Chapter 003: ‘Plain and Curious Indecent Offender’

“Xiaolu, this guy, did you kill him?”

The elders of the Lan brothers are very attractive to the female taishou, and in the past, the female taishou also deliberately approached to imply that the two became her people.

However, Lan now does not aspire to the so-called position of power, and only wants to be a good teacher, so she politely refuses the kindness of the female taishou.

As for Lu Qiao, now after growing markings, the charm is even more than before, the female wife Shou looked at Lu Qiao’s beautiful and beautiful facial features, and couldn’t help swallowing.


He didn’t intend to explain too much, the female Taishou herself was not an evil person, but for her interest, Lu Qiao really couldn’t have too much intimacy.

There are many women who like beautiful men, just like men who like beautiful women.

But Zheng’er Ba Jing raised more than ten women with faces, and physiologically, Lu Qiao, who has machismo, is unacceptable.

Although not disgusted, it is not close to it.

“He, is the imperial envoy?”

“…… What is an Imperial Envoy? ”

Raising his head slightly just right, Lu Qiao showed a dazed expression, frowned slightly, and said softly, “… Isn’t this guy some ordinary molester? ”

“No, the first emperor of the empire once absorbed the excellent craftsmen of various nationalities at that time and created forty-eight props called imperial tools.”

“Each one has superpowers beyond imagination, and according to intelligence, this clown should hold one of them.”

The female taishou didn’t seem to know what to hide from the child, but instead generously said the origin of the imperial tool like a story, and then showed a sly smile.

“My sister also has an imperial tool at home, if Xiaolu is willing to go home with her sister… Sister just give that imperial tool to Xiaolu, okay? ”

Thirteen years old.

Just raise it for another three years!

The female taishou eyes flashed with extreme excitement, the infatuation was almost difficult to hide in front of Lu Qiao, Lu Qiao’s expression was almost strained, but the acting skills that had been honed for several years made him continue to maintain a cold expression.

“Kindly accepted. However, for me, this thing is more practical. ”

Although the sword he was holding in his hand seemed ordinary at the moment, once it began to inject the energy of the breath of the sun, it would gradually heat up, and the limit could reach a high temperature of nearly a thousand degrees without harming him.

This knife is a great knife that he has spent a year slowly cultivating, and even an imperial tool cannot replace it as a new main weapon in a short time.


Smashed her lips, the female taishou looked a little disappointed, and the secretary next to her couldn’t help but want to remind the female taishou what she should ask, but the female taishou glanced at her very flatly.

“The evil man who has died, what does it matter if he is an imperial envoy?”

“Moreover, this guy is the trophy of Xiaolu, and what is gained should also belong to Xiaolu.”

She turned around, her eyes flickered slightly, as a party taishou, she knew very well that some things should be pretended to be confused, only thirteen years old can kill evil people without changing their faces, and it is very likely to be the evil people of the imperial envoy, this kid’s future future is extraordinary.

Although she does not plan to go out from the paradise of Ru Yao, but one more strong person who walks out from Ru Yao, for Ru Yao, the future will add an incense feeling, as far as possible to marry talented guys, recommend them to the right position, is her Taishou can live safely until the day of abdication.

Although she likes men with good looks, she can get more beautiful skin bags, and talented guys are extremely rare.

“Xiaolu, Ruyao treats you well.”

She walked a few steps, suddenly asked like this, Lu Qiao heard this, slightly startled, for a moment, a chuckle, “It’s pretty good.” ”

“That’s enough.”

The words fell, with the people of the Taishou Mansion, the female Taishou dashing away, this matter, no longer need more processing, it doesn’t matter if the dead sinner is an imperial envoy, the important thing is that the person who kills the wicked will think of the good of the Ru kiln, it is enough.

After thanking the parents of more than a dozen families, they all left with their children, and after spitting a few mouthfuls of phlegm at Shampu’s body, the guards found an ox cart, threw the evil man’s body on the ox cart, and planned to drag it outside the city and burn it directly.

After the people from all parties dispersed, Lu Qiao returned to the school, looked at the empty school, and sighed slightly.

After this incident, I am afraid that this small school will no longer be able to operate in a short time.

By the way, it was impossible for him to continue to stay in the Ruyao Dynasty, and after Lan returned, he should leave this small mountain town and go to a wider world.

“The Empire and the Revolutionary Army.”

There is also Anning Dao, alien forces.

Under the calm on the surface of the empire, there are many undercurrents hidden, and after leaving this small mountain town, he must be prepared to face the influence of these existences.

“After going out, maybe it’s a good idea to go to a local army and join the army.”

Although the corruption of the empire can no longer be concealed, the local legions are not completely corrupt, and there are many nobles in the military, all of whom are veteran military medals who have passed down imperial tools from generation to generation.

Excellent seeds from local armies such as Will and Brand and Porus are eligible to inherit imperial tools.

Among them, especially the Imperial Navy where Will is located, it should be a relatively quiet local military force.

After all, Will’s fledgling brat didn’t have much dark side, and obviously there shouldn’t be so many shit problems in that place.

“Hunt imperial envoys, hunt dangerous species, improve strength, collect imperial tools and subjects… Both are the most suitable to enter the empire. ”

As for the revolutionary army.

Lu Qiao showed a sneer, although the empire is not sacred now, the organization that colluded with the Western Kingdom and foreign peoples to start an incident was not a good place to go.

He only needs to accumulate strength, and when he has more than the great generals of the empire, Esders and Bude, and when he can fight against the Supreme Emperor with the “Protector God”, the fate of the empire or the revolutionary army is only up to him.

Reform or revolution.

At that time, it will be just his words.

For him, the most important thing now is the development environment, finding the next location, and accumulating his strength.

“Next, practice your sword well, and when Lan returns, get ready to say goodbye.”

Back at school, Lu Qiao continued his practice, and about three days later, in the afternoon, a blond young man returned to the school.

He looked at the empty school, his expression was slightly silent, and when he saw Lu Qiao, he was silent for a long time, and finally…

Gently spit out a word.

“Thank you, Xiaolu.”

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