【But the United Government has ruled this world for more than half a century, and their majesty will never allow any provocation. 】

【"My Lord, the United Government's fleet has blocked the entire estuary and may launch a general attack at any time."】

【Canghai City is a huge city close to the ocean. 】

【The United Government's army has blocked all land and sea routes, and has caught the turtle in a jar. 】

【As long as you stick to the all-round blockade of sea, land and air, even if they don't take the initiative to attack, you will sooner or later be unable to hold on and surrender obediently. 】

【You were not surprised to hear this news, and smiled slightly and said: "The United Government's sea, land and air blockade is completely expected."】

【"Don't worry, as long as Canghai City and those noble students are in our hands, they dare not act rashly."】

【You know very well that once the United Government launches an attack on you. You can threaten them with the civilians of Canghai City. 】

【Especially those noble students who are accommodated in the base, among them are the children of senior UN officials. ]

[Those UN officials are not heartless stones after all. They will never watch their children being threatened. ]

[Therefore, you are very sure that the United Government will weigh face and interests, and will neither attack you nor retreat. It will always circle outside the waters of Canghai City, deter and look for the right opportunity to attack. ]

[And the United Government's actions are the same as you think. In order to protect the people of Canghai City and those noble students, they are restrained everywhere and dare not attack the Truth Agency entrenched in the Fire Moth Branch. ]

[The United Government is constrained by the threats of the people of Canghai City and cannot launch a strong attack. It can only send personnel to negotiate. ]

[Faced with the United Government personnel who came to negotiate, you put forward a very simple request to them: "Immediately abolish the armed agencies under the United Government, including the 'Fire Moth', and let the Truth Agency become their protector." ]

[Hearing your request, the United Government personnel were furious. ]

[Abolishing the armed forces including the Fire Moth is tantamount to cutting off its own arms for the United Nations. ]

[Establishing the Truth Agency as the protector of the United Nations is, in their view, a compromise with terrorists and a self-destructive operation. ]

[They will never choose to give up the Fire Moth for a few hostages and hand their lives to you. ]

[And at the moment when the talks were about to break down, you, as the Lord of the Truth Agency, actually chose to compromise and said, "Then... as long as you help the civilians of Canghai City evacuate, I can release half of the student hostages." ]

[Evacuating millions of civilians in Canghai City is indeed somewhat difficult, but it may be more difficult than abolishing the Fire Moth. ]

[Besides, the Fire Moth also has its own plans and concerns. ]

[Before the Fire Moth and the Truth Agency go to war, it is best to evacuate the civilians. ]

[Otherwise, once Canghai City becomes a battlefield, many useful talents will die in vain. ]

[In order to prepare for the upcoming all-out war, the UN negotiation experts happily agreed to your request to evacuate millions of civilians in Canghai City in exchange for half of the student hostages. ]

[After the negotiation, the UN experts achieved their ideal results and left with satisfaction. ]

[After the UN experts left, the administrator Gray Snake asked in confusion: "My Lord, what exactly do you want the United Government to evacuate the civilians in Canghai City..." ]

["With millions of civilians leaving, Canghai City, which has become an empty city, is an excellent battlefield. The Fire Moth's troops will definitely not miss such a good opportunity and will immediately launch an attack!" ]

[Millions of civilians in Canghai City are hostages of the Truth Agency as long as they stay in Canghai City. ]

[Even if the United Government wants to launch an attack on the Truth Agency, it must consider the impact of the war and casualties. ]

[You want to evacuate all civilians at once and promise to release half of the hostages. ]

[The United Government is likely to be ruthless and give up the remaining hostages to wipe out the Truth Agency. 】

【Hearing the Gray Snake's kind reminder, you acted at ease, with a slight smile on your face, as if everything was under control, and said: "I naturally know what the United Government is thinking... But compared to the United Fleet, we now have more powerful enemies to deal with."】

【"To defeat the Third Collapse, I must rely on the power of the United Government and the Fire Moth."】

【Hearing your words, the administrator Gray Snake no longer said anything, because he believed that the Lord's wisdom was far superior to his. 】

【If it were you, you would definitely be able to solve the threats brought by the United Nations, the Fire Moth, and the Collapse. 】

【As creatures, I and the other Gray Snakes only need to listen to the instructions of the Lord and the Creator wholeheartedly. 】

【After completing the negotiation with you, the United Fleet temporarily put aside the work of conquering the Truth Agency. 】

【In order to fulfill the contract they made with you and to clear the battlefield without people, they began to evacuate the civilians in Canghai City. 】

