Qiaoqiao knew that Rita didn't trust her, but she still pretended not to care and said calmly: "This is a rare visit. I want to give Miss Ragnar a detailed diagnosis and treatment."

Hearing this, Rita looked at Qiaoqiao suspiciously: "Do you just want diagnosis and treatment? If you want to get her attention, I will never let you go."

In order to protect Ragna, Rita changed her usual docile demeanor in front of Jojo and appeared extremely vigilant.

As a member of the assassination organization directly under the Bishop of Destiny, Rita was originally a two-faced person who hid a knife behind her smile. On the surface, she was a respectful and polite beautiful girl, but in fact, she was ruthless and unscrupulous for the great purpose.

Seeing Rita being so nervous about Ragnar, Qiaoqiao smiled slightly and said leisurely: "Miss Ragnar is indeed very beautiful, but it's a pity that she is a sleeping waste. But I have no ability to resist a woman who is unconscious. Not interested. What I’m interested in is a well-spoken, healthy and beautiful woman like you.”

Hearing this, Rita clenched her slender fingers into fists and said stubbornly: "Don't look down on me, Miss Ragnar will definitely wake up. She once led the Valkyrie team to fight against Honkai, and she is a strong and beautiful woman. , There’s no way she’ll lose to Honkai disease. As long as I work hard to make money and ask a doctor to treat her, sooner or later, she will wake up.”

Rita's words were very firm and moving, but her pupils were trembling slightly.

It seems that she is not as firm as she seems to believe that Ragnar will wake up.

Years of waiting have almost wiped out the hope and confidence in her heart.

What she said just now was not so much for Qiao Qiao as it was Rita's self-comfort.

If she didn't believe Ragnar could wake up, she might really not be able to hold on.

Rita has always regarded healing her father and Ragnar as her spiritual sustenance. If she really cannot heal them both, she may really lose the courage to face life.

Seeing Rita being so stubborn and serious, Qiaoqiao chuckled: "You are right, you can't buy anything without money in this world. Your father and Miss Ragnar will definitely be cured with money."

Qiaoqiao slowly approached Ragna, gently touched her white and smooth arm, and said, "I will treat her first. As for the 'reward', you must be mentally prepared."

Hearing Qiao Qiao talk about reward, Rita's heart suddenly beat like a deer.

She didn't know how good Qiao Qiao's medical skills were.

But I heard that Jojo succeeded all the wisdom of the previous bishop and was the one with the most profound knowledge of destiny.

Maybe... maybe he can really heal Mr. Ragnar...

Chapter 291 Rita: No...how can it be in a place like this?

In the room with the door closed, Qiao Qiao gently pushed out the Honkai energy inhibitor from the syringe, and his eyes fell on Ragna's jade-like white and smooth forearm.

Seeing the dark blue medicine in the syringe, Rita looked nervously at Ragnar, who was lying unconscious on the hospital bed.

"My Lord Bishop, you won't add anything strange to your potion."

Hearing this, Qiao Qiao smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, Miss Ragnar is already unconscious. Life is more painful than death. Why should I harm myself to the living death?"


Teacher Ragnar has been in a coma for many years. For her, being tortured alive like this is worse than dying in pain.

Anyway, her condition never got better, so it was better to treat a living horse as a dead horse doctor. Let Qiao Qiao try the treatment to see if it has any effect.

Rita touched Ragnar's forehead with her eyes full of love, and murmured secretly: "Teacher Ragnar, let Qiao Qiao try it. If you have an emergency... I will risk my life." I want justice for you.”

Rita whispered in Ragnar's ear, but Jojo didn't hear it at all. After preparing the Honkai energy inhibitor, she carefully touched the blood vessels of Ragnar's arm, found the most suitable position for the needle, and pricked the sharp needle. Go in.

Rita watched intently as Jojo injected the Honkai Impact inhibitor into Ragnar's body.

She didn't believe in Qiao Qiao's character, but she had to admire his ability and wisdom as the Archbishop of Destiny.

Over the years, Rita visited famous doctors but could not cure the unconscious Ragnar.

Qiaoqiao is her only hope now.

Even if Jojo is a devil, Rita can only make a contract with the devil for Ragnar and save her mentor at all costs.

"How is it?" Ya

After the injection was completed, Ragnar's eyes were still closed, and his sleeping face was as calm as water and as pale as paper. There was no sign of improvement at all, which made Rita feel a little disappointed.

