"No...that's a person, and he looks very young!"

"Humans? How could humans kill all the security personnel of the institute!"

After they walked out of the room, before they could reach the emergency exit, they met Qiaoqiao who was going on a killing spree.

His skin was as pale as a death, his eyes glowed with blood, his body was covered in blood, and the whole corridor was filled with fallen security personnel.

Even the security personnel who came to notify them were hooked with chains by those red-eyed teenagers and died on the spot.

These researchers had never been to a battlefield. They had never seen such a bloody and horrific scene, and they were immediately frightened back.

Back in the conference room, the old professor with thinning hair immediately ran to Otto and knelt down, hugged his arm, and begged: "Mr. Bishop, help me!"

"Yes, Lord Bishop, please kill that intruder!"

"My Lord Bishop, please!"

At the moment, Otto Apokalis is these researchers' only source of support.

They knelt down and begged as if they were gods.

He said 'Mr. Bishop' in each mouthful, bursting into tears.

Otto was also very strange at this time. He didn't know the origin of this alien visitor, and he actually had technology that was very similar to his own.

Just when Otto was thinking about the identity of the intruder, his expression suddenly changed.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise.

The wall of the conference room was smashed open by several bloody chains.

Otto ignored the sounds around him and looked up at the broken wall.

Under the dangerous wall, filled with smoke, a young man with blond hair, skin as sickly and pale as a dead man, eyes glowing blood-red, and an extraordinary handsome face controlled the chains behind him and walked out with a cold face.

"Otto Apokalis... So you are here. I finally found you."

Hearing that the other party was coming towards him, Otto narrowed his eyes slightly: "You... know me?"

"Haha..." Qiaoqiao first laughed heartily, then looked at Otto with a joking face and said, "More than just knowing each other... you have an extremely close relationship with me."

Otto's expression changed slightly, and his mind was working rapidly.

Thinking of many people close to me...

But Qiaoqiao's face didn't match any of them.

But it cannot be ruled out that the young man in front of him is disguising his true appearance.

After all...his face is indeed very handsome, not the beauty that a human should have.

Qiaoqiao slowly approached Otto with blood-red chains dancing around him.

Seeing Jojo approaching, the group of experimenters were like frightened animals, tightly surrounding their last patron Otto.

Unlike the trembling scientific researchers, Otto watched Qiaoqiao approaching and asked calmly: "Who...are you?"

"Don't you remember me?"

Qiaoqiao walked up to Otto, his eyes flashing with blood-colored light, and the corners of his blood-stained mouth smiled slightly, and said coldly: "I am your good grandson, Qiaoqiao!"

Otto looked at Qiaoqiao's scarlet eyes, and in a daze, he felt an extremely familiar feeling.

A memory that did not exist originally flooded into Otto's mind.

After recalling the memory of being brutally killed by Jojo in another timeline, Otto seemed to have had a nightmare. He was suddenly sweating profusely, with cold sweat constantly breaking out on his forehead and breathing heavily. His original leisurely and contented attitude suddenly collapsed.

The fear of death turned into a line of coldness and spread throughout Otto's body, making his hands and feet cold and his body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Chapter 326: The bullet fired many years ago killed Otto himself

The blood-red chains behind Qiaoqiao danced like tentacles and walked to Otto.

The experimenter in white clothes screamed in fear and hid behind Otto's chair like a turtle.

The memory of being killed by Jojo appeared in Otto's mind, his face immediately turned ugly, and he looked at Jojo with strange eyes.

"You are not from this time and space, but a traveler from another timeline."

Otto told the truth accurately.

The people who were hiding behind him were suddenly shocked to see the extraterrestrial travelers coming through time and space...

This is unheard of.

Seeing that Otto had already guessed the truth, Qiaoqiao nodded very calmly and said: "Yes... I come from ten years after this point in time... and am the destined bishop after you."

The backtracking plan was originally prepared by Otto to resurrect Kallen.

It can be said that there is no one in the world who knows the backtracking plan better than Otto.

With his intelligence, seeing Qiaoqiao possessing the power of a pseudo-god, it was only natural for him to guess the whole story.

Researchers heard that Otto's speculation was too unreasonable to be believed.

After hearing Qiao Qiao's generous admission, he was even more shocked and sweating all over his body. He looked at Qiao Qiao with hot eyes.

A traveler through time and space is a research object more valuable than gold to any scientist.

In order to resurrect the most important person in his heart, Otto has painstakingly planned for many years.

Now... the retrospect plan he carefully planned has been realized, but the person who can implement it is not himself, but others.

And...that person reversed time just to kill himself.

Killed by a plan of his own creation.

This moment.

As if the bullet he shot many years ago hit him, Otto felt extremely ironic.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this funny scene, Otto couldn't help laughing out loud: "It seems that the retrospective plan I prepared to revive the saint is indeed feasible... But after all my hard work over the years, I failed to revive her. Instead, you used me and caused my own death..."

Although Otto was laughing, his voice was full of anger and resentment...

Not only did Qiao Qiao feel a chill on his back, but even the researchers behind Otto were trembling with fear.

Qiao Qiao looked at Otto who was laughing wildly with cold eyes, smiled slightly and said: "Grandpa, you are really smart. You immediately understood your situation and the purpose of my coming here..."

"In order for Sister Lilith to survive, you must die."

Qiao Qiao smiled and glared at Otto: "For this... I have paid with my life!"

