[Several strong lights fell on a lone armored vehicle. ]

[You faced the media cameras and the military's strong lights with a calm and composed attitude, like an experienced actor. ]

[On the contrary, Hua, who was in charge of driving, wore goggles to cover her face. She felt her stomach cramping. She was so scared that her whole body was shaking. Her hands holding the steering wheel were trembling slightly. ]

["I actually came to the branch of the Fire Moth unarmed. This time I'm dead!" ]

[Although Hua is a master of Shenzhou martial arts. ]

[But no matter how high her kung fu is, it can't be compared with foreign guns. ]

[She alone is no match for the entire Fire Moth army. ]

[Hua knows very little about your strength. ]

[In Hua's common sense, no matter how strong you are, you can't defeat an entire Fire Moth army. ]

["Is...Is I really going to die here today?" ]

[Hua was very afraid of being hit by the bullets of the Fire Moth army. 】

【But the next second, the faces of her two friends, Carol and Reina, appeared in her mind, and her trembling body was instantly filled with strength. 】

【If... I can't send Amon to the negotiation, the lives of Reina, Carol and others will be in danger! 】

【In order to save the lives of her friends and other innocent people, Hua's eyes became firm and sent you to the gate of the Fire Moth branch. 】

【Just as you expected, Congressman Ghana and others could not resist the temptation to capture the Lord of the Truth Organization, 'Amon', and relaxed their vigilance, opening the gate of the branch and allowing you who were standing on the armored vehicle to enter successfully. 】

【When you got off the top of the armored vehicle, countless guns were pointed at your head. 】

【In a flash, you were surrounded by the soldiers of the Fire Moth, and there was no possibility of escape. 】

【Under normal circumstances, anyone would be frightened by the soldiers' guns, but you seemed to be not afraid of the guns going off, and walked to the negotiation room elegantly and calmly. ]

[You were treated as a prisoner and escorted to the office of the Ghanaian congressman by the Fire Moth warriors. ]

[During the period, their guns were pointed at your head. ]

[If you move a little, they can blow your head off in an instant. ]

[But in the face of life-threatening danger, you were like a generous guest at a banquet, neither humble nor overbearing, entering the Fire Moth branch elegantly and calmly. ]

[On the other hand, Hua sneaked away, disguised himself with Huishe and others, mixed into the Fire Moth army, and sneaked into the branch. ]

[You were treated as an important prisoner by the Fire Moth warriors and taken to the office of the Ghanaian congressman. ]

[In the office, Congressman Ghana sat at his desk with a smug smile on his face, saying: "Are you the legendary Lord Amon who carries the will of the God of Collapse?\

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