【That day, the sky above Canghai City was covered with dark clouds, very gloomy, with lightning and thunder, and heavy rain. 】

【The soldiers of the joint fleet led batches of civilians out of the city, and the ten arks you built were also filled with tens of thousands of passengers and successfully launched into the sea. 】

[The huge ship carrying tens of thousands of people was like a piece of paper on the turbulent sea, swaying up and down, looking extremely fragile. ]

[The ten huge ships left the stormy Canghai City under the escort of the joint fleet. ]

[You stood in front of the window of the office, looking at the dead silent city swallowed by the heavy rain outside, and looking at the ten huge ships rising and falling on the sea. 】

【At the same time, a green shadow emerged from the darkness, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he said leisurely: "Qiao Qiao, are you really sure that the girl named 'Carol' is the one you are looking for?"】

【Hearing the voice, you will move away from the city in the pouring rain, turn your head to look at the green-haired woman behind you with eyes as deep as a pool, and say:】

【"Well, she is the one I am looking for, there is no mistake."】

【Seeing your confident look, Mebius smiled happily and said: "If that girl is really the Herrscher of Thunder, I will honestly fulfill the contract and do anything for you."】

【"If she is not... then I will never let you go!"】

【The reason why Mebius follows you is to obtain the genes of Shesha, the companion of the Herrscher of Thunder. 】

【If you can really obtain the core of the Herrscher of Thunder, summon Shesha to come, and give her the genes that can grant humans eternal life, Mebius will follow the contract and do things for you willingly. 】

【But once Carol is not the Herrscher of Thunder, you failed to seize the Herrscher core and summon Shesha. 】

【After realizing that she was deceived, Mebius will not forgive you easily. 】

【She has already thought about it. If you fail to give her the gene of immortality, she will make you pay back hundreds of times what you did to her before, and make you her servant forever. 】

【You looked at Mobius, whose skin was as smooth as jade and whose face was exquisite and beautiful, and said confidently, "You should think about how to thank me after you get the immortality gene..."】

【"I won't give up just because you give me a shoulder massage or leg massage."】

【Seeing your confidence, Mobius smiled slightly and said generously, "If you can really give me immortality, then I will be your servant, so what?"】

【Hearing the flag set by Mobius, you smiled slyly and said, "Then let's make it a deal."】

【While you and Mobius were talking, the Fire Moth's troops quietly walked along the street and approached the fallen Fire Moth branch. 】

【In order to avoid too many people and alert the enemy, the Fire Moth only sent a few elites to rescue the remaining hostages in this secret invasion. ]

[Because all the civilians in Canghai City were evacuated, this elite force sneaked into the Fire Moth branch smoothly. ]

[But when they arrived at the downstairs of the branch, they vaguely sensed that something was wrong. ]

[Because there was not a single guard at the downstairs of the branch that was captured by the Truth Agency. ]

[Several Fire Moth fighters bravely entered the captured branch base to check. ]

[They thought that the people from the Truth Agency would ambush them in secret, but when they entered the building, they found that it was empty. 】

【"No. 00444, hurry up and report the situation inside the base."】

【"Report to the commander, there is no trace of any human activity inside the base."】

【"No one... Is that possible? What about the hundreds of student hostages?"】

【"Report to the commander, judging from the situation at the scene, the members of the Truth Agency and the hostages have all disappeared."】

【"Disappeared?" A very surprised voice came from the other side of the communication: "This is impossible! Thousands of members of the Truth Agency and hundreds of hostages left Canghai City, how could we not notice it..."】

【As soon as the voice fell, the commander of the Fire Moth on the opposite side seemed to realize something. 】

【If it were normal times, thousands of members of the Truth Agency would leave with hostages, and they would definitely notice it. 】

【But today, the Fire Moth evacuated the entire Canghai City civilians. 】

【It was easy for those members of the Truth Agency and the student hostages to escape among the evacuated civilians. 】

【Thinking of this, the commander of the Fire Moth suddenly realized that he had stepped into Qiao Qiao's conspiracy. 】

【While they were evacuating the hostages, the Gray Snakes under the Truth Agency had disguised themselves and mixed in with the fleeing people, breaking through the all-round blockade of the Fire Moth by sea, land and air. 】

【The Fire Moth originally planned to rescue the hostages while all the civilians were evacuated, and then catch all the members of the Truth Agency in one fell swoop. 】

【But now it seems that their calculations were completely within Qiao Qiao's expectations. 】

【Qiao Qiao had already predicted their plan, and in turn took advantage of their desire to evacuate the masses and create a battlefield, and sent all the people of the Truth Agency safely outside Canghai City. 】

