[After you tamped down the thick soil with stones, Suzu placed the inscription written by Sakura herself on the tomb. 】

[Miyaji-sama’s tombstone happens to be right in front of the blackened and withered cherry blossom tree. 】

Under the charred cherry tree, Sakura quietly stood in front of the tombstone of Lord Gongji, wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes with her sleeves embroidered with pink cherry blossoms.

"Miyaji-sama, I'm really sorry. Sakura has been taken care of by you for many years, but I can't even find you a decent cemetery."

At this point, Sakura seemed to be touched by the pain in her heart, and she threw herself directly into Qiaoqiao's arms, crying secretly.

Qiaoqiao felt a softness in her chest, and then felt a coldness.

Qiaoqiao could feel that the clothes on her chest were wet with Sakura's tears.

"Qiao Qiao, am I so shameless that I can't even give the Lord Palace a decent cemetery?"

Qiao Qiao smiled miserably.

"Now the whole country is in war, and even you and I don't have a peaceful place to stay. Where can we find a decent cemetery for the dead?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qiao Qiao heard the faint sound of sobs.

Qiao Qiao followed the sound of crying.

Ling, who had a single ponytail standing on end, had moist eyes, but her face was stubborn. She gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, clearly not wanting anyone to see her crying.

This kid, Ling... is so strong at such a young age.

It makes people feel really sad to see it.

Qiao Qiao felt pity in her heart. Without saying a word, she put her hand on Ling's young shoulders and held her in his arms.

Qiaoqiao raised her hand and gently stroked the top of Ying's hair, and said softly:

"Miyaji-sama was born in the shrine, and now he died in the shrine. He loved to watch cherry blossoms most during his lifetime. We buried him here, which is like returning to his roots. Presumably, he will be able to see the cherry blossoms he loved most during his lifetime under the Nine Springs. Very happy.”

Hearing Qiaoqiao's comfort, Sakura suddenly cried loudly, which seemed to be more serious than before.

Qiaoqiao originally thought that her comfort had the opposite effect.

Unexpectedly, Sakura actually nodded and said:

"Qiaoqiao, you are right. Lord Palace Secretary will be very happy if he is buried under this cherry tree."

Although Sakura was crying, the dark cloud of sadness on her face had dissipated.

It was obvious that she had untied her knot.

Qiaoqiao held Yingying and Ling in his arms, said with a slight smile: "The three of us give Mr. Gongji three blows as a thank you for his kindness to us."

After finishing speaking, Sakura and Suzu nodded at the same time.

Qiao Qiao let go of Sakura and Ling and knelt down towards Lord Gongji.

Two years ago, Qiaoqiao was only twelve years old. In order to escape the fate of becoming a hostage, she jumped into the ocean and landed on this island by chance.

He was on a foreign island, helpless.

Thanks to the care of the Palace Secretary, he was made a shrine priest and took good care of him in every possible way.

Although I know that Mr. Gong Si treats me well because of my identity...

But the care over the past two years has been real.

Qiaoqiao could not repay the debt during Gongji's lifetime, so he could only repay it by fulfilling his promise and taking good care of Ling and Sakura.

As for these three bells...

He could fully bear the kindness that Master Gong Si had given to him for taking care of him for more than two years.

So, without hesitation, Qiao Qiao put her hands on the ground and kowtowed to the tombstone of Lord Palace Secretary.

one time.

Two times.

Three times.

After kowtowing, Qiao Qiao said to the tombstone: "Mr. Palace Secretary, thank you for your care over the past two years. I will definitely take good care of Ying and Ling regardless of your trust!"

Hearing this, Sakura and Ling looked at each other and imitated Qiao Qiao, kneeling down in front of the tombstone.

They both kowtowed three times.

"Sakura, thank you Lord Gongji for your care over the years. Please stay under the underworld and watch carefully. I will try my best to assist Qiao Qiao and take good care of Ling!"

"Thank you, Uncle Gongji for taking care of you for many years. Ling will definitely behave well in the future and not cause trouble to Brother Qiao and Sister Ying o(╥﹏╥)o"

As soon as she said goodbye to Mr. Palace Secretary, Ling, who had always been very strong, couldn't hold back any longer and burst into tears.

Sakura hurriedly stepped forward and comforted: "Ling, it's okay, my sister is here!"

At this time, Qiao Qiao saw Pi Ling crying in Ying's arms, and she felt much more relaxed. She smiled and said

"Sakura, just let her cry. It will make her feel better if she cries."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qiao Qiao looked up at the sky, feeling her eyes moist.


It's obviously just a simulation.

Why am I still so heartbroken over someone's passing...

Oh...I see.

It must be because of the influence of ‘my’ mood in this simulation.

In text mode, Qiaoqiao always watched everything that happened as a bystander.

But those things actually happened in the simulation and would leave some traces on Qiao Qiao in the simulation.

These traces...maybe scars, maybe rewards, or maybe a memory or a mood.

When Qiao Qiao is in person, he is often affected by his own memories or mood in the simulation, making him feel happy...or cry.

Tears flowed down from Qiaoqiao's soot-stained face. He looked at the sky and said, "The sky... seems to be raining."