Rita sighed regretfully and said, "Can't you?"

Over the years, Rita took her father and Mr. Ragnar to visit famous doctors. Every time she had hope, her hope was shattered every time.

At first, she would feel unwilling to accept the bad news, but now she is desperate. Even if her condition does not improve, she is only numb and tired.

Not even...the Bishop?

After Qiaoqiao finished injecting the Honkai energy inhibitor, she calmly packed up the utensils and put them into her bag, looking extremely calm.

He is the only person in the world who can cure Honkai Disease. He has full confidence in the inhibitor he prepared. Although he cannot cure Ragna immediately, he can delay her death.

Rita looked at Ragnar who was unconscious on the hospital bed, her vision was gradually covered by despair and turned dark.

But suddenly, the Honkai inhibitor that Qiao Qiao injected her took effect, and the blood-red Honkai marks on her chest faded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This gave Rita hope again, and she excitedly stepped forward and held Ragna's five white and tender fingers with both hands.

"Teacher... are you feeling better?"

Ragna was still not awake, but the Honkai in her body was indeed declining, and her complexion was a little better, which made Rita seem to see hope again.

"It's really great!" Rita said happily: "I knew that the teacher could defeat the disease and wake up again."

Seeing Rita's tears of joy, Qiao Qiao's eyes became unusually dark and sinister.

I... won't let you get what you want.

"It seems that the inhibitor I developed is still very useful..."

Qiao Qiao looked at Rita, who was crying with excitement, and asked coldly: "You hope that Miss Ragna will recover so much... Then when she really recovers, will you stay by my side and be a maid?"

Although Qiao Qiao has always wanted to take revenge on Rita and let her pay the price for betraying herself and killing Lilith.

But after spending some time together, Qiao Qiao found that he couldn't leave Rita anymore.


Qiao Qiao saw Rita's hesitation and said coldly: "I want to hear the truth. Don't worry, I will give the formula of the inhibitor to other doctors and will never delay the treatment because of my own selfish desires."

"If you dare to lie to me, don't expect me to help Ragnar with his treatment!"

Hearing Qiao Qiao's threat, Rita didn't dare to continue to lie and said what she thought.

"I want to stay in Tianming and continue to be a Valkyrie..." Rita glanced at Qiao Qiao's face and said uneasily: "But I don't want to be manipulated by you anymore... I'm tired of that kind of life!"

Qiao Qiao could hear that this was Rita's true words, and she felt a little pain in her heart, but she still looked indifferent and said with ease: "You can choose Tianming, that's your freedom... But before you leave, you must pay a large amount of liquidated damages and exchange back everything I gave you."

Money is okay...

For people like Rita who have extraordinary powers, it's easy to make money.

But it is difficult to repay Rita's skills and the kindness of treating Ragnar.

"Don't worry... I will definitely pay you back." Rita pursed her lips, her face was very determined, and said: "Then... leave you."

"You really should pay me back..."

Qiao Qiao's eyes flashed with a strange light, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "You haven't paid me back the 'reward' for treating your father and Miss Ragnar."

Hearing Qiao Qiao's words, Rita's heart suddenly tightened, and she held the unconscious Ragnar tightly.

But... this time, her trusted teacher can no longer protect her.

"No... How can I be in such a place..."

Rita shook her head shyly and refused.

But her resistance was useless in Qiao Qiao's eyes.

Qiao Qiao slowly came behind her, his chest pressed against her plump and graceful body, and whispered in her ear: "I have installed surveillance cameras everywhere in this room. There is no one outside, and as for... your teacher Ragnar can't see it."

As he said, Qiao Qiao turned on the surveillance video around the room, and the holographic projection appeared in front of Rita.

Indeed, as Qiao Qiao said, there was no one in the corridor outside the room.

Seeing this surveillance video, Rita realized that Qiao Qiao gave her the Rose Courtyard not to accommodate her father and teacher Ragnar, but for her own selfish desires, to find a hidden place so that he and Rita would not be discovered by anyone and be foolproof.

Rita looked at Ragnar's delicate and calm face, her heart full of regret. She knew that she had fallen into Qiao Qiao's trap, but now she could no longer resist and could only obey Qiao Qiao's arrangements.

Chapter 292 Rita: Yes... Master!

Although Leiman was the third son of Duke Charlemagne, he was born from his father's affair with a maid.

