Chapter 143: Joy is sometimes easier to destroy psychological defenses.

Big Tree Sea Secret Realm.

Ruins of Ordos.

It took about three days to arrive at the area where Artemis’ dependents were originally stationed from Eulari.

Although Lu Qiao himself was much faster to transfer using the ability to teleport, but…

This time, the combat area is not in Eulari, so the elves can also be mixed with a hand, even the Wuhe Qin, who has been living carefully in Eulari, seems to have some impulses to take this opportunity to vent.

Unable to return to his original world, and the information he received from Lu Qiao indicated that returning to his original world might require facing more difficult situations.

This little girl seems to be like a woman who enters menopause early, with some flammable and explosive tendencies.

Moreover, living in Eulari, but can not rely on force to carry out the work of adventurers, in order not to become a dry food, but also have to work for a long time, some service places also have to deal patiently with some drunken adventurers.

To be honest, there is some exhaustion, it is rare that this time the collective action of the Hestia clan is not in Eulari’s labyrinth, and the elves immediately took the initiative to apply for the war.

Even if you don’t get paid, you have to vent a little bit of the depression of these times.

“The combat power of the elves is worth looking forward to, and it is more convenient for me to collect data and analyze formulas by displaying the ability of spirit suits during battle.”

The matter of killing two birds with one stone, Lu Qiao naturally will not refuse, holding the little fox all the way to Ordos, the little fox who prodded halfway has been flushed, because it often falls at the end of the flying dragon team, this situation seems to be unnoticed, making Lu Qiao particularly energetic.

After arriving in Ordos, the members of the Apollo clan still had three or two kittens left to act with the members of the Hermes clan.

The Great Secret Realm of the Woods, originally known as the Ocean of Forests, has now become the nest of Scorpio, and the closer to the original residence of the Artemis clan, the more the color of the grass and trees withers.

“These plants and trees have been drawn from the life force of Scorpio.”

“Our gods carry divine power in their life force, so Scorpio can use Apollo’s divine power.”

Artemis is probably a very suitable commentator, explaining in detail how Scorpio drank the poisonous blood of Apollo, and absorbing the life force of God is equivalent to absorbing divine power, which is equivalent to a special attack target that can become a god-killing gun.

It’s very rivery.

“Lord Hermes! Why do you always irresponsible to give me such a wayward task! ”

When Asphie heard that Hermes had offered to ask her to take over the task of saving Apollo and Artemis’s dependents, her little face suddenly turned red with anger, and she felt that she would die with her own lord god.

Then, in less than three minutes, this momentum was exposed by a few words of the scumbag god mixed with meat jokes.

“Worthy of the god Hermes.”

“…… Acho, you are not allowed to get too close to Hermes. ”

The loli goddess said very seriously, “I will learn badly.” ”

…… Well, just say this to you, I made up my mind with Hermes!

Rubbing the fox girl’s tail, after Lucio stepped forward to explain the task to Asphie, the adventurer lady known as the “Almighty” muttered reluctantly, “This troublesome task is entrusted to me, I’m not sure if I can complete it…”

“Asifei, don’t be too burdened, just do your best.”

Hermes soothed softly, and Artemis spoke, “If you can’t get those children back, please say sorry to those children on my behalf.” ”

Hearing this, Lu Qiao couldn’t help but pat his forehead, these words were clearly pushing this girl in the direction that must succeed.

Sure enough, when Asfi heard this, her eyes suddenly turned red, and after gritting her teeth, she said seriously, “Lord Artemis, I will definitely work hard to complete this task!” ”

The moon goddess smiled, and after the elf of time saw that everyone was ready, he fired a six-point bullet into the soul and penetrated Asphie’s head.

That night, under the influence of the Six Bullets, Asfi returned to Orsos twelve days ago, and repeatedly tried for nearly a dozen times, constantly looking for a plan to save the Apollo and Artemis families.

Eventually –

This little girl successfully reversed the fate of the Artemis and Apollo families…

However, there is a situation with regard to Apollo, and it seems that it can no longer be corrected.

When Asfi really completed the rescue mission of dozens of the main members of the two dependents, Lu Qiao and the three gods present clearly felt the feeling of time and space changes.

“After the past timeline was provoked, it covered our original timeline.”

Artemis sensed the contractual reaction of those lost and regained dependents, and his eyes couldn’t help but burst into tears, and the heroic goddess, known as the “strict Valkyrie” in the celestial realm, finally showed her extremely vulnerable side and couldn’t help crying loudly.


Perhaps sad things cannot destroy people’s psychological defenses.

But –

Happy things are sometimes easier to touch.

“I’ve tried my best, and if I continue, I can’t find a better way to save it.” The dependents of Lord Artemis and the family of Lord Apollo, I can only barely keep some tinder… I’m sorry, Lord Artemis, I really can’t save more…”

Asfi lay desperately on the ground, apologizing to Artemis with a very pale expression, and her eyes still seemed to have a sense of self-blame.

“You’ve done well enough, Asifei… Hermes’ children. ”

The moon goddess suddenly hugged the child, her body trembled, and her voice was also trembling and whispered, “Thank you, thank you… Saved those children. Even if only they are left, I thank you from the bottom of my heart…”

“You’ve done a great job, and there won’t be anyone else who has done it better than you… So, please don’t beat yourself up. ”

“The death of the children is the responsibility of me, the Lord God, and never yours.”

After saying these words, the moon goddess took a deep breath, slowly stood up, she looked at Lu Qiao, and spoke again:

“Hestia’s child, any words of thanks don’t seem to make much sense at this moment.”

“I swear to Artemis in the name of Artemis—”

“No matter where you go in the future, where you are.”

“The bright moon above the sky will always be your guardian.”

[Get four chapters first, try to make up one chapter during the day, don’t stay up late, go to sleep…]

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