Since I have decided to perform with you...then let me be a good person and do it to the end, so that you can see the evil in people's hearts.

Qiaoqiao put a whole bottle of energy potion in her mouth and kissed Mebius's soft and red cherry mouth.

Being kissed suddenly by Jojo, Mebius was stunned for a moment, his eyes full of confusion and longing.

Qiao Qiao...this little brat knows how to talk hard.

After drinking the medicine, you are like an animal, dominated by desire...

Mebius thought that Jojo's sanity had been swallowed up by the power of the 'energy potion'.

Think of this kiss as your reward for giving me your immortality gene.

Mebius has always had feelings for Jojo, whom he has seen since childhood.

So when Mebius was forcibly kissed, he didn't immediately push away Jojo who was kissing him.


But suddenly, Mebius felt something strange on the tip of his tongue, his expression suddenly changed, and he quickly pushed Qiaoqiao in front of him to the ground.


Mebius coughed a few times, trying to spit out all the liquid in his throat.

She originally thought that Qiaoqiao was swallowed up by desire, so he rushed forward to kiss her.

Unexpectedly... he actually put the potion in his mouth, kissed him mouth to mouth, and poured the potion into his body through kissing.

Mebius was careless and didn't dodge, so he took a big sip of the 'energy potion'.

"No! I accidentally drank the medicine!"

Mebius's face suddenly turned pale.

After the plan was successful, Qiao Qiao said with a proud smile: "Haha... This is called 'treating others the way they want to treat them!'"

[The host fed Mebius a large amount of 'love potion' and obtained 200 crystals. 】

After taking a big sip of the 'energy potion', Mebius felt his mouth was parched and his tongue was dry, and there was a burning desire deep in his body.

She slowly looked at Qiaoqiao who was tied up next to her, feeling her tongue anxiously swallowing a mouthful of saliva, and her eyes showed a trace of confusion, emptiness and longing...

Qiao Qiao, who carries the Garuda gene, is originally a Yang body, and drank some 'energy potion'.

The fire burning in his body suddenly burst out like adding fuel to the fire.

Even the anesthetic that Mebius had injected into Qiao Qiao before was completely ineffective due to the effect of the 'energy potion' and Garuda genes.

As Mebius completely lost control of the black hairband under the influence of the 'energy potion'.

Qiaoqiao freed his hands and feet with ease, and slowly pulled off the hair tie that obscured his eyesight.

After the hair tie was loosened, Qiaoqiao's vision suddenly opened up, and she saw Mebius sitting on the white bed with a blushing face and a moist breath coming from his mouth.

Under the influence of the 'energetic potion', Mebius's mind went blank, and his body seemed to be as hot as a flame.

Qiaoqiao looked at Mebius who was in a daze after drinking the potion, gently pulled the hair tie in his hand, and said with a joking smile on his lips:

"Dr. Mebius... Our game has just begun, it's not time to rest yet..."

Chapter 498 Mebius: Even if I die, I will never become your slave!

Mebius felt that the depths of his body were as hot as fire, and a hot and moist breath came out of his mouth.

Qiaoqiao pulled off the hair tie that covered her vision and saw Mebius's face was flushed and his eyes were blurred, revealing the slightest trace of desire.

Seeing Mebius' embarrassed look, Qiaoqiao raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said jokingly: "I have long said that this little trick is ineffective for me... If you insist on being tough, you will be asking for trouble now." Bar."

Hearing Jojo's mocking words, Mebius bit his red lips tightly.

She thought she could manipulate Qiaoqiao in her own way and drain the 'immortality' gene from his body.

But now it seems that she still underestimated Qiao Qiao too much.

Mebius never imagined that the 'energy potion' he originally used to deal with Qiaoqiao would actually be used on himself.

Now that most of Mebius's sanity has been wiped out by the effect of the 'energy potion', he can't control the black headband on his hair at all.

What's worse is... the 'energy potion' accidentally released the anesthetic on Qiao Qiao.

Now, the positions of Mebius and Qiaoqiao instantly reversed.

Mebius has almost no chance of defeating Jojo.

Qiaoqiao looked at Mebius with eyes full of joy and said softly: "Dr. Mebius, the 'energy potion' is very effective! You must feel hot all over your body now and want to release the stasis fire in your body. Do you need me to be merciful and help you..."

Hearing Qiaoqiao's words, Mebius glanced at Qiaoqiao from the corner of his eye and asked in a weak voice: "Are you...really willing to help me?"


Qiaoqiao lay leisurely on the bed and said with a smile: "You can come up and move yourself."

Mebius's eyes suddenly widened, his lips trembled with anger, and he said: "Qiaoqiao...you..."

"Not only do you take advantage of others' danger... but you also want me to put down my pride and satisfy your desires. Don't even think about it!"

Of course, Mebius couldn't let go of her dignity and become Jojo's plaything, so she quickly packed her clothes, took her briefcase, opened the white curtain, and wanted to leave decisively.

Looking at the slender background of Mebius wearing a thin shirt, Qiao Qiao couldn't help but say: "Dr. Mebius, let me remind you..."

"The side effects of the 'energy potion' are quite strong. If you don't have a suitable object, you can release the energy and desire in your body in time, and the accumulated desire will turn into a kind of pain..."

Qiao Qiao's eyes flashed with a gleam of light, and said: "Besides... do you really not want the immortality gene you dream of?"

Hearing Qiao Qiao's reminder, Mebius's whole body trembled slightly. She glared at Qiao Qiao with the corner of her eyes, gritted her teeth and said: "Even if I die now, I will never become a slave to you!"