Qiao Qiao's words were respectful, and there was murderous intent and determination everywhere, which made people feel terrified.

What's more terrifying is that when he said those vicious words, he still had a smile on his lips.

After Qiao Qiao revealed his purpose, Otto's laughter suddenly stopped, and his face became extremely gloomy and cold, as if he had revealed some kind of disguise.

"Since I took over as the bishop, I haven't met such a powerful opponent like you for a long time."

Otto stared at Qiao Qiao with cold eyes and said, "Since you and I both want to revive important people and have reasons that cannot be compromised, let's have a fair competition with our loved ones at stake!"

"You are worthy of being a grandfather. Even if you encounter an unknown enemy from the future like me, you can deal with it calmly... However, since I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time!"

Qiao Qiao stared at Otto with cold eyes and said very vicious words with a smile.

Otto now possessed the First God Key, Void Wanzang.

This was completely different from the situation when Qiao Qiao took advantage of him being severely injured and took away Void Wanzang and took advantage of the opportunity.

But even if Otto is at his peak now.

Although Qiao Qiao is a spiritual body, he still has the power of a pseudo-god.

It is easy to kill Otto, a mortal.

Qiao Qiao and Otto make everyone know...If you want to fulfill your lifelong wish and resurrect the important person in your heart, you must kill each other.

In a sense, Qiao Qiao and Otto are very similar, with similar goals and the determination to sacrifice everything for the important person.

But it is precisely because of their similar goals that they have to fight each other with everything in order to compete for the precious plan to resurrect the important person until one of them dies.

The next second.

The blood-colored chains wrapped around Qiao Qiao suddenly tightened, ready to attack Otto on the chair like tentacles.

A burst of golden light flashed by.

Otto held the Void Ten Thousand Treasures in his hand, creating countless golden chains to face the blood-red chains.

"Bang Bang Bang!"

The blood-colored and golden chains clashed in the air, as if thousands of swords collided with each other, bursting out hot sparks.

Their two people clashed, and it was difficult to tell who would win for a while. There was no time to care about the unarmed and incapable researchers.

As the saying goes, "When gods fight, mortals suffer."

Countless researchers' bodies were broken by the high-speed chains, their bones cut, their skulls broken, and their hearts pierced.

As the chains collided, extremely tragic screams came from the conference room.

The snow-white and flawless windows were dyed red by the splattering blood, and a shocking red spider lily bloomed.

After waxing, the clean and bright floor that could reflect the scenery above was also covered with scarlet blood, and blood flowed into a river.

Dr. Irena curled up in the corner of the conference room, holding her head, trembling, and watching the extremely terrifying scene in front of her.

Qiao Qiao and Otto were like two extremely ferocious beasts, fighting for their own interests and territories, and an extremely fierce conflict broke out.

An hour later.

The sound of metal confrontation in the conference room finally subsided, and a figure dragged his body, opened the door of the conference room, and walked out.

Qiao Qiao and Otto finally decided the winner.

Otto had the Void Ten Thousand Treasures in his hand, a brilliant mind, extraordinary science and technology like Soul Steel, and endless trump cards. He was definitely one of the strongest at the time.

But Qiao Qiao was not the same person as before. He had completed his own biochemistry and possessed the power of a pseudo-god.

In the end, Qiao Qiao narrowly won and blew up Otto's Soul Steel head before dissipating.

At the same time... Qiao Qiao had used other means to destroy Otto's backup prosthesis to ensure that he would not be reborn.

In the conference room where blood flowed like a river and corpses were everywhere, Otto's Soul Steel face was repeatedly hit by a giant, cracked and bloomed, and blood flowed out.

Otto's cold body lay in a pool of blood like a puppet that had lost its line, motionless.

In a corner not far away, Irena's face was terrified and she was so scared that she shed tears.

She looked at the remains of Otto, curled up in fear, hugged her head, trembled slightly, and whispered like a mental disorder: "Don't kill me... Don't kill me!"

When contacting the tree of imaginary numbers, Qiao Qiao operated its system and chose the future of 'Lilith survives'.

So... when Qiao Qiao invaded the tree of imaginary numbers, Otto, who threatened Lilith's life, was doomed to die.

Just like Qiao Qiao's strange operation on the tree of imaginary numbers, he successfully killed Otto.

But it must be said... the old ones are still the best.

Qiao Qiao was also severely injured by Otto's trump card before his death, and was now at the end of his strength.

Dr. Irena was one of the few people in this institute who had helped him and Lilith, so Qiao Qiao did not kill him. Instead, he covered the wound on his waist that was severely injured by Otto, dragged his body, and walked towards the experimental subject containment area with difficulty.

Chapter 327 The End of the Fifth Life Simulation

The sky above Kolosten was shrouded in gloomy dark clouds, and goose-down-like snowflakes fell, covering the artificial human research institute with a layer of snow-white new clothes.

The cold corpses fell in the snow like broken toys, and blood gushed out, adding a bright scarlet to the empty and lonely snow color.

The alarm bells inside the institute rang loudly, and the experimental subjects in the isolation room could not figure out the situation outside. Some individuals were curious and stuck their heads out of the barred windows to check, but the corridor outside was surprisingly quiet at this time, and there was no one in the shadow.

In the past, there were many guards patrolling this corridor to prevent the experimental subjects from escaping.

But after the alarm sounded, noisy footsteps were heard in this corridor.

The guards shouted loudly to catch the intruders, and then ran to another building together.

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