"Ying, she won't die just like that, will she?"

In the space where time stopped, Qiao Qiao saw the mountain road buried by dark mud and rocks, and Ying's delicate body disappeared without a trace, and she was stunned on the spot.

"Prometheus, come out, didn't you say that as long as you play the villain well, you can live smoothly in the simulation world?"

According to the previous routines of the Villain Life Simulator, as long as Qiao Qiao keeps playing the villain, he can live very smoothly until the day of his death.

But Qiao Qiao has obviously always made the right choices, but Ying still suffered a disaster in his eyes, completely disrupting her entire life.

This is not in line with the previous tune of the Villain Life Simulator. And

Hearing Qiao Qiao's angry question, Prometheus, who represented the system and assisted Qiao Qiao in the villain life simulation, offered his slender and petite body, floated in the air, raised his hand, and said without any emotion:

"My apostle, you are only 14 years old in this villain life simulation, and you still have a conscience and have not completely fallen into an outstanding villain."

"Sakura's death is something you must face and cannot escape in this life simulation. Only by experiencing loss can you truly grow into a big villain in this life simulation."

"Even the will of collapse cannot change Sakura's death?"

Facing Qiao Qiao's question, Prometheus shook his head gently.

"Human wars are quite cruel. As long as humans exist, wars will definitely happen. And once a war occurs, there will be casualties and people will definitely become victims. Even if it is not Sakura who dies, it will be Ling or others who die. This is something I can't change."

Hearing this, Qiao Qiao's face was slightly heavy.

Prometheus was right.

Whenever a war breaks out, there will be casualties.

This is a war between two countries.

Sakura is not the only one who died, but hundreds of thousands, millions of people...

However, the people who died before were all strangers to Qiao Qiao, and no matter how many there were, they were far less important than Sakura alone.

Sakura's death was not the fault of the Life Simulator, nor of Honkai Will or Prometheus.

Qiao Qiao was not at fault either.

The fault was the war.

The fault was the world that gave birth to the war.

Although I know that the Sakura in this world is fictional, and all this is a game, not real.

But Sakura feels too real.

She is just like the real Sakura, cold on the outside, gentle on the inside, and deeply in love with her sister and companions.

Unconsciously, Qiao Qiao also has a special feeling for Sakura, just like himself in the simulation.

Sakura's death made Qiao Qiao feel very sad. He tried every means to save Sakura, but in the end he still left an irreparable regret.

Even Prometheus couldn't resurrect the dead in the simulation world.

No... No!

It's too early to give up now.

Qiao Qiao shook her head vigorously.

Ying is the future 13th Herrscher of Fire.

If Qiao Qiao's existence had no impact on the world line, she should have lived until the 13th Herrscher, the Herrscher of Corrosion, came...

[Sakura, the most beautiful girl in your mind, was buried by the sliding mountain. What would you do about it?]

[Option 1: Give up and leave here with Ling.]

[Option 2: Never give up, dig the hill with your own hands and rescue Ying.]

Sakura's body has not been found yet.

She is definitely still alive!

Dig for me!

Dig to death!

[You are filled with anger and unwillingness. You use your own hands as pickaxes and desperately dig the hill to rescue Ying who is buried underground.]

[Your body is not made of iron after all. Throwing away sand and gravel with your hands causes the skin of your ten fingers to break, and even your nails break, and blood flows.]

[But no matter how painful your fingers are, you don't give up hope and keep digging the mud. 】

【Looking at your sad and desperate look, Ling felt as if her heart was being cut by a knife. She raised her hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes and followed you to dig in front of the hill. 】

【But even if the cherry blossoms were buried by the sliding mountain. 】

【The most beautiful cherry blossoms in your heart were burned by the flames, and the war would not stop because of your pain and tears. Instead, it intensified and burned fiercely. 】

【In order to completely wipe out the rebels, the fighter planes of the empire launched a carpet bombing of the mountain area where you are. 】

【Missiles fell on the mountain, and flames burst and explosions were heard. 】

【Many refugees were affected by the energy of the missile explosion, and they screamed heartbreakingly and then fell off the cliff. 】

【Just as you were concentrating on digging the hill, suddenly a missile fell from the sky and landed in front of you——】

【You clearly saw the manufacturer on the missile——MAKE IN BRITAIN. 】

【Seeing the name of your motherland, you were filled with astonishment and despair. 】

【There was a loud bang. 】

【The missile exploded like fireworks, and you and Ling were blown apart by the aftermath of the explosion. 】

【Even the hill that you couldn't dig out even with your fingers was instantly blown to pieces. 】

【The missile exploded, and the heavy mud and rocks instantly vaporized, and the heated mud and rocks turned into magma and splashed out. 】

【You and Ling were very lucky not to be hit directly by the missile. 】

[Ling was knocked unconscious by the aftermath of the missile's energy, but your body has been modified and your quality is far superior to that of an ordinary person. You are still conscious and soon sit up again. ]

[After straightening your back, you hold your aching head. ]

[As your memory continues to recover, you recall that the missile landed directly on the hill and exploded, and your eyes widen in shock. ]

[The hill where Sakura was buried had been completely blown up by the missile, white gas continued to emerge, mud and human corpses were melted by the high temperature, and a layer of hot magma covered the charred ash. ]

[Just now, you watched Sakura being covered by the collapsed rocks. Although you felt pain in your heart, you still had hope. ]

[But now, looking at the purgatory of charred ash and red lava after the missile bombing, you are already desperate. 】

【Looking at the hill that was turned into slag and lava by the missile, you were filled with despair. Regardless of the danger, you continued to search in the gray soil covered with lava with your hands that had already been broken and bleeding. 】

【You searched the hill and found many devastated bodies, but you still couldn't find Sakura's body, not even a piece of bones. You could only find a small forget-me-not flower ornament. 】

【You held the "Forget-me-not" representing Sakura in your arms, and crystal tears came out of your eyes. I guess Sakura's body must have been washed down the cliff by the mudslide. 】

Huh? You found so many bodies, but you didn't find Sakura?