After that, Mebius put down the curtain covering the bed and left with a resolute look.

After Mebius left, Qiao Qiao did not chase him, but got off the bed in a messy manner and took another bottle of 'energy potion' from the shelf next to him.

For Qiao Qiao, who has the Garuda gene, the desire brought by the 'energy potion' is not worth mentioning at all.

After all, there is a burning flame burning in his body at all times.

This ‘energy potion’ tastes quite good, and Qiao Qiao feels energetic after drinking it.


Qiao Qiao ignored the side effects of the ‘energy potion’ and drank it all.

After drinking a whole bottle of ‘energy potion’, Qiao Qiao suddenly felt light all over, as if he was drunk.

“It should be about time...”

Qiao Qiao rolled up his sleeves, revealing the beautiful muscle lines of his arms and a silver watch.




Qiao Qiao counted down the time.

But he just counted to three, and before the sound fell, the snow-white cloth curtain covering the bed was opened again.

Mebius, wearing a white shirt, reappeared in Qiao Qiao’s sight.

Seeing Mebius return obediently, Qiao Qiao smiled happily and said softly: "Welcome back, Dr. Mebius."

Mebius' face flushed, and he gritted his teeth and said: "You...you must not misunderstand! I absolutely do not mean to surrender to you!"

"I...just feel that we have come this far, and we are only one step away from eternal life. It would be a pity to give up halfway!"

Qiao Qiao looked at Mebius's delicate and beautiful face meaningfully, smiled slightly, and said: "It doesn't matter why you came back..."

"Emotions are emotions, and transactions are transactions. I just want to get your body, and I don't care about your inner thoughts..."

Qiao Qiao put the bottle she had just finished on the table, couldn't wait to lie down and put it on again, and said: "Then...Miss Mebius, are you willing to give me your body?"

Hearing Qiao Qiao's words, Mebius bit her red lips with her pearly teeth, and said with complicated eyes: "I am willing to do anything to get eternal life!"

The answer of Mebius made Qiao Qiao feel very satisfied.

As soon as the voice fell, Mebius turned around, looking at Qiao Qiao behind him, and pulled down the snow-white curtain with complicated eyes.

She hoped that what happened tonight would be a secret, and would never be known by a third person.



At the same time, Sakura, with hair as red as cherry blossoms, wearing white clothes and a sword on her waist, slowly walked towards the laboratory where Qiao Qiao was with a bowl of chicken and grain porridge in her hand.

Sakura knocked on the closed laboratory door, frowned slightly, and thought: "Qiao Qiao...Isn't he in the laboratory?"

It seems that I have made a wasted trip...

The laboratory door did not respond, so Sakura thought that there was no one inside.

Sakura looked at the chicken and grain porridge she cooked by herself with some sadness, and sighed softly: "It's rare that I made a midnight snack for Qiao Qiao."

Sakura was about to go home, but suddenly heard a very strange sound...like a very heavy and sad breathing sound.

This sound...came from the experiment?

This sound is so strange... It makes people feel itchy...

Could something have happened inside?

Thinking of this, Ying directly entered the password of the laboratory door and opened the door directly. Facing the dark space, she whispered tentatively:

"Qiao Qiao... I'm here to bring you a midnight snack."

Behind the snow-white curtain, Qiao Qiao, who was lying on the bed, was feeling numb all over and couldn't muster any strength.

Suddenly, a familiar female voice came, and Qiao Qiao felt her scalp tingling instantly. She looked up at the beautiful woman with thick green hair and a delicate and beautiful face like a statue.

Mobius's body also stopped instantly, looking down at Qiao Qiao in surprise.

"Qiao Qiao... How could someone suddenly come in!"

"How should I know!"

Qiao Qiao and Mobius lowered their voices and talked stealthily.

Sakura has the Yasha gene. As a fusion warrior, she also has a pair of pink plush ears and extremely sharp hearing.

Although she didn't hear the specific content, she vaguely heard the human voice.

"Qiao Qiao...are you there?"

Sakura said as she slowly approached the curtain covering Qiao Qiao and Mebius.

Chapter 499 Qiao Qiao: Bitten by a snake!

"Qiao Qiao...are you there?"

Ying tentatively walked into the quiet and dim room, put the chicken and grain porridge in her hand on the table, turned her head to look at the curtain that was as white as fine sand under the moonlight, smiled slightly and said: "Qiao Qiao, you must be tired after working so late, I made you a midnight snack."

"If you don't mind my poor cooking skills, come and try it."

Hearing the female voice coming from outside the curtain, Qiao Qiao immediately realized that the person outside was Ying.

In the entire Truth Agency, only Ying, who is Qiao Qiao's right-hand man, knows the password of the laboratory door.

Qiao Qiao looked up at Mebius with a horrified look, whose hair was as dense and green as a forest and whose face was delicate and beautiful.

Mebius was also frightened by Ying's arrival, and his eyes looked down at Qiao Qiao with a strange light.

As the master of the Truth Agency, Qiao Qiao must never let what he did to Mebius be made public.

If the believers of the Truth Agency knew that their Lord actually used eternal life as bait to make Mebius surrender to him, it would definitely cause internal unrest.

There might even be people who... impeached Qiao Qiao.

And Mebius also didn't want others to find out that she was devoted to Qiao Qiao, otherwise her innocence would be completely ruined.

Both Mebius and Qiao Qiao wanted to keep this transaction a secret between the two of them and didn't want others to know about it.

Regarding this, the two of them looked at each other and reached a tacit understanding without words.

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