Chapter 007: A man whose character can make three works rotten money.

Chop Crimson Pupil Zero.

As a prequel manga of Crimson Eyes, Lu Qiao’s memory retains the part corresponding to the plot.

In fact, with Akatomi as the mainstay, that author created three works.

One is naturally the red pupil of this chapter, and the timeline should be the story of the assassination troops of the revolutionary army, night raids and the envoys of the imperial capital in the next few years.

The second is the story of Crimson Hitomi Zero, which is the story of the sisters of Red Hitomi and Black Pupil who were cultivated as Imperial assassins and fought against Imperial spies and rebels.

The third is that after this chapter, in order to lift the dragonization of the male protagonist Tazmi and the curse poison implanted by Murayu by Akatomi himself, Akatomi crossed the East China Sea and arrived on the uncivilized island “Kamwa”, where he met a girl named Hinata, called the “Hinata Expedition”.

Lu Qiao’s current time period is actually similar to the timeline of the prequel comics, and to be honest, even if he really meets those people in the prequel plot, he doesn’t find it strange.

The high-level of the empire is a discerning person who understands that the building of the empire will collapse sooner or later, although some people hope to lift the empire up again, but unfortunately, as the minister who presides over the imperial government, Ernest is not a man with such a strong sense of responsibility.

Suppressing people with lofty ideals constantly promotes the further demise of the empire, to be honest, in Lu Qiao’s opinion, this style is like the Zhao Gao in the late Qin Dynasty, and more unpolitely, he even feels that Ernest is the spy of another country who stands at the highest position in the empire.

The empire is turbulent, and various assassination organizations and spy agencies are also fighting with each other.

The battle of Bailanghe is also the plot of the first time that the imperial assassination organization group to which Chipu belongs has opened the prelude to a fight with an overseas assassination organization.

“…… It seems that it really happened to ah. ”

Originally, I was just looking forward to it, but I found a hot spring hotel in the city and planned to stay, after a twelve-day journey, to be honest, I was a little tired.


It should be called a coincidence.

He saw a middle-aged man leading a group of seven young children, four women and three men, whose physical functions were far different from ordinary people.

“It really happened.”

A little stunned, but Lu Qiao didn’t have much intention of befriending the heroine who was mixed in the group of four women and three men now.

Instead, it was the middle-aged man.

If he remembers correctly, he should be called Gozizi.

The former Rakshasa Four Ghosts, the master of boxing in the Imperial Fist Temple, and the holder of the emperor’s “One Hit Must Kill Village Rain”, in the current empire, it should be enough to rank among the top five assassins.

“The secret technique of manipulating the body is somewhat similar to the return of life among pirates.”

As the temple with the longest connection with the empire, Huangquan Temple seems to have been loyal to the empire since the time of the three emperors, and the four ghosts of the Dai Rakshasa will become loyal dogs of the empire.

As the price of such dedication, the Imperial Boxing Temple has also obtained a large number of martial arts, techniques, and secret arts materials from within the empire and outside the empire, and has now become an absolute behemoth in the empire.

“The boxing techniques of the Huangquan Temple make people slightly interested.”

His gaze only paused for a moment on Gozizi, then looked away flatly, but the man under the gaze quickly caught the source of his gaze, scanned the entire store, and locked his target on Lu Qiao.

The beautiful and handsome facial features were extremely rare treasures even among the people he had seen.

That look alone is enough to use as a weapon.


Both men and women have their own unique uses.

Gozizi’s gaze paused on the child’s body, catching the features on him, and from the outside, there was no doubt that he was an Imperial.

With a sword weapon measuring about 95 centimeters around his waist, it seems that he can also be used effectively in terms of his height.

The breathing rate is steady, it seems to be a specific frequency, the skin is a very healthy color, and the muscles have a well-exercised texture.

“A swordsman?”

Maybe a good talent.

Thinking so, the boy seemed to feel his gaze, smiled a little, waved his hand at him, and turned and entered the stairwell of the hotel.

“That kid… So handsome! ”

It was not only Goziqi who noticed Lu Qiao’s existence, or rather, when Goziqi’s gaze fell on Lu Qiao, the eyes of the seven children also unconsciously locked on his existence.

“That cold expression… It makes people feel the urge to ravage his face. ”

The tall girl couldn’t help but narrow her eyes.

“Hey, it’s just a little white face, according to me, Naha Xiu is more handsome.”

The burly boy muttered in a low voice, seemingly unhappy because the girl praised Lu Qiao.

The girl in white stared at the place where Lu Qiao had gone, thoughtfully.

“Chitomi, what’s wrong?”

“That kid, give me a very warmth… It feels like the sun. ”

“Yes? Obviously his expression was cold. ”

“It’s hard to describe the feeling. However, that child is certainly not an ordinary person. ”

Goziqi listened to his ‘child’s words, raised his eyebrows slightly, among his ‘seven children’, the sharpest perception ability is red pupils, and subjective judgment ability is very independent, even after eight years of brainwashing, he has not completely become his ‘servant of thought’.

He still retains his own independent thinking and thinking ability.

“Does it feel like the sun? However, he did not feel the fluctuations of the imperial tool, perhaps he inherited some kind of secret art. ”

He was considering whether he needed to touch the teenager, but the first goal was to test the boy’s origins first.

“Tonight, go and test it.”

The decades in the Imperial Boxing Temple have allowed him to develop a fierce personality, especially after becoming the empire’s premier assassin, he acts without scruples, wrongful killing or indiscriminate killing, for him, there is no psychological barrier.

If the boy was hiding some secrets and had hidden thoughts about the empire…

It is also a good choice to eradicate it as soon as possible.


“The guy probably noticed me.”

Arriving in the hotel room, Lu Qiao put down his luggage, leaned on the screen window of the hot spring street, and watched the sunset gradually setting in the sky, with a thoughtful expression.

“He has a ‘one-hit kill, village rain’, which is a big trouble for me.”

Breathing is a technique that takes nutrients from the air and accelerates the flow of blood in the body, thereby achieving physical strengthening.

The other party’s imperial tool is a curse poison that gently cuts the skin and will penetrate the toxin into his blood, which can be described as very unfavorable in terms of phase.

“However, today is not a coincidence, it seems to be my lucky day.”

He slowly opened his system border, and on the first page of the points mall, a card flashing with golden light stood out in the first place, and the edge flashed with a light green shimmer.

“Character Card: Random Legend Card – Limited Time 4% Discount”

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