Chapter 081: The Emperor Taishang’s money is given in full, and the remaining eighty-two is divided!

Lu Qiao felt that he was a very nostalgic person.

Even though it has been almost five years since I traveled to this world, there are some traditional craft skills in the past that have not been forgotten…

For example, traditional skills such as Immortal Grip, Crazy Growth, Deadly Rhythm, Dragon Impact, and Energy Dump are still very handy.

Yesterday night was a great one.

Yu Guang glanced at the girl who continued to sleep, and Lu Qiao showed a very gentle smile.

“Most of what men are pursuing is actually this kind of life.”


There is a red face.

From the real peak of life, there may be only one awakening to the power of the world.

“It’s good to be gentle, but it’s not time to enjoy it yet.”

After slowly leaving the room lightly, Lu Qiao found the people of the revolutionary army and informed them of the actual situation of the Western Union today, and several high-ranking officials looked a little covetous, with a blank expression.

One man crushed an army of 140,000? 19

Breaking into the Western United Supreme House?

Kill the Speaker of the Six Nations Parliament? Chikukyo Kan?

If someone says this kind of thing, this group of high-ranking people have long been beaten out, but the man in front of him is different…

“Here is the compensation clause signed by the group of members of the Supreme House.”

Dropping the thick pile of paper on the case, the group of high-ranking officials quickly began to flip through these compensation books, and for a long time, everyone put down the compensation books with indescribably complex expressions on their faces.

Lauren’s expression was extremely complicated, one person could coerce the Six Kingdoms and make the nobles of the Six Nations bow down and compensate?

Novel biographies don’t dare to write like that.

“You have a higher frequency of contact with the West, I will take half of these compensation documents, and the remaining half will be collected by you… How to operate in the Western Kingdom depends on your choices. ”

When the high-ranking members of the revolutionary army heard Lu Qiao’s words, their eyes flashed slightly, they did not know much about the Western Kingdoms, and they had the existence of this batch of reparations…

They are enough to install a large number of intelligence personnel from the territories of the major nobles in the West, and obtain a lot of intelligence and benefits.

“How is the battle in Shanhaiguan?”

“The imperial crusading army has approached the vicinity of Shanhaiguan yesterday, and those ethnic minority rebels have begun to fight head-on, and the iron guard army has been attacked on both sides, but after all, it is the first pass of the empire, and there is no sign of loss at present.”

“…… The situation is stable. ”

Lu Qiao raised his eyebrows, thinking carefully about it, it is not surprising, the movement of ethnic minorities in the south has long been foreseen by the empire, the iron guard is not iron waste, it must have been prepared, and there is the existence of the empire’s first son, Xiongguan, this rebellion of ethnic minorities is extremely unwise If it cannot converge with the nomadic legion outside and bring in the nomads outside, this rebellion of ethnic minorities will only be shut down. “Is it necessary to make such a desperate bet?” “Bian it

There must be many internal reasons, if you can live safely, who wants to rebel?

Lu Qiao didn’t want to pay attention to those reasons, the group of people who had become rebels did not pay attention to the meaning of their suffering, otherwise he would be sorry for the innocent undead implicated in their rebellion.

“Regarding the affairs of the revolutionary army, I will temporarily send my subordinates to stay here, she will not interfere too much in your internal affairs, but will stay as an insider.”

Everyone nodded, although the revolutionary army is still managed by them, but… Everyone understood that above their revolutionary army, there had already been a Taishang Emperor.

It’s just one more insider.

Can earn money from the union of the West, do not bump.

In addition to the general commander and deputy chief, the newly appointed commanders of the revolutionary army tried hard to show a kind smile.

Although he is a god of evil, he is also a god of wealth now.

The financial situation of the revolutionary army has not been so ideal.

After all, there aren’t many places that can be open sourced.

Well, now that the emperor is here, there will be an opportunity for open source, and the financial problems of the revolutionary army will be completely peaceful.

They have already calculated in their hearts, and they will use these debt collection compensation books to do business with those big nobles, and they definitely need to collect debts at the same time.

The Emperor Taishang’s money must have been returned in full.

The rest of the money must be properly honored and honored by the emperor.


No, eighty-two!

Make money, business, or serve the organization and the emperor wholeheartedly, and shudder.

All the commanders of the revolutionary army looked at each other, as if they understood the meaning in each other’s eyes, and laughed tacitly.

Lauren couldn’t help but shake his head, and the chief laughed too, he didn’t understand the curves in this, but… Meetings are now much more comfortable than before.

“Shanhaiguan, what are you going to do about it?”

“I’ll go later, and I’ll quell the rebellion before Estes arrives.” When Esders arrives, I will also level the group of steppe brutes outside in front of her. ”

Lu Qiao’s face slowly showed a happy expression, as if he was expecting to see the expression on someone’s face, and the corners of his mouth kept rising.

“By that time, your expression will be quite wonderful, Shake Girl.”


Nanjing Xiongguan, before Shanhaiguan.

The tide of enemies came from both directions inside and outside the pass.

Similar to the famous Hangu Pass in the history of flower growers, Shanhaiguan is also a fissure between two mountain ranges, and the southern nomads are good at fighting immediately, but Shanhaiguan has preserved the primeval forest between the two mountains for thousands of years, and there are many dangerous species.

Cavalry 610 is a classic class, not to mention the potential dangers hidden in the forest, just the large number of dangerous species that survive in it is enough to discourage those nomads.

The empire, relying on imperial tools and subjects, opened a safe passage between the two mountain ranges, calling it the Guguan Road.

In the valley pass road, there are four iron wall fortresses, each fortress has a standing soldier of 5,000 people, just the four important Seliu stationed manpower, there are more than 20,000 people, plus the last Shanhaiguan, whether for inside or outside the pass, Shanhaiguan is an absolute nightmare for any enemy who wants to break it.

Imperial Iron Wall.


Imperial Iron Guard.

The nomads outside Shanhaiguan knew the horror of this pass, and the 150,000 people who gathered were camped in the area fifty miles outside Shanhaiguan, and if there was a real opportunity to join them inside and outside the pass, they would turn into the most fierce jackals and break into Shanhaiguan.

But if the group of waste in the pass cannot merge with them, these grassland people will not hesitate to turn away and return to their own grassland.

“…… If you can get Shanhaiguan——”

The leader of the steppe people looked at the majestic pass that had kept them out of the wall for thousands of years, and his eyes flashed with endless ambition. _

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