Did she slide down the mountain road to the bottom of the cliff?

According to the routine of the villain life simulator, as long as Qiao Qiao didn't make the wrong choice, there would be no tragedy.

According to the previous routine... Sakura didn't die.

Instead, like in martial arts novels, she fell off the cliff and survived.

【You looked at the forget-me-not ornament of Sakura in your hand, and tears suddenly appeared in the corners of your eyes. You clenched your fists and smashed them hard on the ground. 】

【"Damn it!"】

【"Brother Qiao, how is my sister?"】

【Just when you were sad and desperate, Ling, who was knocked unconscious by the missile, regained some consciousness and looked at you with hazy eyes. 】

【Faced with Ling's childish voice and eyes, you felt as if thousands of arrows pierced your heart. 】

【"I couldn't save your sister..."】

【You couldn't say such words no matter what. 】

【You couldn't understand why God was so unfair to you. The war took away your mother, and now it took away your favorite cherry blossoms...】

【You wanted to cry heartily, or just lie down here and let the fighter's missiles blow you into ashes. 】

【In this way... you can meet Sakura again. 】

【Thinking of this, your mood suddenly became as calm as death. You looked up at the flying metal fighter in the sky and muttered to yourself:】

【"Yes... Since it is so painful, it is better to die..."】

【But Ling saw your face that was so desperate that it became calm, pursed her lips, and said in a childish voice: "Brother Qiao, don't be sad, you must live..."】

【Hearing Ling's words, your heart, which was originally as silent as death, was stirred again. 】

【"Yes... If I die, what will happen to Ling? She only has me as a relative in this world!"】

【Thinking of this, you suddenly woke up. 】

【"I can die and end it all, but how can Ling live alone?"】

【You recalled what Ying said before she was buried by the mudslide. 】

【"Qiao Qiao, please take good care of Ling for me..."】

【Thinking of Ying's last words and smile before her death, your eyes were slightly red. 】

【The talent "My Struggle" is triggered, and you gain the reason and courage to continue to live and fight. ]

[You can't abandon Ying's last wish, and you can't abandon Ling, who is still young. ]

[So, you clenched your fists again, wiped the tears from your eyes, and kowtowed heavily to the hill that was bombed into ashes and lava by missiles, the place where Ying was buried, and tears fell like a broken bead curtain. ]

["Ying, I'm sorry, I couldn't protect you... But I will keep my promise and protect Ling!" ]

[As soon as the voice fell, you raised your hand to wipe the tears from the corners of your eyes, put away the blue forget-me-not flower decoration, stood up from where you were, put Ling, who was collapsed on the ground, on your back, hardened your heart, closed your eyes, and turned around. ]

[Ling curled up on your back, seemed to realize something, with crystal tears flashing in her eyes, and said sadly: ]

["Brother Qiao, will I never see my sister again?" ]

[Losing Ying made your heart as desolate and numb as if you had died once. 】

【But for Ling, the pain she felt after losing her biological sister was far greater than yours. 】

【When you think of Ling's feelings at this moment, you feel like your heart is being torn apart, and you grit your teeth and say:】

【"Ling... From today on, you are my biological sister, and I won't let anyone hurt you."】

【Even if it's just a little bit, you hope to use your love to make up for Ling's pain of losing Sakura. 】

【Ling's slender hand on your shoulder exerts a little force, tears fall like a dam, and you nod sadly and sensibly. 】


【At the age of fourteen, you watched your favorite cherry blossoms being burned by the flames of war, but you were powerless. 】

【With the death of Sakura, your heart also died. 】

【It is your responsibility to Ling that makes your originally dead heart rejuvenate with hope. 】

[You made up your mind to protect Ling no matter what. ]

[In the forest in front of the coast, you carried the petite Ling on your back, dodged the rain of bullets and bombardment, and finally reached the destination coastal port. ]

[After escaping from the forest, the sound of gunfire and explosions gradually faded away. ]

[You and Ling set up camp on the beach and began a short life. ]

[During this period, there were also people like you and Ling who were very lucky to avoid the artillery fire of the rebels and the imperial army and escape to the coastal beach. ]

[But there were very few people who survived by chance, only dozens of people. ]

[You know, when they first entered the mountains, the entire refugee team was huge, with about 10,000 people. ]

[But now only dozens of people have reached the coast safely, and the survival rate is not even one in a thousand. ]

[This is the cruelty of war...]

[After living on the coast for a day, the artillery fire and bombing in the forest gradually ended. ]

[The imperial fighter planes left here one after another. ]

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