[You were shocked when you heard the news:]

[“Could it be... Hua was arrested?”

Chapter 474 The good show is about to begin

[Ghana, one of the top leaders of the Fire Moth, sent soldiers to search everywhere in order to capture members of the "Truth Agency" who are hostile to the United Nations and the Fire Moth. ]

[They used the excuse of purging the cultists to arrest all the elements hostile to the Fire Moth. ]

[Including local officials, corporate employees, and their children who do not accept the rule of the Fire Moth. ]

[It is very unfortunate that the Canghai City High School you are studying in is the current aristocratic school, and many students are the children of local officials and corporate employees. ]

[The children of these government officials and corporate executives were all captured by the Canghai City branch of the Fire Moth. ]

[You thought that the person taken away from the high school by the Fire Moth fighters was Hua, but soon, a phone call dispelled your suspicion. ]

[Fujiwara, the accountant of the Canghai High School Student Union, called your mobile phone. ]

[The moment he saw the caller, his brows slightly frowned, and then he answered: "Senior Fujiwara, did something happen to the students?" ]

["Yeah. ”】

【A panicked and crying voice came from the other end of the communication: "Vice President, President Reina and Carol were taken away by the United Nations military organization "Fire Moth"!"】

【Hearing the voice of Accountant Fujiwara, your face changed slightly.】

【Unexpectedly, the person who was taken away from the student union was not Hua, but President Reina and Carol.】

【Hearing that the person who was taken away was not Hua, you felt a little relieved, but not much.】

【Soon, you had a deeper worry in your heart.】

【You know, Carol is the body of the Herrscher of Thunder. If she was captured by the people of the Fire Moth, what if she received some stimulation and directly became a god.】

【Once the Herrscher of Thunder descends, I am afraid that the entire Canghai City will be destroyed, and the East Asian region will suffer a large-scale disaster.】

【Thinking of this, you asked worriedly: "President Reina and Carol are both ordinary students. How could they be taken away by the people of the Fire Moth? ! ”]

[You said nervously to Accountant Fujiwara on the other end of the line.]

[Mobius found your flustered look refreshing.]

[She happily lay on your beach chair, enjoying the juice prepared by Gray Snake.]

[You were so busy with the tricky operation of Fire Moth, but Mobius was watching you leisurely as if nothing had happened.]

[“Those people... said that President Reina and Carol might be members of the Truth Agency, so they took them away. ”]

[Hearing this, your face suddenly turned pale.]

[As the Lord of the Truth Agency, you can’t remember all your subordinates, but you know clearly that Reina and Carol are not members of the Truth Agency.]

[You are puzzled when you hear that the Fire Moth took Reina and Carol away on trumped-up charges.]

[You don’t understand why you and Hua have to catch Reina and Carol when the Fire Moth has no information at all and is a real member of the Truth Agency?]

[Suddenly, a light bulb went off in your mind, and the corners of your mouth curled up slightly. You said to the senior on the other end of the communication: "Senior Fujiwara, do you know who are the parents of President Reina and Carol?\

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