But as a gamer, Qiao Qiao felt a little disappointed after being told by Youlandel that she didn't want to see him again.

At this time, in the corridor outside Qiaoqiao's room, Wendy had just finished cooking lunch for Qiaoqiao. She was wearing an emerald green tutu with a white lace apron, looking like a "little chef" and walking away happily. When he arrived at the door of the room, he wanted to ask Qiaoqiao to go downstairs for dinner.

Just as he was about to knock on the door, he suddenly heard a strange sound.

Wendy felt strange, so she pushed the door open and saw Qiaoqiao sitting at the desk, facing the window along the crack of the open door.

Seeing Qiaoqiao in the room, Wendy smiled and was about to enter.

But suddenly, Wendy found that there was another woman besides him in Qiaoqiao's room, so she immediately stopped.

The woman stood in front of the transparent window that let in the moonlight. She had long golden hair as smooth and soft as silk. Her well-proportioned and plump body was wearing a green dress. She looked particularly hazy and holy under the moonlight, which made Wendy's eyes widen. All straight.

What a beautiful woman...

Wendy thought to herself, and she couldn't help but wonder: Who is she? Why are you in brother Xiao Qiao's room...and so close to brother Xiao Qiao?

Wendy hid behind the door, watching the blond woman intimately put her face in front of Qiaoqiao, feeling very uncomfortable in her heart.

Wendy was hiding in the back of the room, too far away, so she couldn't see Randall's face clearly, and she didn't know what she and Qiaoqiao were doing. She couldn't even hear her voice clearly.

Qiaoqiao was held by the collar by Youlandel, looking at the pretty face in front of her, but she didn't have the usual desire to tease her.

Looking at the black abyss white flower in Youlandel's hand, she didn't dare to move, she could only say with her lips, "I know I'm not a good person and I'm not worthy of your trust, but don't worry, I will never break the promise I made." ”

Qiaoqiao looked at the spear in front of her throat and continued, "I took Wendy away from Edward, that perverted scientist, and kept her at home. It was not just as simple as being greedy for her beauty."

Youlandel held Qiao Qiao's collar in her hand and raised her eyebrows slightly. She was half-convinced. In her opinion, Wendy was just a failed experiment in the development of gemstones. Her legs were disabled. Apart from being pretty, Nothing else special.

Qiaoqiao saw the confusion in Youlandel's eyes and continued, "Don't look at Wendy. Her legs are now disabled and she can only stand up with the help of exoskeletons. But before she conducted the experiment, she was a key training target of destiny." , in terms of Honkai adaptability, it is no weaker than yours, Hollander."

Hearing Qiaoqiao mentioning Wendy's past experiences, Hollander was very surprised as to why Qiaoqiao knew so much about Wendy.

But after thinking about it, Hollandale accepted Qiaoqiao's words. After all, he could predict that the collapse was about to happen, so it was not too difficult to investigate Wendy's past.

But if it's true as Qiao Qiao said... then this Wendy is really a pity. She was originally destined to be the fourth S-class Valkyrie, but now she has become a cripple with disabled legs.

In the past, Hollander had always believed that Destiny was a righteous organization that fought against the Honkai Impact, but now it seems that Destiny's dark side is far more cruel than she imagined. Even little girls like Wendy have become subordinates of Destiny's senior executives and scientists. Sacrifice.

All the things in Wendy's past were known by Qiao Qiao from playing games before she traveled through time. He told Hollander everything in detail. Seeing her expression change from gloomy to bright, he simply confessed to her the reason why he was close to Wendy.

"A Valkyrie like Wendy who is highly adaptable to Honkai is already an excellent body for Herrscher, plus she has the Desire Gem in her body. Even though she is just a pitiful and weak little girl now, as long as the fourth Honkai When she comes, she will become the Herrscher, and she can easily level the entire New Zealand to the ground."

Hearing Qiaoqiao say that Wendy was about to transform into the Herrscher of Wind, Hollander opened her mouth wide in surprise.

If others had said these words, Hollander would definitely not believe that a disabled Valkyrie could become the Fourth Herrscher.

But Qiaoqiao's ability to collect intelligence is far beyond ordinary people's imagination. He has known for a long time that Cocolia has two daughters, and that they will be injured in the collapse. He also knows that the desire gem is hidden in the New Zealand base.

If it were Qiao Qiao, it would not be impossible to have the ability to predict the future.

After all, Youlandel had already met Su, a forerunner who could observe parallel worlds and predict the future.

