Teresa gently lifted Amber's pale face that was wet with tears.

Amber's chin was gently lifted by Theresa.

Tears rolled in Amber's eyes, matching her delicate face that was pale and thin due to sadness. She raised her innocent eyes and looked at Theresa, as pitiful as a little animal, giving people a feeling of pity for me. Feel.

Teresa gently stretched out her fingers to wipe away the two lines of clear tears from the corners of Amber's eyes, and said with a smile: "Amber, you have assisted two generations of bishops, and you understand the affairs of destiny very well. I will need your assistance in the future. Please Please take care of yourself.”

Hearing this, Amber looked at Theresa with gratitude in her eyes.

Amber and Theresa have a deep bond.

Like Jojo, the two of them were experimental subjects created by Otto and used to kill each other.

In that experiment, Theresa and Amber, as the last survivors, had a final showdown.

As everyone knows, Kohaku lost.

She should have died.

But Theresa showed kindness and kindness like a saint, resisted Otto, and saved Amber, who was destined to die.

Not only do Teresa and Amber have similar faces, they even share the same genes. They are sisters with the same blood.

Moreover, Teresa still has life-saving grace for Amber.

Amber's eyes were filled with crystal tears. She lowered her head and pondered for a long time, with a very tangled expression.

She will never forget to take off her mask, pay attention to her and praise her Bishop Jojo for the first time.

But she must also repay Teresa for saving her life.

Furthermore, Theresa is the heir chosen by Qiaoqiao himself.

Even for the dead Qiaoqiao, as a secretary, she must assist Theresa and manage the destiny.

Lord Bishop... Amber cannot leave this world for the time being and meet you.

But please don't worry!

I will definitely fulfill your wish, assist Theresa, manage destiny, and fight against Honkai!

Thinking of this, Amber's face no longer hesitated, and a flash of determination flashed through her tear-filled eyes. She raised her hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, stretched out her hand to hold Theresa's delicate and smooth five fingers, and held them on one knee. He knelt down and said as if taking an oath:

"Bishop Theresa, Amber will definitely inherit the last wish of the former Bishop Qiaoqiao, help you manage the destiny and defeat Honkai!"

Seeing Amber cheer up, Theresa was also very happy and smiled slightly, showing her white teeth.

"Then I'll trouble you, Amber."

As soon as she finished speaking, Amber seemed to be too sad just now. After being comforted by Theresa, she found a reason to live again. Her originally tense heartstrings suddenly relaxed, and her whole body collapsed, like a puppet with its strings cut off. Lost consciousness and passed out.

"Sister Amber, are you okay?"

The three secretaries who were standing nearby and listening saw this and immediately rushed forward anxiously.

Theresa saw Amber suddenly fainting, and immediately stepped forward to catch her shaky body, thus preventing her from rolling down the stairs.

Theresa turned to look at the three secretaries who looked concerned, and handed Amber to them: "How is Amber's health?"

Bishop Tianming’s secretaries are all top-notch talents selected from a million.

One of the female secretaries who had studied medicine took Amber's pulse and made a diagnosis. She breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Sister Amber's body is not serious. It was just her mood swings that made her unconscious." past."

After hearing this, Theresa felt relieved and said, "You three take Amber back to the medical department for treatment. Remember to take good care of her."

"Yes! Lady Theresa!"

The three secretaries responded in unison, then supported the unconscious Amber and walked down the long steps.

After Amber and the others left, Teresa looked at the deserted garden alone, her originally energetic face suddenly turned sad, and she said with a gloomy look: "Jojo has left me... I don't want to Don’t see anyone leave anymore.”

Theresa looked at the blood-red sunset alone, feeling melancholy in her heart.

Originally there were many heroes, the noble and powerful Apocalis family.

First, Otto was tried to usurp the throne by his valued grandson Qiao Qiao.

Later, Jojo, who killed Otto, chose to sacrifice in order to resurrect Lilith and settle the grudge with Rita.

Now in the Apocalis family, Theresa is the only one left from Otto’s lineage.

As a sister, Teresa lost Qiaoqiao, and she felt no better than Rita and Amber.

But after Otto and Jojo died, she no longer had anyone to rely on. She had to support the entire destiny alone and shoulder the mission of fighting against Honkai and saving humanity.

It’s such a heavy burden that concerns the lives of all human beings in the world.

