Nowadays, there is no so-called underworld in the underworld. There is only a very long road to the underworld, which leads directly to Naihe Bridge.

There are neither the Wangxiang Terrace, Evil Dog Ridge, Jinji Mountain, Wild Ghost Village, Hall of Ecstasy, etc. that are well-known to later generations, nor the underworld Fengdu City and the Eighteenth Level of Hell, nor the Three Life Stones that Su Jiuxi wanted..

After traveling quickly, Su Jiuxi finally arrived in front of a very turbid river. The red river water was like blood and exuded a strong fishy smell, and there were many dead souls struggling and wailing in the river.

On this bloody river, there is a bridge with three characters”Naihe Bridge” written on it.

There is a huge pot at the end of the bridge, and an old woman with wrinkles is sitting next to the pot. She is kindly urging the ghosts passing by to drink bowls of soup scooped out of the pot.

Su Jiuxi knew that this old woman was the legendary Po Meng. She looked very ordinary, just like a mortal old woman, but he did not dare to underestimate her at all, and even became very respectful.

He did not rush forward to interrupt, but waited quietly.

It wasn’t until she saw that there were no dead souls who wanted to drink Meng Po soup that Su Jiuxi stepped forward and bowed respectfully.

“Su Jiuxi meets Empress Pingxin!”

Mother Meng ignored him, holding a big wooden spoon, stirring the soup in the pot tremblingly, and then replied in an old voice.

“Young man, you have mistaken the person. I am just an old woman who knows how to make soup, not the Pingxin empress you say.”

“If you want to see Empress Pingxin, you should go to Pingxin Palace instead of looking for this useless old lady.”

As he said that, he ladled soup again to receive the new group of ghosts.

Su Jiuxi once again stood aside quietly, watching Po Meng earnestly persuade some ghosts who did not want to forget the memories of their previous lives, with a look on her face. Kind and kind, without the slightest bit of impatience.

If Su Jiuxi had not had the memory of the previous life, he would not have been able to connect the old woman in front of him with the descendant of the witch clan.

Looking at Po Meng in front of him, there was not a trace of mana fluctuations on her body, and even all His movements seemed very ordinary, but Su Jiuxi felt that his mood had calmed down inexplicably, and even the anger and impatience suppressed in his heart were slowly calming down.

Po Meng seemed to have noticed the change in him, and nodded slightly, the old man Her face was full of kindness and kindness, and her eyes seemed to be filled with love for all things.

She picked up a bowl of Mengpo soup, leaned down with her rickety body, and handed it to a skinny black dog that came over. She watched the black dog behave obediently. Licking the soup in the bowl, she gently stroked its head

“You have had many misfortunes in this life, but you are still loyal. In the next life, be a good person and don’t go astray!”

The black dog seemed to understand what she said, and wagged its tail happily. After drinking the soup, he reluctantly rubbed his head against her hand, and then stepped briskly onto the Naihe Bridge.

Su Jiuxi looked at the black dog The dog left and couldn’t help but ask

“Madam, this black dog’s soul is not complete. He will be reincarnated as a human in the next life. He will be just a stupid person. He is destined to be looked down upon by others. The suffering he will endure will not be less than that of being a dog in this life. Why do you hear that he wants to be a human? So happy?”

Mother Meng sighed, her eyes full of pity.

“It has been a dog in this life and has been loyal to the family. Even if its owner has never been kind to it for a day, even beat it and scolded it, and even refused to feed it scraps, it has always been loyal.”

“In the end, in order to save its owner, it chose to fight to the death with a wild wolf, and drove away the wild wolf with serious injuries. However, in the end, it still did not get the gratitude of its owner. Instead, after seeing that it was disabled and useless, he killed it directly. The dog meat was made and shared with the family.”

Su Jiuxi couldn’t help but frown when he heard this. With his current state of mind and cultivation, he couldn’t help but feel unhappy with the dog owner and his family.

“Madam, doesn’t this black dog want to take revenge on that family?”

Meng Po shook her head.

“It has no resentment, it just doesn’t understand why its owner doesn’t like it, so it wants to be a human in its next life and experience what it’s like to be a human!”

“This is its obsession, so I granted its wish.”

Su Jiuxi didn’t know what to say about this dog’s choice. She just hoped that it would have good luck in its next life and be reincarnated into a rich family, so that even a fool could have enough food and clothing. Otherwise, it might as well be a dog.