After knowing that Qiao Qiao only kept Wendy by her side because she was a Herrscher, Youlandel couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and felt that all the suspicion and anger in her heart had melted away.

"No...that's not right!"

Youlandel's expression suddenly became tense and she shook her head.

How can I be happy because Jojo doesn't like Wendy? It's none of my business whether he likes Wendy or not? ! I don't like him!

After knowing that the reason why Qiao Qiao took in Wendy was not because of her liking, Youlandel's face improved a little, and she let go of Qiao Qiao's collar, giving him a chance to breathe.

And as Youlandel's face was no longer so close to Qiaoqiao, Wendy, who was hiding outside the door, recognized that the slender and plump blonde beauty in the room turned out to be Youlandel, whom she had admired for a long time? !

Why did Lady Youlandel secretly have a tryst with Brother Xiao Qiao in the room? !

And the two of them behave so intimately!

Are they secretly dating behind my back? !

At this time, Wendy thought about the relationship between Hollander and Qiao Qiao, and she suddenly turned pale with fear.

For the first time, I have someone I like, and I also meet the idol I admire most in my life. This should be a double joy, but why...

"No! This is impossible!"

Wendy shook her head vigorously, cheered up, and then said: "I must have made a mistake...Brother Xiao Qiao rescued me from the laboratory and left me at home to take care of him personally. He treated me so Well, I can't doubt his feelings for me..."

"This must be because I was too far away, so I saw it wrong!"

Wendy would rather doubt her own eyes than believe that Qiao Qiao would fall in love with other women besides herself.

Unlike Wendy outside the door who was full of entanglements, after knowing that Qiao Qiao didn't like Wendy, Hollander's expression became much better than when she first entered the door. She asked again, "Wendy will be the future Wind Lady." Lawyer, is this why you took her in?"

"That's natural. Only by first establishing trust with the Herrscher of Wind's human personality can I seize the Herrscher's core when she is most vulnerable!"

Although Youlandel looked down on Qiao Qiao's method of using others through emotions, she had to say...his ability to prostitute the Herrscher of the Wind without a single blow and without any injuries was really amazing.

Let alone her, even Bishop Otto probably doesn't have his vision and means.

Youlandel's face was a little complicated at the moment. She was happy that Qiao Qiao had no male-female feelings for Wendy, but she was also afraid of Qiao Qiao's profit-oriented character...

If her kindness to Wendy was all out of profit, would his previous confession to her also be for PUA himself?

In fact, Jojo still has something in his heart that he has not told Hollander. He does hope to get the core of Herrscher, but more importantly... Jojo is pitiful. In the game, Wendy is sent to the New Zealand base by St. Freya. , received a gem transplant, his legs were disabled, and he was abandoned. Then he fell into madness and was regarded as a sinner.

If... this world really needs a sinner... then let me be the villain!

Qiao Qiao looked at the dangerous weapon in front of her throat and said softly to Hollander: "Miss Hollander, please believe that I will get the desire gem from Wendy's body. After completing the transaction, I will naturally Let you and your companions go and disappear completely before your eyes."

"Will it disappear completely after completing the transaction?"

Youlandel touched her lips and muttered secretly, her expression looking a little lonely.

Sure enough... Qiaoqiao only wanted to use me from the beginning to the end, and she didn't have any feelings for me in her heart...

When he said he liked me before, he was just playing with my feelings just like he did with Cocolia and Wendy.

The more she gets to know Qiaoqiao, the more Hollandale understands that he is very clever at playing with people's hearts. In front of him, she is like a high school girl who has not yet done her best, and he is like a middle-aged uncle who has played with other wives. Not in the same league at all.

I'm afraid that in Qiaoqiao's eyes, she is just a toy that he plays with at will, no different from Cocolia and Wendy...

But even though she knew that Qiao Qiao was just playing with her feelings, Hollander still couldn't let go of her special feelings for Qiao Qiao...

After asking the answer to her doubts, Hollandale slowly put down her delicate hand holding the spear and had no intention of continuing to ask. After all, Qiao Qiao's friendship with Wendy was all to get the Herrscher core, and this would not endanger The deal between Youlandel and Qiaoqiao.

Seeing that the spear in Youlandel's hand was no longer aimed at his throat, Qiaoqiao's eyes flashed, and he seized the opportunity to open the black spear with one hand, then grabbed both of Youlandel's hands, and took the opportunity to suppress her. All actions.