In Qiaoqiao's opinion, all this is just a game.

Even this heartache is my own mood in the simulation.

It doesn't come from your own heart, it's completely false.

She doesn't blur the line between reality and fiction.

Hearing this, Sakura looked at Qiaoqiao, whose face was covered with raindrops.

He glanced at the dark cloud-covered sky and said softly, "Yes, it looks like it will rain heavily."

Qiaoqiao wiped the rain from the corners of her eyes, and then said with determination:

"You should say goodbye to Mr. Palace Secretary, and then leave. If you don't leave, it will rain."

As soon as she finished speaking, Sakura nodded slightly. She wiped away the glistening tears from the corners of Suzu's eyes and said, "Suzuki, look at Uncle Gongji again and say goodbye. After we leave, we don't know when we can come back... "

Ling nodded slightly when he heard this, looked at the tombstone, bit his lip and said, "Uncle Gong Si, goodbye. Ling will definitely come back to see you again."

Hearing Ling's words, Qiao Qiao's heart trembled slightly.

Because when he said leaving, he didn't mean leaving the Yae Shrine or the village.

But leave this far east country.

When he was sent here as a hostage by the British Prime Minister Marquez, he knew that the old man had bad intentions.

Being a hostage of the Far East Island Country will definitely lead to death.

So he took the risk of jumping into the sea to escape.

Sure enough, as soon as Marquez took power, he immediately launched a general attack here.

If Qiao Qiao had not chosen to jump into the sea, but let nature take its course and become a hostage.

Now I am afraid that I will be killed by the officials of the island country to vent their anger.

This country is very dangerous now, and Qiaoqiao wants to escape with Sakura and Ling.

After all, his parents were important figures in the empire. They had many connections left behind by their parents in the homeland, and they were also rich men. It would be easy for them to escape back to the homeland with them.

This may be one of the reasons why Mr. Palace Secretary took Qiao Qiao in.

Once you leave this country, you may never be able to come back.

Sakura, like Suzu, said goodbye to Lord Miyaji's tombstone, then looked at the tall blackened cherry blossoms and said very sadly.

"I don't know when I can come back and see the cherry blossoms here after leaving."

Hearing this, Qiao Qiao pursed her lips slightly, put her hand on her shoulder, and said, "Don't worry, next time we come back, we will definitely be able to see the cherry blossoms in full bloom here."

Unexpectedly, Qiao Qiao just finished speaking.


The originally tall cherry blossom tree came to an end, broke at the waist, and fell down.

When Qiao Qiao saw the cherry blossom tree collapse, she suddenly felt her face being hit in pain.

Sakura sister...

Even if it's a slap in the face, it's not like this, right? !

Seeing the cherry blossom tree break, the cherry blossoms touch the scenery and become emotional.

How could Shen Ying break like this?

Could it be... is God telling me again that if I leave here, I will never see the cherry blossoms in my hometown again?

Thinking of this, Sakura couldn't help but raise her sleeves, cover her face and cry.

Even Ling hugged Sakura and sobbed softly.

Qiaoqiao also didn't expect that they would be so emotional when a cherry blossom tree was broken.

Qiaoqiao quickly slapped herself in the face and said, "It's me who has the crow's mouth. I shouldn't talk nonsense."

Seeing Qiao Qiao slap themselves, Sakura and Ling quickly stepped forward to stop him.

Sakura grabbed the arm that Qiao Qiao used to slap her, and even Ling held Qiao Qiao's waist and wouldn't let go.

"Master Qiaoqiao, you have helped our sisters so much, and it is too late for us to thank you. This cherry tree fell, how can we blame you?"

"Yes, yes! That's what my sister said!"

Sakura's soft comforting voice made Qiaoqiao feel very comfortable.

Ling seemed a little speechless, like Zhang Fei, talking after her sister.

Facing the two people's comfort, Qiao Qiao felt warm in her heart.

"It's okay...I..."

Qiao Qiao originally said that she was fine, but then she took a quick glance and saw two fresh and tender buds growing under the fallen cherry tree, and her eyes suddenly felt bright.

He pointed to the two young buds, patted Sakura on the shoulder, and said in surprise: "Sakura, look, there are two cherry blossom buds growing there."

Hearing this, Sakura smiled slightly.

She didn't believe that cherry blossom buds could grow on the wasteland that had just been burned by the fire.

It was all Qiaoqiao trying to make herself happy.

She thought to herself, although Qiaoqiao lied to me, he also had good intentions and wanted to make me happy.

Thinking of this, Sakura felt sweet in her heart, pursed her lips, and said shyly: "Qiaoqiao, you don't have to make up lies to make me happy... As long as you stay with me... I will be very happy."

Hearing this, Qiao Qiao had countless question marks on her head.

Who is making you happy?

What I said is obviously true!

Just when Qiao Qiao wanted to complain, Ling's innocent voice came from the side.

"Sister, come and take a look. There are really two cherry blossom buds here. Brother Qiao is not lying!"

After hearing this, Sakura walked towards the cherry blossom tree with doubts.

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