Teresa had to force herself to mature.

But even if she could pretend to be the majesty of a bishop in front of others, deep down she was still the fragile Theresa who longed for family affection but was repeatedly betrayed.

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, Theresa lowered her head, two lines of clear tears flowed down her young cheeks, and the tears fell on the white flowers at her feet.

She looked at the slender and fragile white flowers, her head bowed by tears, and her vision was blurred by tears.

The tears falling to the ground reflected like a mirror the red corners of her eyes, biting her red lips, and her young face wet with two lines of tears.

"Grandpa, Qiaoqiao... why are you all so cruel? You left by yourself, leaving Theresa alone..."

In the garden in front of the church, Teresa lowered her head alone and cried secretly.

Under a white column in front of the church, a blond girl wearing a black dress and a wide-brimmed sun hat was hiding behind a bunker. She looked at Theresa's slightly trembling petite body, her eyes trembling slightly with discomfort.

When Youlandel saw Theresa hiding in the garden and crying secretly, she sighed with an uncomfortable look on her face and said, "Lord Theresa...it turns out you can't bear to leave Qiaoqiao..."

In the deserted garden, Theresa cried alone for a long time, and her slight sobs slowly stopped.

Seeing Theresa's mood gradually calming down, Hollander thought for a moment, then appeared and walked out.

"Lady Theresa, are you okay?"

Hearing a familiar female voice from behind, Theresa was startled and turned her back to her. She quickly raised her hand to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, sniffed a few times, then pretended to be nonchalant and turned around. Come, look at Youlandel, with the same playful and cute smile as before.

"It turns out it's you, Youlandel."

Theresa crossed her hands in front of her, pretending to be a mature and calm adult, and said, "What do you want to see me for?"

Seeing Theresa pretending to be strong, Hollander felt heartbroken, but she also pretended not to notice anything, lowered her head in embarrassment, and said: "I came to see Rita, she is Woolen cloth?"

Hearing this, Theresa's face suddenly darkened: "Rita..."

Youlandel didn't know why and asked in surprise: "What happened to her?"

Teresa looked towards the church with worried eyes and said, "She is in the church, alone with Qiaoqiao. It has been a long time, but she still doesn't want to come out."

Hearing that Rita was alone in the church and had not been seen for a long time, Youlandel was suddenly frightened and turned pale.

"Thank you, Lady Theresa! I'm leaving first!"

Hollander hurriedly turned around and ran towards the church, her face very nervous, fearing that Rita would commit suicide because she could not accept Jojo's death.

Rita...you must not do anything stupid!

Chapter 332: Hollander: Rita, I’m showing off my cards, Qiao Qiao is the one I like.

The heavy door of the church slowly opened a crack, and the setting sun shone like blood on the red carpet-covered floor. The bright red blood light added a bit of loneliness and sadness to this quiet and peaceful space.

Hollander opened the door and walked into the quiet church. She looked up and saw Rita sitting on the red carpet.

She was wearing a long black dress with cuffs of lace like roses, breasts like two leaves, and waist and hips as round and plump as a corolla. Paired with her already noble and delicate face, it gave people a look as slender and fragile as a flower. feeling.

Rita was sitting on the ground, her legs lying together like fish tails, her slender body tightly nestled against the cold white coffin, her delicate and smooth fingers like onions caressing the coffin, her delicate and beautiful face as pale as a disease. , there were two lines of tear stains faintly underneath the pupils that shone with crystal tears.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Rita raised her head slightly and glanced at Hollander, with a weak and fragile smile like a flower stamen on her lips.

"Youlandel, are you here?"


Youlandel nodded slightly.

Rita's ears were pressed against the cold coffin, her fingers gently caressing the patterns on the surface of the coffin, and she said with a smile: "Youlandel, do you know? In the past, Bishop Qiaoqiao often brought me to this church. Dating with him... I thought that one day I would be able to hold a grand wedding with him here, but now... he has left me forever. "

Hearing this, Youlandel took a step forward and said with concern: "Rita, don't be too sad."

"I am very sad. My chest is still aching and my tears are almost dry..."

Rita's eyes were filled with sadness as she looked at the coffin where Qiao Qiao's relics were lying. Her tears shone slightly, and she bit her lips tightly and said, "But more than being sad, I hate myself more! I hate myself for not having the courage to abandon grudges and ignore everything." I ran towards him. If... I had been braver, would he have survived and married me? "

As she spoke, two lines of tears fell from the corners of Rita's eyes.

