Chapter 054: The feelings that everyone pursues are different.

There are many female characters in this work.

If you classify it, similar to Esders, if you can accept the other party’s strength or be stronger than the other party, it is a suitable woman as a wife.

Najeta is actually the same, but it seems to lack some flavor compared to Estes in terms of girly heart.

Although Leonay’s personality and attributes are very likable, she is a little too jumpy, if she is a relatively close ‘friend’ may be very good, with a special wild charm, if she is locked up in the family, but loses her charm.


The natural Hill, the character image is quite single, and Lu Qiao is not impressed by her.

The remaining three, Ma Yin, Red Pupil and Chelsea, are actually more suitable roles as girlfriends, rather than choosing one of them, Lujo prefers Chelsea.

Without him.

Because this girl’s personality is more mature but lively, not as cold and unexpressive as Chipu, nor as arrogant as Ma Yin, or even a little vexatious.

He was very impressed by this girl, which may seem strange to say, and this impression came from the picture of this girl before she died.

Also like Chelsea, let him have a more profound picture, and the scene of Unbroken Love Flower quietly dying on the chair in the storm of the Peerless Garden, although it is not a special fetish, but that picture will make him remember, which indirectly deepens the impression of Chelsea and Unbroken Love Flower.

In the flower garden, her gaze looked at the sky, as if there was not much sadness and fear before death, and her expression at that time seemed to have a faint dazedness, which finally transformed into a kind of unwillingness, not because she was unwilling to die, but because there was something unfulfilled before she died, and finally… The picture froze at that moment.

She is an eccentric woman, who loves to tease people, but her emotional intelligence is not low, she is empathetic but knows how to pretend to be confused occasionally, and she is a very delicate girl.

Looking carefully through her past, she was once a handmaid of the imperial taishou, then a killer of Olberg, and finally an assassin of the revolutionary army.

In every organization, she is mixed, she is not outstanding in terms of combat ability, she is better at thinking, better at pondering people’s hearts, compared to Ma Yin and Chipu these slightly childish girls, she seems to have a maturity and a touch of thoughtfulness different from appearance.

“It always feels so bland.”

At night, Cornelia seemed to be a little disappointed and muttered, she was originally very eager for a more romantic relationship at her age, although in her concept there is no need for the so-called parting of life and death, but if men and women do not go through some cruel tests and events, the relationship is not so great.

“Those things, I’ll have enough time to experience with him later, Cole.”

“That being said, it still feels too bland! What do you think? Black pupils—”

Cornelia looked at the youngest girl in the girls’ dormitory, because she and Lujo were also the most intimate.

“Wouldn’t it be better to achieve the purpose of a more bland success?”

Black Pupil tilted his little head, looking a little dazed, and muttered softly, “Although I don’t know much about those things, but just like we carry out the task, if we can complete the task smoothly and without any twists and turns, shouldn’t it be a better result?” ”

“…… Well, if you have to say, with a person you love, after many twists and turns, finally reunited and able to be together forever, don’t you feel worth touching for a lifetime? ”

Black Pupil was silent, thinking about the person he loved, and without hesitation, he substituted his only sister, and then…

“Nope! If anyone dares to stop me and my sister from being together forever, I will definitely not spare him!” ”

“Akatomi will one day become someone’s wife.”

“…,” the black pupil little face unconsciously tangled, for a long time, before he muttered in a low voice, “Then marry my sister to the boss, only if I marry my sister to the boss, I can endure it.” ”

Hold back what?

Chelsea followed the frozen gaze of her black pupils and saw the blade that she was slowly about to pull out of her scabbard, and some words were suddenly blocked in her throat.

Fairy tales, fairy tales without scruples –

“But then again, Chelsea, what do you like about bosses? Is it possible that you like the New Year? ”

“If I have to say it, it should be a sense of reassurance, right?”

Chelsea’s eyes flickered slightly, and a little smile appeared on her face, “I’m afraid it’s hard for me to tell if it’s love or admiration, but what is certain is that I shouldn’t regret my decision.” ”

“It’s not an idea of clinging to a strong person or something, if you have to describe it, it’s probably the kind of staying by his side, you will feel very stable, imagine that if you leave him again, there will be an indescribable anxiety, or rather, boredom?”

“Everyone’s pursuit of feelings is different, Cole, maybe the feelings I pursue are exactly this kind of peace of mind.”

Reassuring feelings?

Cornelia thoughtfully, she is different from Chelsea, she became a stray child at a very young age, and later because of her good personal qualities, she was selected to be taken to the screening department of the Imperial Assassination Organization, and after the test of the Imperial Assassination Organization, she became one of the seven members of the strengthening group.

Over the years, with the existence of those guys who read ‘partner’ and ‘relatives’, she did not feel lonely, and because she was the eldest one, she often regarded herself as the eldest sister of others.

But in fact, in private, she longs for that kind of greater love, and the higher the relationship between life and death, the more it seems to move her.


Calm down and think about it, after Cornelia substituted herself into the heroine’s event, she couldn’t help frowning, that kind of situation doesn’t seem to be a beautiful plot.

If she were like Chelsea, seeking so-called peace of mind and stability, she would prefer the more mature nature, right?

…… Anyway, at least he really can’t have any good feelings for Guy’s smelly brother.

“I really want a sweet love…”

“The kind that makes other people look sour…”

Cornelia covered her head and muttered softly, staring blankly at the ceiling.

“When will I meet such a good man?”

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