Chapter 019: Treat me as a national warrior, and I repay it with a national warrior.

Within the empire, there are still many talents.

The revolutionary army is still only a small role hiding in the southwest region, and it is only with the further destruction of the country by Minister Earnest in the following years that more and more virtuous ministers will gradually leave Germany and even defect to become members of the revolutionary army.

However, now that old man had given himself the green light, as long as some people were included in his troops one by one before they defected from the empire, it would be enough to build a powerful army comparable to the time of the First Emperor.

The devil-infested user, Hundred-Man Chop Brand.

The leader of the Future Night Raid, Najeta.

Nahashiu in the Imperial Assassination Organization, the sisters with red eyes and black eyes.

Cyrus of the Imperial Garrison, and even Dr. Fashion who is now close to the Chancellor’s side.

Porus who burned the troops … Even in the assassination association of Olberg, there are many good talents and beautiful jade of ethnic minorities hidden.

Jikoku Enichi’s noble talent gives him the ability to recreate other breathing methods, in fact, the five major breathing methods under the Hinata Breathing Method are also among the experiences he has received about Jikoku Enichi, and he also has the ability to transform it, and now only lacks talent to practice breathing methods.

Not everyone has enough talent to practice the breathing method, although in a higher worldview, the breathing method in the ghost extermination is not such an excellent cultivation method, but for the martial artist in the worldview of the red pupil, it is a unique snowdrop flower in the cultivation desert.

With enough qualifications and enough loyal subordinates, select good talents who can practice breathing methods, and then select high-quality geniuses who can become dependents, which can not only meet the needs of the military, but also further complete his purpose.

Compared with the revolutionary army, which is still hiding like a rat on the southwestern border, relying on demagoguery and ethnic minorities to ally with them, the military has a greater advantage in terms of resources and decency.

“A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, but Len doesn’t want that.”

Five years ago, when he first arrived in this country, although he was resisted by the empires, because Lan was the first to accept him, a child of unknown origin, he did experience five years of relatively stable time in the relatively simple border city of Ruyao.

After he left Ruyao, he walked through seventeen cities, and what he saw told him that the empire had not yet fallen to the point where it had to change its rulers.

Although due to the influence of ministers, many officials throughout the empire have become unscrupulous and unscrupulous people who have trampled on the laws of the empire, but even so, there is still a class that can be called a clear stream.

In fact, these days studying the history of the minister Ernest, it is not difficult to find that this minister is still a spokesperson on behalf of the gentry landlord class.

He was once a martial artist of the Imperial Boxing Temple, and also ranked in the seat of the Four Ghosts of Rakshasa, and served as the guard of the previous emperor, and the Huangquan Temple, as a martial arts academy, gathered a considerable number of children of the gentry and landlord class, and the ascendancy of the minister Honor was accidental and inevitable.

Just simply suppressing an Ernest is not a very difficult thing for the great general Bude.

The difficulty is that even if Ernest falls, the gentry landlords below can still launch a second Ernest and a third Ernest.

Moreover, once the great general who is the guardian of the royal family makes a move, it means that he will cross the imperial power, so that he will have a thorn in the emperor’s heart, then, when the emperor becomes an adult, the end of the great general Bude will definitely not be very good.

Killing Ernest means that the limit is exchanged for one.

Unless you have the courage to sacrifice your life and do not think about the consequences, you can make this simple but extremely difficult decision.

“In the end, the current situation is not that the roots are rotten, but that the number of parasites is too much.”

Then, all that needs to be done is to repel insects, not cut down the tree directly.

Rich merchants and gentry ——

Landlord officials ——

Once the military gains power, achieves some victories in foreign wars, and derives contradictions, it can free its hands to deal with the parasites that now pervade the tree of the empire.

“The fastest way to gain power, with the military system, it is easy to obtain the materials on the dangerous species.”

Earn resources, grow points, and strengthen yourself.

The stronger it is, the tougher the military’s attitude will be, even if in the end it becomes the hidden danger that the tail of the empire cannot be eliminated, at that time, with the ability of the empire, it will definitely not be able to help itself.

Even, at that point, if the high-level of the empire wanted to completely oppose him, with his ability at that time, it would be easy to change the country to a new king.

The composition of the special combat team took about seven days, and the Eastern Crusade carried out layers of screening and selected a full fifty candidates, including many elite sailors who used subordinate equipment.

Lu Qiao, on the other hand, only selected eight out of fifty.

Coupled with Gangzang, Will, and Genos, it is eleven, and Cornelia has already informed the Imperial Assassination Organization with a letter, and now she has also become a member of Lucio, she has just graduated from the training of the Imperial Assassination Organization and transferred to the Imperial Military, but in a different department, although completely separated from the original partners, but serving the Empire together, she does not have much psychological burden.

Twelve people, plus Chelsea, the special combat team formed with him as the core, there were thirteen members.

Six males and seven females.

Among them, among the men there was one imperial envoy and two courtiers.

Among the women, there was also one imperial envoy and three courtiers.

The rest are all talents with a fairly good foundation in swordsmanship and special talents.

Since the empire ended the chaotic era of the Sixteen Kingdoms a thousand years ago, other countries, which were originally extremely rare talents, have also been integrated into the blood of the empire with these thousand years.

Among them, some are born with four arms, some have four eyes in front and back, some have a sense of smell that is not inferior to pigs and dogs, and some are even born to glide like birds for short distances.

Some have amazing dynamic vision and can be called natural marksmen, and some are incomparably capable of traveling thousands of miles every day, and a large part of the imperial tools cast by the First Emperor come from the special talents and secret techniques of these remnants of the Sixteen Kingdoms.

Now, in his special combat team, there are five talents with this special ability.

Cornelia and Chelsea aside, the group of people who have joined him now can be called the highest essence among the hundreds of thousands of naval soldiers in the entire Eastern Crusade.

It also means that the Eastern Crusaders’ attitude towards him is almost truly full support.

“…… Not bad. ”

Treat me as a national gentleman….

Then, I will repay it.

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