, then he will be one step closer to true 'infinity'.

However, her plan to genetically fuse with Shesha to gain infinite life was a secret, and she was not ready to confess to Fu Hua and the others.

Fu Hua moved his eyes away from the core of the Herrscher of Thunder and turned to look at the back of Mebius with long green hair.

"What should we do with this Herrscher core next?"

"It's rare that you are interested in things in the laboratory."

Seeing that Hua was interested in scientific experiments, Mebius smiled happily and said, "The 'God Key' proposed by Mei before has now been officially launched. This Herrscher core should be made into a weapon in the future and then be put to good use." , into the shape of the master.”

Hearing these words, Fu Hua's face suddenly darkened. As a Herrscher, Qiao Qiao had already sacrificed his life for the survival of mankind. Now after his death, not only will his body be left behind, but even the core of the Herrscher, which is the only relic, will be made into a weapon. , and then continue to squeeze value, even workers in black factories will not be miserable.

Fu Hua angrily held the operating table with his slender hands. He didn't want the core of the Herrscher of Thunder to be used anymore, but when he thought about it, all these sacrifices were for the future of mankind, and he slowly loosened his fingers.

Mebius watched Fu Hua leave the experiment with heavy steps, his eyebrows furrowed slightly, and he bumped his head to see that the edge of his experimental operating table had been pinched. He covered his smirking mouth with his five fingers: "It seems that I I just made Hua unhappy."

Back in the lounge, Fu Hua hugged his knees and huddled up on the bed, gently touching the photo frame in his hand. The photo inside was taken by him and him in the martial arts gym.

A mature woman with flame-red hair knocked on the door and walked in. She saw Fu Hua looking at the photo frame and wiping tears, and her smile became a little embarrassed: "It seems that I came at the wrong time."

"No, there is no such thing." Fu Hua wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with his slender fingers: "Captain, what do you want from me?"

"Yes." Himihu smiled and nodded, sat next to Fu Hua, and handed out a letter: "Your little lover asked me to give this to you before. You can open it and take a look."

Hearing that the letter was written by Qiao Qiao, Fu Hua immediately reached out and took it, opened the envelope with anticipation, and read it carefully.

"Hua, when you open this letter, I think I am no longer here. I regret that I did not tell you the truth in person, because I knew that if you knew what I was going to do, you would definitely stop me, but My death is a necessary sacrifice to defeat Honkai. I know that a kind-hearted girl like you will cry for me after knowing the truth, but you don't have to be immersed in grief all the time, because I am actually from Wu. Thousands of years in the future, now that I have died, I have just returned to the place that originally belonged to me. If you want to see me, then see you in fifty thousand years."

Seeing the content in the letter, Fu Hua's expression changed from expectation to confusion at first, and then he happily hugged Himihu next to him.

Himihu was held in Fuhua's arms, his face rubbing against her breasts.

So hard...so painful...

"Hua, what did Qiaoqiao write in the letter? What made you so happy?"

After hearing this, Fu Hua calmed down and let go of Himihu, looking deeply at the words written on the letter: "Qiao Qiao told me the direction of the future."



At home, Qiao Qiao prepared a table full of dishes for Sister Ji Zi, but now he has waited until the day lilies are cold, but she still hasn't come home.

Sister Jizi, she won't encounter anything on the road.

Qiaoqiao looked at the clock anxiously. He was not worried about sister Jizi's safety. After all, she was an A-level Valkyrie. No one dared to provoke her for no reason.

If someone is really so short-sighted, Qiao Qiao should worry about the bad guy.

Helping sister Ji Zi with housework and cooking has always been a stable source of income for Qiao Qiao to complete the system tasks of building virtue and doing good deeds and obtain crystals.

Now that sister Ji Zi is not going home, he has no other place to get crystals.

It's really worrying.

Just when Qiao Qiao was at a loss, his cell phone rang suddenly. He picked up the phone and answered it. A familiar voice came from it.

"Hello, is that Qiao Qiao?"

"Yes, it's me." Qiao Qiao answered affirmatively: "Teacher Walter, do you have anything to do with me?"

"It's like this, Teacher Ji Zi and I are drinking outside, and now she is drunk, I want you to come to the bar to pick her up and take her home."

"Okay, leave it to me."

After listening to the whole story, Qiao Qiao agreed without saying a word. It must be a good thing to take sister Ji Zi home. This is a great opportunity for him to get crystals and he can't miss it.

As a member of the Crystal Tuntun Party, Qiao Qiao immediately got up and found a bar called "Angel's Gift" according to the location sent to him by Walter.