【"You return to the troops immediately and follow us to chase the fleeing people. No matter what, you must find these terrorists!" 】

【After realizing that he was being fooled, the Fire Moth commander said angrily. 】

【"Yes! I understand!" 】

【Hearing the commander's order, the Fire Moth soldiers turned around and wanted to join the main force. 】

【But the next second, he just stuck his head out of the door and looked up at the sky, and was completely stunned. 】

[Meteorites with blazing lights penetrated the thick clouds and fell to the ground like raindrops. ]

[At the same time, the soldiers who were guiding the evacuation of civilians looked up and saw countless meteorites dragging their red and fiery tails, covering the entire city like raindrops, and were immediately frightened and pale. ]

[Gray Snake, wearing a black robe and disguised as an ordinary refugee, hid among the crowd and said devoutly and respectfully: "Everything is as the Lord said." ]

[The civilians stood outside the city and saw countless meteorites falling from the sky. They all showed incredible expressions and muttered to themselves: ]

["So...what the man said was true!" ]

[You stood in front of the glass window and saw countless meteorites piercing through the clouds and falling from the sky. You squinted your eyes slightly and said to Mebius behind you in a deep voice: "Dr. Mebius, are you ready...to be my servant for life?" ]

[In the room, Mebius's eyes were wide open like gemstones. ]

[She couldn't believe it... The third collapse really happened as you said. ]

[And the advent of the third collapse also means the birth of the Herrscher of Thunder and his companion Houkai beast. ]

[Compared to the bet she made with you before, Mobius cares more about the big pie you had drawn for her before. ]

[As long as he can gain eternal life, Mobius is willing to be your slave for life. ]

[Seeing the third collapse coming, you no longer have time to care about Mobius, and you turn around and run to the isolation ward where Carol is. ]

[While running, you take out the second God Key you prepared in advance, "Take it!" ]

[This God Key is made by you using the core of the Herrscher of the Void. It can control space, ignore any obstacles, and directly touch and seize the core deep in the Herrscher's body. ]

[As long as you use this God Key to take away Carol's Herrscher core, you can successfully end the third collapse. 】

Chapter 488 Charcoal-grilled Red Mandarin Immortal

【As you expected, the third collapse came, and countless stars with narrow tail flames fell from the sky, covering the entire city. 】

【At the same time, in the isolation ward of the Fire Moth Base, Carol, who was originally chatting happily with Hua through a layer of glass, suddenly felt a splitting headache. 】

【A cold and mysterious voice sounded in her heart: "... obey the will of Honkai and destroy all humans..."】

【Hearing that cold and mysterious voice, Carol's eyes widened immediately, shook her head, and said to herself: "No! I will never hurt my mother, Hua and Qiao Qiao!"】

【Seeing Carol's sudden change, Hua was also slightly stunned, stood up, and asked nervously: "Carol, what's wrong with you?"】

【Carol covered her head with a splitting headache, and heard a cold and arrogant voice saying: "... It has nothing to do with your personal will. Destroying human civilization is the choice of Honkai... It is also your destiny."】

【As the cold voice fell, a new voice was born in her heart for some reason, and she answered the cold and ruthless Honkai will: "Yes... All humans are scum and must be cleaned up."】

【Hearing the voice in her heart, Carol was panicked. She didn't understand. She obviously didn't want to destroy humans, but why did she have such a terrible idea deep in her heart? 】

【"No... No! I don't want to destroy humanity!"】

【On the other side of the glass wall, Hua saw Carol talking to herself in a mad state. Realizing the seriousness of the situation, he quickly pressed the alarm. 】

【The alarm of 'ring, ring, ring' kept echoing in the empty and narrow corridor. 】

【The voice deep in Carol's heart laughed playfully: "If you don't want to destroy humanity, let me do it for you."】

【"I am happy to bear all the sins for you."】

【As soon as the voice fell, Carol, who was still struggling with self-awareness, felt a black screen in front of her eyes. The whole person was like a puppet with a broken string, losing consciousness and falling to the cold floor. 】

【"Carol! Are you okay?!"】

【Hua said nervously outside the glass wall. She recalled what the Lord Amon had said, and it was strictly forbidden for anyone to enter the isolation ward and have zero contact with Carol. 】

【But just as he was hesitating whether to force his way into the isolation ward to rescue the unconscious Carol, the ground shook violently. 】

【The earthquake made Hua's mind clear up instantly, and her eyes became firm. 】

【"There is no time to hesitate, I must help Carol!"】

【Hua is a person who values ​​friendship and loyalty, she will never leave the unconscious Carol alone. 】

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