Hollander hurriedly stepped forward, put the crying Rita into her arms, gently stroked the top of her hair, and comforted her: "Rita, I don't blame you for Jojo's death, I can only blame this fate. It’s too impermanent, you must not give up on yourself!”

Hearing this, Rita stood up like a doll, gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said with a sad face: "Lord Hollander, I know what you are worried about. But don't worry, I will never follow Qiao Qiao easily. And go, although he is gone, his will still exists, and I will manage the destiny in his place until the day I defeat Honkai."

Although Jojo left, he left the hopeless Rita with goals and hope in life.

Although her heart has died with Qiao Qiao, her body will continue to live according to Qiao Qiao's will like a walking zombie.

Although Rita was desperate, she still had the belief to live, which made Hollandale feel relieved.

Hollander looked at Rita with solemn eyes and said nervously in her heart: "Rita, actually... I have been hiding something from you."


Seeing that Youlandel suddenly brought up other topics, Rita blinked in surprise and looked at Youlandel with a solemn expression without moving.

"Why is it so important that I have to say it now?"

Youlandel's eyes flickered, she pursed her lips nervously, and said, "Rita, do you still remember the person I told you about before?"


Rita nodded slightly and said, "Why did you suddenly mention him?"

Rita looked at Hollander with very confused eyes, as if she didn't understand why Hollander mentioned her lover at Qiaoqiao's funeral.

"Actually..." Youlandel lowered her head in embarrassment and said hesitantly: "Actually... that person is Qiao Qiao."

"He is the World Snake cadre in the previous life who was willing to sacrifice his life to rescue me from the abyss. He is also the current Bishop of Destiny - Qiao Qiao."

Hearing Hollander's confession, Rita was struck by lightning. She was unwilling to believe that there had been a relationship between Qiaoqiao and Hollander.

But in her heart, she knew very well that Youlandel was an honest person and would never deceive herself, let alone make fun of her innocence as a daughter.

"Why are you telling me this now?"

Rita hurriedly grabbed Hollandelle and asked.

Hollander looked up at Rita, who had a weird face, and said embarrassedly: "I didn't mean to hide it from you. It's just that when I came back to my senses, you were already deeply in love with Qiaoqiao, so how could I say it? exit."

Hearing this, Rita didn't get angry or complain. She just let go of Hollander's hand with a faint sigh and fell into her arms sadly.

"Youlandel, you and I have such a hard life. We fell in love with the same man, but lost him at the same time."

Now that Qiaoqiao is dead, whether Youlandel likes him or not doesn't seem to matter anymore.

"No...Rita, now is not the time to give up."

Youlandel reached out and grabbed Rita's slender and soft lotus root, making her stand up straight. Her eyes as clear as the blue sky shone with a strange light: "I think... Qiao Qiao should be a time traveler. , even if his body has perished, his soul and spirit should still exist in a certain corner of the quantum sea."

Hearing the news that Qiaoqiao's soul still existed, Rita's despairing heart suddenly rekindled hope. She immediately held the hand of Youlandel and asked eagerly: "Master Youlandel, Is what you said true?"


Hollander's eyes shone with hope, she nodded without hesitation, took out the Gnius super plus hidden on her body, and said: "I have asked Changguang to modify the Gnius device. As long as With it, although our bodies cannot travel through the limitations of time and space, our souls and spirits should be able to travel across time and space like Qiao Qiao and follow the traces to find him in the quantum sea."

When Rita heard this, a smile appeared on her lips, her eyes stared at Gnius Super Plus as if she was looking at a treasure.

This is her last hope to see Qiaoqiao.

Youlandel felt Rita's eager gaze and smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth.

Rita is Hollander's best friend. When she saw Rita grieving for Jojo's death, she felt very painful inside.

Now seeing Rita regaining her former vitality, she was naturally very happy.

She handed Rita the Gnius Super Plus, which was like a pocket watch, and asked with a smile: "Rita, are you willing to take risks with me and implement this plan?"

Hearing this, Rita's eyes sparkled with crystal tears. She looked at Hollander with gratitude and raised her hand to gently touch the Gnius++ in her hand.

In order to see her beloved Jojo again, Rita has no choice...

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