As soon as Qiao Qiao entered the door, she heard Ji Zi's voice. She was sitting in front of the bar, holding Walter's shoulders, drunk, and looked very angry and dissatisfied.

"Teacher Walter, why can't I get a boyfriend? Where are all the good men now?"

Walter beside her didn't understand Ji Zi's troubles at all, and could only smile awkwardly: "Teacher Ji Zi, it is indeed difficult for you to find a boyfriend in St. Freya College. Maybe you can adjust your mate selection criteria appropriately, such as not caring too much about gender, or younger is OK."

"Don't mention the gang of kids in school. None of them makes me worry. They make trouble for me all day long. Only Qiao Qiao is sensible and knows to share the burden for me, but they are still trying to get Qiao Qiao one by one..."

In the tavern, Ji Zi drank tons of wine and shouted like a drunk. The men around her looked at her with the same strange eyes.

To be honest, Sister Ji Zi is actually exquisite and beautiful, and her figure is impeccable, but even the best figure and appearance can't stand her bad.

"Teacher Walter, I'm sorry, I'm late."

When Walter saw Qiao Qiao appear, his eyes sparkled with golden light as if he saw a savior. He immediately pulled away Ji Zi's arm that was on his shoulder and happily pushed her into Qiao Qiao's arms.

"Teacher Ji Zi, I'll leave it to you. I have to go to class tomorrow, so I'll leave first."

Qiao Qiao caught Ji Zi, who was drunk like a puddle of mud. When she turned around, she saw Walter running away, leaving Qiao Qiao and Ji Zi in the hotel.

"Qiao Qiao, you're here~~"

Ji Zi drunkenly hugged Qiao Qiao, with a childlike innocent and sweet smile on her face. She pulled Qiao Qiao down and picked up the cocktail and wanted to drink it.

Qiao Qiao reached out and grabbed the glass in her hand and drank it all.

"Qiao Qiao, why did you steal my drink?"

Ji Zi saw that her drink was drunk by Qiao Qiao, and she was so angry that she went crazy and patted the bar.

Seeing this, Qiao Qiao raised her hand helplessly and ordered the boss: "Please refill the cup."

"Sister Ji Zi, after drinking this cup, you have to go home with me obediently."

Seeing Qiao Qiao ordering for her, Ji Zi immediately burst into laughter and happily took the cocktail: "I knew Qiao Qiao was the best to me. This is a reward from my sister."

After that, Ji Zi kissed Qiao Qiao on the cheek.

In the base of the Fire Moth, Fu Hua looked at the letter Qiao Qiao left for her under the light, gently put him in her arms, and smiled.

"Qiao Qiao, wait, I will definitely find you."

Chapter 27 Taixu Grip

Qiao Qiao carried the drunk Ji Zi on the street late at night, opened the door with the key, and threw Ji Zi on her own bed.

"Qiao Qiao, I'm not drunk yet~~"

Qiao Qiao was helping Ji Zi take off her shoes, and she suddenly raised her leg and almost kicked Qiao Qiao's head.

"Okay, you're not drunk, you're sober."

Qiao Qiao casually agreed and covered her with a blanket.

【Congratulations to the host for getting 50 crystals. 】

Qiao Qiao saw the 50 crystals he had earned after doing good deeds. It was indeed much harder to be a good person than a bad person.

In the simulator, even if he casually touched Fu Hua's thigh, he would get 100 crystals. In reality, doing good deeds to earn 50 crystals took him a whole night.

Just to earn this little bit of water and to see other people's faces, if Qiao Qiao helped others, but the other party had no conscience and no gratitude in his heart, then he would not even think of getting 1 crystal.

Am I not begging for food on my knees?

Qiao Qiao secretly complained in his heart, turned off the lights in Ji Zi's room, sat at the table, opened the rewards stored in the Villain Life Simulator, saw two precision supply boxes, and carefully read their data descriptions.

This supply box is a card-drawing prop similar to a blind box in the game. The things inside are all kinds of strange, there are all kinds of junk props that are used to fill the numbers, and there are also powerful equipment props such as super-limited weapons, Valkyrie armor, and God's Key.

Qiao Qiao was unwilling to even look at the useless props, but she was very greedy for the God Keys like the Star of Eden and the Void.

But forget about the Holy Judge of Heavenly Fire, after all, this thing is life-threatening and ordinary people can't afford it.

Qiao Qiao opened the two supply boxes in her hand without hesitation, and two dazzling golden lights lit up.

Wow! Golden Legend!

Then, as expected, Qiao Qiao had an extra scallion and a carp in his hand.

The key is that the fish is still alive!

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