Chapter 026: One mountain does not allow two tigers, even if it is one male and one female.

I heard that the man in front of him also planned to continue to take away his child.

Goziqi couldn’t help but show his killing intent, even if it was a child cultivated as a killing tool, but he really invested eight years and handed over all the killing techniques he learned to those children.

For him, the seven members of the elite group of the assassination organization, like his own daughter, are truly his own children.

If they die on the battlefield, it is just a price that they must bear if they are not good at learning and embarking on the road of Shura.

But –

If someone intends to take them away from him, as a father, he must also be the guardian of his ‘family’.

In the past eight years, the time he spent with his own daughter was far inferior to these seven children.

This man has taken Cornelia, and for himself, he is the most well-behaved and the most obedient child among the girls.

And now….

He also intends to continue to take away!

“I want sisters with red eyes and black eyes.”

…… Red and black pupils.

Goziqi’s expression froze slightly, and then he fell into silence, if it were other children, he would directly want to fight with the man in front of him.

But –

Red pupils are different from black pupils.

The latter, who is not a child who was raised by him, does not matter at all to him.

The former, although he educated the child, but has always been a hidden danger, she does not blindly accept her own education, although she has arranged special courses for him again and again, but until now, she is still out of step with the mentality of the other six.

As the Four Ghosts of Rakshasa, he is well aware of this hidden danger, and it will inevitably bring her a rather painful price in the future, and even make his strengthening group pay some price.

Although she is the least emotional, she is the richest in emotional elements, which is unqualified as a killer.

But on the other hand, she is the most suitable talent to become a killer by nature.


“Black pupils are just tools for you to abandon in a year or two, aren’t they?”

“Red pupils are different.”

“Yes, she is very different, so different that even your adoptive father and strict master cannot guide her thoughts.”

Goziqi’s pupils contracted unconsciously, he didn’t tell anyone about this, even the guy from the imperial capital, he didn’t report this situation, this guy in front of him… How much do you know?

“Your next words are, what the hell are you!”

“What the hell are you…”

Half of the words were spit out, and then swallowed back, Goziqi’s lower eyelids twitched unconsciously, he knew that he was caught in the rhythm of the other party’s words, silent for a while, fiercely used his right hand to leave a few claw marks on his left arm that were almost bone-deep, and then exhaled a long breath.

Pain suppresses emotions.

Lu Qiao did not continue to say anything, the other party’s attitude was not only to calm himself, but also a demonstration, on the surface he was already on the verge of an emotional outburst, if he heard something unpleasant again, he might break out directly.

The two parties were silent for a while, and Goziqi let go of the chief of the spirit keeper and let him leave, and the latter felt that the demon knife that could easily take his life left, and suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly disappeared from the scene of the confrontation between the two.

…… This group of monsters of the empire is terrifying! When they leave, they must completely close the mausoleum for twenty years… No, fifty years, a hundred years!

If these monsters don’t die, the mausoleum must remain closed!

He roared madly in his heart, the pride of being the elder of the Spirit Guardian was directly crushed by these two monsters, and he could no longer have any underestimated thoughts about the power of the empire.

“It looks like fear has burrowed into his marrow.”

Looking at the leader of the spirit guardian who fled in a hurry, Lu Qiao smiled slightly, although it was an insignificant role, but after letting him go this time, if he jumped out again to make trouble, it would be like hitting him in the face.

“These guys are mean bones.”

Gozizi sneered, and the pride of the Imperials was on display on his body.

“Moreover, speaking of which, the group of alien peoples in the south has recently changed a little, you don’t plan to go there to get merit, but specifically come to find trouble with our faction, it seems that your actual target is Esders.”

“The problem of rising to the national level has little to do with me, a thirteen-year-old child, for the time being.”

Lu Qiao replied with a smile, Gozizi’s gaze paused for a moment on his body, thirteen years old can make him have a monster who does not dare to draw his sword… Even Estes probably wouldn’t let him have this kind of pressure at this age.

In this world, there are talents who can temper a technology for decades before standing at the apex, there are mediocre talents who cannot reach the apex in a lifetime, and there are geniuses who master a certain technology faster than the best people.

And people who surpass genius, take less time than him, and can also exceed the limit of the apex, reaching higher peaks, usually, can only be described in two words.


In cognition, it has surpassed the ability and quality of human beings, and its talents have far surpassed human beings, and has completely become a species in the non-human field.


Goziqi sighed coldly, leaned against the rock wall, and continued to speak, “I don’t care what plans you have, if you make another move against my children, bet on the name of the four ghosts of Rakshasa, I will make you pay.” ”

“…… Threaten me? ”

Lu Qiao raised his eyebrows slightly, and his expression gradually became a little colder, “With your Imperial Fist Temple, do you want to put pressure on me?” If I become an assassin like you, do you think it will take me a few years to destroy everything in your Imperial Fist Temple and Ones? ”

“Unless Estes and General Bude protect you at all times, it is absolutely impossible to avoid my assassination as long as you have a chance to be exposed.”

Listening to Lu Qiao’s words, Goziqi couldn’t help but clench his imperial tools….

This little ghost!

Can’t you hear what the scene says?

The leader of the Imperial Assassination Organization’s forehead was bruised and vicious, his body trembled slightly, and he was half-sounding before trying to suppress his anger and whispered:

“All in all, stop coming to us for trouble.”

“To enjoy the advantages of this location, you have to take the corresponding risks, Your Excellency Gozizi.”

For Lu Qiao, the man in front of him is tantamount to the fox of the fake tiger, but he is not a creature preyed on under the food chain, but a beast that can become another tiger.

“One mountain does not allow two tigers, even if it is a male and a female, they will score up and down.”

“…… If you can conquer that tigress, I will take all my children to your side.” ”

“Then prepare as soon as possible, Your Excellency.”

[I’m going to get the contract today, and I’m going to send it out tomorrow.] 】

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