So although he is the child of the Duke's family, he is often ridiculed because of his mother's low status and his illegitimate status. He is ignored by others at home and cannot inherit any property of the Duke's family.

He has no special skills and no adaptability to Honkai. The only useful thing is the blood of Duke Charlemagne in his body.

As one of the three newly promoted S-level Valkyries, Rita is already the right-hand man of the current Bishop of Heaven's Fate, and is feared and watched by the old nobles.

Therefore, when Rayman just came of age, his father sent the illegitimate son Rayman to the headquarters of Heaven's Fate as an eye and ear planted by Rita.

In this way, on the one hand, he can inquire about information around Rita and make profits for the family.

Secondly, if one day, Rita and other Valkyries gain power and the nobles are completely weakened, Rayman, as Rita's subordinate, will also be promoted in status, and even if the Duke Charlemagne's family shows signs of weakness, it will not disappear completely.

Duke Charlemagne's wishful thinking is very loud, betting on both sides between the Heaven's Fate nobles and the Valkyries, which is quite clever.

Leiman also accepted the identity of a pawn and came to the Rose Courtyard as a spy.

But on the first day of arriving at the Rose Courtyard, Rita, as the right-hand man of the Bishop of Heaven's Destiny and the owner of the Rose Courtyard, actually personally gave guidance to the new servants and issued them uniforms.

That day, Leiman, who was dressed simply at home, couldn't even tie his suit and tie properly.

Rita saw this and stepped forward to tie Leiman's tie herself and carefully taught him how to tie a tie.

Leiman had always been bullied at home, and only his lowly maid mother treated him well.

After his mother died, he never felt warmth from other people again.

Rita was the first woman he met after leaving home.

When he saw Rita's gentle and elegant appearance, Leiman couldn't help but think of his mother who died early in his life. He began to perfunctorily treat the spy mission given to him by his father, working seriously every day, looking forward to meeting Miss Rita again in the mansion.

But Rita was a celebrity of the bishop's status, so no matter how hard Leiman worked, he had no chance to meet her on weekdays.

Leiman didn't expect someone like him to be favored by Rita. He just hoped to see her elegant and charming smile often, so that he would not hesitate to die for her.

But things went against his wishes. After entering the Rose Courtyard on the first day, Leiman never saw Rita again, let alone her smile.

Because he missed Rita too much, he stole Rita's photo at home and hid it close to his body. Only when it was late at night or when no one was around, he took out Rita's photo and looked at it infatuatedly.

Today, following Qiao Qiao to Ragnar's room was a great opportunity for Leiman to show off in front of Rita, but he didn't expect to be scolded by Rita for bringing someone into the room privately...

Thinking of this, Leiman couldn't help but sigh with regret.

In a blink of an eye, it was lunch time. Leiman went to Ragnar's room as he had said before and invited the bishop and Miss Rita to dinner.

But he knocked on the door several times, but got no response. Instead, he heard some strange noises.

What were the bishop and Miss Rita doing inside?

Leiman put his hand on the door handle and turned it gently, and found that the door was not locked.

But he had been scolded for bringing people into Ragnar's room without permission.

If he went in without asking for permission again, he would definitely be scolded.

Leiman didn't want to offend Miss Rita again, so he stood at the corridor and waited.

After waiting for half an hour, there was still no sign of the door opening.

Leiman was a little anxious. He just wanted to see Rita again, even if she scolded him, it would be worth it...

Thinking of this, Leiman shook his head in self-blame.

How could I disobey Miss Rita's order?

In order to ease the urge to see Rita in his heart, Leiman took out the photo of Rita hidden in his arms.

Looking at the girl in the photo wearing a black maid outfit with an elegant and charming face, Leiman's expression was a little stupid.

"Ms. Rita, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

Lehman stroked Rita's photo with an obsessive look on his face, almost drooling: "She looks so good in a maid outfit, I really want to see her other looks, she must be very beautiful!"

"What should I do when I see Miss Rita again..." Leiman gently stroked Rita's photo and said obsessively: "If Miss Rita is willing to give me an autograph, I will be willing to die."

In the room, Rita saw the outside picture projected in the air by the monitor, her eyebrows slightly frowned, and she lowered her eyes to look at Qiao Qiao, who had blonde hair and a handsome face: "You...are you boys so childish behind your back?"

Qiao Qiao looked up at Rita, who had a few tears on her forehead, and said with a wry smile: "Maybe...in front of the girl he likes, boys will take off their disguises, show their true side, and do some childish things."

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