“Okay, young man, after listening to what the old woman has said to you, come over and give me a hand. There are a bunch of people coming over again, and the old woman is a little busy.”

Mother Meng suddenly said to him.

Su Jiuxi was stunned when he heard this, and then he was delighted.

He quickly walked over and asked a little at a loss.

“Madam, what should I do?”

Mother Meng handed him the long spoon in her hand and pointed to the bowl on the table.

“Just ladle soup for the people who want to cross the bridge, and remember to watch them finish drinking before allowing them to go on the bridge!”

“As for the old woman, I am responsible for making soup.”

Su Jiuxi agreed repeatedly. He was worried about how to strike up a conversation, but the other party offered him an olive branch. Naturally, he was flattered and accepted it.

So when he saw a group of ghosts walking in the distance, he immediately started to actively do it. He got his new job.

And Po Meng sat next to the big pot, slowly and skillfully cooking Meng Po soup.

Su Jiuxi originally thought it was an easy job, but when he saw all the ghosts crying The wailing souls looked like they were about to die and refused to drink Meng Po soup, and their heads suddenly swelled up.

These souls basically have something they don’t want to forget, either their parents, their lovers, or they have some good memories, etc. Wait, everyone is very resistant to Meng Po soup.

Su Jiuxi is very headache. Why didn’t these situations happen when Meng Po was in charge? When it was his turn, everyone was so resistant, as if he was letting them drink poison?

If it weren’t for Po Meng watching, Su Jiuxi would have wanted to open their mouths and pour Po Meng’s soup in!

Looking back at Po Meng, she had no intention of stepping forward to help and was still burying her head in the soup. But Su Jiuxi felt that she was watching a show.

The real owner didn’t help, and he couldn’t use force to threaten her. Su Jiuxi had no choice but to bite the bullet and persuade them one by one with Meng Po soup, and talked endlessly with all kinds of truths. Tell it.

After an unknown amount of time, Su Jiuxi finally persuaded the last soul to drink Meng Po soup.

But before he could completely relax, he saw a new batch of souls arriving in the distance.

Seeing that Meng Po still didn’t help, Su Jiuxi had no choice but to exhale helplessly, squeezed out a smile, and took the newly scooped Meng Po soup to receive the souls who were about to be reincarnated. In this way, the day passed.

Su Jiuxi only felt that her mouth was dry. It seemed that he had said more words this day than he had in the previous four hundred years!

“The young man did a good job. This is the first time for me, old lady, to be so relaxed. I’ll keep up the good work tomorrow!”

Meng Po said suddenly, with a satisfied smile on her wrinkled face.

But her words almost made Su Jiuxi’s expression break.

After this day, he only felt exhausted mentally and physically. As an immortal body, he would not be tired. But he is tired!

Especially for these dead souls, he cannot beat or scold them, cannot force them to drink Meng Po soup, and has to persuade them in various ways. He listens to the love and hatred of these dead souls over and over again. At first, he will still He was moved by these contents, but in the end he was left numb. At the same time, he also admired Po Meng very much. He even felt tired for a day, but Po Meng has been repeating this thing here since the reincarnation was established. , What a high xinxing this must have!

And he can also feel that Po Meng really likes this job, and she is always full of patience and compassion for the dead souls. She is truly worthy of being the empress of the land who can reincarnate in the body. Well, this kind of heart of kindness is probably unmatched by anyone in the whole world!

Thinking like this, Su Jiuxi’s mentality gradually changed.

He may not be as kind as the empress, but he should have a clear conscience.

So day by day, Su Jiuxi’s impetuous aura dissipated. Faced with the souls who were unwilling to drink Meng Po Soup, Su Jiuxi did not become impatient, but persuaded very seriously and sincerely. Even when she encountered the kind of soul that was unwilling to drink Meng Po Soup, she persuaded her very seriously.

For lovers who want to be separated, Su Jiuxi also takes the initiative to give a red thread. As long as the two people tie the same red thread and enter reincarnation, they will meet and fall in love again in the next life. The appearance of the red thread can be said to make Su Jiuxi’s persuasion work a lot easier. , because almost most of the people who do not want to drink Meng Po Soup do not want to be separated from their lovers.

In this way, Su Jiuxi’s work gradually became easier than he was busy at the beginning.

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