"Jojo...you! Stop!"

"Stop? If I stop, you will definitely press the black abyss white flower against my throat like you did just now!"

Qiaoqiao grabbed Youlandel and pushed her to one side of the room, while Youlandel resisted with all her strength.

The two of them struggled hard against each other and rolled onto the bed, crushing each other back and forth. The bed vibrated and made a crisp sound.

Wendy outside the door watched Qiao Qiao throw Youlandel down on the bed and roll over her. Listening to the creaking and shaking of the bed, her heart ached and her eyes filled with tears.

Originally, Qiao Qiao was not willing to have an affair with Youlandel, but now they are both in bed...

The facts are in front of her, and Wendy is not stupid, so how could she not know about the intrigue between them?

"Brother Xiao Qiaoqiao, you clearly have me, why are you still entangled with other women... Are you just playing with me?!"

When Wendy saw Qiaoqiao and Youlandel moving extremely fiercely on the bed, she felt unspeakably distressed in her heart. Her fingers tightly grasped the doorknob. She wished she could immediately step forward to stop them from continuing.

But when he thought of the man he loved most and the woman he admired the most, he thought of it.

If I just rush forward like this, then the relationship between me, Brother Xiao Qiao and Master Youlandel will definitely be shattered...

Wendy didn't want to go back to the days when she was tied to a test bench by a scientist and was alone and lonely, so she could only cover her little cherry mouth to keep from making any sound, and swallow the grievances she felt in her stomach, pretending she didn't see anything. Generally exit the room slowly.

"Brother Xiao Qiao...why...why on earth...what did I do wrong?"

After pushing out of the room, Wendy slowly stepped back, but when she felt uneasy, her soles suddenly slipped and she fell.

Qiaoqiao tied Youlandel to the bed with a rope. Youlandel, who had been questioning Qiaoqiao just now, was tied like a rice dumpling and had a towel stuffed in her mouth, unable to speak.

As the torturer of World Serpent, I keep a rope in my room. Does this make sense?

"How's it going? Now you know how powerful I am, right?!"

Qiao Qiao said proudly.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 100 crystals. 】


Is tying up a girl considered a villain’s behavior?

This is somewhat perverted! ?


Qiaoqiao had just taken care of Youlandel and was breathing a sigh of relief when he suddenly heard a strange noise coming from outside the door. So he felt confused and slowly got up and walked out the door.

Chapter 117 Qiao Qiao’s Two Faces (3k)

After hearing a strange noise coming from outside the house, he left the tied up Youlandel and walked out the door.

Wendy, who had fallen down, immediately heard Qiaoqiao's footsteps walking out, and quickly got up from the ground and fled the scene, but before she knew it, the bandage wrapped around her foot slipped and fell to the floor.

Qiao Qiao reached out and opened the door. Seeing that there was no one outside, she scratched her head in surprise.

Did I hear it wrong just now?

Qiaoqiao, who didn't see anyone, thought she was being careless. When she looked down, she found a circle of bandages on the ground. She picked it up and looked at it carefully: "This thing is..."

Just as Qiaoqiao was observing what was in front of him, Hollander's voice came from the room behind him. She was desperately trying to get rid of the rope.

Qiaoqiao, who had not found anyone, did not take the sound he heard just to heart. He stuffed the bandage into his pocket and said to Hollander in the room: "Be honest with me, or I will take off your clothes." !”

Hearing Qiaoqiao's words, Youlandel immediately became quiet. You must know that she can't resist anything Qiaoqiao does to her now.

Under the wall of the corridor outside the room door, Wendy saw Qiaoqiao return to her room and come out of her mind. She wiped away the tears in her eyes and said with slender hands: "Brother,...even if you are right... I'm just playing for fun, and I will never give you up to other women..."

[After the conversation with You Landel, you threw her into a rice dumpling and threw her back to her room. 】

[When you walked downstairs, Wendy had already prepared a table of food. When she first saw you, her eyes were a little dodgy, but soon her old smile appeared on her face: "Brother Xiao Qiao, come and taste what I have today." Spicy tofu specially made for you.”]

[You don’t know why, but you have always enjoyed the feeling of being taken care of by Wendy, so you did not refuse her kindness. After finishing the meal she prepared for you, you said with a solemn face: "Wendy, I know that you were destined to be the daughter of a woman. The God of War, but he lost his original power because of his desire for the gem. Now... I want to help you take out the desire gem. Are you willing? \

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